Suddenly, Fu Hua's expression changed dramatically.

"Is it still like this?"

Regarding this, Qiyana's face was flat, as if she had expected this scene.

Then, she raised her hand, and the power of the saint poured out, like an invisible giant net, suppressing all the spreading Honkai energy, so as to avoid triggering a chain of Honkai from the outside world.

Seeing this, Fu Hua, who was planning to take a shot to see the situation, paused, and his nervous expression calmed down a little.

Is this her power?Purifying Honkai... really lives up to the name of a saint.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and then the glass of the command room of the Hyperion shattered suddenly, and two figures flew towards the deck with a lot of broken glass.

That seemed to be Bronya and Raiden Mei.

Fortunately, the half-body robot behind the former [Reloaded Bunny 19C] showed up in time and played a key buffer role, which allowed the two of them to land safely without any major damage.

"Squad leader! Kiyana, she..." As soon as Lei Dian Mei recovered, she was eager to say something to Fu Hua.

However, Bronya immediately looked at Qiyana who was sitting silently behind, with a trace of relief on her face.

"Ha ha ha ha……!"

The next moment, with a burst of wild laughter, a certain Herrscher of the Void awakened again.


At the same time, in the sea of ​​quantum.

"You are……?!"

Looking at the white-haired man standing silently under the cherry blossom tree, Youlandelle's face was serious.

She once again felt that desperate sense of oppression from the other party... the same feeling she felt when fighting against the two girls before the battle.

In addition, there is a cherry blossom tree growing in the endless void... No, to be precise, the cherry blossom tree and the space where it is located have been artificially "opened" from the Quantum Sea, becoming Created an independent miniature bubble world!

Open up a world bubble with bare hands...

What kind of mighty power can do this? !

Facing Youlandal's gaze, the white-haired man standing like a statue under the cherry blossom tree also seemed to sense something, and slowly turned his head.

The moment the eyes of the two meet...


The invisible forces began to collide, causing the surrounding void to vibrate!

What kind of indifferent look is that? !

Just by looking at him, one feels like being in the snow in the cold winter, making one's hair stand on end involuntarily and making it difficult to move one's body.

At that moment, Youlandal almost instinctively mobilized the strength of his whole body.

Because she felt that she might die in the next second...

In this crumbling world, how could such a powerful man appear? !

Just when she felt incredible about this, the man suddenly said:

"You are very good."

There is clearly a void between the two, but the man's voice seemed to cross this distance out of thin air, ignoring barriers and media, and appearing directly in Youlandelle's mind.

"Who... are you?" She replied subconsciously, regardless of whether the other party could hear it or not.

But the fact is...

"Kevin Kaslana, the leader of the world's snakes, are you planning to break the labyrinth of the Herrscher of Reason and use the Eye of the Abyss to return to the main world?"

The other party really heard it!

"The... maze of the Herrscher of Reason? The Eye of the Abyss?" Subconsciously looking at the dark blue light curtain in front of him, Ulandal frowned, and then suddenly thought of something, "Kai, Kevin Kay Slana?! Are you the 'best friend' that SU said?"

" that so?"

Hearing her words, the man suddenly lowered his head.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Youlandell felt a fleeting sadness from what he said just now.

The next moment, the oppressive feeling on Youlandal's body suddenly disappeared, and the white-haired man raised his head again at the same time, his eyes seemed to become more hollow.

"Since you have obtained his approval and inherited his power, you must also know what I am going to do. Therefore, I formally invite you to join the World Snake and fight against Honkai with me."

In this regard, Youlandal shook his head without hesitation.

"Forgive my refusal. I am the Valkyrie of Destiny, and I have always been. Unless Honkai is completely expelled from that world, I will not have a second identity before then."


Hearing this, the white-haired man remained expressionless, without a trace of irritation from being rejected, as if he had expected this result a long time ago.

But at this moment, Otto's voice came from the world bubble again:

"Youlandelle, promise him."


Youlandal just wanted to ask him why he knew what happened outside, but he was shocked by his words.

"As the Supreme Bishop of Destiny, I order you, Youlandelle, promise him to join the World Snake."

Otto's voice came again, and this time there was a hint of indisputability.

Regarding this, Ulandell was silent for a while.

"...Bishop, are you serious?"

"That's right, apart from you, the Mandate of Heaven will formally form an alliance with the World Snake in the future to jointly fight against Honkai."


Shock is no longer enough to describe Youlandelle's mood at this time.

But Otto didn't give her time to digest these, but continued:

"Enter the world where he lives, let me go out and discuss cooperation with him, Youlandelle."

Although I was full of doubts in my heart, as a qualified Valkyrie, Ulandal didn't like to disobey the orders of her superiors like some people, so...

"...As ordered."

Chapter 197 Chapter 180 Nine Another "Sirin"

"Are you the Herrscher of the Sky?"

Looking at the white-haired Herrscher who walked through the air and looked similar to her, Qiyana asked calmly.

"Oh? Human, why aren't you afraid of me? Why don't you run away? Are you frightened by me? Or... have you given up running and are you planning to accept death?"

The lawyer sneered, his tone full of jokes.

"Qiana, quickly use your strength! Don't let her run outside, otherwise it will be a disaster!" Looking at Qiyana's indifferent look, Fu Hua exhorted solemnly.

With this, the white-haired Herrscher also turned his gaze over.

"I recognize you, with the same funny dress, the same hideous face... It was you who single-handedly brought about my awakening. Tell me, how do you want me to thank you?"

This sentence seemed to hit Fu Hua's pain point.


"Squad leader, please note that the gem of tranquility in Sister Mei's body has been taken away by her just now, and she is now extremely dangerous, so it is not suitable to confront directly."

Seeing that Fu Hua couldn't help but want to make a move, Bronya suddenly warned.


Hearing this, Fu Hua immediately turned his head to look at Lei Dian Mei.

And the latter's weak appearance at this time also seemed to verify Bronya's words.

"It's troublesome."

Fu Hua shook his head, his clenched fist gradually loosened.

"I'm sorry... I didn't expect that Qiyana would suddenly become like this. I didn't react at all for a while... I'm really sorry."

Seemingly realizing that she had caused a catastrophe, Leiden Mei kept apologizing with self-blame on her face, with tears rolling in her eyes.

"Oh? Why do you have to apologize to these humble human beings? My half body~ Come on, join us! I can feel that the power of the past has taken root and sprouted in your body, isn't it wonderful? Let's come together Destroy all human beings in this world!"

Herrscher looked over, and at the same time opened his hands in a hug, and used crazy words to press Lei Dian Mei step by step.

"No, I can't do that..."

Lei Dian Mei slowly shook her head, looking weakly at Herrscher's crazy and unfamiliar appearance at this time, both distressed and anxious.


Suddenly, a cold drink came, interrupting the farce.


The scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound at the same time.

Facing their gaze, Qiyana lowered her head, stretched out her left hand and gently embraced the girl on her lap, and then slowly stood up.

Until now, the white-haired Herrscher didn't notice Mei Yi who was sleeping.

"Human, that guy you're she dead? Hahahaha! Is that annoying guy finally dead!?"

The maniacal laughter was full of joy and hatred, obviously she had not forgotten the humiliation she received in the imaginary number space before.

In response, Qiyana slowly raised her head and looked at her expressionlessly.

"No, I've let you down, even if I die, nothing will happen to Mei."


that look...

Even though the white-haired herrscher was at a high place, he still felt a feeling of being looked down upon.

This annoyed her very much.

"You...?! Damn human, who gave you the courage to talk to Queen Honkai like this? Can't wait to die?!"

"Honkai Queen? Hehe..."

Kiyana shook her head slowly, couldn't help but chuckled, completely ignoring the other party's increasingly gloomy face.

"Qiana..." Seeing this scene, Leiden Mei opened her mouth, with a look of worry on her face.

However, Fu Hua stopped her.

"Don't worry, she seems to have a way."

Hearing this, Leiden Mei bit her lips, nodded silently, and watched nervously with the two people beside her.

Please be all right...

Facing Qiyana's indifferent eyes, the white-haired Herrscher was completely irritated.

"Be reduced to ashes under the wrath of the Honkai Queen! Stupid human beings! This is the time for... the judgment!"

Herrscher raised his hand, and the space behind him suddenly began to ripple.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Fu Hua and the others suddenly opened their eyes wide.


One second passed, two seconds passed, the space is still fluctuating, but the imaginary number channel that appeared in the past has not been formed.

"Is this... a false alarm?"

Fu Hua wiped the cold sweat off his head, his whole body was still tense.

"Me, my power? What's going on?! How did the power God gave me fail?!"

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