
Tesla felt that his three views had been refreshed again, and the eyes he looked at Theresa seemed to say, "Who would put a bomb in his body except a lunatic?".

Seeing this, Teresa sighed heavily, as if she had made a decision.

"Up to now, there is nothing to hide. Dr. Tesla, you should know about the third collapse that happened in Changkong City two years ago, right?"

"Well, I understand. I heard that it has something to do with the female fox in Cocolia, that annoying guy..." Tesla nodded and frowned, as if thinking of something unpleasant.

Immediately afterwards, she opened her eyes wide and looked at the unconscious black-haired girl on the hospital bed again.

"Huh? Could it be that what you want to say is..."

"Well, it's just what you think, Mei is the third herrscher born in that Honkai. At that time, in order to prevent herself from being controlled by Honkai again and hurting the people around her, she voluntarily agreed to Jizi's proposal." bomb plan."

Nodding, Teresa slowly spit out one of the top secrets of Saint Freya Academy.

Tesla suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be like this... So this girl is the third Herrscher, and I am still the first... No, this is the second time I have seen a Herrscher with self-awareness."

After sighing, she suddenly thought of something.

"Wait! Since she is a Herrscher..."

"Dr. Tesla?"

Seeing Tesla's face turn pale, Teresa instinctively felt that something bad was about to happen.

"Awakening... the Herrscher in her body is awakening!"


Teresa took a step back subconsciously, her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it was true.

"The overflow of the Houkai energy is just a precursor! This means that the Herrscher core in her body has begun to activate!"

Tesla explained loudly while stepping back while operating the tablet terminal with an extremely serious expression.

"We must take this opportunity to isolate or eliminate her, otherwise once she is controlled by Houkai again and awakened as the Third Herrscher, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Why, how could this be?"

Thinking of what happened before, Teresa's eyes were dull, her face was pale, and she shook a few times, almost collapsing to the ground.

First, the student I trusted suddenly rebelled, then my niece was arrested, and her life and death are still uncertain, and now this kind of thing happened again...

This series of blows came too fast and too fierce, even as a former S-rank Valkyrie of the Destiny organization, Teresa felt like the sky was falling at this time.

So it will be like this?

Looking at the unconscious black-haired girl on the hospital bed, and recalling her gentle and peaceful smile in the past two years, Teresa only felt a burst of heartache, almost suffocating.

She was about to break down.

"Obviously it was fine before, how could it be...could it be the stimulation of the Herrscher fluctuations before?"

Thinking back to the scene where the Helios was blocked in the desert... especially the bloody lightning and mark, and the power fluctuation of the "Third Herrscher"...

Instinct told Teresa that the series of signs must be inseparable from the situation in front of her.

But now, she couldn't come up with any useful countermeasures.

"What to do... What should I do?"

For a moment, Teresa was bewildered.

Due to the arrival of the anti-entropy advance force, and the sudden coma of Raiden Mei, compared to before, the Helios has deliberately slowed down under her order.

Obviously there is still some distance from the headquarters of Destiny, but such a "time bomb" suddenly appeared on the ship...

Teresa understood what Tesla said just now.

If Raiden Mei is really controlled by Honkai and awakened as the Third Herrscher again, on the Helios, whether it is herself and others from St. Freya Academy, or the reverse brought by Tesla The advance team of entropy is doomed.

If you want to suppress the Herrscher, your own strength may not be enough.

Then do you want to strangle Herrscher in the "cradle" now?

Looking at the slightly painful expression on the black-haired girl's face even though she was unconscious, Teresa bit her lips until blood flowed out.


"No! No! I can't do this! If I really kill Mei... let alone Kiyana, even I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life!"

Teresa shook her head and said with pain on her face.

Seeing this, Tesla on the side sighed heavily.

"Well, I knew you would say that. Although we won't kill her, for safety's sake, we must isolate her and observe her 24 hours a day! After all, we haven't reached our destination yet, in case Herrscher suddenly awakens If you are not prepared, the ship will be destroyed."

"...Well, just do what you said, doctor." Teresa nodded, her expression still lost.

And at this moment...

"Drip drip!"

The tablet terminal in Tesla's hand suddenly rang.

"It's chicken coop!" Looking at the communication information displayed on the terminal, Tesla looked a little surprised.

"Dr. Einstein?" Hearing this, Teresa also raised her head.

As Tesla clicked on the communication, a flat female voice sounded in the medical cabin:

"Dr. Tesla, and Ms. Teresa, the Hyperion has been refitted and is leaving St. Freya Academy at full speed. We will meet you in about four hours..."


Chapter 178 Chapter 170 Godhead and Dragon Roar

European destiny headquarters, floating island.

In the bishop's office, the Supreme Bishop Otto Apocalypse was quietly listening to the reports of the two Valkyrie subordinates.

"That's it, bishop, she is very strong, stronger than anyone I have ever seen! To be honest, I am not sure of defeating her."

At this time, if the other Valkyries of Destiny were here, they would never believe that such frustrating words came from the mouth of the strongest Valkyrie!

Looking at the dignified Youlandelle in front of him, Otto frowned and thought for a while, then smiled.

"Well, I see, thank you for your hard work, Youlandelle."


Seeing this, Youlandell stared at those green eyes without saying a word, as if he wanted to see what the other party was thinking at this time.

However, nothing was found.

I'm afraid no one in this world can guess the inner thoughts of the leader of the Mandate of Heaven organization, right?

"If it's okay, I'll go to exercise." After sighing in disappointment, Youlandelle turned around and walked out with heavy steps.

Looking at the back of the blond girl, Otto lifted the red wine on the table to his mouth, and said in a slow manner:

"I've already ordered them to hurry up with the new weapons, you don't have to worry..."

Before he could finish speaking, the girl who was walking out paused.

"No, Bishop."

"Oh?" Otto raised his eyebrows.

"If you want to defeat her, it doesn't matter how many weapons you make for me. I have the black abyss and white flowers."

"not to mention……"

"I don't want to be a weakling who relies on external objects to win."

After speaking sideways, the blond girl moved forward again.

"Click!" The sound of closing the door sounded.

"Master Ulandal..." Looking at the closed door, Rita looked worried.

"Don't worry, Rita." Otto took a sip of the red wine, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, "You Landal is just a little frustrated, after all, it must be the first time she has encountered such a powerful enemy... It seems that going to the headquarters tonight The training room needs to be fully loaded."

"Yes, my lord bishop." Upon hearing this, Rita nodded, and once again lowered her eyes and remained silent.

With Lord Youlandal's personality, she must come out of the shadows soon, so I don't need to worry...


Will her daily training volume double again?

It seems that a new nutrition menu must be formulated as soon as possible, otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be able to keep up with her physical consumption...

Compared to a certain maid who began to worry about meals, Otto was also thinking about it at this time:

The Herrscher of Thunder from another world?

I wonder if she is from the parallel world of the tree of imaginary numbers?Or the world bubble from Quantum Sea?

However, according to Rita's description, the former is more likely.

After all, it is unlikely that a world bubble that is poor in Honkai Energy will give birth to Herrschers of this magnitude...

"It's a pity that she seems to have left this world, otherwise I really want to ask her to 'help' and verify my guess..." Otto murmured to himself as he swayed the red wine in his glass With a faint tone.

"My lord bishop, what did you say?" Upon hearing this, Rita came back to her senses and blinked her eyes.

"No, it's okay." Otto shook his head, and put the red wine on the table again, "The second God's Key experiment needs the assistance of the Herrscher of the Sky, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't have time to get the result I want. "

"My lord, today's task... I'm sorry."

"Needless to say, Rita, I understand. Fortunately, the Herrsrscher of the Sky has awakened. Although he was not captured successfully, it's not bad to be 'stocked' for a while, and the plan will continue as usual."

"As usual...?" Rita frowned, as if she didn't quite understand.

In this regard, Otto smiled freely and confidently.

"Hehe, that's right. After all, K423 has formed inseparable bonds with many people during the two years at St. Freya Academy. I believe in them, and I believe that my lovely granddaughter will never give up on her. "

"Master Fu Hua..."

"Fu Hua's body is not as good as before, and this severe injury has brought her to the brink of death, but as a friend, I will still do my best to help her."

Hearing this, Rita nodded again, and the worry in her eyes faded a bit.

"I see, your bishop."

And at this moment, Otto's eyes suddenly lit up, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, as if he had thought of something interesting.

"By the way, Rita, tell me... if we fully awaken the Third Herrscher in this world, will she become as powerful as the 'Raiden Mei' you saw today?

"Master Bishop, what do you mean...?"

"Hehe, it's worth a try. According to the latest information, hasn't my lovely granddaughter already brought her? Anyway, the experiment on the Gem of Tranquility hasn't made much progress so far, so I just want to try this Third Herrscher. When the time comes Pay attention to your cooperation with Youlandelle, don't miss this opportunity."

"...As you order, my lord bishop."


Imaginary space.

When she came back here again, Mei obviously felt that something was wrong with everything around her.

How to put it, if the imaginary number space gave her the impression of boundless emptiness and dead silence last time, then this time it gave her the feeling of being in a "ventilation duct"...

"The flow of Houkai energy has accelerated so much?"

Frowning, looking at the surrounding Hoonkai energy floating and flowing like a dense fog, Mei's face was a little dignified.

In fact, apart from the flow speed, the concentration of Houkai energy in the imaginary number space is more than one or two times higher than last time. If ordinary people enter it by mistake, they will definitely not last for half a minute.

This is never normal.

"There should be no creatures in the imaginary space, and the flow of time is not obvious, and there will hardly be any major changes. Then, if you want to cause this situation, there is only one possibility..."

As if thinking of something, Mei looked towards the direction where the Honkai energy would roughly flow.

"Intervention from outside, or... the 'master' of the imaginary space appeared..."

"Qiana, here I come."

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