It specifies:

For all the worlds born on the tree of imaginary numbers, only civilizations that adapt to collapse can survive and continue to develop, otherwise they will be "eliminated".

[End Yan] is the greatest test of the will of collapse to civilization.

But now, the power of these "destroyers" is being concentrated by Qiyana to fight against the Quantum Sea.

" must not like me the way I am now, right?"

The body of the white-haired god is growing rapidly, surpassing the worlds almost instantly, looking down at the dark aggregates of quantum shadows.

During this process, the attack from the aggregates that could destroy the world hit the girl, but in the end it didn't cause even a little bit of damage.

This is the gap, the gap between heaven and earth, the gap between the sun and the Milky Way, the gap between the true god and the divine master.

As Qiyana began to activate the power of her divine master, all obstacles were nothing to her.


Looking at Quantum Shadow's powerless appearance, Qiyana raised her hand expressionlessly, and the golden wings behind her trembled violently.

Immediately after...

In the endless void, a pair of golden eyes of gods illuminate the darkness.Wherever the ray of light reaches, the shadow of Quantum dissipates.


Suffering this blow, the quantum will in the dark seemed to be weakened, and all the tumbling "waves" subsided, and returned to its previous posture again.

Obviously, Qiyana won this battle!

Glancing at the boundless pool of "dead water" under his feet, the white-haired god turned around expressionlessly and looked at the giant tree leaning on the sky.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when the girl cast her gaze over it, the majestic tree of imaginary numbers trembled.

I'm afraid that the imaginary will in the dark has never thought that the "chosen child" he arranged to clean up civilization would grow to the present level, right?

Not only did he change from a "chess piece" to a "chess player", he even won "this game of chess"...

"Eliminating Honkai has always been my wish. In the past, my biggest dream was to let everyone live in a world without Honkai..."

"Now, I can finally do it."

To fight against the Quantum Sea, the girl used the power of the Herrscher on the side of imaginary numbers; since the current target is the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, it is obvious...

What should be used is the power of [Anti-Honkai].


Looking through the various worlds on the tree of imaginary numbers, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar faces, Qiyana suddenly changed her mind.

"Only this matter, I want to finish it with Mei."

In this regard, the will of imaginary numbers is of course impossible to sit still.

Honkai is a mechanism and a law. If it is tampered with and negated, is "it" still "it"?Can the tree of imaginary numbers continue to develop normally? !

So, facing the gaze of the white-haired god, even though it knew that the odds of winning were slim, it still launched its own offensive!

"Crack...! Crack...! Crack...!"

The sound of gears turning resounded through the void, and strange "time robots" began to emerge.

As I said before, the sea of ​​quantum represents an infinitely expanding space, while the tree of imaginary numbers represents a time with infinite possibilities.

Most of the time, the power of time is not directly used to attack, but an invisible influence.

Since ancient times, no matter the emperor or the common people, or even the high gods, most of them cannot escape the scouring of the long river of time.

Unfortunately, as another [Honkai God] of another Honkai world, Kiyana has already understood her [Past], [Present] and [Future], and was able to master this invisible power .

Time VS time, this duel itself is meaningless.

If it is possible to trap her in the endless space of the Sea of ​​Quantum, then the time of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers is destined not to have the slightest influence on her.

"Give up, I will definitely suppress the collapse, you can't stop it."

After easily resisting the "curse of time" imposed by the opponent, Qiyana released the form of Herrscher of the Last Yan, and instead activated the two existences in her body that were originally used to fight against Houkai:

The stigmata of the Kaslana family and the bloodline of the Shaniat family.

The former has super resistance to Houkai, while the latter has extraordinary Houkai control.

"Smelly dad...and Mama Cecilia, please lend your strength to Kiana."

As the white-haired girl opened her eyes again, the diamond-shaped pupils that belonged to the Herrscher Destroyer disappeared, and were replaced by round eyes that were no different from ordinary people. The color of the pupils changed from golden to orange, like the morning sun.

At the same time, the final war skirt on the girl's body has also changed into a gorgeous platinum dress, the skirt is engraved with the lily mark representing the Shaniat family, and the golden lines on her skin when she was a Herrscher are all hidden. went.

If she was as mighty and noble as a god in the form of Herrscher before, then she is now like a pure and innocent saint, giving people hope.

Saintess form - the bloodline of the Chaniat family and the stigmata of the Kaslana family have been stimulated to the extreme. In this state, the [Power of the Saint] is the nemesis of Honkai. The quantum side echoes.

"In the name of the Shaniat family, expel Honkai here!"

Facing the white-haired saint, all obstacles from the tree of imaginary numbers seemed so vulnerable.

She just waved her hand lightly, and those time robots named [Immortal Skeletons] began to disintegrate one after another, without even a chance of dying, they instantly turned into countless "sand grains" and dissipated in the void.

Because at that moment, the Houkai that made up their bodies could be "erased" by the power of the saint.


The restraint of the Holy Maiden's power was so strong that even the tree of imaginary numbers was shaken for a while, and the will in the dark dared not speak out, as if she was afraid that she would also be "purified".

Fortunately, at this time, Qiyana did not intend to "cut the weeds and eradicate the roots", but forcibly tore a "hole" in the tree of imaginary numbers, and then released the body of the God Lord and recovered most of the power.

Then, she became a normal person and began to "walk" along the connection in her soul.

The tree of imaginary numbers will not "run", and the task of eradicating Honkai can be completed at any time. What Qiyana wants to do most at this time is to see the black-haired girl as soon as possible.

"Mei, I'm here...huh?"

Just when she was about to send it directly, another very familiar but unstable breath appeared in her perception.

"This kind of it also Mei?"

Thinking of this, Qiyana began to move towards that breath involuntarily.

Because she felt that the other party's situation was not good at this time.

In fact, like Mei, neither of them will choose to sit idly by when Kiana (Raiden Mei) from another world is in danger.

Just like that, a dramatic scene happened:

Mei just defeated the second Herrscher in the imaginary space to save "Qiana", and at this time, Qiyana also planned to save "Raiden Mei" who was passively awakening.

This is fate.

"In that world...does 'I' exist?"

"Yes, who is it?! How could Kiana Kaslana in that world become..."

"Forget it, look at that half-dead look... let's borrow her body first, after all, it was too exhausting to use the source energy to destroy the god lord before, so I don't need to spend any more effort to suppress the power... Well, by the way, help She collects debts!"

Here comes the saint.


The last two pictures.

They are Kiyana's final form and saint form respectively, both from Houkai Academy II.

Regarding the plot of the Honkai world, the progress of Beng [-] is much faster than that of Beng [-], and many settings are also clearer. If you are interested, you can go and have a look. There is a special UP master on Bilibili to make the plot video of Beng [-].

Chapter 183 Chapter 170 Five Awakening with twists and turns

Mandate of Heaven headquarters in Europe.

This group of giant floating islands floats in the sky of the Mediterranean all year round. It is the administrative center of the Mandate of Heaven organization, and it is also the location of the core research facilities for fighting against Houkai.

It is worth mentioning that the Destiny Headquarters has nine main islands named after the "Nine Worlds" in Nordic mythology:

Midgard, Asgard, Helheim, Niflheim, Muspelheim, Jotunheim, Alfheim, Svartheim, Vanaheim.

Among them, the main island named "Asgard" has set up the Destiny Central Church and the meeting hall, which symbolize the highest power; while the main island of "Helheim" has established the most advanced Houkai energy system experiment of Destiny Chamber, representing the highest technology.


Two hours after No.20's mutiny in the Far East branch, in the Helheim laboratory.

"Continue to inject Honkai energy into the experimental cabin, and prepare to implant the gem of tranquility."

In the dark room, on the bright display screens, all kinds of data gushed out like spring water, making people dazzled.

And that mysterious man—Otto Apocalypse was looking up at the black-haired girl in the experimental cabin, with a puzzling smile on his angular face.

Hearing his order, the surrounding researchers in white coats began to work on their computers.

"Gulu! Gulu..."

As the procedures were executed one by one, the lavender Houkai energy solution in the experimental cabin began to bubble, and the color gradually turned pink, making people feel uncomfortable instinctively.

"Warning! The injection of the second stage has been completed, and the concentration of Houkai energy will soon exceed the predetermined threshold!"

In this regard, Otto seemed to have not heard the siren, and his face remained unchanged.

"Go on, this concentration is not enough."

Hearing this, the researchers looked at each other in blank dismay.


"Is there a problem?"

"Okay, okay!"

Sensing the unquestionable look in the man's eyes, they immediately swallowed many words and nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

As a Catholic bishop, Otto has always followed his word. Although the researchers felt that it was inappropriate to continue the experiment, they could only bite the bullet and do so.


Seeing this scene, Otto hooked the corner of his mouth.

In the past 500 years, he has mastered the destiny and stood at the top of the world. He has already grasped the hearts of the people thoroughly. How could he not know the thoughts of these people?

However, the entire Tianming headquarters has long been transformed by him into his own one-word hall, and all opposing voices have been completely wiped out, and no one can disobey his orders.

Here he, Otto Apocalypse, is the Mandate of Heaven.

Averting his eyes from the researchers and glancing at the dense data on the display, the smile on Otto's face deepened.

"The condensation of the Herrscher's core has come to an end...Come on, Third Herrscher, I'm looking forward to what surprises you can bring me."

As if responding to his words...

As a sea-blue diamond-shaped gemstone was forcibly implanted into the body by the machine, the black-haired girl in the crimson armor in the experimental cabin slowly opened her eyes!


Suddenly, the entire laboratory was plunged into darkness, only sporadic electric sparks were flickering.

"what happened?!"

"The power supply system is down?"

The researchers all stared at each other, completely unaware of what was going on.

And Otto himself shook his head.

"I didn't expect the ability of the Third Herrscher to interfere with the normal operation of Soul Steel..."

Afterwards, he raised his head, and his slack pupils focused on the experimental cabin again, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised slightly uncontrollably.

"Finally woke up... Start the backup Honkai furnace, and continue to inject Honkai energy into the experimental cabin!"


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