"Go back? Don't be kidding, Rita, if I go back, all of us will fall into the abyss of the quantum sea."

"Then please find a nearby world to take a rest. If you continue like this, I'm really afraid of your body..."

Hearing this, although Youlandelle felt warm in his heart, he finally shook his head and moved forward firmly.

"Don't worry, Rita, I am no longer what I used to be. As long as there is no battle, it won't take too much power to just walk through the Quantum Sea."

However, what she didn't know was that her own words were suspected of "setting the flag".

"Huh, huh, huh...!"

Shadows came from the darkness one after another, attacking her, the "stowaway"!

It's Quantum Shadow!

Because they are in the sea of ​​quantum, these "indigenous people" can come and go almost freely without a trace, making it hard to guard against.

Most importantly, their number is truly "endless"!

After all, the Sea of ​​Quantum is the "brood" that breeds them.

"Damn it! I'm really afraid of something..."

At the moment when the mutation happened, Youlandell had already expected something, and his complexion suddenly became extremely bad.

In the past, when she was in the main world, she wouldn't care how many such miscellaneous soldiers came one by one.

But now, in the sea of ​​quantum, she must always be alert to the surrounding situation, and the power in her body also needs to be used to maintain the current state for traveling.

In this case, the continuous Quantum Shadow is no different from the last "straw" that overwhelms the camel, putting her in a crisis immediately.

"No! You can't spend your strength here!"

Thinking of this, Ulandell began to accelerate towards the nodes of the main world and the Quantum Sea.

She must escape!Absolutely can't fight!

Otherwise, once you get entangled, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Bam! Boom! Bam..."

Outside, Quantum Shadow hit the barrier like a swarm of bees.

One time, two times, three times, four times... 97 times, 98 times, 99 times, [-] times.

Their individual powers are really not powerful, and they can't stop Ulandal's progress at all.

But as the saying goes: "Many ants kill elephants."

As they hit one after another, the golden barrier also dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gradually filled with cracks...

When the chaotic breath from Quantum Sea began to penetrate into the barrier along the cracks, Ulandal's face became more and more ugly.

"I, Youlandell, should die fighting on the battlefield against Honkai, instead of dying in a dark quantum abyss!"

The unyielding from the heart ignited the flame of anger. At this moment, the world bubble in her body began to echo the tree of imaginary numbers, and a bright golden light burst out in the dark and cold quantum sea!

As a Valkyrie, Youlandell is already ready to die in battle. After all, "Fight for all the good things in the world" itself is not such a simple slogan, but represents that even if you sacrifice yourself, you must fight against darkness and misfortune. Awareness that is blocked!

After all, the collapsed world is a combination of tragedies from beginning to end...

But the most important thing is that Rita, Otto, teammates of Immortal Blade and thousands of ordinary residents still exist in the world bubble in Youlandal at this time!

That is a relatively complete world!

Youlandal has always understood that before he "hangs" this world bubble back on the tree of imaginary numbers, once the person carrying it dies, then this world bubble and everyone inside will perish!

This is something she will never allow to happen!

"Drink! Get out of the way!!!"

Looking at the countless quantum shadows in front of him, Youlandell roared, and the power in his body poured out.

At this moment, she seemed to have undergone some kind of deeper "fusion" with the world bubble, which greatly increased her movement speed, instantly got rid of the attack of Quantum Shadow, and moved forward to the connection in her heart.

"Bianca, your Houkai resistance will increase with the dose of Houkai..."

"Remember, whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger!"

The golden light became brighter and brighter, and wherever it went, the Quantum Shadow melted away like ice and snow, and it could not stop Youlandal's progress at all.

In the end, she saw a faint blue light at the node.

It was a maze.

Chapter 194 Chapter 180 Six The First Era


"Boom boom boom..." (knocking on the door)

"Doctor, Dr. Mei..."

Drowsy, a soft call came, the voice was so familiar, but Mei couldn't remember it at all.

Slowly opening his eyes, what greeted his eyes was no longer the Hyperion and familiar faces, but such a high-tech office:

The metal-textured walls reflect the light falling overhead, and pieces of faint blue holographic touch screens are suspended in the air, replacing sofas, coffee tables and other furniture to occupy the position by the wall, and there are lush potted plants beside them.

In front of her, there was a desk with the same metallic texture, on which stacks of documents were piled up scatteredly, and a touch screen the size of a computer monitor was suspended above the desk, and a piece of paper was constantly drifting by. Strings of obscure code and data.

here is?

But before Mei understood the situation, her body "moved" by itself!

"come in."

"Okay, doctor."

After Mei's "body" said these words, the door opposite the desk suddenly automatically retracted into the wall.

Immediately afterwards, a soft-looking black-haired woman in a white coat and holding a stack of documents walked in slowly and nodded to her with a smile.

Who is she?

Just like before, just when Mei was puzzled by this, she sat up from the soft office chair again, stretched out her hand to pick up a pair of red-rimmed glasses from the desk and put them on skillfully.

All this looks so natural, like flowing water, it seems that this body has rehearsed this set of movements thousands of times and engraved them into its own genes.

But the strangest thing is that Mei himself has no impression of doing this.

"How long have I slept?"

The body asked in a flat tone.

"One hour and thirty-seven minutes. Doctor, here is the information you need."

The black-haired woman suspected of being an assistant replied with a smile, and at the same time handed over the document in her hand.

"is it?"

The body naturally stretched out its hand to take the document, and buried its head in reading it.

In this way, Mei at this time is like a "soul", integrated into this body, observing the conversation between "self" and the assistant from the perspective of No. 1, but no one notices.

[Summary of the Ten-year War God Project]

Unit [-] active location: Pacific base station

The service time of Unit [-]...

Plan maintenance costs...

Herrscher Individuals Annihilated: 57

[Ten years after the elimination of No.12 Herrscher]

Foreword: As we all know, with the advancement of science and technology, the collapse event caused by the earth can no longer pose a substantial threat to Renhe and Chaodiansha. We...

[The development plan for the next stage of human civilization]


What exactly is going on?

Looking at the content of the document from the perspective of the "doctor", Mei was even more puzzled after finding that it was full of words that she could understand even though she didn't know it.

This is my stigmata space?

Why did I come to a completely strange place?

And why would I become someone else?From now on, he is still a respected doctor...

Recalling the respectful words of the black-haired woman suspected of being an assistant and the deep fanaticism and admiration in her eyes, Mei felt as if she had fallen into a "big pit".

At this moment, the voice of the assistant came again:

"Doctor, people from the church are here."

"Oh?" Mei obviously felt her movements pause, and then she looked away from the document in her hand, "Let them come up, let's go and have a look too, I hope the goods they brought this time can satisfy me."

"I see, Doctor."

The assistant nodded, then lowered his head and fiddled with the small touch screen in his hand that was both a notepad and a portable terminal.

At the same time, the doctor "possessed" by Mei is not idle.

I saw that she first carefully piled up the documents in her hand on the desk, then stood up from the soft office chair, straightened her wrinkled skirt with her hands, and then picked up a piece of paper hanging on the back that looked like The majestic and neat white coat like a military uniform was casually draped over his shoulders.

"Push off all the other agendas for today. If people from [Renhelian] come, tell them I'm not here, and let them visit another day."

While speaking, the doctor reached out and tapped the touch screen on the desk.

Afterwards, the touch screen the size of a computer monitor began to shrink like a sponge, and the doctor picked it up as a large "portable note".

"Okay, doctor." The assistant nodded, and continued to follow suit.

Then, the doctor and his assistant left the office one after the other, and walked outside in a clean, bright corridor that was also full of technology.

Along the way, they passed a high-power operating terminal, and the soles of their shoes made a "da da" sound when they stepped on the floor of an unknown material, with a mysterious rhythm, but no one had any intention of speaking, just heading towards the destination moving.

In the middle of the trip, researchers who were also wearing white coats and holding holographic terminals would retreat to the sides at the same time whenever they met them, and cast awe and admiration at the doctor.

In this way, under the whispers and adoring gazes of others, the two walked through the interior of this advanced laboratory. Although they could not see the outside world temporarily due to the high sealing, but...

When they passed the smooth glass door, with the bright light, Mei also saw the appearance of her body through the eyes of the doctor:

Purple hair, purple eyes, wearing red-rimmed glasses, wearing a white coat, a purple dress inside, and white stockings; the familiar Ji hairstyle, a small braid hanging on the right chest, shaking slightly with the steps At the same time, there is a red work card pinned to the neckline on the left chest.

Although he doesn't look very old, he looks mature and stable in every word and deed with glances and smiles. The whole person presents the aura of a social elite; What expression, it looks serious.

The most important thing is that she has a very similar face to Mei, the same tenderness and beauty, but her temperament is completely different.

This is Dr. MEI that Qiyana said?It feels like she has experienced many, many things...

Mei thought so.

At the same time, the doctor continued to move with her assistant until they came to an elevator.

Almost at the same time, the elevator door slowly opened.

The first thing that caught my eye was a blond man in a gorgeous robe.

Otto Apocalypse? !

Looking at that familiar face, Mei couldn't help but exclaimed.

However, no one is aware of the existence of her "ghost".

"Long time no see, Doctor."

The blond man who looked very similar to the Catholic Church walked straight to her and greeted her with a smile.

However, the doctor's eyes didn't stay on him for long, but looked directly behind him...

To be precise, he was looking at the white-haired girl with a hood, restraints on her hands, bare feet, and thin clothes.

Although the girl's face could not be seen, at this moment she was led away by a nun like a cargo, and followed behind the blond man.

"Excuse me for the polite words, this girl is the experimental subject you mentioned?"

Looking at the poor white-haired girl, Dr. Purple-haired's tone remained flat.

"Exactly" the blond man nodded, his smile still charming.

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