This time it's faster than ever!

Almost in the next second, she saw the goal of her trip:

It was a white-haired girl with the appearance of "Qiana". The long hair at the back of her head was divided into two clusters and hung down to her legs like a cloak. The indifference, but not the strength and kindness in memory...

A black off-the-shoulder skirt armor, a circle of black feathers around the neck, four long white streamers floating behind, with eye-like patterns on it...

Wildness, tyranny, malice, and indifference—this is the girl's first impression on Mei.

What an evil god who tramples on the world and despises life!

"Qiana... how did it become like this?"

Seeing each other for the first time, Mei felt unbelievable.

She didn't want to accept, and she didn't want to believe that the evil god in sight was "Qiana Kaslana", whom she once regarded as her salvation and the only light.

"How dare you defile her...never forgive her! Only Qiyana...absolutely not!"

At this moment, Mei put everything behind her, and only wanted to correct everything, and kill the Herrscher who "robbed Qiyana"!

Type Zero Heart Piercing Sword!

Speed ​​beyond lightning, uncontrollable rage...

In front of Mei at this moment, a certain white-haired man had no time to react.

The blood-colored thunder was like a sharp knife, moving forward indomitably, smashing all obstacles along the way with a destructive force, making her who had just woken up feel the powerlessness deep in her memory again.

And despair.


For a moment, the white-haired herrscher subconsciously used his ability, wanting a space transfer.

But Mei seemed to have expected this scene, when she approached her, she turned a thorn into a palm and released an electric current.



The severe pain interrupted the formation of the space door, and the white-haired Herrscher himself was caught by Mei the next moment, and he lifted it high by the neck.

"you lose."

Looking at the Herrscher of the Sky in her hand, Mei declared expressionlessly, her tone was very cold.

"Human beings who are rude! Let go of me!" The white-haired Herrscher grabbed Mei's hand and struggled.

Being defeated face-to-face, and being mentioned by the neck... This is a humiliation worse than death for her who claims to be the "Queen of the Honkai".

In fact, Herrscher is no longer an ordinary human being. Since he can survive in a vacuum, he will naturally not suffer from the so-called suffocation.

However, in order to prevent the opponent from using the space ability to escape again, Mei grabbed the neck and at the same time intentionally injected electric current into the opponent's body continuously, paralyzing the body of the white-haired Herrscher.

"I'm no longer a human being, and leave Kiyana's body for me."

"Ants..." Those golden cross pupils were full of anger and hatred.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of compromising, Mei also made up her mind and increased the output of current.



Seeing the white-haired Herrscher with the appearance of "Qiana" struggling painfully in her hands, Mei's eyes flickered. Although she couldn't bear it, she was more determined.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Suddenly, strange spears pierced from the void, but were blocked by the gauntlets one by one and easily smashed through.

After dismantling the opponent's last trap, Mei's face became more and more unkind.

"I'll say it again, get out of Kiyana's body! Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel!"

In this regard, although the white-haired Herrscher is still struggling, he still has no intention of compromising.

"No...possible. This prepared by those human beings for me...for my rebirth! originally mine!"

Hearing this, Mei frowned.

"It's impossible, Kiyana is Kiyana, she is definitely not a Second Herrscher!... Even if she is a Herrscher, I don't care! Give her back to me!"

"Haha...unless you kill me, together with her, otherwise...impossible! Hahahaha!"

The extremely piercing laughter seemed to be mocking Mei.

"You... damn it!"

At this moment, Mei was really moved to kill.

And at this moment, a very familiar voice suddenly came from the mouth of the white-haired Herrscher in his hand:

"Mei, Mei, don't kill me! I'm Kiyana!"


Almost subconsciously, Mei let go of her hand.

Facts have proved that no matter how powerful she becomes, no matter how many things she has experienced, she, Raiden Mei, will never be able to do one thing——

That is to kill Kiana Kaslana.

"Hahahaha! You've been fooled~"

Looking at the wide-eyed Mei with a sluggish face, the white-haired Lily stuck out his tongue, and a fierce gleam flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, countless spears popped out from the void, and stabbed down on Mei's vitals without reservation!

At the same time, the white-haired herrscher opened a space door again, submerging half of his body into it.

Before fleeing, however, she suddenly turned around and waved her hand.

"Farewell~ my dear Mei."

The joy of fighting against a powerful enemy filled her heart. At this moment, the herrsrscher named Sirin swelled again.


Can the truth really get what she wants?

the answer is negative.

If it is "overturned" in this way, then Mei's experience and accumulation in the past few worlds are really meaningless.

The spears stabbed down one after another, but the scene of the "human hedgehog" did not happen.

Because at the critical moment, Mei became elemental again, ignoring the piercing attack of the Archon Spear.

"how is this possible?!"

When the white-haired herrscher felt something was wrong and subconsciously wanted to drill into the space door...

A hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Where do you want to go?"

The voice is flat and indifferent, but unexpectedly crisp and pleasant.

But at this moment, the voice that rang in his ears was no different from the voice of the ghosts to the white-haired Herrscher.

"Do not……"

Just when she was about to say something, a strong sense of paralysis struck again, and penetrated deep into the bone marrow, into the brain, and hit the core directly.


The screams sounded again, and continued until they stopped abruptly.

The Herrscher of the Sky was stunned.

Holding the girl in her arms, Mei gently straightened her upside-down long hair, her eyes full of nostalgia, completely different from her attitude just now.

"Qiana, I did it... Although it wasn't you, I did save 'you' once..."

Raising his head, looking somewhere in the void, the familiar yet unfamiliar figure seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

"I'll be waiting for you, however long it takes."


European destiny headquarters, floating island.

In fact, although the passage of time cannot be felt in the imaginary number space, the time in the outside world still passes quickly.

During the time when Mei was fighting the Herrscher of the Sky, Teresa and the others had another major event:

The awakening Raiden Mei was captured!

Although in the desert and Changkong City before, the main and deputy captains of the most powerful Valkyrie team [Blade of Immortality]——Bianca Youlandel Atagina and Rita Roseweather were the same Doesn't show how powerful it is, but...

That was for Mei, the True God of Chaos.

In fact, when the two Valkyries appeared with [Blade of Immortality] and countless Destiny Mechs, no matter whether it was the members of St. Freya Academy or the anti-entropy support troops, they all looked so unbearable one strike.


Once again, under Teresa's nose, another student of hers was arrested again.

Now, they are retreating in the third airport of the Destiny Headquarters, resisting the Destiny Mechs from all directions.

"Pushing forward bit by bit...Damn it! That guy Otto is using us as a pastime!"

In the command room of the airport, Dr. Tesla, the executor of anti-entropy, was full of anger, looking at the battle situation displayed on the terminal, with an insulted look.

Regarding this, the other girl beside her looked calm.

"The opponent's troops are still increasing. I'm afraid the mechas we brought from the headquarters won't last long. Do you need to ask Cocolia for help?"

Liesel Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in the world today, is the executor of the anti-entropy organization with Tesla. She is a "three noes" girl with light-colored natural curly hair .

Hearing Einstein's proposal, Tesla shook his head vigorously, reacting very violently.

"No, it's impossible! Jiwotou, even if I die, I won't ask that fox for help!"

Seemingly not surprised by this answer, Einstein remained calm.

"Then no... wait, what is this reaction?"


When the two doctors looked at the terminal together...

In the very center of the floating island, a golden beam of light descended from the sky, and people all over the world seemed to hear the hymn from heaven at the same time!

"How is this going?"

On the battlefield, Teresa, Jizi and the others stared blankly at the beam of light, unable to recover for a long time.

At the same time, the concentration of Houkai energy in the air is rapidly decreasing, and all mechas...whether they are destiny or anti-entropy, all stopped their activities at the same time, and the Houkai beasts attracted by the awakening of the Herrscher are even more powerful. They stood in place neatly, like statues.

The law of entropy increase has been reversed.

That means the world is downgrading!

The Holy One comes from here.

Chapter 181 Chapter 170 Chapter [-] Wanted

chaotic space.

In this "big world" containing countless universes, each "star" represents a completely independent world.

They are surrounded by a layer of law barrier called "World Wall", and everything inside is separated from the outside world, and they develop independently according to their own written destiny, without being affected by the chaotic space.

These are the "plot worlds" passed on by the super gods.

As we all know, after advancing to the god level and becoming a true god in the chaotic space, one has the power to roam the chaotic space.

But in fact, they can only "roam". As bystanders, it is difficult to "invade" each world.

As for why...

The reason is very simple, because most of the world walls are composed of complete chaos laws, and the true god of chaos is at most a "tourist" who has just comprehended the laws, and cannot open the strong "door locks" at all.

You can't even break through the world wall, and you still want to invade the world?

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