"Sure enough, this familiar power fluctuation...is it because of me?"

As the distance to the destination gets closer, Mei can perceive a connection that originates from the Herrscher... no, it belongs exclusively to the Herrscher of Thunder!

Recalling the information provided by Queen Hong, a vague guess emerged in her heart:

That is, there can only be one Herrscher of Thunder in this world!Due to his own stimulation, the Herrscher in "Raiden Mei" awakened ahead of time!

"If that's the case..." Gritting her teeth, Mei accelerated her flying speed, "I in this world, please hold on for a while!"


As she broke into a certain field, the power of the Herrscher in her body suddenly began to gather and stimulate spontaneously as if she had encountered a natural enemy!


The power belonging to the Herrscher of Thunder erupted uncontrollably, causing all electronic equipment in the surrounding area to be scrapped instantly.

"This kind of power...?!"

Feeling the invisible pressure in the air, Mei suddenly opened her eyes wide.

She who has become a true god actually encountered an enemy in this world?

And the power possessed by the other party seems to have a natural restraint effect on Honkai? !

"Could it be another traverser of the super god space?"

My heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the sea.

As she continued to fly in the sea of ​​clouds, leaving the floating islands behind, under the influence of unknown powerful enemies, Mei once again unfolded her samurai-turned-herrscher form.

Ghost horns, divine rings, gauntlets...

Although the aura she exudes has been restrained to the extreme, the light of law surrounding her still makes her look like a red sun.

Facing an unknown strongman, Mei had to prepare for the worst...

Finally, when a surging force from the Quantum Sea erupted again, the huge outline of the laboratory appeared in sight.

"Is it Youlandelle? Could it be that she is attacking that enemy?"

"But...why did her power fluctuations disappear in an instant?"

"Have you been defeated?"

Just when Mei was thinking this way, the sky suddenly darkened, and a kind of will came from somewhere...

"Quantum will..."

Sensing that powerful aura, Mei's face became more serious.


The expected collision didn't happen.

That will comes and goes quickly, and it seems that there is no intention of staying.

"What's going on? Was it intercepted by the imaginary will?"

Full of doubts, Mei continued to move towards the laboratory, but seemed very cautious and cautious.

Although neither the imaginary side nor the quantum side can interfere and control her, as a "newcomer" who has just stepped into the true god level, Mei has no intention of fighting with them.

She will not cooperate with them, nor will she be against them, she will not interfere with each other, just do her own thing.

After all, Mei Lei Lei is just a passerby after all...

As time passed, she finally flew into the airspace of the main island of Helheim.

"In the end what happened?"

With superhuman vision, Mei quickly scanned the entire laboratory, and then...

There's no after that.


The moment a certain white-haired girl appeared in her eyes... everything else disappeared.

At that moment, there was no battlefield, no solemnity, or even this world in Mei's sight... only that girl.

"Are you really here to intervene? Even if you run fast, but next time..."

And as if sensing something, the person who was muttering to himself suddenly trembled, and then slowly turned his head, meeting Mei's gaze.

At that glance, thousands of years have passed.


"Qiana... I finally found you."


"Looking at your school uniform, you seem to be a senior student. What's your name?"

That year, on the cherry blossom road in the academy, a white-haired girl with a gun in one hand and a club in the other ran up panting and asked her this question.

This was the first sentence the girl named Kiana spoke to her.

It's a pity that at that time, she had long since stopped paying attention to everything outside, and even planned to give up control of her body, concentrating on indulging in the memories of the past.

"Hey! Are you dumb? Can you give me some feedback?"

Seeing that she didn't respond, the white-haired girl frowned and asked again.


Seeing this, the white-haired girl sighed, shaking her head helplessly.

"Hey~ It looks like I must have been frightened... No matter, I can't protect myself now, you should find a hidden corner and hide."

scared?what does that mean?

This girl is so weird...

——This was her thought at the time.


Suddenly, many dead soldiers wearing the uniforms of Senba Academy began to approach from the other side of the cherry blossom road, and it seemed that the white-haired girl was avoiding them.


Among those ferocious faces, she knew some and some she didn't, but seeing their inhuman appearance at this moment, an inexplicable pleasure rose from her heart.

Didn't you betray me, isolate me, and call me the daughter of a criminal?

But now only I survived!

The "devil" in her heart roared like this, for a moment, she was insane.

"Tsk, it's not safe here anymore..."

Looking at the group of dead soldiers attacking, the white-haired girl gritted her teeth and looked around, as if looking for a new escape route.

Finally, the girl looked at her again, her face turned cold.

"If you give up your hope of survival, no one can save you. Even if you are brought along, it will be a drag... Goodbye, don't blame me."

help me?

Ridiculous, who needs your help?

All people in this world are the same, no matter who will choose to abandon me in the end, right?Stop pretending!

She just looked at the girl silently, without saying anything, as if she didn't care about all of this.

Facing her gaze, for some reason, the white-haired girl suddenly blushed, turned her head slightly, and then...


"Hey! I'm unlucky!"

The white-haired girl suddenly put her pistol into the pocket of her skirt, and then carried the blood-stained baseball bat on her shoulder. She showed a handsome smile and extended a hand to her.

"Come with me!"

Looking at the little hand that was not thick at all, she was also stunned.

Unexpectedly... didn't choose to abandon me?

The person who reached out to himself like this... seems to be the first one.

But even so, she was still in a daze.


The person I met before seemed to disappear all of a sudden...

I can no longer touch anyone...


The roar of the dead man came closer.

Seeing that she was still in a daze, the white-haired girl puffed up her cheeks.

"Let's go! Don't be in a daze!"

Before she could react, the hand stretched out on its own initiative.


With a slight movement of her lips, she uttered a barely audible syllable.

But in the next second, a burst of softness and warmth passed down the palm to the heart.

In this way, she silently looked at the back of the girl, and the tightly clasped hands between the two, who still led her to run wildly in the academy and among the dead.

That was her first encounter with Kiyana.


Chapter 189 Chapter 180


Thunderclouds hovered, gathered, and suddenly dissipated into nothingness.As the sun fell, the various memories that emerged in front of my eyes also turned into a gentle breeze, licking the tears dripping from the corners of my eyes.

Slightly cool.

In countless dreams, Mei longed for the current scene more than once, but...

Love it or hate it, even if the torment of the nightmare comes and goes, she still has a glimmer of hope:

I want to see Kiyana again.

Now this wish has finally come true, even more unreal than a dream.

At this moment, something in my heart was about to gush out, but my throat was stuck tightly, causing a scorching heat to continue to heat up in my chest...

Mei felt like she was about to melt.

In the end, countless utterances turned into a few words:

"I finally found you."

But compared to Mei, who was in tears and unable to control herself, Kiana, who was staring at her, seemed a little silent.


He opened his mouth, his eyes flickered, as if he had done something wrong, and he didn't dare to take a step forward.

Afterwards, she slowly lowered her head and smiled forcedly.


At this moment, Kiyana flinched.

Same as Mei, she had already rehearsed the scene of the two meeting each other thousands of times in her heart, but when this moment really came, she was still defeated by the guilt in her heart.

How can Qiyana's performance at this time be like the previous saint who fought in battle and faced destiny alone?

Can not be done……

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