That man is crazy!

This was the first thing the researchers thought of when they heard this order.

"Bishop, if this continues..."

"Yurandal and the elites of [Blade of Immortality] are on standby outside the laboratory, what are you afraid of?"


This passage really answered the doubts of the researchers.

With the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny around, even Herrscher wouldn't be afraid, right?

Comforting themselves in this way, the researchers continued to carry out their orders.


With the activation of the Honkai Furnace and the backup circuit, the paralyzed research equipment lit up again.

Most importantly, when a large amount of Houkai was injected again, the black-haired girl in the experimental cabin gradually responded.

"Sure enough, my guess is correct. The Gem of Tranquility is not the core of the Herrscher in the true sense. Since it can be absorbed and used by the Second Herrscher, then the Third Herrscher can also do it!"

"Today, complete your awakening that was interrupted two years ago here! The Third Herrscher!"

Looking at the girl's purple eyes that were gradually glowing, Otto's heart was excited for a long time.

Use the Gem of Tranquility as a medium to awaken the true Third Herrscher, regardless of the consequences of doing so...

In the eyes of outsiders, such a crazy thing may only be thought of by Otto.


God does not fulfill one's wishes.

Just as the Third Herrscher's awakening reached the most critical moment, the ground suddenly shook.


"What happened again?!"

This time, not even Otto expected it.

"My lord bishop! A golden beam of light suddenly appeared in the direction of the central church!" Rita's surprised report came from the communication.

"What? Central Church?" Otto frowned suddenly.

And at this moment, a strange power fluctuation swept over.

Immediately afterwards, as if they had discovered something extraordinary, the researchers stared at the screen one by one, and their eyes widened in unison.

"Lord, bishop! The concentration of Houkai energy in the experimental cabin is dropping sharply! The awakening of the Herrscher has stopped!"


At the same time, in the imaginary number space.

"This throbbing is...?"

On the floating island made up of squares, Mei held the white-haired girl in her arms with one hand, and covered her chest with the other hand, frowning beautifully, with a very complicated expression on her face.

For some reason, from just now, she felt her heart beating so fast.

"Is something going to happen? Or... is this another kind of call from somewhere?"

And at this moment...


A sound of glass breaking rang in Mei's mind.

At the same time, what followed was a familiar feeling.

The power of the lawyer!

The crystallization of power she had deliberately gathered before was shattered.

"It's the Red Queen! Sure enough, something happened to the outside world..."

Thinking of this, Mei couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hey, it seems that I still can't wait for your arrival with peace of mind... Kiyana."

After sighing, she scanned the surroundings silently, and then hugged the unconscious girl in her arms tightly, thinking about it.

The Law of Thunder is activated, and the Armor of God emerges.


With a yell, the gauntlet held the Goddachi and swung it forward violently!

The goal - space!

"Open it for me!"



The imaginary number space was forcibly opened again.


As if startled, the white-haired girl in a coma actually voluntarily hugged Mei's arms.

"No, it's not... Mom, she's not fake... a lie..."

"Mei...don't leave me..."

"I have nothing left..."

Hearing the girl's heartbreaking ravings, Mei, who was just about to take a step, froze for a moment, and her face gradually softened.

Although she knew that the girl in her arms was not the "Qiana Kaslana" she knew, she still couldn't suppress the throbbing in her heart, and even had a little bit of luck...

In fact, Mei hasn't reunited with "Qiana" for too long, that yearning, that throbbing... just recalling the back in the chaotic space is not enough to fill the void in her heart.

In a sense, the previous "stunning glimpse" has greatly evoked the long-lost feelings in her heart...

Now, facing the girl with Kiyana's appearance in her arms, Mei felt that a string in her mind was about to snap.


Lowering her head, she gently stroked the loose white long hair of the girl in her arms, Mei murmured softly, her purple-red eyes were as gentle as water, and a certain kind of emotion was so strong that it couldn't be rippling. .

I'm afraid Mei doesn't even know how dazzling and touching the brilliance of motherhood is exuding from herself at this time.


The "hurricane" made of Houkai began to rush towards the crack, brushing Mei's half-purple black hair.

In this way, I don't know how long it has passed...

"Gulu Gulu...!"

If it wasn't for the Quantum Shadow reappearing in the crack, I'm afraid Mei would have been stuck in this strange state and couldn't extricate herself.

The wheel of fate began to turn.

Chapter 184 Chapter 170

" name is Anna, and they all call me Sister Anna."

"I have been living in this church since I was a child, and what I need to do every day is to pray and...experiment."

"They said that there are secrets buried in my body that can save the world, and many people can be saved. For this reason, I need to cooperate with them to do some research..."

"At the beginning, I didn't trust those people, because the experiment was too scary. Whether it was blood drawing or examination, it made me very painful every time."

"However... when I think of what the Supreme Bishop said to me and the high expectations he placed on me, I am not afraid of anything."

"Because, after my mother died in battle and that person abandoned me, he is the only person who is willing to adopt me and care about me. He is my most important relative. I don't want to disappoint him, let alone be abandoned and forgotten alone. gone."

"By the way, when I was a child, I had another name... um, Kiyana."


Destiny headquarters, Asgard main island, inside the central church.

"Is this the 'me' of this world? Fragile body, monotonous life, painful experience..."

"Based on my memory, the stinky daddy of this world still left 'me'...but..."

"The real situation is definitely not what this fool thinks, after all, Otto..."

"But he's never been a nice guy."

Opening her eyes, Qiyana still maintained her previous saintly form, and she slowly fell from mid-air, scanning the slightly shaking cathedral in front of her.

At this time, she is equivalent to a kind of "possession", conceptualizing her body and soul and "covering" it on this body.

Before this state is lifted, she is temporarily that "Qiana".

Of course, this will not cause any harm to the original poor "Qiana".

On the contrary, the powerful power of the saint can also "reverse input", repairing various ailments caused by many years of experiments on this body, and even nourishing the soul.

Generally speaking, under Qiyana's intentional control, this kind of attachment state is beneficial to the body and mind of that "Anna", but not harmful.

"Unfortunately, the Shaniat bloodline and Kaslana's stigmata in this body are essentially different from what I have. They cannot be coordinated at a deeper level, let alone awaken the sleeping saint's power."

"It seems that this world started from the 'Original Era', Mei... No, Dr. Mei herself and the information left for future generations are different from what I understand."

"This world has embarked on another unknown path."

After quickly sorting out the situation of herself and her surroundings, Qiyana started to walk towards the outside of the church.

"The connection between the Third Herrscher and the imaginary space has been cut off by me remotely, and the awakening state has stagnated. The nearby Houkai energy has also been greatly weakened by the influence of the power of the saint, and the entire floating island group seems to be lost. I lost some motivation..."

The orange-yellow eyes were constantly glowing with a little bit of fluorescence. Under the perception of divine sense, pieces of information were filtered and screened by Qiyana, and valuable information was extracted.

And she herself seemed to ignore the violently shaking floor, moving forward calmly.


"Are you here?"


As the door of the church was kicked open with brute force, the strongest blonde Valkyrie arrived!

"who are you?"

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar white-haired girl, Youlandal raised the white knight spear - the Sixth God's Key, Heiyuan Baihua, and asked with a frown.

Due to the failure of the power system, the entire Asgard main island is shaking constantly, facing the danger of falling every moment.

And as the Valkyrie of Destiny, Youlandell is of course obliged to "troubleshoot" as soon as possible.

So there is the current situation.

"Qiana Kaslana" Facing Yolandelle's questioning, Kiyana said her name calmly.

"No, there is only one nun named Anna here."

In this regard, Youlandal shook his head slowly, put down the knight gun, and took a step closer.

The atmosphere gradually became tense.

However, Qiyana still looked calm and unhurried, and didn't even slow down her pace.

"I don't need to lie to you. Also, the world bubble in your body...was the Quantum Sea sent you here?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about. I just want to ask you, did you cause this situation?" Frowning, Youlandelle's expression became a little unkind.

"It's okay, but..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Before Kiyana could finish explaining, Youlandal raised the knight's gun with one hand, pointing the tip at the former's throat, "Surrender obediently, or don't blame me for being merciless!"

Looking at the white spear tip that was shining with cold light, Qiyana finally paused and smiled nostalgicly.

"The weapon in your hand... Mom used to use it."

As soon as the words fell, she took another step, bypassing the knight spear, ignoring the obstruction, and passing the dull-faced Youlandelle.

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