"I don't believe it. I will only agree to your request unless you can resurrect my... mother, otherwise I will not give up this body even if I die!"

The white-haired Herrscher folded his hands on his chest, with a playful smile on his lips.

Obviously, she didn't think Qiyana could do such a thing, so she deliberately made things difficult.

"Resurrection, resurrection?!"

Hearing this, Leiden Mei couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What a joke! According to the records in the file, your mother has been dead for at least 16 years! How can she be resurrected?! She is not a god..."

Tesla is even more excited.


"I see."

Kiyana nodded, without any fluctuation in her tone.


This time, not to mention Leiden Mei and the others, even Herrscher himself was stunned.

But Einstein seemed to have thought of something, and the expression on his face changed from surprise to seriousness.

"Miss Kiyana, what do you mean...in addition to space, can you also manipulate the power of time?"

"I do not deny."

Qiyana's tone remained flat.


Seeing that the Lord did not deny it, Fu Hua and the others gasped.

What is the concept of manipulating time and space?

That's basically the same as a god!

However, compared to their shocked expressions, Einstein's expression became serious.

"But Miss Kiyana, going back in time means disrupting the law of karma, bringing the dead back to life means changing or even obliterating the fate of others, especially turning back the time of the entire world by nearly 20 years..."

But before she finished speaking, Kiyana shook her head and interrupted:

"I know what you're worried about, Dr. Einstein, but I'm not stupid enough to rewind the time of the whole world, but to selectively lock some areas. What's more, you don't understand, all the distortion points of this world They are all closely related to the collapse, and the collapse..."

Qiyana's tone suddenly became intriguing.

"It goes away pretty quickly."

Einstein frowned suddenly.

"what do you mean……"

"Let's not talk about that, there are still things to do right now." Stopping the topic, Qiyana looked at the white-haired Herrscher again, "For your safety, I can't use my own Herrscher ability, so I need your assistance Go and send Cocolia and the others over, don't resist."

"Human you..."

Without giving her a chance to speak, Qiyana suddenly put her hand on the white-haired Herrscher's chest - where the core of the Herrscher was.


At this moment, the Herrscher sensed the incomparably powerful divine sense in some form... the divine sense covering the entire planet...

Countless messages just wanted to come in, but suddenly disappeared.

But before she could cry out in surprise, she felt that the suppressed power in her body became active again, and it flowed out of the Herrscher's core uncontrollably, and connected to the outer space along the limbs...

Then, using the location of the divine sense as a "beacon", create a space fault, fix the space door...all in one go!

At this moment, the white-haired Herrscher was shocked to find:

My own Herrscher of Space doesn't seem to be as proficient and deep in the use of space ability as the other party.

Who is the Herrscher of the Sky?

Shock is nothing more than shock, this process is just a blink of an eye in the eyes of the outside world.

So, almost the second after Qiyana made the "chest attack" action, a purple space door suddenly appeared in the aisle in the middle of the church, and at the same time, the built-in Houkai alarm of the church sounded.

"Warning! Warning! The concentration of Houkai energy has reached a dangerous level! Everyone please go to the lower shelter..."

However, at this time, everyone in the church didn't care about the sudden alarm, but stared at the space door in unison.

Then, four dazed figures emerged from the space door.


"Sister Bronya? Really, is it really you?! Sister Bronya!"

"Ms. Cocolia, you seem to be seriously injured."

"Dr. Einstein? We were in Mariana just now..."

In just the blink of an eye, they came from the Pacific Ocean to the sky above the Mediterranean Sea. The distance between them...

There is no doubt that this is an ultra-long-distance transmission.

And the white-haired Herrscher, who witnessed everything the whole time, was too shocked to speak a complete sentence.

"Man... you, you are... God?"

Staring blankly at Qiyana, there was no contempt or disrespect in her eyes at this time, replaced by deep fear and a trace of hidden deep...

In awe.

"No, I would never call myself a god."

Shaking her head slowly, Qiyana silently watched the scene of the long-lost reunion in front of her, hugging the girl in her arms tightly, with a natural curve on the corner of her mouth.

God or something, it doesn't matter,

All I need is you...


Chapter 206 Chapter 190 Chapter [-] The End of Dr. MEI

2046 12 Month 7 Day.

everything is over.

When the Honkai Beast devouring the planet descended, it itself turned into an "asteroid".

The so-called planetary-level Honkai Beast, when Chaodensha, which gathers the highest technology of all human beings, named it, it was mainly based on the size of its body as a reference, but I didn't expect...

Now it has become a fact that it is wrong.


Changkong City, located in the secret shelter 500 meters below the Chaodensha building, the president of the Chaodensha and the greatest scientist in the world-Raiden Mei (MEI) is slowly advancing with the help of the wall, alone.


Vibrations from the surface still come from time to time. Even though this place is already located extremely deep underground, and the security and sound insulation protection measures are even ahead of the entire world, it still cannot resist such shock waves.

It is hard to imagine what kind of baptism the surface of the earth is going through at this time...

"In the end...it became like this."

Looking at the scarlet warnings on the tablet terminal, although the doctor smiled wryly, there was neither sadness nor joy on his face.

Of course, she will not be surprised by the expected ending.


"The AI ​​was controlled by Honkai, and the shelter was destroyed... Bingshen-[-] was severely damaged by insiders before it even fought... The high-level personnel of Renhelian backstabbed each other and shirked responsibility, resulting in the interception plan not being fully implemented... Hehe, Is this the end?"



The shock came again, and the entire shelter was affected, and the doctor came back to his senses.

The image of the white-haired girl in front of her also suddenly disappeared...

"I have one last thing to do."

Muttering to herself, she continued to hold on to the wall, dragging her body that was severely eroded by the Honkai power forward slowly.

Today, only 10 minutes before the planetary Honkai Beast hit the earth, the casualties of the [Human Contract Alliance] (referred to as the Human Alliance) formed by governments from various countries have exceeded 80%. Energy concentration has increased by 400%!

In such an environment, people without talent (without resistance to Houkai) will be eroded by Houkai and become unconscious dead soldiers within a few minutes, and various animals will mutate horribly and become ferocious. Violent Honkai creatures...

This is not the most troublesome.

According to the information from the orbiting satellite before it lost contact, in the surrounding area where the planetary Honkai Beast descended, the concentration of its Honkai energy even soared to the point of catalyzing Herrscher in a very short period of time!

If the news that a number of herrschers were born in that area within a few minutes is not bad enough, the real "natural disaster" is yet to come:

do you know?The landing of the planetary Honkai Beast on the earth itself is equivalent to an asteroid impact, and its diameter is about 4000 kilometers, which is equivalent to the size of Australia. As for the impact speed...

is close to the speed of light!

Of course, before it came, human civilization used all its interception methods and successfully slowed down its own speed, but in the end...

It still came.

In fact, before the planetary Honkai beast hit the earth, people all over the world saw the doomsday fireballs in the sky... But that was just the precursor debris flow of the meteorite, and then the sky was "burning"!The sun suddenly seemed insignificant at this moment...

Because a ball of light much brighter than it appeared in the sky and was rapidly enlarging!

Then, there was a loud noise and vibration that resounded through the entire world...

With the landing point as the center, a huge "wall of flame" like a sky curtain engulfed countless high-temperature gases and debris, swept and flattened everything along the way, and spread to the distance at a supersonic speed. It spread around the earth several times in a few minutes...

And part of the surface even splashed into the sky and broke through the atmosphere during the impact!

Among them, the lighter matter will leave the earth forever and wander in space.And the heavier part...

Then it is captured by the gravity of the earth again, and becomes the second, third, fourth... The Nth asteroid strikes the surviving people in the second round.

Natural disaster, collapse.

Flames sweep across the earth, smoke and dust cover the sky, collapse catalyzes monsters, and humans are about to perish.

This is the end.

It's ridiculous that even on the verge of extinction, human beings are still fighting each other:

"MEI!! I need a solution! A complete solution!! Otherwise... zizi (current interference sound)... you just wait... zizizi...become... the sinner who caused the extinction of mankind! !!"

"I don't have any plan, accept fate."


Putting away the pistol, looking at the pile of fragments of the tablet terminal on the ground... especially the extremely angry face of the commander of the Human Alliance on the screen, the corner of the doctor's mouth showed a trace of mockery.

"I did prepare a few sets of preliminary plans, but so what? Is it necessary? The existence of human beings... this extremely stubborn existence, and this world... this extremely ugly world is not worth my doing .”

"What Apocalypse Church, Moths of Chasing Fire, Renhe United, and Chaodian Society... have nothing to do with me. I'm tired. It's time to take a break."

"Human civilization is doomed to perish, and the collapse is only a catalyst to speed up this process. Why should we resist?"

While muttering to himself, the doctor continued to move towards the lower floor.

Even though the landing site of the planetary Honkai Beast is located on the other side of the earth, Changkong City and this advanced underground shelter still suffered a lot of damage in the earthquake, and some passages were completely blocked, making it impossible to pass through.

The worst thing is that the catalysis of the collapse is going on even in this closed shelter...

Not long after, when the doctor was only one door away from the destination, the enemy blocking the way appeared again:

"Ho ho ho...!"

It was a woman in a white coat...a dead soldier.

Messy long hair, blood-stained white coat, distorted hideous face, saliva dripping from the corners of the mouth, white pupils...

When the doctor approached, it was wandering in the corridor like a crow that smelled rotten, and immediately roared and rushed over.

In response, the doctor unhurriedly raised his pistol and aimed at its head.

However, the moment she was about to pull the trigger, everything in front of her eyes suddenly became blurred!

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