
The erosion of Houkai has begun to take away the doctor's vision.

The sudden accident made her flustered for a while, and she couldn't hold the gun steadily in her hand.

Then, the stench hit...


The dead man attacked, and the doctor, who had gradually lost his vision, was immediately thrown to the ground, and the glasses he had been wearing and the pistol in his right hand also fell to the ground.

At this moment, the doctor only felt that his brain was blank, and his heart sank to the bottom.

"At this moment... is everything over?"

At the moment of death, the doctor suddenly remembered an academic report he had made in the past, part of which was:

The attack methods of ordinary dead soldiers are usually pouncing, scratching, and biting. They destroy human skin and tissue, and inject a little Houkai energy into the human body, which will cause disease and paralysis of the immune system, and make human beings fall into a weak state, so that they can be destroyed by Houkai. Bad erosion control.

In the face of Valkyries with high resistance to Honkai, they will choose to kill them by violent means, first stop the life activities of the human body, and then inject Honkai energy to transform them into dead soldiers.

Compared with the Honkai Beast, although there are many dead soldiers, the overall threat level is very low. Even ordinary humans have a high probability of survival as long as they deal with them calmly and calmly...


The dead man roared, forcibly pulling the doctor back to reality, and at the same time opened his mouth to bite her snow-white neck.

Obviously, in the "judgment" of the dead man in front of him, the doctor belongs to the kind of human being who is resistant to Houkai, and needs to be killed before being transformed.

Yet this happens to be an opportunity.

"It's not over yet!"

Feeling the hot air from the dead man's mouth hit his neck, even though the doctor couldn't see clearly, he knew what its target was.


Before the neck was bitten, the doctor suddenly blocked his neck with his left hand and successfully sealed the dead man's mouth!The right hand took this opportunity to fumble around, trying to retrieve the pistol.

"Hey... um!"



Even though the mouth is sealed, the dead man is still eating instinctively, but the target has changed from the neck to the palm...


Severe pain came from his left hand, and the doctor couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, and his body even showed symptoms of convulsions.

It's just that years of scientific research experience told her: the more dangerous and urgent the situation is, the less you can panic!

She forced herself to calm down, while trying her best to resist the dead man, while groping the floor beside her with her right hand, until a cold touch came from her fingers...

That's the smile of Lady Luck.


Unlocking the safety, the doctor continued to press the dead man with his left hand, which was so painful that he almost lost consciousness, and then stuffed the muzzle of the gun into its mouth.


And the latter was still chewing the thin meat in his mouth at this moment, and even subconsciously took a bite when the gun barrel was stuffed in.


With a gunshot, the dead man's body trembled violently, and then fell limp.


In the empty corridor, the doctor gasped heavily, his full chest heaving up and down.

However, at this moment, she didn't care about the pain in her left hand, didn't wipe the disgusting liquid flowing from her face, and didn't even push the dead man paralyzed on her body away. She just panted violently, with a tired face, until ...


The shaking came again, and this time it was stronger than ever.


The hallway was plunged into darkness as the built-in overhead lights flashed a few sparks and then went out.

"Has the spare reactor been destroyed as well?"

Muttering, the doctor pushed away the dead man on his body, slowly got up, wiped his face with his sleeve, and looked very embarrassed.

However, for her who is gradually losing her vision, it doesn't make much difference whether there is lighting or not.

"Qiana...she should still be fighting outside, right?"

Even though there was darkness in front of him, the doctor was still walking forward, step by step, leaning his back against the wall, feeling the patterns on the floor with his palms, moving forward little by little...

"Qiana, retreat!"

"I refuse! There are still people who need to be saved in front of me, how can I escape by myself! This time, for the world I love...for the people I love...I am willing to give everything!"

In a trance, all the previous things resurfaced again, and this short corridor... seemed to have become the revolving door of the doctor's life at this time.

"Heh, what, isn't it just an experimental subject, why did she think about her the most at the end of my life..."

A chuckle echoed in the corridor, I don't know if it was mocking others, or...


"But... since this is your wish, let me do one last thing before I die..."

Dragging his increasingly heavy body, the doctor came to the end of the corridor, stood up with difficulty, groped with his right hand, and finally found a permission port.

It seems that the room behind the door is equipped with an independent power supply system. At this time, the authority port at the door is still operating, and its display screen is the only light in the entire corridor at this time.

"Ding ding ding..."

Although the eyes could no longer see everything in front of him clearly, the doctor who was very familiar with the terminal interface successfully entered the password.

"The password is correct, please verify your identity"

Hearing the synthesized voice, the doctor moved his already lifeless pupils closer to accept the scan.

"Iris verification is complete, welcome back, doctor"

"Crack! Buzz—"

The door opened slowly, and the things inside were gradually revealed.

——It was a huge terminal.

Stepping in, the blood from his left hand was still dripping on the clean and smooth floor. The doctor's expression looked a little solemn and sacred.

"I am MEI, start the stigmata project, start the civilization calculation, and execute the initial procedure L-0320."

"The final code name...is called See you in the next world (see you in the next world)."

"I leave everything to you, Alaya."


"The highest authority has been confirmed, the program execution starts, the gene writing is completed, and the number of recording cycles: 1"

Light gushed out from the terminal and gathered into a silhouette.

However, the doctor has already fallen to the ground, and the lines of erosion are all over her body, like a porcelain doll that is about to break, the last light in her eyes is flickering like a candle in the wind——

Father, my daughter has finally fulfilled your wish and put your future hopes into it...

You are right, the struggle between human beings and Honkai is doomed to fail, and the destruction of this era is inevitable... Stigmata, it will carry our hard work, preserve the fire of human beings, and use it to enlighten the civilization of future generations... …

Mei is also tired, Father, now, my daughter can finally have a good rest.


See you in the next era, Kiyana, I hope that next time, I can be by your side and witness the end of the world together.

The nostalgic eyes slowly closed, the girl seemed to be asleep, her face was peaceful, but she lost her breath.

"Thank you, Doctor."

Looking at the girl's body, the figure formed by the gathered light lowered its head, and the wings on the back slowly gathered to express its condolences.

"Dum, thump, thump...!"

Following the sound of footsteps, a white-haired figure came late.

But this is meaningless to Mei.


The original plot, the plot of the zeroth week of Beng [-] has not yet progressed to this stage, so the author does not know the development process, and can only rely on the scattered information collected to write this chapter. I hope everyone Do not mind.

Just slap in the face, anyway, it's not the first time I've been slapped in the face by an official (no joy, no sorrow).

Chapter 207 Chapter 190 Eight Face the Past

Is this over?


who am I?

In the empty space, Mei muttered to herself.

Ever since the "possessed" doctor lost his voice, the world in front of her has been plunged into darkness.

Now, the darkness in front of her eyes seems to be torturing Mei's heart:

Who is she?

"The stigmata space...why does the stigmata I was born with record the life of someone else?"

Mei didn't understand.

In that world, she witnessed the relationship between the doctor and the experimental subject named "Qiana" from the No. Learned a lot of secrets and solved a lot of mysteries.


The more she knew, the more doubtful Mei felt.

Who are you?

What does that doctor have to do with me?

And that Kiyana...is she really Kiyana?

As for other doubts—such as why the doctor hates humans, why the situation of the experimental body Qiyana is so special, why Otto, Cocolia and others also appear in that world, etc., she temporarily left them behind. to the back of the head.

For Mei, the most important thing right now is to figure out her relationship with that world, otherwise her heart will never be accessible.

But now it seems that no one can answer her...

"What the hell is going on with all this?"

"what happened--"

"What happened—"


In the endless darkness, there was an unsettling emptiness.And any sound that Mei makes will spread out like ripples, and finally disappear in the unknown...

Still no response.

Apparently, it was a claustrophobic space, empty of nothing but boundless darkness and eternal solitude.

However, there is no absolute...


Suddenly, the inexplicable sound of water droplets echoed, and Mei suddenly raised her head, staring at the front of her body.

Although there was still a hazy darkness there, she always had an inexplicable feeling...


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