A rare panic appeared on the white-haired Herrscher's face.

Regarding this, Qiyana smiled slightly, the expression on her face was still so calm.

As if aware of something, Herrscher looked away from his hands, slowly turned his head, and looked at the white-haired saint who seemed very confident the whole time.

"Human...is it you! What kind of tricks did you use!"

Her expression gradually distorted...

Seeing this, Qiyana shook her head slowly, her expression unchanged.

"Tricks? No, no, no, in my opinion, your power is nothing more than a child's trick. There is no need to use tricks."

"Damn human! Damn..."

At this moment, how much the white-haired Herrscher wanted to tear that smiling face to pieces!

But the power of the Herrscher in the body can't be mobilized at all...

So it can only be incompetent and furious.

"Human beings shouting, aren't you tired? You start to call yourself a god after you have a little bit of power. A frog in a well like you will never be able to become a real strong man."

Looking at the white-haired saint who was expressionless and almost motionless throughout the whole process, Fu Hua opened his mouth, his throat felt a little dry.

Is this her strength?

Even I didn't see when she made a move at all...

Facing Qiyana's sarcasm, the white-haired Herrscher went completely insane this time.

"You...!! I want to destroy!!!"

Amidst the screams, Herrscher's power began to riot, and a high concentration of Honkai energy emanated from her body again, sweeping towards several people like an invisible wave.



An orange light flashed, and the power of the saint reappeared, instantly suppressing it.

But this time, restrained by the power of the saint, the aloof Queen Honkai fell directly from the altar and fell on the deck like an ordinary person.

"what have you done?!"

Feeling his weak body at this moment, the white-haired Herrscher's eyes were bloodshot.

All of a sudden, she fell from the clouds to the bottom of the valley... This huge contrast almost made her collapse!

"Sure enough, you are still a little girl after all, even with a different body..."

While speaking, Qiyana stabilized Mei in her arms, and then began to walk towards the Herrscher who was collapsed on the ground step by step, with a half-smile expression on her face.

"No, don't come here..."

Feeling the meaningful eyes, Herrscher lost all the arrogance and high-spiritedness before. Instead, as Kiyana said in her words, she trembled like a little girl, holding her body with her hands and shrinking back. go.

"too strong."

Seeing this dramatic scene, Fu Hua opened his eyes wide with disbelief.

Is this still the so-called "Humanoid Natural Disaster" Herrscher?

Why was the Herrscher who brought her a strong sense of oppression before so vulnerable?

"The Holy Maiden... Purifies the Houkai... She is indeed the hope of mankind."

Hearing Fu Hua's muttering, Lei Dian Mei shuddered, as if thinking of something.

Suddenly, she stepped out...

"Kiana! Don't!"

Hearing her words, Qiyana paused and turned her head slowly.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt her, after all... You are Mei no matter what, I can't bear to see you sad."

After finishing speaking with a smile, Qiyana hugged the girl in her arms tightly again, turned her head silently, and didn't care about the sluggish Raiden Mei, but continued to walk forward until she came to Herrscher.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Facing her uneasy gaze, Qiyana pursed her lips and sighed imperceptibly.

"You are the Second Herrscher, Sirin, right? Return this body to that idiot, and I'll make you a new body that is completely yours, how about it?"


As if he didn't expect Qiyana to say that at all, the white-haired Herrscher suddenly opened his eyes wide.

However, she did not choose to agree.

Sensing the gaze of the other party full of complex emotions such as disdain, anger, and ridicule, Qiyana turned her eyes and continued to ask:

"Don't believe me? Coincidentally, I also know a 'Xilin', how about I let her come out to persuade you?"

"What did you say?!"

The white-haired Herrscher's golden eyes widened again.

Not only her, but even Fu Hua and the three behind them were confused, completely unaware of what Qiyana wanted to do.

In response, the corner of Qiyana's mouth curled up, and under everyone's gaze, she stretched out her hand, put her five fingers together and pushed into the air beside her.

Immediately, the space suddenly rippled layer upon layer like the surface of a lake, and then a hole was "cut out".

This power...

The power of space!

"Who the hell are you?!"

Shock is no longer enough to describe the mood of the white-haired Herrscher at this time.

Didn't answer what she meant, Kiyana was still looking at the space door leading to another world.

"Come out, Sirin, I need your help."

As soon as her words fell, a cute and innocent loli voice suddenly came from the other side of the space door—a world as beautiful as a fairy tale:

"Huh? Kiyana, what do you want to do with Sirin?"

Immediately afterwards, a petite figure with purple hair grasped the invisible "door frame", carefully poked half of his body out from another world, and scanned everyone curiously.

Suddenly, the audience was silent.


Chapter 198 Chapter 190 [The Return of the Snake]

World snake.

In the intelligence of Destiny, this is a mysterious organization that hides in the dark world all the year round and holds a lot of information. No one knows when it was born, when it was active, let alone its internal composition and creator.

But what is certain is that in the past, Destiny never took such a small role of "information dealer" seriously.

Because the destiny is the destiny, its background is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and its existence is above the secular. It is difficult for this kind of "unpopular" organization to arouse its interest.


From today onwards, the above cognition about the world snake may become a thing of the past.


Sea of ​​Quantum, inside the bubble of the world where the cherry tree is located.

Standing on the smooth floor made of purple crystals, Youlandal silently stared ahead.

Under the gigantic dreamy cherry blossom tree with strong roots, there is a golden ball that is incompatible with the surrounding things, floating there quietly, without any movement, and you can't see what's going on inside.

That is an isolation barrier made up of the power of the first key of God—Void Ten Thousand Zang. It can not only defend against external attacks, but also conceal the internal situation and block the detection of various instruments.

However, at this time, the Supreme Bishop of Destiny—Otto Apocalypse—is having a secret discussion with the white-haired man who claims to be the leader of the world snake—Kevin Kaslana. ...

It is the alliance between destiny and the world snake.

If this matter gets out, it will definitely cause an uproar in the outside world.

Destiny, which has always been high and feared by all countries in the world, would choose to form an alliance with an unknown intelligence organization?And this matter was brought up by the mysterious supreme bishop himself?

Simply ridiculous!

And as the Valkyrie with the strongest Destiny, why didn't Youlandell feel like this at this time?

In her opinion, the matter of cooperation itself is full of strangeness, and the so-called world snake can't bring any substantial benefits to Destiny at all!After all, who doesn't have an intelligence network?

As for the power gap between the two sides...

To be honest, Ulandal never thought that an organization that had been hiding underground all year round and selling information for a living had the power to rival the destiny, not to mention that the way the other party has always operated seemed so sneaky and shady...

Simply disgusting.

In addition, she personally advocates light and justice, and she hates the sneaky people who like to do things behind the scenes the most in her life, so she really can't understand Otto's behavior.

In general, since the strengths of the two parties are unequal and the other party cannot bring considerable benefits to themselves, what is the point of forming an alliance?

Or what is the starting point of "cooperation" itself?

She doesn't understand.

But even so, Youlandal could only choose to accept it silently.

Because she is just a Valkyrie of destiny.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Youlandelle held the key of the sixth god - Heiyuan Baihua, stared at the golden sphere, and waited for it.

Although she rejects the world snake from the bottom of her heart, she has to admit that the white-haired man who claims to be the leader of the world snake is very strong...

It's really strong.

Cooperation may not necessarily be successful, and all she has to do is prepare for an uphill battle.

This is her responsibility as a Valkyrie.

"This time... I will definitely have an upright duel!"

Due to being deflated by Mei and Qiyana successively, at this time, Youlandell is eager to regain the confidence of the past through a hearty battle.

And the leader of the world snake is obviously a good target.

Just when she thought so, the golden sphere finally responded.


I saw that the surface of the sphere, which was as smooth as mercury, suddenly exuded a faint golden glow, and gradually cracked and peeled off, and transformed into a large number of particles flying and dissipating, shining brightly, which is truly beautiful.


However, in the face of this dreamlike scene, Ulandal tensed his nerves, staring at the sphere intently, and even sweated slightly from the slender hand holding the knight's gun tightly.

The next moment, a familiar voice suddenly came:

"Relax, Ulandal, don't be so rude to our allies."

As the blond bishop appeared in sight intact, Youlan Delton heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt a touch of disappointment in his heart.

The cooperation has actually been achieved.

Immediately afterwards, the golden sphere dissipated completely, and the white-haired man named Kevin Kaslana reappeared. The expression on his face remained unchanged from before, and it was still chillingly cold.


After a quick glance, she stuck her cavalier gun into the floor and gave a symbolic greeting.

In this regard, Otto nodded slightly, with a smile on his lips.

"Well, starting today, the Mandate of Heaven and the World Snake have formally formed an alliance, and you, Ulandal, will assist their operations on behalf of the Valkyrie Troop."

Hearing this, Youlan Delton was stunned for a moment.

"Assist...Okay, I understand."

Hearing that he was not allowed to join, Ulandell immediately recovered and nodded, secretly rejoicing in his heart.

"Then next..."

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