"In addition, when you, Master Mei, were confronting those humans just now, I also tried to hack into the central system of that battleship. But it didn't take long for the data I sent to be intercepted by another AI, so I only had time to Some information was obtained, but not completely successful."

Hearing this, Mei frowned slightly.

"Hacking Huberian's central system? I don't seem to have asked you to do this, have I?"

"Boom!" The surrounding sky seemed to feel her displeasure, and a flash of lightning suddenly flashed.

Ever since she came to this world, Mei's Herrscher power has been exerted to the extreme. Even if she does nothing, her every move can affect the surrounding environment.

Thunder and lightning are the most common of these.

And as if frightened, the red queen on the lens visibly shrank back.

"Sorry! Ya, Master Mei, I just want to know more about this world..."

"Forget it." Seeing her timid look, Mei's brows loosened, "I won't pursue it this time, but I won't make an example next time."

"Follow your orders."

The red queen was visibly relieved.

Obviously, since she changed her carrier, she has successfully "evolved" as an artificial intelligence.

Truly advanced artificial intelligence does not refer to programs that have already been set-such as NPCs with fixed questions and answers in games.Instead, like "real humans", they can learn, think, and have emotions independently. They are no longer rigid like machines, but know how to adapt.

Now these characteristics are gradually being revealed on the body of the Red Queen, making her more and more like a veritable "human being".

In addition, since the carrier itself is a "dead thing", the Red Queen as its derivative can be put into the soul space, which means...

"It seems that I won't be bored anymore in the future."

Glancing at the tactical eyepiece, and thinking of something, the corners of Mei's mouth slightly turned up.

"Queen Red."

"Excuse me, what are your orders? Master Mei."

"What did you mean by 'another AI,' and the invasion 'didn't quite succeed'?"

"It's another artificial intelligence! She looks stupid, stupid, and lazy, although she looks much more advanced than me..."


A few minutes later, Mei, who crossed several straits and traveled far to the East China Sea, finally came to the land of Shenzhou.

Among them, the famous Canghai City is just around the corner.

With anticipation and indescribable emotions, Mei leaped over the mountains and waved away the overlapping clouds. Soon, an artificial island on the edge of the city appeared in sight

Along the way, Mei was still wearing a black robe that was changed from a evasion clothes, and the path was always located in the troposphere where the air flow was tumbling, lightning and thundering, so neither the satellites nor the detectors accurately captured her Herrscher fluctuations, which can be described as "quietly". No sound."

In addition, before entering the airspace of the academy, Mei also deliberately avoided the patrolling transport ships around, just to avoid causing too much fluctuation.

"St. Freya Academy... I'm back."

At a height of several thousand meters, Mei completely restrained her aura and floated quietly, looking down at the "Xanadu"-like Valkyrie Academy below.

Neat and beautiful green belts, beautiful and exquisite European-style buildings, spacious and straight academy avenues, winding garden paths, bustling girls, beautiful and elegant carved fountains...

From the appearance, this is a "Western Noble Academy" built in the eastern country; at the same time, it is also the hub of the Mandate of Heaven organization in the far eastern region and China.

With her extraordinary eyesight, Mei had a panoramic view of the academy's appearance, and at the same time she was in a trance, but suddenly frowned.

"Did something happen?"

Outside the academy, the gates were closed, and the stone bridge leading to the academy was sealed.In the academy, the Valkyries who were supposed to be attending classes in the teaching building were armed one by one, forming a small team to patrol the corridors, and the training ground, which was very lively every day in my memory, was empty at this time...

Having lived in this academy for several years, she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

After carefully scanning the familiar yet unfamiliar academy again, Mei's eyes were suddenly attracted by something that should not have appeared here.

Immediately after...

"Rumble rumble..."

The originally clear sky suddenly began to heat up, and the thunder was billowing. The white clouds that had been drifting slowly into the distance seemed to have fallen into a "stagnation" and piled up rapidly.

Soon, dark clouds blocked the sun.

And Mei has no mind to care about these.

"Moonlight... the throne?!"

I saw her eyes wide open, staring at the black warship docked on the shore in the center of the academy, her face full of disbelief.

Why did the Moonlight Throne appear in St. Freya Academy? !Isn't it the strongest battleship of the anti-entropy organization?

Could it be that anti-entropy invaded St. Freya Academy again? !

Thinking of a certain possibility, a trace of anger welled up in Mei's heart.

Damn anti-entropy!If it weren't for them, the school life I used to have with Kiyana would continue!

And the one who caused all the tragedies... that woman named "Cocolia"!

If it wasn't for her, if it wasn't for her...

How could Kiyana...? !

"Ka Ka Ka!" Remembering what happened at that time, Mei couldn't help clenching her fists.

that nightmare...

She will never forget.

"Anyone who hurts Qiyana... deserves to die!"


In the originally sunny afternoon, there were suddenly dark clouds, lightning and thunder. Whether it was the St. Freya Academy at the foot or the neighboring Canghai City not far away, countless people felt chest tightness, as if something bad was about to happen. average.

For a time, people panic.

But at this moment, a report from the Red Queen made the gloomy Meiyi suddenly startled:

"Master Mei, that battleship seems to be undergoing some kind of engine dismantling work."


Hearing this, Mei forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart, stared at the Moonlight Throne, and at the same time activated the detection ability obtained after advancing to the god level.

"What kind of weather is this? It was clear just now..."

"Yeah, so many things happened today..."

Many, various voices began to emerge in her mind, including the dialogues of the Valkyries.

"I really didn't expect sister Fu Hua to rebel..."

"Yeah, I used to think she was so mysterious that people couldn't understand her, but I didn't expect..."

"You still call her sister? She's so innocent and sweet. Even if a person like you becomes an official Valkyrie, he won't know when he will be sold out, right?"

"I think so……"

Fu Hua?Who is that?

Frowning, suppressing the doubts emerging in his heart, Mei continued to perceive deeply, while eliminating a large number of interference items.

At this time, a faint connection suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Bronya is not out of danger yet, so let her stay in the academy and wait for Himeko and the others to return...Mei, we will take the Helios to the headquarters of Destiny, and the anti-entropy Dr. Einstein and the others will be there Come to support later, we must rescue Qiyana!"

"Well, Mei understands. By the way, Headmaster, your injury..."

"I'm fine, Mei. Youlandale didn't kill me, it should be Grandpa's order...Even so, I won't give in to him this time!"


In an instant, Mei opened her eyes.

found it!

Chapter 172 Chapter 160 Four Determination

In the academy square, the Destiny transport ship named "Helios" is making final preparations before take-off, but Raiden Mei, the B-rank Valkyrie, is full of thoughts at this time.


Standing on the deck of the transport ship, she raised her head, her eyes reflected the sky with dark clouds, and a string of tears trickled down slowly.

"Squad leader...why? Obviously everyone gets along so well, you and Kiyana spent the part-time work day in the summer vacation or the Christmas Eve in the winter vacation together, your dumplings, your smile...could it be that you deliberately pretended Did it come out?"

The school life in the past two years is vivid in her mind. Although there are many troubles and difficulties, everyone has overcome them together. She thought that this kind of life could be maintained forever, but she never expected...

The beautiful daily life was broken by the hands of a trusted friend.

"Squad leader Fu Hua...do you have any difficulties? But why don't you tell us and face it together? Why do you have to do it this way..."

Deep in love, the girl's face was full of pain, she knelt down slowly with her hands around her knees, and buried her head in her arms.

"Qiana...don't worry about anything, otherwise..."


The sudden thunderclap perfectly concealed the girl's sobs, only her thin back trembled in the light of lightning.


At this time, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from behind.

"Mei! Where are you, Mei?"

——It was the voice of Headmaster Teresa!

The black-haired girl squatting on the ground trembled all over, then immediately stood up and wiped her tears, tidied up the set of Valkyrie armor called "Pulse Suit Crimson" on her body, turned around and forced a smile.

"Study, Headmaster, I'm here!"



Looking at the girl's back, Mei, who was hiding at the side, sighed imperceptibly.

"As expected of me..."

After expressing emotion, she clenched her fists, took steps, and left the transport ship that was about to take off.

Now is not the time to show up.

It is undeniable that the hostility shown by Himeko before deeply hurt Mei's heart, and made her understand a fact:

After all, I am not from this world.


Even so, she could perfectly feel the inner pain of that "Rainbow Mei".

After all, who else knows "myself" better than "myself"?

That cowardly, cowering look...

It was her past!

"Ya, Master Yai, the one just now..."

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, Red Queen. Have you found the person I want you to look for?"

"Look, found it!"


After a while.

St. Freya Academy, outside a ward.

After going around several times, Mei finally chose to come here.


Looking at the petite girl lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed, covered with a white quilt, and with a respirator on her mouth, Mei's eyes were a little hazy.

Bronya Zajcek, the anti-entropy girl who once escaped from Changkong City with her and Kiyana, has always been regarded as her "sister" and is a good friend second only to Kiyana .

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