Coming to the front and back of Ulandal, Otto first looked up at the dark blue light curtain above his head, and then turned his head to look at the white-haired man behind him.

As a result, he found that the latter was looking at the black abyss and white flowers in a daze.

And Youlandell also obviously noticed this, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"My esteemed ally, you..."

Before Otto could ask anything, the white-haired man immediately withdrew his gaze and turned around as if nothing had happened.

"let's start."

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked towards the cherry blossom tree step by step and closed his eyes at the same time.


The next moment, the entire World Bubble began to vibrate, and the incomparably powerful Honkai energy was continuously overflowing from the floor, converging into wisps of cold air and rushing straight up.

The goal—the maze used by the Herrscher of Reason to block the [Snake] from invading!

"User of the Key of Creation, I need you to stop the Quantum Shadow's attack and buy time for me to disintegrate the maze."

Putting his hands on the tree trunk, the white-haired man turned his head to look at Youlandelle and said slowly.

"I understand." Hearing this, Youlandelle nodded and pulled up the black abyss and white flowers.

Seeing this, the white-haired man stopped talking and closed his eyes again.


In an instant, the entire world bubble began to collapse from the edge, and the escaping Honkai could continue to join the army of cold currents, heading straight for the light curtain.

Gradually, frost visible to the naked eye began to appear on the surface of the blue light curtain.

"Goodbye, everyone, thank you for your company over the years, I will definitely complete the mission of 'Pioneer'."

Clinging to the cherry tree, sensing all this, the white-haired man muttered to himself, a trace of nostalgia flashing across his face.

This space constructed by his memories is finally about to collapse...

At the same time, as if startled, dense quantum shadows reappeared in the void outside the world bubble.

Seeing this scene, Ulandal first looked at Otto beside him.


As if understanding what she meant, Otto shook his head slowly.

"Don't worry about me, go, Youlandelle, do what you should do."


After nodding his head, Youlandelle bowed and stomped with the knight spear in his hand, and the whole person flew straight up, and took the initiative to meet the attacking enemy.

At the same time, the blue light curtain above their heads was completely frozen, and the maze-like building inside even began to collapse.

"The Herrscher of Reason, I have no patience to wait for your reply anymore. In order to defeat Honkai, I will do whatever it takes!"

The words of the white-haired man contained amazing obsession.

This is no longer cracking, but destroying!

Enough power can really crush everything!

Gradually, the blue light curtain became dimmer, and the maze inside was completely shattered, together with the world bubble it contained...

In the end, this blocking barrier disappeared completely.

[Snake] Return from here.

Chapter 200 Chapter 190


On the deck of the Hyperion docked at the port, a little girl with purple hair and golden eyes blinked, jumped out of the space door, and slowly floated down from the air...

Under the sunlight, the girl's long lavender hair fluttered like wings, moving with the wind, her golden eyes were bright and clear, full of curiosity, and a little gold pleated dress with purple edges on a white background covered her petite body. On her body, her snow-white and pink thighs were exposed...

"Da da!"

As the little feet in stockings on the small high-heeled shoes landed on the deck, the girl stretched out her hands and lifted the corners of her skirt on both sides, smiling and saluting slowly to everyone.

"Hi everyone, my name is Sirin~ Nice to meet you☆"

"Xi, Sirin..."


Seeing the pure and innocent smile on the girl's face, Fu Hua and the others smiled subconsciously, then nodded, and quietly looked at the white-haired Herrscher who was slumped on the ground.

The same is Sirin, why is there such a big difference?

As if she didn't see their small movements, Kiyana gently rubbed the little girl's head, and asked with a smile:

"Well, I do need Sirin's help. But... how is your beautiful world going?"


Hearing her question, the girl narrowed her eyes, enjoying the touch on the top of her head while showing a thoughtful expression.

"I have already created the Candy Lake, the Fruit Road, and the Rainbow Bridge, and what remains is... well, Homo Amusement Park! The Magic Forest! And the Cloud Castle! One day, the beautiful world that my mother said, Sirin, will definitely Can create it!"

"Houm Amusement Park..." At this moment, Bronya, who had always been taciturn, suddenly had a bright eye, as if there was some resonance between her and the girl.

The girl obviously noticed this, and looked over with a bright smile.

"Do you like Hom too?"

Facing the girl's gaze, Bronya nodded slowly.

"……Yes, I like it."

Although her face is still expressionless, she can feel the clear sincerity in her words.

Bronya really likes the series of dolls like Homu.

In this regard, the girl seemed very happy as if she had found a playmate of the same age.

"That's great! Sirin likes Homu too! After Sirin creates Homu Amusement Park, let's go play together~~"

However, at this moment, a certain Herrscher of the Sky, who had been in a daze from the beginning, finally couldn't help it.

"You, who are you?!"

"Me? I'm Sirin Duck☆"

Hearing Herrscher's question in a bad tone, the little girl turned around and jumped lightly. At the same time, she blinked and made a scissors hand. She was extremely cute.

However, the Herrscher was not satisfied with this, on the contrary, he became even more excited.

"Impossible! I'm Sirin! I'm also the Queen of Honkai! Why do you look the same as me before?!"

"Honkai...Queen? What are you talking about? Sirin doesn't understand."

Tilting her head, the girl tapped her lips with her little finger, then she blinked as if she had discovered something, raised her head and looked at Qiyana next to her in confusion.

"Qiana, this sister is so strange, and Sirin found that she looks a bit like you... By the way, Kiyana, who is the big sister you are holding? What happened to her? Was she injured?"

Facing her confused gaze, Kiyana slowly shook her head.

"No, Mei is fine, let's talk about her later."

"Oh, it's great that Big Sister is fine~"

The girl was visibly relieved.

Seeing this, Qiyana smiled and touched her little head again, and then looked at the Herrscher of the Sky who was sitting slumped on the ground with an ugly expression.

"Sirin, the main reason I asked you for help this time is her. What she said just now is correct. In this world, she is the second Herrscher Sirin...that is, you in this world. We have come to another world now. A world similar to what it was before."


Hearing this, the girl suddenly opened her eyes wide, her small mouth slightly opened, her face full of disbelief.

"She, she is really Sirin?! Sirin thought she was joking... Why did I become like this in this world?!"

The girl stared blankly at Herrscher, unable to regain consciousness for a long time.

"I'm afraid only she knows this."

Sensing Qiyana's indifferent gaze, Herrscher was immediately furious.

"What the hell did you do?! How could she be me?! Stop lying to me! Who the hell is she?!"

Obviously, hearing the conversation between Qiyana and the others just now, Herrscher's mood became more and more unstable.

However, seeing Herrscher's ferocious appearance, the girl's face turned pale, and then her cheeks puffed up.

"You are not allowed to kill Qiyana! She is Sirin's best friend!"


Turning his head slowly, looking at the purple-haired girl who blushed with anger, Herrscher was stunned for a moment, and then gritted his teeth into a "cluck".

"You... humans are not our friends! Humans should be destroyed! They shouldn't exist!"

Herrscher's words seemed to violate the bottom line of the girl's heart. At this moment, she ignored her fear and hesitation, and took a step forward to argue with Herrscher:

"That's not true! Hmph, Sirin won't agree with your words!"

"You should destroy humanity with me!"

"Sirin should be friends with everyone!"

"Stupid idea..."

"Sirin won't do bad things with you..."

Seeing the two "Xilin" arguing with each other, Fu Hua and the others had strange expressions on their faces.

"Qiana... this..."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Shaking her head, Kiyana replied calmly, with a touch of confidence in her tone.

Maybe Fu Hua and others don't know what is the use of doing this, but she understands very well:

Although the two "Sirin" seem to be incompatible now, they are actually the same person in essence, but one of them is deeply affected by the will of Houkai, and his personality has been distorted and needs to be corrected.

She believes that it won't be long before the two of them will reach a consensus in some way.

At that time, she will need Qiyana to make another move.

All that needs to be done before then is to be patient.

In fact, since the end of the apocalypse, what Kiyana has done the most is to wait.

But now, she is used to waiting.

Waiting for the time to come...

Just as Kiyana was silently watching Sirin and the others arguing with each other, a weak, hesitant voice suddenly came from behind:

"You... are you really Kiyana? I heard from the principal and the others that you are Kiyana from another world..."


As soon as she turned her head, Kiyana met Raiden Mei's evasive gaze.

Curling the corners of her mouth, Kiyana nodded with a smile.

"Well, I am Kiana Kaslana, the biological daughter of Siegfried Kaslana and Cecilia Shaniat."


Hearing this, Raiden Mei wearing the crimson armor first glanced at the Herrscher of the Sky who was arguing, then opened his mouth worriedly, but finally swallowed the words.

She wanted to ask Qiyana if she had any hatred for that "K423", but suddenly remembered that this was a family matter belonging to the Kaslana family, and she seemed to have no right to ask as an outsider...

Of course, selfishly speaking, she didn't want that kind of thing to happen.

After all, there is always only one "Qiana" in her heart.

However, seeing the hesitation and strangeness in her eyes, as well as the slight alienation from her whole body, Qiyana frowned instinctively.

"Is there a problem?"

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