Ever since, almost all orbiting satellites observed that bloody "spot" at the same time.


Before they could send relevant data to the satellite station on the ground, the other party had already crossed the Asian continent in a few seconds at a terrifying speed similar to that of a comet, drawing a long "horizontal line" on the atmosphere on the surface of the earth. Finally disappeared in the Far East.

Immediately, the media from all over the world almost exploded, and countless "bricks" and "beasts" expressed their opinions one after another. The theory about "alien" was almost confirmed in this incident.

And the extreme east has become the focus of the world's attention, which has attracted a large number of astronomy enthusiasts flocking here, just to find the "fallen alien spacecraft".

Of course, this is a story.


After arriving in Changkong City, Mei once again used the ability of soul perception, and quickly came to the place where she landed before.

"It's here, my remaining power of the Herrscher is still there."

Looking at the familiar scenery around her, Mei released the Herrscher barrier that was formed all over her body, and exhaled lightly.

The reason why she chose to "return to the old place" is because Mei comprehends the law of thunder instead of the law of space. In the case of insufficient luck, she cannot accurately locate the space.

And the space interlayer of this world...is too chaotic. If you don't pay attention, let alone go to the imaginary number space, it is not impossible to stray directly into the deepest part of the quantum sea.

If that happens, countless world bubbles will stand in front of Mei, not to mention that it will take a lot of time to return, and you may even get lost in the sea of ​​quantum and lose the coordinates of this world...

Therefore, if you want to take the initiative to find "Qiana"... instead of waiting for her to appear, the fastest and safest way for Mei is to return to the place where she came to this world before, because there is a way to go to the imaginary space "aisle".

As for the space crack has been repaired?

Just reopen it!

Although Mei, who understands the law of thunder, cannot open the space, she can easily smash it!

There is no road ahead?Then I will make a way!A big fist is the last word!

"Red Empress, you should stay in this world first. Keep an eye on the situation of destiny and anti-entropy for me. By the way, everyone in St. Freya Academy. If there is any emergency... just take this crystal Shattered, I can sense it."

In the sky above Changkong City, Mei condensed part of the power of the Herrscher in her body into crystals, and then handed it over to Queen Hong, earnestly exhorting her.

"I understand, Master Mei."

The red queen who regained her human form nodded again, and raised her illusory hands to "catch" the bloody crystal.

That's right!Just caught it.

In fact, the body of the Red Queen at this time is not composed of pure data, but a high-tech nano material.This nanomaterial can be contracted and expanded, and it is also the "shell" of the light sphere of the brain.

The general process is:

As long as the Red Queen gives an order, the nanomaterials that make up the outer shell will automatically expand and shape into a human form, becoming the "body" of the Red Queen; and once she gives the command to cancel, the nanomaterials will automatically shrink again, forming the brain terminal again. shell.

Therefore, although the Red Queen in human form is incredibly light, she still has some "weight".

"Then, take care of yourself and be careful not to let them find you."

After explaining the matter, Mei turned around and planned to leave.

"That...Master Mei, how long are you going to go?"

Hearing the timid voice from behind, Mei froze for a moment, then slowly turned her head.

"Red Empress, you are really different from before."


Seeing the timid look of the little blond girl in front of her, Mei hooked the corners of her lips and smiled slightly.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll come back when I find Qiyana. Her previous appearance is very abnormal, I can't leave it alone, because no matter what, she is also 'Qiana'..."

Compared with the gentle and friendly smile in the past, Mei's smile now has a different kind of evil charm, coupled with the domineering and majestic temperament that she inadvertently exudes after she advanced to the true god, the whole person seems to have changed from the past. The gentle lady has grown into a demon god who looks down on the world.

For a moment, the Red Queen couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

"Master Mei..."

"Huh?" Mei frowned.

"I, I understand!"

Sensing the doubt in those purple eyes and the red pupils, as well as the mysterious oppressive feeling that caused some programs to malfunction, the red queen was excited and nodded hastily.

"is it?"

It's really becoming more and more like a child...

Seeing the other party's childlike performance, while Mei was feeling emotional in her heart, she suddenly glanced out of the corner of her eye, and raised the corner of her mouth meaningfully.

"It seems that someone has found us..."

"Who?" Hearing this, the Red Empress immediately became serious, data flashed in her eyes.

"Forget it, Red Empress, it's just an irrelevant matter." Shaking her head, Mei took out the dimensional phalanx from the soul space, "However, for the sake of safety, I will personally send you a ride."

Immediately afterwards, a gossip map appeared at the feet of the Red Queen, and it began to emit a mysterious purple light.

"Put your own safety first! This is my order."

Looking at the small figure shrouded in light, Mei warned with a serious face.

"Follow your orders."

At the same time as the words came, the light brightened, and then the gossip array disappeared without a trace together with the little figure inside.

Putting away the dimensional phalanx, Mei glanced at her feet again, then raised her hand, aiming straight ahead.

In an instant, the divine ring appeared.

The law of thunder is activated!


The aura belonging to the true god leaked for a moment, and then was immediately taken back by Mei.

But even so, the dark clouds that gathered over the entire city due to the fall of time were instantly dispersed, and the sun poured down.

However, in the eyes of everyone at this time, that round of Canyang is actually in the "weak" position!

Because a more dazzling round has appeared in the sky...

blood day.

Immediately afterwards, they heard the long and mighty "unsheathing sound" that seemed to come from heaven:


The strange purple lightning danced on the blade, and the bloody light was as dazzling as a supernova.

The black-haired deity pulled out the Yugami Taidao, without squinting, with a firm expression, and slashed at the void in front of him!


The purple blade light wields blood-red sword energy, and under the blessing of the law of thunder, this strike has the power to shatter the void and distort the laws of the universe!

Fortunately, the power is concentrated in the sword energy, and there is no trace of leakage, otherwise...

The real end is coming.

After being hit by this blow, the originally closed imaginary crack was torn open again.At the same time, as if a hole had been poked out, the massive Honkai energy, together with the purple shadow, once again launched a fierce attack on the present world!

But this time, Mei has no intention of "playing" with them.

"Get out of the way!"

With a swing of the sword, the quantum shadow that hit like a wave was immediately emptied.

The Honkai energy gushing out was not spared either, and it was all absorbed by the spirit girl.

"The imaginary number space, here I come again. Second Herrscher, wait for me!"

As Mei stepped into it one step at a time, the arm armor of the god beside her "pulls up" the imaginary crack with a backhand.

How powerful?

After the storm dissipated, Changkong City returned to calm again.


Somewhere in the city, the S-rank Valkyrie named "Rita Rossweisse" was already sweating profusely, panting, as if she had been frightened, and her face was as pale as paper.

"Just now that was...?!"

Just now, when the figure in the sky stared at her, Rita really felt the breath of "death"...

At that moment, her whole body felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, and she couldn't even move her whole body.

If other people from the Destiny Organization saw that scene, it would be absolutely hard to believe that the maid who had always been elegant and perfect turned out to be like an ordinary person, with dilated pupils and a dull face, as if she had fallen into boundless fear.

"You have to report to the Bishop as soon as possible..."

Recalling the feeling of powerlessness and despair before, Rita's face became paler.

The other party has obviously found himself...

Right and wrong, she didn't want to stay any longer.

"Pass my order, [Blade of Immortality]... close the team!"

Changkong City is too dangerous...

In any case, she, Rita Rossweisse, didn't want to die at the hands of a stranger for no reason.

after all……

No matter how much you disdain death in normal times, when it really comes, all things in the world... even gods, who is not afraid?

Chapter 177 Chapter 160 Nine Painful Choices

Eleven hours have passed since Qiyana was arrested.

At the same time, this is also the time when the Far East Branch has already rebelled.

And now, Teresa, who is the principal of the school, has officially joined the advance team of the anti-entropy organization, an ally of St. Freya Academy.

Things started to develop further.


Destiny transport ship, Helios.

"Dr. Tesla, what happened to Mei Mei?"

In the medical cabin on the ship, Teresa looked worriedly at the unconscious black-haired girl on the hospital bed, and at the same time asked her allies beside her.

"She's in a very bad condition." The red-haired girl with double ponytails, whom she called "Dr. Constantly emitting Houkai energy to the surroundings..."

Frederica Nikola Tesla, a well-known contemporary scientist, has achieved unattainable achievements in fields such as electromagnetism, and is also a member of the top management [executor] of the anti-entropy organization.

However, contrary to the dazzling halos on her body...

She herself is a cute-looking girl with twin ponytails who loves to lose her temper. She has red hair, red eyes, and fair skin. She is wearing a black suspender skirt with white stockings and a red mechanical glove on her left hand. She looks very strangeness.

"By the way, during the preliminary examination just now, I found a metal object placed in the girl's chest cavity. What is that?"

Putting down the tablet terminal in his hand, Tesla turned his head and asked Theresa.

After being stunned for a while, Theresa slowly lowered her head and whispered:

"...it's a bomb."

"Oh, the bomb..." Hearing this, Tesla nodded subconsciously, then seemed to realize something, and opened his eyes instantly, "What did you say?! Bomb?!"

It seems that this scene has been expected. Seeing the other party's furry appearance, Teresa added with a wry smile:

"Don't worry, Dr. Tesla, I have deactivated the bomb's detonator before, and there is no danger."

Hearing this, Tesla patted his chest with an expression of life after a catastrophe.

"Really? Huh... you startled me."

Afterwards, she frowned again, and said with a nonchalant smile: "You guys are so cautious in your fate, you actually planted a bomb in the body of your own Valkyrie, do you want to have a 'together with the enemy' at the end? ?”

"No, Dr. Tesla, Mei asked for the bomb's consent, and she agreed to do so."

Not paying attention to the sarcasm in the other party's words, Teresa shook her head slowly, explaining with a downcast expression.

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