This is a supreme rule of the chaotic space, applicable to all individuals who become gods in the chaotic space.

This is why it was said that Mei has completely broken away from the category of "human".

Closer to home.

As soon as he entered the interior of the battleship and looked at those familiar platforms and corridors, the memories of the past resurfaced in front of him uncontrollably.

"The Hyperion... I really miss it. I used to make a big fuss here with Kiana and Bronya, and even caused a lot of damage... I still remember that Mr. Jizi was angry... I don’t know Is she on this battleship now?"

The possibility is not small.

After all, in Mei's impression, the teacher who taught her for two years is the captain of this floating warship.

"Let's go to the bridge and have a look~ This place is very similar to before, not much has changed. I wonder if it's the same in other places in this world?"


However, when Mei moved forward and sighed, on the bridge.

"Captain! Ai-chan has discovered the intruder!" A cabbage-headed AI suddenly jumped out, and its pretty face filled the screen.

The operators were dumbfounded by this.


We didn't find out how did you know?

Regarding this, Ji Zi, who knew the details of the cabbage head AI, had a serious face.

"Intruder? Where is it!?"

"Look, Captain!"

As the cartoon AI disappeared, a monitoring screen appeared on the main screen:

It was in front of the hatch of a channel inside the battleship. When the picture was frozen, the hatch was slowly opening, and orange light shot out from the room, and a figure was actually projected on the ground... But the strange thing is, on the picture And there isn't any staff!

Although Ji Zi was a little surprised by this, she didn't show the slightest bit of doubt or panic. Instead, she frowned, as if thinking of something.

"Could this be..."

"Hmm! It's very likely that it's the unique quantum stealth technology of the anti-entropy organization! The boss has already loaded the relevant information into my database, and asked me to spend more time in the future, otherwise my wages will be deducted... Woo~ it's so inhumane! It's just a devil! Woohoo..."

Although Ai Jiang is fishing for fish and stealing electricity a lot of the time, she still plays a big role in critical moments. After all, in the final analysis, she also comes from the high technology of the pre-civilized era.

Therefore, Jizi chooses to trust her judgment.

"Don't joke around! Have you locked onto the target yet?"

Hearing this, the cartoon girl with a cabbage head nodded Mengmeng. She was crying with a sad face just a second ago, but she raised her thumbs up with pride at this moment.

"Of course! Captain, I locked her when I found her! Let Ai-chan see... Well, the intruder has entered the main passage on the left side of Hyperion and is heading towards the bridge command room! "

"Really?" Ji Zi hooked her sexy red lips, with a half-smile expression on her face, and then raised her arms and called out: "Notify all members of the third team! Let's... catch the thief together!"


Chapter 170 Chapter 160

Mei didn't know what happened on the bridge.

At this time, she was still walking through the interior of the Hyperion, and "completed" her memory through those familiar scenes.

"I remember this door was smashed by Bronya's reloaded Bunny 19C..."

"Ah, this passage, that time it was Kiyana who took my hand and ran over..."

"This mezzanine... Well, it seems like we hid here for a while at the beginning? The Valkyrie troops are chasing fiercely..."

Since Mei has fully activated the camouflage ability of the avoidance clothes, even if she passes by the staff at this time, she will not be noticed.

This is a kind of psychological suggestion, but also a kind of spiritual energy, which can affect people's five senses and make them hallucinate.

But only for be precise, it is not effective for AI.

Ever since, when Mei was slowly advancing towards the bridge, a group of Valkyries with Houkai weapons suddenly appeared on the left, right and rear passages.

"Not allowed to move!"

"hands up!"

"This..." Looking at the Valkyries with unkind faces around her, she blinked her eyes with a dazed expression, as if she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

When did you expose yourself?

Then, Mei moved to the left with a touch of luck.

Maybe it's just a test?

However, after a moment of bewilderment, those Valkyries also moved their guns away.

"Move again and we'll shoot!"


In this regard, Mei twitched the corners of her mouth, but helplessly removed the camouflage ability of the evasion clothes.

It seems that this exclusive Teigu can no longer keep up with his own strength...

"How did you find me?"

She didn't take off her hat, and even deliberately changed her voice, she began to ask with doubts.

Hearing this, a Valkyrie holding a water-blue Houkai pistol gritted her teeth and replied proudly:

"Hmm... hum! I, we have fought against your anti-entropy so many times, how could we be so unprepared?!"

"Anti-entropy? I don't...forget it."

Although she wanted to explain, Mei finally chose to keep silent and turned to look straight ahead.

Her way of retreat has been blocked by these Valkyries, but her way forward is unimpeded...

What does this mean?

But even so, Mei didn't mean to hurt them, after all, she sneaked into the battleship only for the hope in her heart, and she didn't have any malicious intentions.


Seeing that Mei didn't move, those Valkyries didn't dare to make any moves, each of them suppressed the fear in their hearts and broke out in cold sweat.

For some reason, they felt a strong pressure just by being close to Mei, as if a boulder was pressed against their chests, making it difficult to breathe.

Who is she?Could it be the legendary anti-entropy lord?

The Valkyrie don't understand.

And the reason why they dared to speak like they did just now, or even threaten them, was that apart from being constrained by the principle that they could not violate orders as Valkyrie, the Honkai weapon in their hands gave them a little sense of security.

In addition, this is the Huberian, its own territory, no matter how strong the enemy is, it can't turn over, right?

The two sides were deadlocked like this until...


As the hatch in front opened, a tall red-haired lady walked in with her hips crossed, her eyebrows raised, and she looked proud.

"This is the first time I've seen a thief who swaggered in directly from the main entrance... Tell me, intruder, why you came, your name, your identity, if you tell me the truth, I will consider giving you preferential treatment, if you are stubborn or tricky... …at your own risk.”

"team leader!"

Seeing those who came, those Valkyries seemed to have a psychological support, and each of them suddenly gained courage.

Staring blankly at the familiar yet unfamiliar face, Mei suddenly trembled and lowered her head slowly.

Seeing this, Ji Zi frowned.

"What's wrong? Don't believe my words? I'm Wuliangta Jizi, the A-rank Valkyrie of Destiny, the captain of this battleship, and what I say is absolutely trustworthy!"

Should you reveal your identity?

Mei's heart fell into a struggle.

Originally, I just planned to take a look at it from a distance, satisfy my expectations, and then go to St. Freya Academy, but I didn't expect that the disguise of the evasion clothes would be seen through...

"What, pretending to be dumb? Still can't understand me?" Ji Zi frowned, and began to get a little impatient, "Then should I change the language?"

"Who are you?"


Chinese, English, Japanese... No matter which language is commonly used in the world, the red-haired lady can speak it fluently, and people can't help feeling her excellence.

Seeing this, Mei finally slowly pulled down her hat.


Seeing that familiar face, Ji Zi suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"You...are you really Mei?!"

Meeting the shocked gaze, Mei nodded slowly and forced a smile.

"Master Ji Zi...Master...well, I am indeed Mei Raiden."

"Wow!" At the moment when they saw the enemy's true appearance, the surrounding Valkyries also looked at each other in dismay, obviously they knew "Raiden Mei".

After being surprised, Ji Zi quickly regained his composure, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Mei! This mission is too dangerous, didn't I order you and Kiyana to stay at the academy? And your current appearance..."

"Teacher Jizi...I..."

After reuniting after a long absence, Mei seemed overly excited.

However, at this moment, following Ji Zi's secret signal, the surrounding Valkyries suddenly rushed up and controlled Mei.

"Ji, Teacher Ji Zi?!"

"Sorry, in my impression, Mei will not disobey orders." Faced with Mei's puzzled eyes, Ji Zi smiled coldly, crossed his arms and shouted like a queen: "Say! Who are you? Why are you pretending to be my student?" look?"

"It's best to be honest, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

At the end, Ji Zi's tone was a little more serious than before.

Seeing this, Mei was stunned for a moment, then slowly closed her eyes and shook her head, smiling sadly.

"Mr. Himeko... You are still the dedicated Teacher Himeko... I'm really glad to see you again, and Mei has no regrets. However, I have to go back to the school no matter what. Sorry for the offense."

Immediately afterwards, under Himeko's surprised gaze, Mei's whole body suddenly turned into a blood-colored lightning, and she broke free from the control of the Valkyries in an instant.

"You...!" Ji Zi was shocked and angry at this, but the strong pressure made her unable to move.

"See you again, Mr. Jizi."

As soon as the words fell, the bloody lightning disappeared inside the battleship as if ignoring any barriers.

Immediately afterwards, the pressure disappeared, and most of the Valkyries lay limp on the ground, gasping for breath and breaking out in cold sweat, as if they had just returned from the brink of death.

Seeing this, Ji Zi's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Such a powerful Honkai...Damn it! She is the culprit who caused the incident in Changkong City! Quick! Send a message to the principal! Her goal is St. Freya Academy!"

But before her order could be conveyed, the secretary wearing glasses suddenly ran out from the bridge.

"Captain! The academy just sent a communication! Theresa Headmaster was attacked, A-rank Valkyrie Fu Hua rebelled and captured Kiana Kaslana! She wants us to give up the mission and rush back to support at full speed !"

"What?! Qiyana was taken away by Fu Hua?!"


Chapter 171 Chapter 160 [-] Return to Saint Freya Academy!

After leaving the Hyperion, Mei, who was in a complicated mood, continued to head towards the school in her memory.

"How is it? Red Queen, have you connected to this world's network?"

For the convenience of carrying and using, under her instruction, the Red Queen terminal has changed from the original spherical shape to a tactical eyepiece, which she is wearing on her right eye at this moment.

"Yes, Master Mei, with your help, I have successfully controlled a military satellite in orbit around the earth, and I am downloading relevant information..."

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