That's the truth.

But the reality is that most of the main members of the five major organizations are at this level.

Although they possess the power of true gods, they are proper "big bosses" in the eyes of the lower-level cute newcomers, but in fact they are some "cold food".

And the real bosses and powerhouses are those "pioneers" who can independently break through the world wall and open up new worlds, and they are also "intruders" and "robbers" that are hated by the aborigines and world consciousness in various worlds...

They are the first group of people who entered and survived when the super god space appeared. Nowadays, most of them are the first and second in command of the five major organizations, the "divine masters" who have destroyed and plundered countless worlds.

That's right, when the cultivation of the law is complete and it begins to form its own realm, the true god level will advance to the [divine master level], that is, the chaos god master.

It is worth mentioning that these super gods with god-level strength have different names within the major organizations:

For example, the main god of Tianshen Temple; the quasi-sage of Dongfang Taoist Pavilion; the Buddha of Muli Temple, etc.

As for the "Fantasy Township" composed of aboriginal super gods and the "Super God Alliance" built by Sanxian and wild gods, let's not talk about it here.

But now, in an inconspicuous chaotic star field, the god masters of the five major organizations have rarely gathered together.


"The Lord of Light has fallen..."

"Tsk tsk, I'm afraid the Temple of Heaven is in trouble now."

"Amitabha, this is the number of kalpas."

In addition to the three major organizations, Tenjin Temple, Dongfangdao Pavilion, and Muli Temple, there were also Gensokyo residents who were optimistic about the show, and members of the Super God Alliance who wandered around and said that "it has nothing to do with themselves".

Even so, as the "people who eat melons", the lowest among them has a high god, and they are like stars guarding behind the few "giants" in the center, standing in a clear line.

"Everyone, do you have any clues about the female divine master named [Final Yan]?"

The master of the Temple of Heaven, the main god who mastered the law of [darkness] glanced around and asked with a gloomy face.

His appearance is a giant shrouded in black mist. Every word he speaks can cause the surrounding chaotic void to tremble slightly. His strength is quite terrifying.

Hearing his words, several giants around looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Are you interrogating us?" At this moment, a cold female voice came, which also caused the void to vibrate.

Hearing this, all the gods including the Lord of Darkness looked over at the same time.

The line of sight penetrates the light of the law of the body protector, and what comes into view is a female fairy with a beautiful appearance and ethereal appearance. I can see her expression is frosty, cold and quiet, and her eyes seem to be able to freeze time and space.

Seeing this, the other giants showed a clear look, as if they were no longer surprised by it.

However, the Lord God of Darkness twitched his face, glanced at the Taoist couple standing beside him, shook his head, and said with a blunt smile:

"How could it be? I'm just asking everyone, I don't mean to cross-examine, the Qingling sage is thinking too much."


Regarding this, the female fairy whom he dubbed the "Sage of Qingling" snorted softly, put her hands on her chest, and said nothing more.


At any rate, it is also the existence that has plundered countless worlds. Although the anger in the heart of the Lord of Darkness has overflowed, there is no slight change on the surface, and he just continues to scan the people present.

After turning his gaze around, he finally stopped somewhere.

"Your Excellency Yakumo of Gensokyo, I don't know what you have..."

"Oh~ I'm just here to join in the fun, I don't know what you're talking about~"

The female voice pretending to be cute, came from a seemingly ordinary void.

"is it?"

Pulling the corner of his mouth, thinking of the other party's name, the Lord of Darkness decided not to pay attention.


The voice came again, only this time it was very serious.

"I can sense the remaining second-rank fluctuations in the gap...Of course, it wasn't left by the vice-master of your hall. By the way, there are a few little ghosts...well, that's all."

Hearing this, the gods present looked at each other again.

"The second turn of the God Master Realm?" The Dark Lord God nodded, with a thoughtful expression, "It seems that the other party is not [Protoss], but a wild god, interesting."

Then, he looked at the void again and smiled slightly.

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency Yakumo. From today onwards, the world under the rule of the Temple of Heaven will be open to everyone of the Monster Race for free, for a period of one hundred Chaos Years, as a token of gratitude."

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for the other party to respond, the Lord God of Darkness glanced at the God Lords present again, and declared indifferently:

"Everyone, from now on, on behalf of the Temple of Heaven, I will issue an arrest warrant to all the super gods in the super god space. As long as someone can provide the news of the [Final Yan] God Lord, my Temple of Heaven will definitely give you a generous gift!"


When the super god space was making a fuss about this, the master who caused all this... no, it should be said to be the "second master", has entered the world of the game between the tree of imaginary numbers and the sea of ​​quantum.

"Mei is really a genius, I never thought that the answer I've been looking for all this time is actually in me..."

Unlike Mei, who was "sent" in by the power of luck, the white-haired god——Kiana Kaslana broke the world wall with her own power and entered this world through the connection of Houkai energy.

"This world is actually located in the original sea, not in the chaotic star field... No wonder I haven't found its coordinates after searching in the Temple of Time and Space for nearly 3000 years... Who hid it in such a secret place?"

Thinking of this, she crossed the endless quantum sea and began to move towards the tree of imaginary numbers that seemed very close but was actually infinitely far away.

In fact, Mei doesn't know that the person she has always cared about the most is by her side, and because of the existence of soul space, an inseparable connection has been established between them.

This connection will not disappear even if the two are separated in the chaotic space.

However, Mei's understanding of the soul space is still very superficial, and she only stays in storage, growing vegetables, repairing, luck, etc., but knows nothing about its essence.

But Kiyana is just the opposite. If Mei's path is to "travel" to various worlds, then her destiny is to stay in the soul space to accept the "inheritance" and learn everything there...

"'s finally the day when you and I meet again. Whether you hate me or scold me, I don't want to run away anymore..."

"I don't expect your forgiveness, but no matter what, some things still need to be explained to you..."

Not caring about the strange "two gods opposing" scene in this world, or not having any interest in the tree of imaginary numbers and the sea of ​​quantum, Qiyana is very entangled in her heart at this time.

When she thought of the person she loved deeply, she who had suppressed and killed a god lord not long ago without blinking an eye was worried, and even a little timid and hesitant, and her previous temperament suddenly disappeared.

Obviously, whether it's Mei or Kiyana, they both regard each other as their most important person.

However, many times the two are like hedgehogs, wanting to get close but afraid of hurting each other.

"Mei, I'm here."

However, just as the tree of imaginary numbers was getting closer, like Mei before, as an outsider, Kiyana was quickly noticed by the two wills in the dark.

But this time, with the dual identities of [Final Herrscher] and [Chaos God Lord], she was hostile and expelled from the tree of imaginary numbers and the sea of ​​quantum at the same time...

Chapter 182 Chapter 170 Four

In fact, even if she hadn't deliberately explored it, Qiyana, who possessed the strength of the God Master Realm, could tell at a glance:

The tree of imaginary numbers represents the horizontal time axis, with infinite possibilities; while the quantum sea is essentially an expanding space, with the characteristics of infinite extension.

time and space.

This is a mighty power that mortals can't resist.


Although under the guidance of Mingming's will, the incomparable powerful quantum power surged out, shrouding Qiyana, an outsider, in it, intending to drag her into the deepest part of the quantum sea, the infinite abyss, to suppress it... …


The so-called space is meaningless to the [Final Form] that holds the power of the Second Herrscher.

"I am the collapse itself."

At that moment, Qiyana mobilized the power of the Herrscher in her body, activated the form of the final herrscher, and planned to resist with the power she possessed.

She discovered that although both the imaginary side and the quantum side of this world are hostile to her, they are still in a state of "hostility" in essence, and have not "dissolved their suspicions" because of her appearance.

This is an opportunity.

The Herrscher is undoubtedly the existence of the imaginary side, representing the will of Houkai, and has the effect of [restraint] on the quantum side itself.

In this case, Qiyana unfolds the form of the Herrscher of the End Yan, and incarnates the saint who controls the power of the Houkai, which can more easily disintegrate the targeted attack of the Quantum Will.

Facts have proved that it is true.

"Crush it! Space!"

With a wave of the spear tip, the entire area...even the Honkai energy on the tree of imaginary numbers in the distance was forcibly "recruited", and with the ultimate will, the layers of the sea of ​​quantum were shattered like "matrying dolls" The cage space, and escaped in an instant.


Quantum Will is outraged.

Its manifestation is that the endless quantum sea begins to "riot", and monstrous "waves" appear, and countless world bubbles perish.

This is the battle between gods and gods.

Hundreds of millions of creatures in the world are no different from ants, they can only suffer from the aftermath of the attacks from both sides.

At the same time, countless quantum shadows emerged one after another, desperately besieging and killing Qiyana, an outsider.

Although they are as insignificant as ants to Qiyana at this time, and they can destroy a lot of them with just a wave of hand, but...

As countless quantum shadows gathered together, many super-strong aggregates comparable to high gods and even half-step god masters appeared!

They are all existences that can easily destroy the world!

In fact, under the suppression of the tree of imaginary numbers in the past, quantum shadows of this magnitude would be wiped out before they were born.


Today's imaginary wills are intentionally let go, making them truly take shape, incomparably majestic, and gather together to kill Qiyana!

To be honest, for Mei, this no different from a hopeless situation.

There is no other reason, because there are too many aggregates and their strength is too strong!

If she is faced with this situation, she has only two options:

[-]. Break the boundary and escape from this world;

Two, agree to the request of the will of imaginary numbers and accept the shelter of the tree of imaginary numbers.

There is no other way.

However, it is not Mei who is facing all this now, but Kiyana Kaslana, who is also [Final Herrscher] [Chaos God Lord]...

Even due to the strange opportunity in the past, Qiyana at this time is no different from the second [Honkai God], equivalent to the foreign [Honkai Will]!

This is also the reason why the imaginary will is so hostile and drives her away.

One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

Therefore, facing the all-out strangulation of Quantum Sea, Qiyana didn't have any fear.

Because the so-called "God Lord of Chaos" is an existence that can truly destroy the universe!

"Are you finally serious?"

The white-haired god smiled slightly as he looked at those Quantum Shadow aggregates, which were as huge as "Sky Opening Giants" and exuded a half-step god-level aura.

"Then, I'll show off a little strength."

As soon as the words were finished, the white-haired god held the sharp gun tightly in both hands, placed it horizontally in front of his chest, and gently closed those golden eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the mark on the forehead and the pair of eyes-like wings on the back suddenly shone brightly!

"In the name of [Final Yan], God's punishment will be brought down!"

The next moment, the mark of annihilation belonging to [Final Herrscher] bloomed in the void of the universe, dazzling and eye-catching like eternal stars.

At the same time, whether it is the world bubble in the quantum sea or the parallel space on the tree of imaginary numbers, the "Final Herrschers" cast their gazes over one after another.

Same white hair, same golden eyes, same face...

Some of them have just appeared, some are clearing civilization, and some have completed their "tasks" and are "on standby"...

But there is no doubt that they are all [Final Herrscher].

This is the essence of Honkai, a screening mechanism for civilization.

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