At this moment, her brain is processing and classifying various information in an orderly manner, and the unparalleled computing power displayed is infinitely stronger than any known computer!

This is God, a high-dimensional life that ordinary people can hardly imagine and touch, a great existence that transcends the entire world with individual power!

"Is she...?"

Tesla blinked, bewildered.

No one could answer her.

Chapter 205 Chapter 190 Six Antecedents and Consequences

"Come on, join us, look at the world, imagine it being destroyed, don't you think that's exciting?"


"Tch! It's really boring..."

Cursing his lips, the Herrscher of the Sky crossed his arms and scanned the world in front of him impatiently:

The sky is blue and boundless, and the stars, the crescent moon, and the sun actually exist at the same time!In addition, the clouds are no longer pure "clouds", but clusters of floating colorful cotton candy in different shapes;

The land is flat and boundless, and the golden wheat fields sway with the wind, forming waves of wheat that undulate according to certain rules; the fence is made of chocolate, and the big trees by the roadside are also full of various fruits, glowing in the sun. With a ruddy rich luster...

Generally speaking, this is a dream-like world, dreamy and unreal, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a "fairy tale".

And in this wonderful world, only the purple-haired little girl in front of me is laughing and running in the field, like a carefree elf...

This situation makes people feel a sense of peace and leisure from the bottom of their hearts.

Yes, there is nothing wrong with "Xanadu" paired with "Xanadu Fairy".

And the only thing that didn't fit...

Probably because of her existence?

Looking at the unreal world in front of him, Herrscher suddenly felt an inexplicable irritability.

"Hmph, the world should be destroyed as expected!"

And at this moment, as if feeling her mood, the purple-haired girl who was running to the top of her lungs suddenly stopped.

"Yes, I'm sorry! Sirin shouldn't have forgotten you, come and play with Sirin!"

The girl smiled apologetically and held out her hands to her.

However, the lawyer turned a blind eye.

"Do you treat me like a child? Little one, I am the great Honkai Queen! I am an existence destined to destroy mankind! It is absolutely impossible to play a child's game like house with you! Don't insult me ​​anymore! "


Seemingly frightened by her ferocious expression, the girl whimpered and let out a groan, but there was no intention of withdrawing her outstretched hands and steps.

"Mom said good children can't talk to people so loudly..."

The girl spoke in a different tone, her expression was a little timid, but also determined, but the smile on her face suddenly seemed a little sad.

But what greeted her was Herrscher's undisguised disgust.

"Put away your hypocritical expression! It's disgusting!"

"Goo! Yes, is it..."

Subconsciously swallowed, but was almost choked... The girl opened her mouth, but slowly lowered her head, and her outstretched hands fell weakly to her sides, and she lost her vitality like a bird with broken wings.


Seeing this scene, Herrscher put his hands on his hips and sneered.

As for the tingling pain in my heart...

"I am me, she is her, I will not accept such a cute and silly little girl calling herself Sirin!"

Just when she was thinking so maliciously, the girl raised her head again.

But this time what the other party said made her, the Herrscher of the Void, fall into silence:

"I'm in another world, have you ever seen my mother?"


Hearing this, Herrscher's pair of golden cross pupils flickered slightly, and the expression on his face gradually softened, as if thinking of the warm memories of the past.

"Have you seen it?...Have you seen it!"

Seeing the change in Herrscher's expression before and after, the girl's tone also changed from inquiry to affirmation.

"What does this have to do with you? Stop thinking..."

"Because I'm also Sirin Duck☆!" Before Herrscher finished speaking with a cold expression, the girl interrupted with a smile.


The girl's emotions changed so quickly that even Herrscher was taken aback.

"That's great, Sirin has never seen her mother before."

There was an unconcealable envy on the girl's face.

"Why?" the Herrscher subconsciously asked.

"Because Sirin couldn't see before. At that time, the world was pitch black, what white clouds, beautiful land, blue sky, all these are known from the stories my mother told Sirin. What about?" The girl calmly told the cruel truth.

Unexpectedly, Herrscher seemed very angry about this.

"Who? Who did it?! That human?"

In this regard, the girl slowly shook her head, squinted her eyes and took a deep breath of the surrounding air, feeling everything in this world carefully.

"No, Sirin has been like this since she was born."

"how is this possible……"

Staring blankly at the girl's bright and lively golden eyes, Herrscher fell silent.

"Hey, I in another world, Xilin really envies you. Because Xilin has never seen her mother, whether it is in reality or in a dream, she only has her voice... Even if she becomes the lawyer in the mouth of the big sisters... Or, even if you finally see the light..."

Having said that, the girl folded her hands together and placed them on her chest, with a pious expression on her face like a believer.

"They said that their mother had been killed by Sirin, but Sirin didn't believe it. She must have gone to that wonderful world, right? No one will be sad, no one will be lonely, no one will be painful, and no one will be sad. Never despair, a world where people can feel happy and secure at any time..."

"But Sirin couldn't find that world, and she couldn't find the omnipotent Qiyana, so Sirin was thinking, can she create that world by herself? Maybe by then, mom will It will appear by Sirin's side!"

"So here..."

"Well! This is the world created by Sirin! It is also Sirin's home, do you want to create a beautiful world with Sirin?"


Sensing the girl's expectant eyes, Herrscher fell silent again.

"Can't you...?"

The girl lowered her head, looking depressed.

However, only the lawyer himself understands...

Looking at the girl's appearance at this time, she seemed to see her former self, the self who was looking forward to redemption, hope, and the future...the hopeless self.

All of a sudden, Herrscher's heart was greatly shaken.


Just when she was about to say something, a familiar voice from the horizon suddenly came:

"Sirin, take her out with you."

Hearing this, the girl froze for a moment, then nodded quickly.

"Oh, yes, yes! Kiyana."


"That... Dr. Einstein, where is the principal? Why didn't she come with you?"

"Ms. Teresa, she is busy dealing with the matters of the Senate of Destiny, and she can't get away for the time being."

"Isn't it just a group of greedy guys? They're still veterans, at best they're just ordinary humans! Don't blame my Titan Mecha for killing me any more!"

Not paying attention to the voices on the side, Qiyana concentrated on searching the entire planet, but after a few breaths, the expression on her face changed.

"Huh? I found Cocolia and the others."


Tesla looked over immediately, with an expression of "Are you kidding me?"

However, Einstein slowly opened his eyes wide.

Immediately afterwards, what Kiyana said made it even more difficult for Bronya, who was silent on the side, to maintain her composure:

"In addition to Cocolia, there is Xier, um, and two little girls with pink hair and blue hair."

"'s Rosania and Lilia!" Bronya's eyes widened.


Seeing Bronya's reaction, Tesla suddenly felt wrong.

"Cocolia seems to be injured..." Kiyana continued.


The news was like a bomb, making Bronya unable to sit still any longer.

"Where are they?! Bronya requests immediate support!"

Bronya stared at Qiyana with an unquestionable expression on her face.

Seeing this, Mei Lei, who was sitting beside her, seemed a little dull.


She had never seen Bronya so excited.

Opening her eyes, looking at Bronya's serious look, the corners of Kiyana's mouth raised slightly.

"...Don't worry, I can send them here right away."


Just when Fu Hua and the others were puzzled by this, they saw space ripples appearing again in the corridor beside Qiyana.

"This...thank you."

Seemingly thinking of something, Bronya was stunned for a moment, but instead of questioning, she nodded and thanked.

Although the expression on her face is still so flat.

"It's's not like you, Bronya." She shook her head slowly, as if thinking of something, the expression on Kiyana's face seemed to be nostalgic and regretful.

"Unlike... me? Is Bronya in that world weird?" Bronya couldn't help asking.

In response, the corners of Qiyana's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a mysterious smile.

"No, it's just that the little devil who always likes to stand between Mei and me has suddenly become so quiet, and I'm not used to it."


The next moment, two figures, one large and one small——"Queen Sirin" and "Laurie Sirin" emerged from the ripples together.

The expression of the former is still so condescending and dismissive, while the latter has a healing and innocent smile, like a cheerful little elf, which is lovable.

"Qiana, here we come~" the purple-haired little Sirin greeted first.

Nodding, Kiyana glanced at the two of them, and asked with a smile:

"Well, did your discussion come to fruition?"

Somewhat unexpectedly, this time the white-haired Herrscher took the initiative to speak:

"Huh, human, it's true to hear this little one say you can do anything?"

"Probably." With the same smile, Kiyana gave this ambiguous answer.

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