"Rumble rumble..."

The ground was still shaking, and even began to tilt slightly, but the white-haired girl was not affected in the slightest, and walked out of the church as if walking on flat ground.

In this regard, Youlandelle slowly lowered her head, clenched her fists with both hands, and the blond hair on her forehead fell down, making it difficult to see her expression at this time.

"You... accept the sanctions!!"

Being so ignored, how can Youlandelle, who has always advocated "sanctioning everything with violence", endure it?


Turning around, he punched out.

In the past, even if the opponent is a temple-level Honkai beast, it can be easily beaten into the air.

But for Youlandal, not using a weapon is considered merciful.



The opponent just stretched out a hand, and blocked the punch without looking back!


Opening his mouth, Youlandal just wanted to say something, then suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Beng... Can Honkai disappear?!"

That's right, just now, she suddenly noticed that the power overflowing in her body...that is, the Honkai energy disappeared without a sound!

As we all know, the reason why Valkyries have the power to fight against Houkai is that, in addition to possessing Houkai resistance that ordinary people do not have, it is because they can "control Houkai energy" to fight to a certain extent.

In the past, as long as the Valkyries could control the Houkai energy in their bodies, even if it was limited, they could greatly strengthen the various abilities of the body, thus possessing superhuman strength or speed.

In the same way, if the Honkai power is lost...

Then not only will the Valkyrie armor lose most of its effects and become a set of "armor", even the physical fitness of the S-rank Valkyrie will be greatly reduced, and sometimes she will even become an "ordinary person" .

But now, Ulandale encountered such a situation.

"It is possible to neutralize the Houkai energy without the enemy even noticing it... How is this possible? Who are you?!"

Looking at that figure from behind, Youlandell's face was full of disbelief.

Regarding this, Qiyana still did not stop.

"Don't stop me anymore, because you are the heir of Heiyuan Baihua, I don't want to hurt you."

Hearing this plain voice, Youlan Delton suddenly felt that a string in her head was broken.

"Come on, what are you kidding! When did I, Youlandelle, need to be treated like a weak person by others?! Stop joking!!"

As soon as the words fell, she raised the white knight spear in her hand with all her anger, and stabbed straight at the back.



As soon as he took a step, Youlandelle felt that he lost all his strength.

"how come……?!"

Supporting her body with the cavalry gun, she managed not to collapse on the ground. She raised her head and looked at the receding figure, her eyes trembling slightly.

"Let's experience the feeling of ordinary people. Honkai... this kind of power will disappear in the world sooner or later." The white-haired saint waved her hand and continued to move forward.

"what are you saying?"

Youlandelle was dumbfounded.

Expel Honkai is the duty of the Valkyrie, and it has always been her mission.

But now...

As if feeling the unbelievable sight, Qiyana who walked to the door of the church finally stopped and turned her head slowly.

"I, Kiana Kaslana, will fulfill my duties as a saint and purify the collapse of this world. At that time, all the Valkyries will return to the lives of ordinary people, and they will no longer have to fight collapsed and sacrificed himself..."

"By the way, don't use the power of the Quantum Sea in your body so easily. After all, I angered a certain will not long ago. If you reveal it for a meaningless battle, you Maybe the World Bubble it carries will be forcibly taken back."

"Goodbye then."

After a slight smile, the white-haired girl disappeared from Youlandelle's sight in the face of the falling sunlight.

"Is this person... really Kiyana?"

Thinking of this, Youlandelle slowly lowered his head.

There is no doubt that she lost again.

The so-called "strongest" name is really ironic to her at this time.

The church fell silent again until...


"Master Ulandal! Are you alright?!"


Chapter 185 Chapter 170 Chapter [-] Rescue

How big is the Tianming headquarters?

Fortress class?

No, as long as you have really seen it, you will never think it is just a "fortress".

If you insist on describing...

City, floating city!

The "City in the Sky" is composed of nine main islands and airports in the middle!

Walking through it, looking at the dense clouds, the blue sky, and the high-tech buildings reflecting the sun... It really gives people a sense of sacredness and vastness like walking in heaven.

Ordinary people would never believe that this is a human creation.

It's unbelievable-this is the true emotion that arose in the hearts of most countries in the world when they learned about the behemoth "Mandate of Heaven".

Because this is not modern technology at all... No, the existence that modern humans can fight against!

Mandate of Heaven, in a sense, is an organization above the civilization of this era.

Whether it's the monopoly on the collapse of knowledge, or the powerful Valkyrie troops, or those black technologies that transcend the times... These are its most effective bargaining chips and deterrents, and they are also what governments of all countries desire. But something to be afraid of.


"Human beings in this world are still kept in the dark by the destiny, and they don't know anything about the threats they face and the suffering they suffer..."

"Bengkai, this enemy that should gather the power of all mankind to fight against it has not only been made public, but has also become a bargaining chip used by some people to seek benefits. In the past, everyone and I have fallen into this vortex of their interests. Extricate yourself..."

"It is impossible to rely on these people to defeat Honkai. Destiny has never been a 'destiny', but a dictatorship."


Flying in the air, Qiyana did not marvel at the magnificence of the floating island group in front of her. Instead, she glanced at it to understand the general situation, and then began to firmly move in one direction.

Along the way, the various empty islands that pass by seem to be in chaos:

The battleship cannot be started, the anti-aircraft gun system is malfunctioning, the power of the mecha is paralyzed, and the weapons and armor used by the Valkyries are temporarily reduced to a pile of "scrap iron"...

The most important thing is that they are not able to fly autonomously like Qiyana.

In this way, Qiyana entered the airspace of the target almost unimpeded, without any meaningful obstruction.

And the goal of her trip...

Raiden Mei, the third Herrscher in this world, although the awakening of the Herrscher was forcibly interrupted by Kiyana, the girl is still in danger.

She, Kiyana, can't stand by and watch!


Looking at the factory-sized laboratory below, Qiyana began to fall without hesitation.

Distance has never been a problem for her. If it weren't for some other considerations, she would have used the ability of the Herrscher of the Sky to teleport directly to Mei Lei.


Landing steadily, the girl's skirts on both sides turned up like waves, and was captured by gravity again, covering the sudden spring light.

Since it was already noon, the sun was directly above, and the sunlight was very bright, and the silky cloth with golden edges on the white background reflected the dazzling golden light, and the white hair up to the waist fluttered in the wind, smooth and supple like satin .

"Helheim Laboratory?"

Walking on the special alloy floor, listening to the "da da" sound from the soles, Qiyana narrowed her eyes slightly.

Although she has never been to this world, and she knew little about the headquarters of Tianming before that, but...

The original owner of this body - the girl named "Anna" is very familiar with it.

In Anna's memory, the supreme bishop had taught her more than once to know the place where she lived, and conveyed knowledge such as what buildings were in the headquarters, what functions they played, and so on.

But the strange thing is that although the supreme bishop often introduced her to the headquarters and the world, he told her very seriously:

It is not allowed to leave the central church privately on weekdays.

Funny, right?

Obviously teaching people to know the outside world, but locking them in a small church like raising a canary...

If it were any other girl, she would definitely not be obedient.


Because of the experience of being abandoned by her father when she was young, the girl who changed her name from "Qiana" to "Anna" was very afraid of being abandoned by others again, so for more than ten years, no matter how lonely she was, she Nor did he choose to disobey the order of the supreme bishop.

"It's really sad."

After browsing through the tragic memory in her mind again, Qiyana clenched her fists and quickened her pace.

"Let me recover all this for you!"

As she continued to move forward, she was getting closer and closer to her destination—the huge Houkai reactor in the center of the laboratory.

The power fluctuation of the Third Herrscher is located just below the reactor.

But at this moment...


The frozen warehouse on the west side of the laboratory suddenly exploded, and a large number of building debris surrounded by thick smoke soared into the sky. Strangely, no flames were seen.


Immediately afterwards, figures in white coats with death-gray skin rushed out of the warehouse, slapped their burning bodies frantically, and let out roars that did not resemble human beings.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Qiyana frowned slightly.

"A dead man? No, low-level infected people who are not even dead men are caused by the brain being controlled by the Houkai power."

Before she could make a move, a figure rushed out of the warehouse again.

It was a "punk style" knight-level Honkai Beast, half human and half horse.

I saw that the Honkai energy spear he held was transformed into an iron weapon, and the horse he was riding was studded with various metal pieces. The disc-shaped head was equipped with coils and a large number of wires were inserted into it...

This Honkai beast seems to have gone through various experiments.

Obviously, the person who performed the surgery on it must hope to control the Houkai Beast in this way.


Looking at the mortal researchers and the shocking bloodstains on the knight-level Honkai beasts, Kiyana slowly shook her head and let out a sigh.

"The idea is very good, but I want to use technological means to control the Houkai Beast... Unfortunately, even the former Dr. MEI failed to do it."

It is not difficult to destroy the Houkai Beast, but it is as difficult as heaven to control it.

Because of the existence of "Honkai Pan Will", all Honkai creatures have instinctive hostility towards humans, and it is impossible to completely eliminate it.

"Let me set you free."

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