And according to the information obtained by the Red Queen, in the last mission, the gray-haired girl with double-drill hair was controlled again, just like when they first met in Changkong City.

But Bronya in this world is still so brave.

In order not to drag her teammates down, at the critical moment, she actually relied on her own will to overload and burn the control chip implanted in her brain, so she was seriously injured and is still in a coma.


After looking around for a while, Mei elementalized herself and sneaked into the ward again.

At the same time, a few arcs flashed on the cameras in the corners of the corridors and wards, and then the images in the monitoring room came to a standstill, and no one noticed for a while.

"Master Mei, the surveillance system has been successfully hacked!"

"Well, hard work."

After nodding, Meiyin removed her glasses, came to the side of the bed lightly, stretched out her hand to touch the girl's forehead with a loving face.

"It's okay, Bronya, I'll treat...huh?"

Just as she was about to make the next move, a fiery red feather suddenly emerged from Bronya's body, and it turned into a girl with white hair and red pupils who looked like flames on the other side of the bed, confronting Mei .

"Who is your Excellency?"

Facing the girl's vigilant gaze, Mei withdrew her hand and asked without answering:

"You are... Fu Hua?"

A-rank Valkyrie of Destiny, mysterious and outstanding, no one knows her true background.Lived in St. Freya Academy for two years with Raiden Mei and Kiana in this world, and have a good relationship.

But just half an hour ago, she suddenly joined forces with the most destined S-rank Valkyrie Youlandelle to attack the head of the school, Theresa Apocalypse, and forcibly kidnapped Kiana Kaslana.

The obvious betrayer.

After quickly sorting out the information in her mind, Mei suddenly frowned, and met the red eyes of the other party, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

"Stop your mental attack, it's naive to want to influence me with this little power."


With just one look, the body of the feather-turned girl showed signs of dissipating.


The invisible mental power collided, and the girl immediately retreated to the corner, and put on a defensive posture of Cun Xin Fist, her face full of shock.

In contrast, Mei stood motionless as a mountain, but the hood on her head was tilted to one side, exposing the black hair in it.

"Mei...?! No! You are not Mei! Who are you?"

"Oh?" Seeing her appearance exposed again, Mei simply pulled off the hood on her head, spread the ponytail behind her head, and let her black hair hang down to her waist, "You guessed it, I really don't know you Raiden Mei. However, you are not 'Fu Hua', right?"

Sensing the playfulness contained in those purple eyes, the red-eyed girl nodded slowly.

"That's right, I'm just one of the many feathers of [Yu Duchen], the purpose is to guide Bronya and let her wake up as soon as possible."

After realizing that she was far from being able to fight against the opponent, she decisively explained her identity and purpose.

"Yu Duchen? Guide Bronya?"

Tilting her head, Mei smiled coldly.

"Hehe, not long ago, you betrayed Bronya and the others, and tore to pieces the bond you established over the past two years. You can attack your friends mercilessly, regardless of their trust in you, and now you still keep saying Say 'boot'? Don't you think that's ridiculous?"

Hearing this, the red-eyed girl's expression darkened.

"Sorry, that's the ontology's decision, I can't interfere."

After shaking her head, she lost her fighting spirit and turned to look at Bronya who was still in a coma.

"I know that the behavior of the main body is tantamount to betrayal, and I don't expect to be forgiven by everyone, but my mission has been completed, and I believe Bronya will wake up soon..."

"No, your mission is far from complete." At this moment, Mei suddenly said.

"What?" The red-eyed girl raised her head subconsciously.

However, what caught his eyes was the blood-colored electric light.


Before the red-eyed girl opened her eyes wide and said something, a powerful force knocked her back to its original shape, turning it into a fiery red feather.

After holding the feather in her hands, the corners of Mei's mouth turned up slightly, and her deep purple eyes were full of coldness.

"Even if it's just an avatar, it must be related to the main body, right? I still need you to 'lead the way' for me. I'm sure they will be very surprised later..."

"Wait, Fu Hua, You Landale, anyone who hurts Qiyana, I, Raiden Mei, will not let anyone go!"

After making a certain decision in her heart, Mei continued to look at the petite girl on the hospital bed, her expression gradually softened.

"Don't worry, Bronya, sister Mei is here for everything. This time, I will definitely not let anyone destroy everyone's daily life, whether it is destiny or anti-entropy..."

"By the way, Xi'er should still be in [Illusive Sea Laboratory], right? After I rescue Qiyana, I'll go there and bring Xi'er back. In this way, everyone can reunite again."

"Wait for me~ Bronya."

After stroking the girl's head again, Mei held the feather in her hand with a firm expression on her face, and then instantly disappeared in place in a flash of lightning.

The ward fell silent again until...

"Sister Mei..."


Chapter 173 Chapter 160 Five Killing Intent Interception

Far East, Changkong City.

As a transport ship named "Eos" approached from the sky, the strongest Valkyrie team of the Destiny Organization——【Indestructible Blade】has arrived at the target area.

"My lord, the concentration of Houkai energy here has dropped to a safe range, and there are very few reactions from the dead soldiers and Houkai beasts, which is really unbelievable."

On the bridge, a pink-eyed girl with gray short hair covering her eyes and wearing black and white punk armor was covering her mouth and exclaiming, looking at the various detection data displayed on the main control screen with a look of surprise.

She is Rita Roseweather, the envoy who went to Changkong City on behalf of the Destiny Headquarters to investigate the Honkai power surge incident.

In addition, she is also an admirable S-rank Valkyrie, the vice-captain of [Blade of Immortality].

Even though she is powerful, she still likes to call herself a "maid". She is humble and polite, and her delicate heart is hard to figure out...

This is the impression that girls give people on weekdays.

But now, after stepping onto the battlefield and putting on the Valkyrie armor called [Hunting Suit Shadow Iron], Rita's impression has changed from an "elegant maid" to a "calm commander". Compared with usual, it has a glamorous charm.

"Well, two years ago, the city suffered the third collapse, and the third Herrscher was born. Judging from the background of that little girl, there seems to be a shadow of anti-entropy in it..."

Hearing her report, the blond young man on the screen who was communicating with her remotely nodded, resting his chin in amusement.

He is the famous Catholic Bishop, the "grandpa" in Teresa's mouth, and the legendary "old monster" who has lived for more than 500 years-Otto Apocalypse.

At the same time, he is also the actual controller of the Destiny organization and the biggest enemy in the eyes of anti-entropy.

"But no one expected that Herrscher's awakening was interrupted by a young girl, and the remaining Honkai energy would have nowhere to go, and could only be deposited in the ground. This is why the ground in Changkong City sank after the Honkai occurred. The real reason, and seawater intrusion is just a secondary disaster."

"You are right, my lord bishop..."

While the two were talking, the transport ship had already entered the hinterland of the city.

"The target has arrived—the Far East, Changkong City."

"The automatic navigation function is terminated, and the Eos starts the landing procedure."

——The cold mechanical sound came.

Seeing this, Rita bowed and saluted.

"Master Bishop, [Blade of Immortality] has arrived at the target area, please issue an order."

"Search in the usual way, and pay attention to collecting relevant data. What happened before is so big, I don't believe that there are no clues left." Otto chuckled, and his gentle magnetic voice made people feel good.

But if you look carefully, there is a strange light flashing in his emerald green eyes from time to time, he is terribly calm, and he smiles without smiling.

But Rita was used to it.

"As per your order, Lord Bishop."

However, before the communication ended, Otto gave another order with a mysterious smile:

"Come back immediately after completing the mission, Rita. There is going to be a grand show at the headquarters~"

After being stunned for a moment, Rita nodded slowly.

"I understand...My Lord Bishop."

Immediately, the screen went black.

Turning her head to look at the deserted city in front of her, Rita looked dazed.

"It's another one...Because the Houkai was entrenched before, it was a paradise for dead men and Houkai beasts for a long time. The sharp reduction, the reconstruction plan that has been put on hold for a long time should be carried out again?"

"However, this doesn't seem to be something I should worry about..."

Seemingly thinking of something, she laughed at herself.

"Yarvette, get the team members ready."

"Yes! Vice Captain..."


How fast is lightning?

One-half the speed of light?Or one in two thousand (440 times the speed of sound)?

No one can give an exact answer.

However, for Mei, who has comprehended the law of thunder, she can already "incarnate lightning".

As for the specific speed?

As long as she is still on this planet, no matter where the destination is, the serious Mei can reach it in an instant, regardless of any obstacles.

This is the "true God".

"Queen Red, I need you to always pay attention to the location coordinates of the Hyperion and the Helios, and give a warning in time if they approach. I don't want to affect others in the battle later."

"Okay, Master Mei."

In the northwestern part of China, above the famous Taklimakan Desert, a black-haired girl was quietly floating there, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

By sensing the power of the fiery red feather, she roughly guessed the traveling route of Fuhua and Youlandell on the map provided by the Red Queen, and finally decided to go one step ahead and intercept it in this inaccessible desert area.

Mei has made up her mind to "blend" with the development of this world.

Today, the largest desert in the Chinese mainland is at its hottest.

The sun is shining brightly and the heat waves are rolling, and the surrounding air is visibly distorted, as if entering a "big steamer"; the tower-shaped sand dunes are blown by strong winds, rolling up countless sand grains to form "moving sand walls" , the scene is very spectacular.

Looking around, there are high mountains standing on the edge of the desert, like endless waves of a vast expanse of green, and like giants in the mist, majestic and towering.

"Rumble rumble..."

Except for the muffled thunder and howling wind from time to time, the whole world presents a strange silence.

As the dark clouds gathered spontaneously and the sun gradually dimmed, the desert below seemed to have turned into a huge "graveyard", and the oppressive atmosphere continued to spread.

The girl, however, remained indifferent.Whether it was a heat wave or a strong wind, she was not affected in the slightest. She just stared in one direction expressionlessly, not caring about the dark clouds above her head and the desert under her feet.

Behind him is the continent of Europe, which is also the location of the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven.

She believed that those two would come.

at last……

After waiting patiently, the enemy stepped onto the "battlefield" she arranged.

"Are you here?"

Looking at the two "shooting stars" that appeared in the sky, Mei smiled wickedly and slowly raised her hand.


A series of blood-colored thunderbolts descended from the dark clouds overhead and hit the desert. The huge impact set off "sand flowers" one after another, as if they were in a "yellow ocean".

At the same time, two blood-red gauntlets appeared on both sides of the girl, like a pair of domineering and mighty guardians; scarlet ghost horns grew again, pointing directly at the sky, adding an unruly evil spirit to the girl.

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