
Watching all this silently, Xi'er and the others felt distressed and anxious.

After a while, after the wound was initially bandaged and the bleeding was successfully stopped, Cocolia sat paralyzed on the ground again, not caring how hot the beach beneath her was.

"Huh...huh... Lilia is right, Bronya is only staying in Tianming to perform the task temporarily, don't worry."

Hearing this, Xi'er was visibly relieved, with a green smile on her face.

"Really? That's great... Xier already knows that Sister Bronya will not forget us."

"Hmph! You're always talking about Bronya. Don't you miss us? You disappeared for so long without making a sound. Everyone was obviously worried about you, but you only cared about Bronya..."

Rosania was still angry, her mouth was raised high.

Seeing this, Xier shook her head vigorously, and quickly explained:

"No, no! In that dark place, Xier misses everyone in the orphanage, Mama Cocolia, Rosania, Lilia, and Xing..."

"Don't worry about her, Xi'er, we all know that Rosania is just arrogant." Lilia comforted her with a glare at her older sister.

Rosania immediately froze.

"What?! Tsundere? Damn Lilia, you dare to slander me? See if I don't deal with you properly!"

"Lilia is right, Rosania is a tsundere, not only tsundere, but also a hopeless fool..."

"Ahh! Don't run!!"


Looking at the pair of sisters who were chasing after each other on the beach, Xier clasped her hands together with a faint smile on her face.

"It's been a long time since I saw Rosania and the others fighting like this, like when they returned to the orphanage..."

After resting for a while, Cocolia began to express the doubts in her heart:

"By the way, Xi'er, what was the power you used just now? Also, why were you able to come out from the Eye of the Abyss?"

"The previous power was given to Xier by Mr. Walter. Xier wanted to hide and go back, so that power became like a toy box..."

Blinking, Xier subconsciously replied.

Hearing this, Cocolia immediately opened her eyes wide.

"Walter... the leader?! He is still alive?!"

"Yeah." Xier nodded, and then seemed to remember something, her face turned pale, "But in the end, Mr. Walter seemed to be killed by the [snake]..."

"By the way! He also asked Xier to tell Dr. Einstein what happened down there! Xier, Xier just forgot! Woo..."

As she spoke, Xi'er was so anxious that tears flowed out.

"What happened next...?" Cocolia frowned.

"Hmm! The Bishop of Destiny seems to have reached an agreement with [Snake], and there is also a very powerful blonde elder sister, and they are all below!"

"Mother Cocolia, we have to go back quickly! Otherwise, everyone will be in danger!"

Looking at the eager Xier, Cocolia frowned, bit her lips lightly, and looked thoughtful.

"I didn't expect what the guy Gray Snake said was true... Otto would choose to join forces with the World Snake... What's the reason?"

But at this moment, whether it was an illusion or not, an inexplicable feeling of being peeped suddenly rose in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, a mighty voice suddenly sounded from all directions:

"Huh? Seems like I found someone I know~"


Cocolia immediately raised her head alertly.

But the sky is still blue, and there is only the "squeak" sound of the sea water and the "rustling" sound of the leaves being blown by the wind, other than that, everything is normal.

The sound just now was like an auditory hallucination.

"Mama Cocolia?"

Lowering her head, Xier was looking at her suspiciously.

"Xie'er, didn't you hear that just now?" Cocolia asked solemnly.


Seemingly not understanding what she was talking about, Xier tilted her head, looking pretty and cute.

Seeing this, the expression on Cocolia's face gradually relaxed.

"No, it's nothing, maybe I heard it wrong. But what you just said is right, we really have to bring this news back quickly..."

But in the next second, a huge space door suddenly opened on the beach where they were!Like a vortex.

There was barely time to react, let alone escape...

Just like that, the four living people disappeared on the island, until the purple space door was closed, and the beach returned to its usual calm.


Chapter 204 Chapter 190 Chapter [-] Search

Back in time, the European headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven.

The bridge repair plan for the Huberian is proceeding in an orderly manner, and apart from the Valkyrie troops who continue to serve as security guards and the busy staff, the "culprit" that caused all this...

He was kindly (in every sense) asked to disembark from the battleship.

Among them, the biggest responsible person—a certain Herrscher of the Sky who thinks highly of himself has also been imprisoned in the "small black room" by Qiyana in public for self-reflection.

Now, they are staying in the cathedral after the inspection, quietly listening to the intelligence analysis of Einstein and Tesla.


"Regarding the attack on your anti-entropy headquarters, do you, as anti-entropy executors, have any idea?"

Fu Hua, who had entered some kind of "detective mode", put his finger on his chin and asked thoughtfully.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Mei Lei and the others at the side always feel that it's not the first time she has done this.

Hearing this, Tesla, who was standing on the podium, shook his head, and the two red ponytails behind his head drew an arc.

"I don't have any clues for the time being. After all, we only got a distress signal from the headquarters. The specific situation will not be known until the advance team sent to investigate arrives. Now we can't draw conclusions. But..."

"In the beginning, I had the same reaction as Jiwotou. I thought it was destiny... Kiyana from another world, are you sure that guy Otto won't be back in a short time?"

At the end, Tesla adjusted his glasses and looked straight at a corner of the church.

Fu Hua and the others also followed her gaze.

In their sight, the white-haired saint just sat quietly on a bench, close to the armrest, huddled in a corner.

Nearly three-quarters of the bench was occupied by a sleeping black-haired girl.

The latter just lay there quietly, with his hands folded on his abdomen, his eyes closed, and his head resting on the former's thigh.

The two seem to be isolated from the world, one is sleeping, the other is quietly looking at the other's sleeping face, combing his long hair with his hands from time to time, smiling at the corner of his mouth, looking serious, as if he is guarding the most precious thing in the world , nothing else in sight.

They just waited for each other quietly, one black and one white, and the breath in their bodies was incompatible with the surroundings.

Seeing this scene, for some reason, none of Tesla and the others had the heart to open their mouths to break this quiet beauty.


As if sensing their gaze, Qiyana paused for a moment, raised her head and looked over slowly, with some doubts on her face.

She didn't listen at all...

In this regard, Fu Hua and the others suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere was a bit awkward.


"I know what you're going to ask, Otto?"

At this moment, I don't know if it was an illusion, Fu Hua and the others seemed to feel a kind of breathtaking magic power from those orange eyes, as if their hearts were gradually becoming intoxicated and their thoughts were seen through.

In the next second, as the saint smiled, the whole church seemed to brighten up.

And that strange feeling disappeared instantly.

"The previous Valkyrie named Youlandal was captured by the Quantum Sea when she opened up the small world. Although she may not die, if you are unlucky..."

After a pause, a cold light flashed in Qiyana's eyes.

"You may not be able to see them in your life. After all, the quantum sea is the quantum sea, and the main world is the main world. The flow of time in their world is different from ours. Maybe a second in theirs is ours. A year...and vice versa."

Having said that, her tone changed.

"Of course, unless they are very lucky and can accurately find the way back in a short period of time among hundreds of millions of world bubbles. But even if they find it, then they will face new problems..."

"That's where they came back from. Although this world is not airtight in terms of time and space, it is by no means a hornet's nest. If they want to return, they must find a time and space node leading to the main world. You have to prepare enough power to open the node."

"If you want to gather all these elements at once, it's really not an easy task. I guess the only thing that can be done is the legendary 'Child of Destiny', right?"

Kiyana shared her insights.

Hearing her words, Tesla deeply agreed.

"That's right! I don't believe that guy Otto has such good luck! But if it's not destiny, who is it?"


Facing her gaze, Fu Hua and the others fell silent.

"I remember that Cocolia's female fox was still stationed at the headquarters before we came. Although she is very annoying, some of her skills are still commendable, and she is also very cautious. She shouldn't just hang up like this. ?”

"Cocolia..." Hearing Tesla's muttering, Bronya seemed to think of something, and slowly lowered her head.

At this moment, Einstein standing beside Tesla suddenly said:

"Miss Kiyana, we have to tell you a fact. Mr. Siegfried has been receiving treatment at our anti-entropy North American headquarters this month. If I remember correctly, it was just when we decided to support Ms. Teresa For a while, he was still in the headquarters..."

Then, she added with a flat face:

"By the way, besides him, Miss Mei's father and our colleague Ryoma Raiden is also there, but now..."

As she was talking, Einstein stopped suddenly, but the meaning in her words was self-evident.

as predicted.

After hearing her words, Raiden Mei immediately stood up from the bench.

"What?! Father is here too?!"

"Sister Mei..."

Bronya, who was sitting next to her, raised her head, with worry in her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Qiyana sighed softly.

"I understand. Even if he in this world doesn't have much to do with Mei, as long as it's about Mei, I have no reason to sit idly by."

"Qiana..." Mei Lei suddenly looked over with complicated eyes.

Kiyana didn't seem to notice this, she clenched her fist and added:

"Beyond that, I've decided long ago that I'm going to beat up my father in this world! How could it be possible to watch him disappear inexplicably? Leave this matter to me."

As if he had been waiting for Kiana's words, a smile flashed in Einstein's eyes.

"Are you going to set off now? Either I or Dr. Tesla can lead the way for you..."

But Qiyana's reply surprised everyone present:

"No, you don't need it, just stay here."

"it's here?"

There was no intention of explaining, but under the suspicious gaze of Tesla and the others, Qiyana slowly closed her eyes, and the expression on her face became flat.

Then, if Mei is still conscious at this time, she will be faintly aware of it:

A powerful, majestic and indescribably spiritual power... No, it was the divine mind centered on Qiyana, which instantly enveloped the entire Eurasian continent and even the earth!

In an instant, an unpredictable amount of information flooded Qiyana's mind, but the expression on her face did not change at all, as if this level of information flow was not worth mentioning to her.

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