
The sound of thunder resounded through this empty space, and the girl turned into a blood-colored thunder and went straight forward.

Along the way, the misty Honkai can be dispelled, the floating islands are smashed, and the standing block mountains are broken... It seems that nothing can stop her progress.

Mei doesn't know how big the imaginary space is, but she can be sure that she is heading in the right direction.

It's an intuition.

Gradually, I don't know how long it has passed, when Mei was flying over a block continent, she suddenly felt a throbbing in her heart!

To be precise, it was the Herrscher's core in the heart...or the [Godhead] sent a response.

It is worth mentioning that since Mei advanced to the stage of True God, in addition to transforming the body of the Herrscher into the [Body of the True God], the core of the Herrscher in the body has also become a special law crystallization...

That is 【Godhead】.

Different from the core of the Herrscher, the godhead is not only rooted in the body, but also connected to the soul, and the "link" among them is the law of thunder.

To put it simply, the godhead has two sides: [virtual] and [real], one corresponds to the soul, and the other merges into the body.

This is one of the reasons why the True God of Chaos can be "immortal and immortal".

Even so, although the Herrscher core in Mei's body has become the Godhead of Thunder, it still retains one of its previous characteristics:

Mutual induction between lawyers.

"It must be her!"

After closing her eyes and carefully sensing the direction of the throbbing, Mei disappeared in place in an instant, moving towards the target at a faster speed.


There is a saying: "You must attack the minion with taunt first."

When Mei approached the target, a huge black shadow suddenly struck from a distance.


The roar of the dragon came like a wave.

Chapter 179 Chapter 170


With the roar of the dragon, a huge black figure suddenly emerged from the shadows.

The imaginary number space is inherently dim, and all the light comes from the floating land made up of blocks. In this case, the sudden black shadows and roars are particularly frightening.


Frowning, Mei slowed down and raised her head to look at the black shadow coming from the thick fog of the Houkai Neng.

Immediately after...

"That's...a giant dragon?"


In Mei's astonished gaze, a western giant dragon with a body as large as a mountain came out of the thick fog, flapped a pair of sky blue wings, opened its huge mouth and roared like a hurricane at her.

White skeleton, sharp claws, long giant tail, blue compound eyes...combined with the above body shape...

Such a powerful creature that only exists in myths and legends is standing in front of Mei.

"No, it's a Honkai beast."

After scanning the other party carefully, Mei raised her eyebrows and corrected her conclusion, without the slightest trace of fear on her face.

For some reason, she felt an inexplicable kindness and familiarity from the giant dragon in front of her, as if she had some strange connection with it.

This feeling has happened before.

That's right, Mei also felt a similar sense of familiarity on the weapon held by the first person she saw when she landed - "Raven".



As if feeling Mei's scrutinizing gaze, or feeling a little familiar with her, the blue-white dragon didn't attack immediately, but roared again and took the following pose:

Raise the dragon's head, hold the front paws tightly, spread the wings, curl the tail slightly...

It looks like a very humane "guard" who looks like he is waiting in full battle.

In fact, Mei did feel a kind of "warning" from the roar of the giant dragon, as if she was saying to her: "If you get closer, don't blame me for being rude!"

In response, Mei slowly shook her head.

"Sorry, I have to get Kiyana back no matter what."


Miraculously, the giant dragon seemed to understand her reply and became completely angry.

It roared furiously while beating its wings vigorously, climbed up quickly for a certain distance, and came directly above Mei, suddenly opened its huge mouth and sharp claws, and jumped down with a ferocious face.


Before the dragon arrives, the wind arrives first.

Feeling the oncoming howling wind and the mountain-like oppression, Mei remained calm and raised her hand slowly.

The Gauntlet of God resurfaced again, blocking in front of him like a shield.

At the same time, a series of bloody currents suddenly emerged from the center of the gauntlet, and quickly spread and extended upwards, like a big net wrapping the dragon in it.



The two collided, and the shock waves they caused rippled like ripples, and the surrounding misty Honkai Energy was "cleared" in an instant.


The blood-colored giant net is still "weaving", even after being attacked by the giant dragon's missile-like dive, the God's Armor is still unscathed, without any trace of tatters.

Soon, the thunder net was closed, and the dragon was "wrapped with dumplings", causing it to fall to the ground.

Next is "Induction Cooking".


Suddenly, the giant dragon let out a painful roar, its huge body was struggling continuously, and its white exoskeleton even became a little scorched black.

Even so, the giant net that envelops it is still continuously pouring out bloody electric currents, and continues to sink into its huge body, ignoring the hard epidermis, giving it "electrotherapy" that goes deep into the bone marrow.

Compared to the miserable giant dragon, Mei has a calm face, with long purple black hair hanging behind his head, fluttering in the wind, undoubtedly revealing the aura of a strong man.

"Courage is commendable, but regarding the matter of finding Kiyana... no one can stop me, not even God."


The giant dragon was still roaring, and the blue part of its body including the wing membrane suddenly turned purple, and streaks of lightning kept gushing out from its body, resisting the invasion of the bloody current.

At the same time, Honkai energy crystals of four colors, orange red, ice blue, blue purple, and deep purple, also emerged in the four areas around it, quickly repairing the injuries caused by the blood electricity, and its struggle healed instantly. It's severe.

"Is it really Honkai Beast?" Seeing this, Mei was thoughtful, "The characteristics of continuous regeneration and repair, the form of lightning... But this level is far from enough."

Then, killing intent flashed in her eyes, and she slightly bent her five fingers.

The gauntlets did the same, and the thunder net increased the restraint like a steel wire, and even began to "embed" into the dragon's body.

"At first, I thought there was some kind of connection between you and me, and I planned to let you live, but you are so restless, always thinking of causing trouble for me...then don't blame me."


Just when Mei was about to kill her, she saw a huge dark pink square suddenly appear in the six directions of up, down, left, right, front and back, like six seals, facing Mei at 360 degrees without any dead angle. Repression came.

"Bobo bobo...!"

The speed of the cube hitting is faster than the missile, and its quality needless to say, if Mei is just an ordinary person...

Her only fate is to become "meat mince".

"Are you here?"

Seeing this, Mei calmly stopped the movements in her hands, drove the gauntlet to pull out the Mikamitachi in an instant, and raised it high!

"Zhi-style Thunder Array!"

The power of the Lawrence erupted.

Under the guidance of the Mikami Taidao, streaks of blood-colored thunder formed from the tip of the knife, and then spread rapidly around Mei in 360 degrees, strangling everything along the way.

Obviously, facing the enemy's offensive, what she chose was not to defend or dodge, but to attack!

Because lightning is the embodiment of destruction.

"Boom boom boom...!"

The moment it came into contact with the Scarlet Thunder, the attacking cube disintegrated like a sandcastle, disappearing into nothingness.

Seeing that the first wave of offensive failed, the opponent was not discouraged, and continued to hide in the dark to control the Honkai power, launching wave after wave of attacks on Mei.



Next, whether it was a drill or a block, Mei smashed them one by one. The roar of drawing the sword and slashing came one after another, and the land below was pitted by the aftermath of the battle.

"Interesting~ human beings, please continue to please me with your funny performance~ Otherwise...you who dare to hurt the Queen's family will experience the cruelest way of death in the world!"

Jokes came from all directions, and the other party was like a child who was still playing, transforming the Honkai into various shapes, and calling out endlessly.

Gradually, Mei's remaining patience was almost worn out.

"Enough! I have no obligation to play games with you!"

When the gauntlet once again disrupted the opponent's attack with the Mikami Taidao, Mei stretched out her hand to hold it with a cold face.

"The sword appears—"

The blood-colored thunder gathered and formed a blood-colored thunder blade in her hand.

With a thought, a trace of the power of the law was injected into it, making the original transparent ... crystal-like thunder blade engraved with the imprint of the true god and reshaping its shape.

Round black handle, purple blade, mysterious and noble aura of law...

The reborn Thunder Blade is no longer an ordinary energy weapon, but an artifact with a trace of law power!

It can be described as "reborn".

In fact, Mei didn't expect that she would create the first magic weapon for herself on a whim!Although it is the most inferior artifact, it is fundamentally different from the Teigu that has been used all the time!

"Is it a weapon that the Thunder of Heaven's Death turned into?" Looking at the new Thunder Blade in his hand, Mei raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

"Swish, swish, swish...!"

During this period of time, the gauntlets on both sides automatically disintegrated the incoming offensive like guardians, and the god sword condensed by the law of life kept waving to protect her from all harm.

Suddenly, Mei's eyes lit up.

"Then I'll call you the Blade of Heaven's Death! Well, the Blade of Heaven's Death! Murasame and Hachifang are about to be repaired, so please fight with me before that!"

After naming her new weapon, Mei first glanced at the giant dragon still struggling in the thunder net on the ground, then closed her eyes, opened up her perception, and slowly posed the start of [Beichen One Sword Style] gesture.

"Hmph, do you think I can't find you by hiding in the mezzanine? You underestimate me and the true God of Chaos, the Second Herrscher..."

The scene was still chaotic, and the enemy's offensive came one after another, but Mei, who was holding a new weapon and posing in a gesture, gradually relaxed, and the invisible spiritual thoughts spread like a giant net in the imaginary space, penetrating into every corner.

at last……

"Got you!"

Chapter 180 Chapter 170 Chapter [-] The Law of Defeat!

"Got you!"

When the figure appeared in the perception field of vision, Mei opened his eyes, and his whole body turned into blood-colored lightning, and disappeared in place with a "whoosh".

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