After a moment of silence, the girl nodded as if accepting her fate.


Seeing this, the doctor turned around and started walking towards the weapon room.

"Hurry up and put on your equipment and start experimenting. I don't have that much time to spend on you."

Looking at the doctor's back, the girl wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and nodded silently.



After a while, the observation room outside the test site.

"The experiment starts, and the Houkai energy is injected, the energy level is 100HW..."

"The experimental subject has not yet shown an infection response, and the vital signs are stable."

The assistant continued to report information, while the doctor kept looking at the helpless white-haired girl on the screen, crossing his arms without saying a word.

Finally, as if she had successfully engraved that face into her memory, she slowly lowered her eyes, and her long eyelashes cast two shadows on her cheeks when illuminated by the light above her head.

"Well, let's invest in Honkai Beast."


As soon as the doctor finished speaking, roars of beasts suddenly sounded from the screen, and hideous and huge Honkai creatures appeared in the testing ground one after another.

This moment is tantamount to death for an ordinary girl.

Staring at the picture, when the girl and the beast handed over in the test field, the doctor's lips moved slightly.

"Feel sorry……"

The extremely light and short words disappeared instantly like a falling silver needle.Although the assistant who was carefully observing the data didn't pay attention at all, a certain "ghost" present heard it clearly.

This made her look at the girl more nervously from the doctor's perspective.

Qiyana, come on!

5 minutes later……

The results of the experiment were unexpected.

The girl survived!

"All the Honkai creatures were wiped out. The experiment lasted 5 minutes. The vital signs of the subjects were stable, and there were no signs of infection."

Hearing the assistant's report, the doctor slowly closed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth finally raised a beautiful arc.

"It seems that the man did not lie, and is indeed more reliable than the previous individual."

His tone was as flat as ever, and the raised corners of his mouth slowly lowered afterward, as if the smile on his face had never appeared before.

So much so that when the white-haired girl walked out of the test field, she still saw the indifferent and indifferent doctor.


"Okay, come here, we will get along for a while in the future."

Hearing the doctor's words, the girl remained silent and walked over obediently.

The experiment just now reminded her of her past...

And the doctor didn't mean to explain, but just took her and the assistant back to the elevator.

Otto, the blond man, was still there waiting.

Seeing that the three doctors came back intact, he seemed to have understood the results of the experiment, with a confident smile on his face.

"Are you satisfied with the test results, Doctor."

"Otto... as you said, very interesting." Seemingly thinking of what he saw just now, the doctor raised the corner of his lips again, "In this case, this girl will be accepted by Chaodian Society, and you can go back."

"Wait a minute, I hope you will fulfill our promise."

"Of course, if she possesses the power you mentioned, it will be precious experimental material for me. Even if I don't have the treaty with you, I will protect her safety."

"I understand, but you also know that the treaties in this era are just waste paper, and I need more practical bargaining chips."

"Okay, my people will take you to the ordnance area later, and you can move as many things there as you want, as long as you don't get discovered by the security bureau, it's up to you."

"Thank you very much."

"Come on, the longer you stay here, the more dangerous it will be."

"Okay, we'll meet later."


The girl didn't understand the conversation between the doctor and the blond man, nor was she in the mood to understand it. At this time, she was lying on the booth in front of the elevator, looking at the mysterious and bustling huge city in front of her through the railing.

Am I going to live here from now on...

Subconsciously touched the well-protected chameleon hairpin in her pocket, the girl's eyes were full of confusion.


With the sound of footsteps approaching, the doctor's unique aura enveloped her.

"Experimental subject, what's your name?"

Turning to look at the doctor, the girl's eyes became more and more confused.

"I... don't have a name."

"Yes, it's too cold to call you a test subject. If you stay in Chaodian Society, you should have a decent identity and name."


Silently watching the doctor fall into some kind of thought, the girl didn't say anything.

However, the doctor followed her figure and looked out of the booth:

Under the dark night, a round of bright moon shines on the dark city below, dispelling the darkness and bringing light; and against it, the white-haired girl in front of her is as quiet as a pure and innocent saint, beautiful , No time, ecstasy.

Suddenly, a light flashed.


The doctor said these three words almost subconsciously.


In this regard, the girl is still at a loss.

"From now on, your name will be Kiyana."

Looking at the girl in front of him, the doctor said in a gentle tone, since then there has been a little more inexplicable things in his eyes.

This is where the wheel of fortune begins to turn.


I saw someone ask, so let me clarify:

What Mei is currently experiencing is the story of the zeroth era of the second collapse (that is, the zero week), which corresponds to the "civilization of the last era (destroyed by the last lawr)" of the third collapse. The protagonist is Dr. MEI and the original The saint Qiyana (note, this is also Zhenqi, the experimental subject is just a name).

And what is told at the end of the prologue at the beginning of this book is the story of the first era of Beng II (that is, the first chapter or retrospect). corresponding to the main line.

Now the main line of Beng [-] is the second week, and the plot has basically run counter to Beng [-]. Although there are many knives, the various settings and developments are very exciting. Book friends who want to know more about the three families of Stigmata and Destiny can go and see.

Well, that's all for now, the above is the character design of Qiyana and Dr. MEI.

Chapter 196 Chapter 180 Eight The Man Under the Cherry Blossom Tree

The outside world, the headquarters of the European Destiny.

It has been a day and a night since the arrival of the saint and the awakening of the stigmata. At this time, the finishing work on the battlefield has also come to an end. nest".

The destiny headquarters exists in name only.

And during the one-day and one-night capture, thanks to the support of Saint Kiyana and the anti-entropy troops, the rebellious Far East Branch almost effortlessly disintegrated the resistance of the garrison troops, and even did not need Teresa for the whole process. It was over when the previous S-rank Valkyrie started.

In general, after a battle, the headquarters of Tianming was not substantially damaged, and the casualties on both sides were very few, which was full of drama.

The strange thing is that during this period of time, the other branches on several continents have no intention of coming to support. It seems that the bishop has already issued corresponding orders to them.

Does this count as "shooting one's own foot with a stone"?

Teresa and the others don't know.

Now, together with Tesla and others, they are receiving and deciphering the various permissions of the headquarters of Destiny, planning to build this floating island group into their own strong fortress as soon as possible to deal with counterattacks that may come at any time.


The main island of Asgard.

At this time, the Hyperion is moored in the airport of the main island, adjacent to the highest church, which is the symbol of destiny, and is undergoing a maintenance inspection.

"Code-named 'K423', you are the experimental body created by Otto to revive the second Herrscher Sirin, because the donor cells come from the real Kiyana, so you have inherited your appearance...that's what you want to know , your life experience."

"No! No! How could I be a clone?! You lied... Get out!"

"Qiana! Calm down! Squad leader..."

"……I see."

On the empty deck, following the sound of extremely light and slow footsteps, Qiyana in the form of a saint opened her eyes, gently stroking Mei's sleepy cheek with her fine fingers, as if nothing had happened. asks:

"Is she still unacceptable?"

Hearing her words, the visitor stopped.



Qiyana raised her head, glanced at the lonely and taciturn girl in cheongsam, then turned her gaze back again, quietly watching the sleeping girl in her arms.

Seeing this scene, Fu Hua half-closed his eyes and said with a self-defeating smile:

"Don't you hate me?"

"Why should you hate? I am me, she is her, although I am also called Qiyana, but we are not alone after all..."

Kiyana spoke slowly, but never took her eyes off the person in her arms, as if she intended to take this opportunity to make up for all the attention she owed over the years.

"Right now, I just want to stay with Mei, don't care about anything, don't fight for anything, just like this forever."

Looking at the white-haired saint who was sitting quietly on the edge of the deck, pillowed on the person she loved the most, as if isolated from the whole world, Fu Hua was stunned, and a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

"Is it?"

It seems that I used to be like this...

It's just a pity that in the end, there is still no one around me, and now I have lost my last shelter...

Thinking of this, she felt a deep exhaustion from the bottom of her heart.

This road, I seem to have walked alone for too long...

It's time to find a chance to rest, right?

It's just an agreement with "that person" in memory...

Closing his eyes, Fu Hua's mouth curled into a wry smile.

"Bless you, Qiyana from parallel time and space, and please cherish each other, at least...don't be like me."

As if sensing something from her words, Kiyana raised her eyes again and nodded slowly.

"I will."

At this moment, a violent wave of Houkai energy suddenly emanated from the bridge!


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