In this regard, the doctor's expression did not change the slightest.

"Yes, I hope the goods this time are not defective."

"Don't worry, she is different from other experimental subjects, she is a special existence."

For some reason, the blond man's tone was full of mysterious confidence.

"...The headgear and handcuffs are really exaggerated. I told you not to attract attention. Wouldn't it be a human trafficker if someone saw this?"

The doctor scanned the girl up and down, with a hint of mockery in his words.

"It's just an insurance policy."

The blond man smiled, then waved his hand.

Then, the nun nodded, and entered a special key to unlock the girl's handcuffs, and at the same time took off the hood for her.

In an instant, a young girl with white hair and blue eyes and a chameleon hairpin pinned to her bangs appeared in Dr. Purple Hair's sight.

And this girl, Mei is very familiar...

It was Kiyana!

Qi, Kiyana, could...? !


Chapter 195 Chapter 180 Chapter [-] The Girl and the Doctor

I've been alone for as long as I can remember.

They said that Honkai destroyed my past, my relatives, my friends, my home...

But I have no impression of those.

And the only thing I have is the green hairpin that I have been wearing on my head in the shape of an animal they call a "chameleon", which is the only thing left to me in the past.

In the slums, everyone my age looked sad and hateful.

Although they have no names like me... No, to be precise, they have lost their "own names", but they are either immersed in the memories of the past and cannot extricate themselves, or they curse and resent this world.

And the collapse that caused it all.

In this way, day by day, everyone is still living in a muddle, very difficult, very difficult, until...

That day, a group of big sisters who were all dressed in the same clothes suddenly came to the slums and said they would adopt us and train us to be fighters against the Houkai.

Without any hesitation, everyone almost agreed.

Because in the slums, not only do people not have enough food and clothing, but they have to go to the city to beg with their illnesses every day, otherwise they can only suffer from hunger all day long, and no one is so kind that they can’t even eat enough share food with others.

Even so, people in the slums died of illness or starvation every day...

Therefore, being adopted is a blessing from God.

I also agree.

Of course, I’m different from them. I don’t do it for food or drink, and it’s not for revenge on the so-called Honkai, but…

I hope that one day I will find my past along this chameleon hairpin.

I wonder who the hell I am.

Later I found out that the big sisters who adopted us all came from an organization called "Apocalypse Church", where there are also many orphans from all over the world like us.

Since then, we orphans have been trained in the church every day, and we have had physical examinations, and we have taken an oath to the church with the nuns and sisters on a regular basis, day after day, year after year.

Gradually, I found that there were fewer and fewer companions around me, and at the same time, there were more and more new faces. When I asked the nuns and sisters for advice, the reply I got was:

"They are all going to crusade against Honkai. You should finish training as soon as possible and fight for the future of mankind."


It turns out that the church adopted these orphans not to supplement the number of nuns, but to send them to the battlefield to fight against Honkai?

When I fully understood the meaning of the phrase "fighting for the future of mankind", I didn't know when I was standing on the battlefield against Honkai.

That is simply the legendary hell!Scarier than any nightmare I've ever had!

On that battlefield, the comrades who were talking, laughing and caring with everyone not long ago were torn into pieces by the twisted monster named "Honkai Beast" in the next second, and the blood splashed and fell like heavy rain ...

Life is so fragile.

At that moment, I finally understood the Honkai that everyone is talking about.

But I wish I never knew...

Fighting, training, inspection, fighting, training, inspection... All the companions who survived the battlefield are all trapped in this vortex, unable to see the future, let alone feel hope, it seems that we were born to sacrifice our flesh and blood. The body fills the earth.

I don't know how long this kind of life lasted, until I was the only one left among the original group of companions, and I even forgot my goal when I promised to be adopted by the church...

2044 4 Month 18 Day.

Everything finally changed on this day.


"Can you understand what I'm saying?"


A plain voice of inquiry came, but due to wearing the headgear for a long time, the girl seemed to be still not used to the sudden light, she was squinting her eyes, and made a cute sound like a small animal.

However, everyone present didn't appreciate this lovely thought, and just looked at her quietly.

Among them, Dr. Zifa looked the most indifferent.

Sensing their gaze, the girl shuddered, and quickly nodded to the purple-haired doctor who appeared to be similar in age to her.

"Listen, I understand."

After receiving the reply, Dr. Zifa's eyes flickered slightly, and he walked over and looked at her.

"Okay, keep your eyes open."


The girl did so, and took the opportunity to take a good look at the face.

The eyebrows are curved, but they are always twisted into a straight line inadvertently, which seems to have become a subconscious habit; the face is exquisite and flawless, the skin is fair and tender, but the corners of the mouth are always drooping, with a sullen face and an indifferent expression And serious...

Among them, the most special is the pair of purple eyes, which are as beautiful as violets and as deep as the black sky, making people unable to understand what is contained in them.

I heard that the eyes are the windows of the soul, so the doctor in front of him should have closed his heart, right?

Just when the girl thought so, the corners of Dr. Zifa's mouth slightly raised an arc.

"Well, the appearance of the pupil is normal, there is no trace of infection, and the limbs are sound. It seems that there are no external defects."

That smiling face is enough to make anyone stunned, but that kind of eyes...

It's like looking at a product.

This made the girl shudder for a while, and immediately dismissed her previous thoughts.

"You are……"

she subconsciously asked.

Hearing the girl's question, the doctor turned his head slightly and glanced at his side.

"Looks like the person who brought you didn't tell you anything."

"She doesn't need to know this," the blond man explained in due course.

"That's right. Come with me first, it's not too late to talk about it after the experiment is over." The doctor turned around while talking.


Hearing these two words, the girl was confused again.

"That's right, an experiment to verify whether you are a waste product or not." The doctor nodded expressionlessly, his words were extremely cold.

Afterwards, the doctor's gaze no longer stayed on her, but turned to the blond man.

"Otto, you stay here and wait for me, I hope you won't make this trip in vain."

In response, the blond man smiled slightly.

"Of course, this time I have full confidence."

Smiling noncommittally, Dr. Zifa took the girl and his assistant and left here without saying a word, leaving the blond-haired man and the nun in place.


A weapons room in front of the proving ground.

When the black-haired assistant left to prepare for the test site, only the doctor and the girl were left in this spacious room.


As the doctor entered the password without hesitation, a storage compartment suddenly and slowly protruded from the metal wall in front of the girl.

Inside is a set of close-fitting armor and Houkai weapons that have already been prepared.

"Put these gear on."


Hearing her order, the girl nodded, took out the orange armor, and stared at the cat-ear-shaped headband in a daze.

what is this?

However, seeing the girl in a daze, the doctor frowned, thinking that she was worrying about wearing armor.

"The way to wear it is the same as ordinary clothes, and the size will adjust itself according to your figure."

Feeling the indifferent tone of the doctor, the girl also came back to her senses.


"And this one too." The doctor pointed to the Honkai weapon fixed in the storage compartment.

"this is……"

"Weapons, you'll need them later."


Touching the gun in her hand, feeling the cold touch, the girl suddenly stopped.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you and escape?" Looking at the doctor, she mustered up her courage and asked.

After all, the doctor in front of him looked defenseless. Although he looked young and beautiful, he was still a person in essence.

Coupled with the fact that there are only the two of them in this airtight room at this time, the outside world can't find out what's going on inside at the first time...

This is simply the perfect place to kill!

Regarding this, Dr. Zifa remained expressionless, as if he didn't care about his own safety at all.

"You're not the first experimental subject I came into contact with. The killing machine cultivated by that guy has insurance. Now I'm your 'owner'. When you want to kill's like this."

As soon as the words fell, the doctor suddenly grabbed the girl's hand and pointed the muzzle of the gun in her hand at himself.


In an instant, the girl felt as if her head was about to split open, and a burst of incomparably intense pain spread all over her body, and she was so painful that she couldn't even move for a while!


Is this why the church often "examines the body" for itself...

The girl suddenly felt a pang of sadness in her heart, and the hand holding the gun was also shaking constantly, no matter what she did, she couldn't control her fingers to pull the trigger.

Then, the doctor put her hand down again.

The pain disappeared instantly.


"Even if you point it at my head, you can't hurt me. The chip implanted in your brain will force you to stop any harmful behavior to me, understand?"

Looking at the girl who was constantly panting heavily, Dr. Purple Hair's tone remained flat.

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