Immediately afterwards, the invisible field belonging to the Herrscher of Thunder expanded, and the magnetic field of the entire desert fell into chaos, and some sandstones floated into the sky for no reason!

If this situation happened in a city, it would definitely cause unpredictable losses.

After all, products such as electronic technology can be seen everywhere in modern society, and their importance is self-evident. Once they are all scrapped, human beings will return to the agricultural era before the industrial revolution.

Chaos and death will then be inevitable.

This is one of the reasons why Mei chose to intercept here.

Because it won't hurt the innocent...

"Leave Qiyana behind! Otherwise, this is where you will be buried!"

Looking at the two Valkyries of Destiny who stopped moving, she made a mighty sound with the power of the true god, resounding through the entire desert.


The thunder of death followed closely, representing the girl's determination and...

kill heart.

Chapter 174Chapter 160Chapter [-] Fierce Battle!The unyielding knight of brilliance!

What is "destiny"?

According to historical records, it has existed since the 5th century AD, originated in Europe, and has a history of more than 1600 years.

Just as the development of civilization is always accompanied by blood and fire, the expansion of the Destiny Organization is also accompanied by desire, love and hatred. This is an unavoidable thing. After all, human beings will always kill each other for various reasons.

But people's desires are unlimited, and hatred is passed on to each other, generation after generation, endlessly...

Therefore, perhaps in the eyes of many people, the Destiny Organization is inseparable from words such as "power" and "ruthless", and is even the source and maker of many tragedies, and it is a heinous existence.


As the Valkyrie of Destiny, I, Bianca Yolandale Atagina, don't think so.

There is no absolute good or evil in the world, only personal standpoint and mission.

Although there are all kinds of shortcomings and dark sides, I can say with certainty that no institution or organization in the world has gone further than [Mandate of Heaven] on the path of human civilization's struggle and collapse in this era.

That's why I live for it.

Human beings need the destiny to protect; and the destiny needs us Valkyrie to maintain it.

that's enough.


"The visitor is not good."

Looking at the dark clouds and the shining "Red Nova" in front of him, Fu Hua dressed in black armor [Shadow Knight·Moon Wheel] had a dignified face.

"Fu Hua, take K423 back to the headquarters and report to the Bishop, I will defend her."

The strongest Valkyrie with golden wavy hair——Urandale said so, and then held a huge knight spear, and the white armor on her body [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] sprayed gamma particles behind her, forming a blazing blue Light Wing took the initiative to charge towards the enemy.

"Wait...!" Fu Hua stretched out his hand to say something, but it was already too late.

From a distance, the blond girl looks like a blue comet, dazzling and illuminating the darkness.

But Fu Hua had a faint feeling that the opponent was not a fleeting and vulnerable "shadow", but rather terrifyingly strong.

Soon, her premonition came true.


I saw that before the blond Valkyrie named Youlandal got close, a bloody sword energy that seemed to split the sky and the earth struck with the force of a tsunami!

Facing this blow, the girl did not dodge or dodge, while facing the attack head-on, she held a knight spear and assumed a defensive posture.

"Good time! Let's face it upright! The strong shield of the Holy Spirit!"

Following the girl's coquettish shout, suddenly, a white human phantom appeared beside her, holding up a shield of light for it.

"Bang! Crack!"

However, the moment it came into contact with the blood-colored sword energy, the strong shield was full of cracks.

A huge force came, and Youlandal's expression changed, and he swung the knight spear forcefully.


The force was successfully removed, the girl had to stop her advance and stabilize her figure in mid-air, while the shield of light also turned into blue particles and dissipated at the same time.

"So strong!"

Looking at the bloody star that was as dazzling as the sun in the center of the thunderstorm cloud, the girl's clear and translucent eyes like sapphires were full of surprise.

Afterwards, the fighting spirit in his heart was extremely high.

"Finally... I have found an opponent that I can fight with all my strength."

That's it!

The stronger the enemy, the more excited she is!

"Hand over Kiyana!"

The mighty voice came again, seeming to be giving an ultimatum.


"I have a mission, so I'm sorry!" Youlandell refused without hesitation, his tone full of fighting spirit.

This answer obviously angered the other party.

"Then go to die!"

The duel between the strong never needs words.

Their respective beliefs and positions are different, and they can only prove their way through fighting.


The sky became extremely dark, blood-colored lightning fell like raindrops, and the sound of thunder seemed to be drumming continuously, as if the end was coming.

In the roar of nature, the blue comet travels fast, launching a knightly sprint towards the enemy with a winding trajectory, disintegrating obstacles blocking the front one after another.


There was another thunder, and the whole world was suddenly stained with blood.

"not good!"

A chill rushed straight into the brain, Youlandal opened his eyes wide, and instantly reacted from a certain state of stiffness, and mobilized the Houkai energy in his body with all his strength.

This is the premonition of [Death]...

"Wake up! Defender of Glory!"

Inspired by the girl, the fourth-generation Valkyrie named [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] has fully activated its god-slaying armor ability, and the two huge phantoms gradually solidified, fighting side by side with the knight like a war horse!

"King, Queen! Absolute defense!"

I saw the self-propelled phantom called "King (King)" abandon the knight's giant sword in his hand, and together with the "Queen (Rear)" who had appeared before, raised the huge blue and white shield, blocking Directly above, and at the same time, a thick energy barrier was formed around the girl.

In the next second, the terrifying blood-colored "sky curtain" descended in an instant, covering Youlandal and the surrounding desert within several kilometers...


All of a sudden, the entire world was filled with dense blood-colored arcs, like a loach in a pot, scurrying wildly, like a god's punishment.

However, it's not over yet.

Above the sky, in the center of the dark clouds, Mei stared at a certain place on the light curtain, leaned her upper body slightly, clenched her left hand on her waist, and held her right hand slightly, posing in a posture of drawing a knife sideways.

"The sword appears—"

The power of Sisi law began to gather, and once again formed a huge god sword in the left gauntlet.


The momentum has reached a certain peak.

Ripples began to appear in the surrounding space, and the desert under his feet was also sinking in an instant, and the dark clouds above his head were churning wildly like a whirlpool.

God is like a prison.

"Amaterasu Void Slash!"

The air was squeezed and sucked out, screaming in pain, and the surrounding area even became a short-lived vacuum.

Sending out this blow with a blank face, Mei didn't feel any fluctuations in her heart.

The other party's obsession with obsession made her completely wipe out the last trace of pity in her heart, and made the final decision to use the power of God to destroy the other party here.

She wants to make an example to others, she wants to let the world know——

Qiyana is her reverse scale of Raiden Mei, if you touch it, you will die!


With the power of a sword, time and space stagnate.

Before the bloody thunder curtain dissipated, it was cut off by this sword and hit a certain place.

At the same time, a violent earthquake occurred in the entire desert, the sky was full of yellow sand, and the hurricane roared.The mountains on the left and right sides - Tianshan Mountain and Kunlun Mountain were also affected, and the thick ice layer formed over the years on the mountain peaks began to fall off, forming an unprecedented huge avalanche.

However, at this time, the sky above the entire area has long been covered by clouds, and the surrounding magnetic field has also fallen into disorder. Neither satellites nor detectors can detect the internal situation.

This is simply a battlefield of gods and demons isolated from the world!

"This power..."

Fu Hua, who had always been on the edge of the battlefield, opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

When did such a powerful existence appear in this world?

The most important thing is, judging from her experience, the other party has not yet exerted his full strength... No, it should be said that he has just started to be serious!

"Maybe I was really wrong this time..."

Looking at the white-haired girl sleeping in his arms, Fu Hua lowered his head and fell silent.

But at this moment on the battlefield, Mei didn't show any joy or pride for her powerful blow.

Maybe others don't know, but...

She knows exactly where her limit is.

Although the two Valkyries in front of me are strong, and even their former self is no match, but...

It's the same as the previous "Rainbow Mei".Unless they see it with their own eyes, the gap between God and man is unimaginable to them.

No matter how strong a Valkyrie is, she is still a human being, with all kinds of limitations, whether physical or mental, the power she can exert is also very limited.

After advancing to the god level and shaping the god body, Mei feels that she has become a real "perpetual motion machine", without fatigue or pain.

For a battle at this level, she believes that she can continue until the entire planet is reduced to scorched earth.

After all, the law is the law of the universe, and the true god who has comprehended the law has been able to modify and transcend the law to a certain extent, and no longer needs to be bound by it.

To create something out of nothing—that is the essence of law.

"Isn't he dead yet?"

At this time, the situation on the battlefield was very chaotic. On the surface, the sky was full of yellow sand and storms continued, and the Honkai energy in the dark was scattered everywhere, which greatly disrupted various detections.

Maybe Fu Hua didn't know anything about Youlandal's current state, but as a true god, Mei could clearly feel the "conspicuous" life reaction.

This made her have to look up.

Mei originally thought that the other party was just an ordinary S-rank Valkyrie, even with the title of "the strongest".

After all, the blow she just had already carried a little power of law. Once it hits, even Herrscher will have a great probability of falling on the spot. Being able to easily disrupt this space-time is the best manifestation of its power.


As the yellow sand covering the sky gradually thinned, the Valkyrie named Youlandal appeared again.

Compared to flying like a comet before, at this time she had already landed on the ground, her legs were sunk deep in the soft fine sand, the corners of her mouth were bleeding, and her body was covered in scars.

The original wavy long hair has been scorched black, the white armor on his body is missing a piece, the ultramarine cloth is torn, and the spring is leaking...

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