Hearing Teresa's obviously relieved words, Jizi and Bronya nodded in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, the figure on the screen suddenly disappeared!

Then, without anyone reacting, she appeared on the deck again.


Seeing this scene, the operators were all waiting for Jizi's next instruction.

But compared to just now, there was no anxiety and hostility in their eyes at this time.

Facing their eyes, Ji Zi smiled and nodded.

"Well, let her come over..."

But at this moment, Teresa who was standing beside her seemed to have discovered something again.

"Wait! The person she's holding...is Kiyana!!!"


Chapter 187 Chapter 170

On the deck of the Hyperion.

After taking a close look at the brand new battleship, Mei finally chose to return Kiana.

"Queen Red, continue to observe the situation on the battlefield, and I'll be there right away."

After giving an order to a certain artificial intelligence who has been playing the role of "observer", she reached out and untied the shackles of the evasion clothes, and firmly caught a certain white-haired girl who had slipped from her arms, and gently placed her on the up the deck.


Seeing the girl's peaceful sleeping face, Mei slowly raised her head, silently glanced at the bridge, then turned around, facing away from the sun.

I was destined not to be able to integrate into them.

Because I am not from this world...

Just when Mei was about to leave, a familiar call made her stop immediately:

"Sister Mei!"

Turning sideways slightly, Mei saw a figure flying towards her.

Familiar half-body armor... Familiar petite girl... Familiar drill hairstyle...

Bronya—she couldn't help shouting in her heart.

However, on the surface, Mei is indifferent, as if staring at a stranger.

"You got the wrong person."

Deliberately lowering her voice, and putting the few strands of exposed hair back into the hat, Mei turned around again.



With the sound of breaking through the air, that familiar breath came one after another.

And Mei subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but her body fell into a sluggish body, so she was hugged by the other party.

"No, Bronya did not admit her mistake!"

Ethereal, indifferent but with a hint of immature strange voice, the tone contained deep firmness... The petite girl who flew over hugged Mei like this, and put her head on her back.

"In this world, besides Xi'er, the one person Bronya will never mistake is you! Sister Mei!"

"No matter what you look like, Bronya will recognize you at first sight!"

"Your tenderness is unique to Bronya!"


Hearing this, Mei was taken aback, and slowly lowered her head.


A breeze came from the front and poured into the windbreaker, and the black hood was blown off.

The shadows dissipated, and the sun shone on the beautiful and flawless side face. At the same time, this scene was also captured by Bronya.

"It really is you, sister Mei."

Seeing this, the girl with double diamond hair curled her lips as hard as she could, showing a faint smile.

This is already the limit for her who lacks feelings.

"I'm really not good at disguising..." With a wry smile, Mei turned around.

At this time, Teresa and Himeko also ran over.

"Mei! It's really Mei!"

"Sorry, I was too cautious before, thank you for your help just now, Mei."

In response, Mei slowly shook her head, then smiled slightly at Bronya.

"You don't need to apologize, Mr. Jizi, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just... I'm definitely not the Raiden Mei you know."

Hearing this, Teresa and Jizi looked at each other in blank dismay.

"This? Could it be Grandpa's good deed again? And Mei, you look like...?"

Subconsciously touched her forehead, and found that the two scarlet ghost horns were not there, Mei sighed slightly.

"The specific situation is not clear at the moment. I will explain it later when I have time. The most important thing now is..."


Before she could finish speaking, a sudden explosion sounded from a distance, and billows of black smoke slowly rose.

Teresa and the others suddenly changed their expressions.

"It's the direction of Helheim's laboratory! We're planning to go there to rescue you, Mei!"

"Save me?" Mei frowned, then suddenly remembered something, her eyes widened suddenly, "Not good!"

Immediately afterwards, she only had time to bid farewell to Teresa and the others before disappearing in place in an instant, turning into a streak of bloody lightning and flying towards the direction where the smoke and dust rose.

"She is this?"

Seeing the direction Mei left, Teresa tilted her head with a dazed expression.

Ji Zi reacted quickly.

"Principal, we have to hurry up with Dr. Tesla and the others! Something unexpected may have happened in the laboratory! Bronya, send Kiyana back to the medical cabin and check her current body situation!"

"Bronya received."


At this time, the Helheim laboratory was devastated, and various craters were densely displayed on the building and the ground, which was shocking.

The scene fell into a confrontation:

On one side is Qiyana in the form of a saint;

On the other side is the Immortal Blade Squad with hot weapons and its captain and deputy captain.

After discovering that the Houkai energy weapon was ineffective against Qiyana, this Valkyrie team with the strongest destiny decisively chose cold weapons and traditional hot weapons to fight the enemy, and the previous explosion was also caused by this.

"I admit that I used to be afraid of the power that Siegfried possessed, and because of that, I committed...well, crimes, but all of this is for the sake of the prosperity and stability of this world and destiny."

Otto, who was guarded by the Valkyries in the center, was still delivering his "speech", trying to erase Qiyana's hostility towards him and Destiny, so that he could "join the group".

Regarding this, Qiyana's complexion became more and more unkind.

"Shut up! What kind of world, you are only doing it for your own selfish desires! Do you think I, Qiyana, will believe these nonsense you said?"

Inside, it hurts slightly.

It was the sadness and despair of a girl named "Anna" after learning the truth.

Just now, when the supreme bishop personally told the truth of the year, she found out...

It turned out that the existence that I have always regarded as my benefactor is the chief culprit that caused the ruin of my family!

"Give me death!"

The despair emanating from Yuan's body deeply hurt Qiyana's heart, making her determined to use her true power to "revenge"!

As she raised her hand, orange light suddenly radiated from her whole body, and gathered in her palm to form a Holy Spear of Shaniat of [Extinction Honkai].

Immediately, the concentration of Houkai energy in the surrounding area decreased again, and even formed a magical "Saint Magnetic Field", which automatically resisted the invasion of Houkai from outside.

It is foreseeable that in the next period of time, the Tianming headquarters will become a complete "Honkai-free area".

"It's unbelievable..."

Seeing this scene, not only did Otto not feel the tension before the crisis, but he was full of surprise on his face.


There is a saying: "The emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry."

Faced with Kiyana's mighty blow, whether it was Youlandelle or the other team members of the Immortal Blade, most of them were dignified.

And the first to attack was the vice-captain Rita Rossweisse.

"Don't even think about hurting the Bishop!"

Before the last Houkai could disappear, she held a huge ice crystal sickle, with a hazy human-shaped phantom floating behind her, and launched a joint strangulation towards Kiyana.

At the same time, a blue-haired Valkyrie with a single ponytail shouted:

"Cover the deputy captain! Everyone attack!"

Immediately afterwards, various muzzle flames mixed with the sound of firing invaded the surrounding space, and a large number of projectiles and shells rushed towards Qiyana.

"Go away!"

With just a wave of her hand, Rita, an S-rank Valkyrie, was blown away.

And those incoming metal projectiles and shells "passed" directly from Kiyana's body, as if piercing through a "phantom", and then continued to fly backwards, destroying everything around the laboratory.

Also real and fantasy.

The attacks issued by all the Valkyries could not leave even the slightest scar on Qiyana's body, the two sides simply did not exist in the same dimension!


Seeing the embarrassment of his vice-captain, Youlandell's face turned cold, and he almost gritted his silver teeth.

Afterwards, she looked at the white-haired girl holding the Holy Spear high and looked like a god, and angrily pulled out the Knight Spear from the floor, and declared without fear:

"Whether you are Kiyana or not, accept the sanctions for me! King, Queen!"

Immediately afterwards, two giant self-propelled phantoms flew out of the armor, one holding a sword and the other holding a shield, attacking Qiyana!

"That's it?"

Seeing this, Qiyana's face remained unchanged, she didn't even move, she just released the majestic power of the saint in her body...

As the orange-yellow light swept across, not only did the two self-propelling phantoms melt like ice and snow, but it also turned the moon soul armor on Youlandal into a pile of scrap iron, no longer able to use it. It doesn't work anymore.

This familiar scene severely hurt someone's nerves...

Chapter 188 Chapter 180

"Insufficient Honkai energy! Unable to activate the corresponding module!"

"Damn it! Why is it like this again?! There was Raiden Mei before, and now it's you, Kiyana...you forced me!"

"The world unfolds!"


The airspace range of the destiny headquarters.

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