"No, no, I'm just a little curious..." Lei Dian Mei lowered her head, feeling ashamed of the selfish thoughts in her heart, and didn't dare to look at her again.


Seeing this, Qiyana forced a smile, turned her head pretending to be disapproving.

However, only she knew that her heart was a little restless, and there was even a trace of anger.

The Raiden Mei of this world is not the one in my memory after all, even though they have the same appearance, same personality, same strength and origin...

But in fact, she, Qiyana, has also changed. If it was her in the past, she would definitely have pounced on him long ago, even if that person is not the "Raiden Mei" she is familiar with.

But now she is not what she used to be.

As an existence in the Divine Master Realm who has personally created the end of the world and knows the past and the future, to be honest, she who has wandered in the long river for thousands of years often even makes herself feel strange.

Obviously, although she is still Kiyana Kaslana, she is no longer "Qiana Kaslana".

Because time wears away a lot of things in her, including her innocence, simplicity, kindness, and sunshine...

However, there is a ray of concern that has taken root and sprouted under the scouring of time, and has grown into a towering tree, that is...


Lowering her head and looking at the sleeping girl in her arms, the restlessness in Qiyana's heart gradually calmed down, and her eyes softened.

She already has the person she loves the most, doesn't she?

As for anything else, does it matter?

No matter how far away I am in the future, I am not alone anymore.

That's enough.

"Come on, Mei, I will always, always wait for you to wake up..."

With her arms around the girl's waist, Kiyana lowered her head, closed her eyes and rested her chin on the smooth forehead, feeling each other's body temperature.

Behind him, Lei Dian Mei stared blankly at this scene, then thought of something, and silently lowered his head.

Is that me in another world?

She is so powerful, even in a coma, she can give me a sense of oppression...

She is so lucky to be able to stay with Qiyana and travel through the world together...

At this moment, it is impossible to say in her heart that she is not envious, but she is more curious.

Curious how they developed to this point, curious why that Raiden Mei is so powerful...

There is powerlessness.

After waking up, she heard from Teresa the strength displayed by herself in another world.

It's fine to come and go without a trace, but he can save Huberian by himself...

In contrast, she could only watch all this happen, and even became a "time bomb" that threatened the safety of everyone's lives...

They are all "Meayi Thunder", why is she so weak?

"Without their help this time, I'm afraid Qiyana and I..."

Looking at the strange Herrscher of the Sky, she suddenly felt flustered.

And at this moment, a group of Valkyries suddenly ran out from the bridge in a hurry.

But in Fu Hua's eyes, the other party seems to have come too late...

"Don't panic! This place is under control!"

In order to prevent unnecessary trouble, Fu Hua took the initiative to stand up and speak out to stop it.


The Valkyries still ran over panting.

"No, it's not! Master Fu Hua, it's urgent information! Master Teresa asked us to tell everyone that just now, the Anti-Entropy Headquarters was attacked by unknown forces and has lost contact with us!"



Chapter 201 Chapter 190 Two

"Walter, my old friend, I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way. Fate is really tricky... Do you think so?"

When the maze dissipated and the teleportation node called "Eye of the Abyss" by Kevin was unreservedly exposed to the eyes of several people, the creator of the maze and the first herrscher of this generation——Walter Young also appeared In the Quantum Sea, it appeared in the sight of Otto and the others.

Wearing glasses, a coat, and a scarf... From the outside, Walter is just an ordinary middle-aged man. It is completely unexpected that he has such a complicated identity.

It is worth mentioning that this Herrscher of Reason is also the current leader of Anti-Entropy, the old enemy of Otto Apocalypse, the Supreme Bishop of Destiny.

"Otto?! How could you... Damn it!"

Looking at the blond man with his arms folded and a smile on his mouth below, Walter's face changed several times and became even uglier.

"Join us, Herrscher of Reason, human beings need your power." As if he didn't know the entanglement between destiny and anti-entropy, Kevin said slowly, but in that tone...

It seemed to be giving an ultimatum.

In this regard, Walter refused without any surprise.

"No! What you are going to do is not salvation for mankind at all! Human beings will never agree with your salvation!"

"As expected of Walter, his will is really firm. Even after so many years, he is still like a stinky stone..." Seeing Walter's firm face and shaking his head, Otto's face smiled deeper.

Then, as if planning to watch a good show, he turned his head and looked at the silent Kevin.

"Hey, leader of the world snake, my old friend doesn't seem to appreciate your favor."

There was no intention of replying, and without even looking at Otto, Kevin slowly lowered his head and closed his eyes.

"Really, since this is your choice, then..."

Like a sigh, Kevin raised his head again while speaking.

When the pair of Kaslana family's iconic blue eyes opened again, there was no emotion in them, only the cold that froze everything in the world.

Facing the gaze of those eyes, Walter's face was solemn, his nerves were tense, his head was sweating coldly, and he felt like he was facing an enemy.

"You can't sit still..."

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and began to use the ability of the Herrscher of Reason to construct everything:

Huge silhouettes emerged from the void, it was the iconic mecha weapon of the anti-entropy organization—Tita!

A red leafy glass sphere quickly formed, and he held it in his hand—it was the Ninth God's Key [Star of Eden] that could create a pseudo-black hole!

But still too late...

"how is this possible!"

When Walter was about to use his strength, he realized that his movements, thinking and even nerves had fallen into a state of sluggishness, unable to fight at all.

In fact, Kevin had already made a move first.

After all, in a real battle, the outcome can be decided in an instant. A powerful enemy will not wait for you to prepare before launching an attack. It is a very stupid and arrogant behavior.

As the cold air from the frozen maze gathered again, Walter's constructed Titan Mecha, God's Key [Star of Eden] and even himself were frozen in the void, unable to move.

"Disappear in my path, Herrscher of Reason."

Kevin raised his hand slowly, and the endless cold current hit from all directions, and everything fell into cold silence wherever he went.

In the face of this mighty blow, Walter suddenly gave up resisting... Or he knew that he could not fight against Kevin and Ulandell with his own strength, so at the last moment...

He chose to concentrate the remaining power of the Herrscher to send a "butterfly" who had just been freed from the maze into the node.

"Please tell Ai Yin and the others that I have tried my best..."

Watching the "butterfly" go away under the protection of his own strength, Walter slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment, maintaining an expression of guilt and relief, his whole body was instantly frozen and turned into an ice sculpture.



As Kevin held his hand, the ice sculpture instantly shattered, together with Walter's body...

In the end, there was only one jewel emitting a faint blue light left in the void.

——The core of the Herrscher of Reason.

Immediately afterwards, the cold current continued to pass through, engulfing the core and falling into Kevin's hands.

"I am very pleased, Herrscher of Reason, even in this generation, there are heroes like you. But..."

Kevin raised his head, his empty gaze seemed to penetrate the void.

"No matter how much the price is paid, human beings will definitely defeat Honkai. This is my promise to them... For this reason, I will do whatever it takes to destroy, to destroy all those who stand in my way, no matter who he is."

At this time, Otto looked over again.

"Just now, Walter, did he..."

"Don't worry, we have more important things to do." Holding the Herrscher's core tightly in the palm of his hand, Kevin said expressionlessly.

"Really? As expected of the leader of the snake in the world, those who do big things never care about small things." Hearing this, Otto clapped his hands and smiled lightly.

He looked very happy at this time, having solved his old enemy for many years.


Ignoring Otto, who was smiling like a clown, Kevin kicked lightly, left the gradually collapsing world bubble on his toes, and began to fly towards the main world on his own.

Looking at his back, Otto suppressed his smile, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

My wish is finally coming true...

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth curled up uncontrollably, and then he looked at Youlandelle who was still blocking the Quantum Shadow.

"Okay, Youlandal, it's time for us to go back and take charge of the overall situation!"


10 minutes ago.

Coordinates: Western Pacific Ocean, longitude 142°11.5' east, latitude 11°20.9' north, 6152 meters below sea level.

In this world-famous trench, there is a lost place in the pre-civilization era - Haiyuan City.

On the whole, it looks about the size of an island, surrounded by a layer of transparent film, which isolates the fantastic building inside from the deep sea outside; there is also a huge blue crystal suspended in the center of the city, giving people a feeling. The unreal feeling of being in a magic castle.

In addition, there are a large number of luminous plants growing in the city, in various shapes and colors. They provide a reliable light source, and at the same time illuminate the surrounding abyss, making the whole city look like it was left in a well. The bottom is as beautiful as a gem.

It's hard to imagine that under this abyss of eternal silence and darkness, there exists such a beautiful and fairyland-like paradise. This is simply a miracle!


The battle that took place in this city at this time broke the tranquility and serenity.

"Grey Snake, what do you mean by taking away the Gem of Desire without permission?!"


Chapter 202 Chapter 190 Chapter [-] Escape

"Grey Snake, what do you mean by taking away the Gem of Desire without permission?!"

On a platform in Haiyuan City, a blond lady in Russian military uniform was holding a pistol, her face was full of anger after being deceived, but her eyes were more dignified and uneasy.

Her name is Cocolia, and she is one of the executors of the anti-entropy organization. She is also Bronya's adoptive mother, and she has some grievances with Mei and the others.

On the opposite side of Cocolia's gunpoint, a strange man in a black windbreaker, a white mask, and an umbrella in his hand was standing there silently, exuding a cold aura all over his body.

Even facing the muzzle of the gun, the man remained unmoved, and said unhurriedly:

"It's very simple, Ms. Cocolia, the lord has begun to return, and has taken the Destiny Organization under his command. You... and your anti-entropy are no longer useful to us. For the chess pieces that have lost their function, naturally we have to let them It's out, isn't it?"

The male voice from under the mask was dry and hoarse, like the sound of sand rubbing against each other, which made people feel physically uncomfortable.

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