However, hearing his words, Cocolia seemed even more excited.

"Taking the Mandate of Heaven under his command? How could that guy Otto succumb to others? Don't lie! Tell me! When will my daughter come back?"

"Hehe, believe it or not, as for your daughter...hahaha, I hope she comes back alive."


Feeling the irony in the man's words, Cocolia couldn't bear it anymore.


Pull the trigger, and the gunshot rang out.

The man fell to the ground.

"Huh... huh... huh..."

Putting down the gun, Cocolia panted violently, her full chest still bouncing up and down with anger.

"It's useless to say that our anti-entropy is useless? Hehe... What is your world snake? It's just a mouse hiding in the gutter, how dare you lie to me? Don't think I will be afraid of you..."

Looking at the man in the windbreaker who fell to the ground, a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes.

But at this moment...

"Oh? Really?" The man's voice sounded again.

"What?!" Cocolia suddenly opened her eyes wide.

Immediately afterwards, under her unbelievable gaze, the man in the windbreaker who had been shot suddenly "cheats" from the ground!

"how is this possible……"

Staring blankly at the man in the windbreaker who got up from the ground and twisted his neck like a normal person, Cocolia even forgot to make up the knife at this moment.


"Mom! Be careful!!"

Her "daughter" yelled from behind, and Cocolia turned her head subconsciously, but saw a man in windbreaker standing behind her like a mirror image, and her eyes stayed on the other side after a short shift On the muzzle of that revolver in my hand...


The moment she saw the gun, Cocolia subconsciously wanted to turn her body to avoid it, but as an ordinary person, how could she move faster than a bullet?So it was hit without a surprise.


The bullet with the Honkai Energy first entered her shoulder, piercing through the shoulder blades like a bamboo shoot, and a beautiful flower of blood appeared from behind.

how is this possible……

Not only is it okay to be shot, but there is also an identical "clone"?

Until the severe pain hit, Cocolia still had that unbelievable expression on her face.


Seeing that she was shot, two petite girls, one pink and one blue, roared and rushed over, holding or dragging a big sword in their respective hands, and launched angry blows at the two trench coat men respectively.


Before the person arrived, the sound of piercing through the sky made one's heart shattered.

This blow is not just some flamboyant punches and pretense, but a real "monarch-level Honkai beast impact"!

Just by looking at the dent on the ground behind the blue-haired girl that was plowed out by the sword point, one can understand that if this blow hits the man in the windbreaker, he will definitely die on the spot!


As if they knew they were invincible, the two windbreaker men didn't just stand there and get hacked.

They ran back together, and after standing together, they took out a tube of injection from their windbreaker pockets at the same time, and inserted it into their own necks without hesitation.

"The Eye of the Sea Abyss has been opened by the Lord from the other side, and you have already lost your usefulness. And Cocolia, the World Snake does not allow betrayal, and we will make you pay a more painful price than death!"

As soon as the words fell, their bodies began to swell violently like balloons, bursting through the windbreaker, revealing the dark blue and scarlet carapace.

Not long after, the man in the trench coat disappeared, replaced by two one-armed behemoths, one blue and one pink.

That's... the Honkai Beast!

"Let's try the research results of 'Jackal', just before the coming of the lord, we will clean up here." The two giant beasts said in unison.


Seeing this scene, the three present were immediately stunned.

As a Honkai Beast, he has human reason and can speak human language...

This is a frightening horror story!


Facing this weird scene, the two girls gave up their attack and subconsciously approached Cocolia, wanting to protect their "mother".

However, Cocolia, who collapsed on the ground, clutching her shoulders and looking pale, did not "appreciate".

"Go! Rosalia, Lilia! Leave me alone!"

"No! Rosania won't leave! Rosania wants to protect mom!" The pink-haired girl shook her head and refused.

"Lilia won't leave either, we will fight these two Honkai beasts together," the blue-haired girl nodded in agreement.


At this moment, Cocolia was really angry and anxious.

"There is no need to argue any more, I will let you all be buried here, and none of you will be spared."

The twin behemoths growled and began to approach step by step.

But at this moment, the accident happened again.


As a "butterfly" flew out of the abyss below the platform, a faint blue light suddenly shone on the three of them.

"Mom! Come to Seele's toy box!"


Cocolia, who saw this scene, was about to say something when her eyes suddenly went dark.

The next moment, before the giant twin beasts could react, the three Cocolias on the field, together with the butterfly, turned into a blue light ball and disappeared on the spot.

"Sile Fleur!!"

Looking at the faint blue light group going away above the head, the Gemini Honkai Beast roared angrily, and they all bowed to gather energy, planning to jump up and launch a chase.

But in the next second, an indifferent voice made them all stunned:

"No need to chase."

"Respect, lord..."

Looking at the white-haired man with a stern face floating in the air, the two Honkai beasts suddenly knelt down on the ground with a respectful look.

However, the man didn't even look at them, he just stared at the gradually fading light.

"They are all fighters against Honkai, and they are our potential allies. If it is not necessary, they do not need to kill them. They mainly focus on recruiting. You have to understand that there is only one enemy from beginning to end, and that is Honkai."

"Your will."

The twin behemoths nodded, and echoed in a humane manner. Their behavior was very uniform, making people subconsciously forget their behavior just now and their hideous appearance at this time.

"By the way, lord, in order to welcome your return, I have specially prepared a few gifts for you, and they must be on their way at this time."


Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar city, Kevin's face became a little dazed for a moment.

"Continent Mu...the main world...after 500 years...I, Kevin Kaslana, are back again."

The situation in the world changed at this moment.

Chapter 203 Chapter 190 Chapter [-] Seele

Mariana Sea, an unusual subtropical island.

The coconut trees on the shore sway gently under the blowing of the salty sea breeze, and together with the surrounding bushes, they make a "rustling" sound, which is crisp and melodious, making people feel at ease from the bottom of their hearts.


On the golden sandy beach, the sun is particularly dazzling. A sea crab just turned half of its body out of the wet sand, and was pushed and turned over by the incoming tide, waving its claws amusingly, spitting out white foam Sulking.

The tide receded, but before it turned up and "recovered", a cloud of faint blue light suddenly rose on the surface of the sea...


With the sound of water splashing, a huge paper box emerged from the light and slowly landed on the beach.


As if frightened, the sea crab began to drill desperately into the sand, and all the ambitions just now turned into child's play.

Then, as if some kind of mission had been accomplished, the faint blue light wrapped outside the paper box gradually dimmed, and the paper box also began to dissipate into light particles, revealing the four women inside step by step.

When the sun shone in, the pink-haired girl named "Rosania" was the first to recover.

"It's Xi'er! Lilia, Lilia! Did you see that? It's really Xi'er!"

"Rosalia, Rosalia, I saw it, it is indeed Xier."

The blue-haired girl Lilia nodded, and also echoed in a strange "speaking style", but her face was listless and unmotivated.

In addition to Rosalia and Lilia, a pair of sisters with many flaws, their "mother" Cocolia also seemed very surprised at this time.

"Xie'er, why do you..."

Facing the amazed or astonished gazes of the three, the girl they called "Xi'er" had a pair of blue eyes like the sea, short black hair that reached to the ears, and looked like the girl next door. Delicate and cute like a sister, people have a desire for protection from the bottom of their hearts.

But at this time, Xi'er didn't reply to their intentions, but kept staring at the sea in a daze, her eyes trembling slightly.

"Is this the sea... so beautiful... Sister Bronya didn't lie to Xier..."

Hearing her muttering, Cocolia on the side suddenly fell silent, and a trace of pain and guilt flashed in her eyes.

"Hey... um!"

Just as she uttered a word, Cocolia suddenly slumped down on the ground, her left hand covering her bleeding right shoulder, her face pale as paper.

At this time, a large area of ​​her military uniform had been stained dark red with blood, which looked shocking.

"Mom!" Rosania panicked immediately.

Only then did Xier regain her senses.

"Mother Cocolia! Are you okay?! Blame Xier for being useless, if sister Bronya is here... By the way, where is sister Bronya? Why didn't Xier see her?"

As soon as Bronya was mentioned, Xier immediately became flustered. While supporting Cocolia, she turned her head and scanned the surroundings, looking bewildered.

However, her performance aroused the resentment in Rosania's heart.

"Hmph! Bronya betrayed us a long time ago and joined that destiny! All the people in the orphanage have been taken care of by their mothers, and she has forgotten about us!"

"Rosania, don't talk nonsense, Bronya must have some difficulties, and she will never forget us." Lilia shook her head and retorted, looking very mature and stable.

" shouldn't be like this..."

Seele's expression was a little gloomy.

Seeing this, Cocolia gritted her teeth and forcibly interrupted:

"Stop making noise! ​​Help me up first!"

Xier and the others immediately followed suit.

Afterwards, Cocolia pulled out the military dagger from her waist, pulled the cloak on her back and cut off a piece of cloth, then used the piece of cloth as a bandage, wrapped it around her armpit and around her shoulder to bandage the wound and stop the bleeding .

Fortunately, the bullet did not remain in the body, avoiding a series of infection problems, but even so, the pain when bandaging the wound with bare hands is not something ordinary people can bear, after all, there is no anesthetic...

However, Coco Liaqi gritted his teeth the whole time, even though his forehead was covered with cold sweat and his face was as pale as paper, he just didn't cry out in pain.

This courage is not at all what a woman should have.

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