Sigh, sigh, Qiyana will naturally not sit idly by when she sees this kind of thing.

Along the way, due to her arrival, the Destiny Mecha and the counterattack turret powered by the Honkai Energy have broken down, and even the Valkyries who were originally stationed have fallen into a weak state one by one, unable to stop her advance.

But now, if these Honkai creatures that escaped from the laboratory were allowed to wreak havoc and kill everywhere, wouldn't it be equivalent to her, Qiyana, personally killing those innocent Valkyries?

Although she has experienced too many unimaginable things, she has changed a lot compared to the innocent and kind-hearted young lady of Europe, but...

She is still "Qiana Kaslana" in essence, the No.60 ninth-generation descendant of the Kaslana family, and the new saint of the Shaniat family!

Even if her hands were already stained with the blood of innocent people, even if her former relatives and friends had already died in her hands, even if the original world had been destroyed by her herself...

but no matter……

"At least I can't live up to the power of this saint! This is what my mother left me to fight against the Houkai!"

After making a decision in her heart, Qiyana raised her hand seriously, aiming at the Honkai creatures that kept escaping from the warehouse.


At that moment, the orange-yellow light representing hope flickered slightly, spreading out from the fingers in an invisible manner.

Immediately, the concentration of Houkai energy in the surrounding environment, which was originally lower than the normal value, dropped again, and the anti-gravity system installed on the main island of Helheim also followed in the footsteps of "Asgard", and the output power began to drop rapidly .

"Rumble rumble..."

Strong vibrations appeared in this laboratory again.

At the same time, the knight-level Honkai beast instantly disappeared, leaving only those metal objects and coils falling to the ground alone, and so were the infected people.

"Clap! Clap! Clap..."

Suddenly, a burst of applause came from far and near.

Chapter 186 Chapter 170 VIII The Arrival and Meeting of Each Other

"Clap! Clap! Clap..."

Following a burst of unhurried applause, the blond man in the purple bishop's uniform slowly walked out of the shadows.

"Welcome...His Royal Highness, please allow me to call you this, because there is probably no one in this world who is more suitable for this title than you."

The sound is still full of magnetism, which makes people feel good.

However, Qiyana was unmoved.

"Otto Apocalypse... Hehe, you actually showed up on your own initiative?"

Looking at the white-haired girl who stopped in her tracks and smiled mysteriously, Otto smiled slightly.

Immediately after...


"Protect the safety of the Bishop!"

With the sound of brisk footsteps, a group of black-clothed Valkyries holding weapons and wearing masks rushed out from around and surrounded Qiyana.

The strongest Valkyrie team——Blade of Immortality!

Regarding this, Qiyana just glanced lightly, still showing no fear.

Seeing this scene, Otto frowned calmly and shook his head slowly.

After receiving his signal, the Valkyries silently dispersed.

"Oh? Your Highness actually knows me?" Otto asked with a faint smile after the Immortal Blade team dispersed.

But Qiyana still didn't give him a good face.

"I'm Kiyana Kaslana, what do you say?"

The moment he heard this name, Otto's dark green pupils visibly shrank.

But in order to avoid exposing his heart, he subconsciously lowered his head, put his hand to his mouth and gave a fake cough, and then returned to normal again.

"Are you...are you joking? And according to my observation and information, the so-called 'Qiana' doesn't have the power to control the Houkai like you, let alone control and disperse the Houkai at will." It's bad..."

Speaking of this, a flattering smile appeared on his handsome face.

"There is no doubt that you are the saint who is destined to lead mankind into a new era! In the face of the power you just demonstrated, Her Royal Highness, I am afraid that even the Herrscher is vulnerable?"

"I wonder if Your Highness the Holy Maiden is interested in our destiny?"

It can dispel the Houkai energy out of thin air, even remotely cut off the connection between Herrscher and the imaginary space, and seal all its power...

This is the real "Heurscher Killer"!

Otto roared inside.


Even though Otto hadn't concealed the fanaticism in his eyes at all, and even thought of pulling her into the gang, Qiyana was still unmoved, and even frowned.

"Pull it up, flattery is what I hate the most, especially if the other party is an out-and-out hypocrite! How is Mei?"

"I don't understand what you're saying..."

Hearing Kiana's questioning, Otto subconsciously wanted to play dumb.

But as soon as he felt the former's suddenly sharp gaze, he changed his tone in embarrassment but politely.

"Well, Miss Mei is safe and well, resting under my arrangement, please rest assured."

"is it?"

Hearing this, Kiyana slowly closed her eyes.

Then, the aura on his body exploded suddenly.

"Then it's time to collect debts from you!"


"Captain! The power of the propeller is seriously insufficient, we are about to fall with the transport ship!"

"Don't fall! Start all the spare reactors for me! Keep the output power! No matter what, absolutely don't fall!"


Destiny Headquarters, above the third airport, a white-painted floating warship is slowly falling.

It is the Hyperion.

Compared with before, this battleship is obviously more powerful and imposing, and it feels more in line with the definition of "battleship cannon".

After the transformation, the Huberian not only doubled its hull size, but also upgraded the original old-fashioned jet port to a high-power Houkai energy propeller, which greatly increased its sailing speed.

However, this is precisely the source of disaster today.

Due to the influence of the power of the saint, the propellers of the battleship turned off almost instantly, and the energy transmitted from the Honkai Furnace "disappeared" directly. As a result, the power system suffered a serious failure...

It is no exaggeration to say that the "wings" of the Hyperion have been broken at this time.

However, fortunately, as the captain, Ji Zi responded in a timely manner and decisively issued the order, which saved the battleship from the fate of "death before leaving the battle" at the time of the incident.


What should come will always come.

"What should I do? It's too late for the power system to recover! If this continues, the Hyperion will really crash!" Teresa, who had just boarded the bridge, was already sweating profusely, and there was even a hint of panic in her tone.

Ji Zi, who was standing aside, also had an ugly face.

"Damn it, I thought it was a good thing that all the Destiny Mechas were suddenly paralyzed. We can take this opportunity to go straight to the center of the headquarters... I didn't expect the retribution to come so soon!"

After thinking over and over again, looking at the full screen of warnings, she bit her lip and made a final decision:

"Pass my order! Everyone is ready to abandon the ship! I'm afraid Huberian will never be rescued, but we can't be buried with him!"

But at this moment, a bloody "shooting star" suddenly hit the distant sky!

The first person to spot it was Bronya who stood silently on the edge of the bridge.

"Major Himeko, is that...?"

The silhouette of a robot emerged from behind the girl.

Hearing Bronya's words, Ji Zi and Teresa froze for a moment, and then looked in the direction she pointed at in unison.

"It's her again!"

Seemingly remembering something, Ji Zi instantly opened his eyes wide.

"Do you need to launch an attack? Captain" an operator sitting in front asked in turn.

Obviously, this operator also knew about the previous invasion incident on the battleship.

But before Jizi could make a decision, Teresa shook her head.

"No! Wait, if she really calls herself Raiden Mei as you said, Himeko, she will never hurt us."

Hearing this, Ji Zi frowned.

"Principal, the safety of the entire ship is tied to a stranger... forgive me."

But Teresa was stubborn.

"Trust me! Ji Zi, this is my intuition!"

"Bronya also believes in what the headmaster said, sister Mei will not hurt us."

For some reason, Bronya also spoke at this time.

Sensing the eyes of those two petite girls, Ji Zi pursed her lips.

Finally, she sighed.

"...Well, you are the supreme commander of the Far Eastern branch, and I will follow orders."

Immediately afterwards, Ji Zi looked at the shooting star displayed on the main control screen again.

"Don't fire! Let her come!"

However, what surprised them was that the bloody meteor didn't hit the bridge directly, but passed under the ship at a deflected angle.

"What's going on? Didn't she come for us this time?"

Just when Himeko was puzzled by this, Teresa suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"No! She wants to..."

"Warning! Warning! Herrscher fluctuations are detected on the bottom of the ship, and the intensity is rising!"

The alarm sounded, and almost everyone fell into surprise.


Before Jizi could ask, Teresa took over the command forcefully:

"Connect to the surveillance system in the airport! Focus the camera on the target area!"

"Obey, Lady Teresa!"

Immediately afterwards, a monitoring screen appeared on the main control screen:

It was a man wrapped in a black robe, covering his entire body in shadow.Not only that, judging from the graceful figure outlined by the black robe and the tufts of purple hair that slipped out of the hood, it should be a woman.

However, at this moment, the black-robed woman is raising one hand, her palm pointed at the Hyperion... Most importantly, in front of her, a ferocious blood-colored gauntlet seems to be imitating her actions , also clinging to the bottom of the boat in a lifting posture.

What was really surprising was that streaks of bloody currents were rapidly spreading along the bottom of the ship with the gauntlets as the center.It may not be conspicuous at first, but soon it is like a big net, covering the entire floating warship.

Then, when a dazzling blood-colored light emanated from the connection between the gauntlet and the bottom of the ship, the blood-colored electric current covering the hull instantly submerged into the hull!


Almost at the next moment, the propeller at the tail of the battleship sprayed out faint blue flames again.

The Hyperion finally stopped falling.

"Captain! The power system has returned to normal!"

As the operator's surprise report came, everyone on the bridge showed joyful smiles for the rest of their lives.

"Sure enough, she came to help us... Phew."

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