In the next second, she frowned and her expression froze.


As soon as her words fell, the outline of a figure suddenly appeared in the hazy darkness!

Immediately after...


It was as if someone lifted the "curtain" outside the world, and the whole space suddenly became brighter.


The sound of water droplets turned into the sound of footsteps, or the sound of women's high heels!

In this regard, Mei's half-closed eyes slowly opened, focused her sight, and then...

The beautiful eyelashes spread up and down like the feathers of a peacock's tail, and the purple eyes trembled slightly.

"You, who are you?!"

"Helplessness, pain, hatred, despair... After so many years, these eyes are still full of these emotions. Even the trace of comfort is exactly the same. In this way, I can also confirm that the stigmata ends, It really was a successful invention.”

The visitor adjusted his red-rimmed glasses, and the expression on his face was neither sad nor happy.

Purple hair and purple eyes... Wearing a white coat... A flat tone... Deep and sharp eyes...

It was Dr. MEI of the First Era.


Somewhere far away, in an unknown place.

This is a sanctuary left over from the pre-civilized era, and it is also a meeting room where the "pioneers" gathered thousands of years ago.

The so-called pioneers are the human beings left over from the pre-civilized era.

At the last moment of the last era, the Last Herrscher is about to descend on the earth and destroy the human civilization on the surface.

They, however, had no choice but to hide in the ground, lay in the sleeping cabins that had been prepared, slept for tens of thousands of years, woke up in the new era, enlightened and helped people fight against Houkai, and thus became ancient people Myths and legends passed down from mouth to mouth...

With the passage of time and the change of the sun and the moon, the pioneers of the past died, were injured, and lost contact. This sanctuary once fell into silence for a thousand years and became a lost secret.

But now, when the strongest warrior of the former civilization era returns, this place has "awakened" again, and has a brand new code name:

World Snake Headquarters.

"My lord, Chi You's body can help you restore your lost strength. In addition, to celebrate your return, I have a gift to offer. Only this legendary weapon can be worthy of the future pioneer of mankind."

In the main hall, Gray Snake, the man in windbreaker that had appeared in Haiyuan City before, was kneeling on one knee, holding a giant soul steel sword in his hand, looking respectfully at the figure leaning on the throne.

The giant sword is called [Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment], it is the key of the seventh god preserved from the civilization of the last era, and it is also the inheritance of the Kaslana family in this world.

The figure on the throne is the world snake leader who just returned from the Quantum Sea——Kevin Kaslana, the original founder of the Kaslana family in this era, and the "" Ancestors".

"Da da……"

Getting up and leaving the throne, Kevin came to Gray Snake, took the giant sword with one hand, and asked casually:

"What happened to its previous owner?"

"We know that he is an important guest of the lord, and he has been properly handled," Gray Snake replied with his head down, still extremely respectful.

"That's good."

Without asking too much, Kevin held the hilt of the sword with one hand and stared at the blade with his eyes.

"Old friend, we meet again."

His tone was no longer so cold and heartless, but as if he was really talking to a friend.

Talk to a dead thing...

Putting this kind of behavior on the street will definitely attract the attention of passers-by, and even because Kevin's appearance is too cold and handsome, it may even attract a group of empty and lonely young ladies to offer their caring embrace~


What happened next left them...even all members of the Kaslana family stunned!


A ray of light and a pillar of fire burst out from the core of the sword body, and the giant sword revived tremblingly!

Then, as if responding to the passionate fighting spirit of the holder, its shape continued to extend and change until it transformed into a lava sword burning with flames!

At this moment, it seemed that it was no longer a sword, but a living creature with a soul!

"From now on, fight with me like before."

Ignoring the blazing flame on the sword... or maybe the fighting spirit in his heart was already hotter than the flame, Kevin held the giant sword high with one hand, and his words were full of unshakable firmness.

Hold the flaming sword of the Garden of Eden, the sky fire that burns Sodom... Humans who witnessed this sacred object have used countless myths to describe its majesty.

And now, a thousand years have passed, the myth will once again become a reality.

"No matter how much the price is paid, mankind will definitely defeat Honkai! Long live the world snake!"

The fire illuminated the hall and dispelled the darkness. Gray Snake straightened his back and shouted slogans, his eyes full of fanaticism.

Kevin's words are not just a sentence, but an order.

From now on, the sleeping snake and the snake hiding in the dark of the world will no longer sleep and hide. It will rise up and attack, announcing its existence to the whole world!

Because the "strongest" has returned, all dormancy has lost its meaning, and from this moment on, all obstacles in front of it will be swept away!

Regardless of destiny or anti-entropy...

Chapter 208 Chapter 190 Nine Conversations between Mei and Dr. MEI

"You are... MEI?!"

In the space of stigmata, Mei looked at the familiar doctor opposite with a face of shock.

Because this is the first real meeting between the two.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Don't ask about obvious things, it's a waste of time."

As in the past, the doctor at this time still had that plain appearance, and nothing seemed to arouse her interest.

"Oh, okay..." Seeing this, Mei nodded subconsciously, and then suddenly realized something, "No! How do you know I'm here? Or have you always..."

Did the other party know of his existence all along?

ghosts or something...

A normal person would find it terrifying, right?Could he have been regarded as a pervert who peeped into other people's privacy?

However, seeing Mei's hesitant to speak, the doctor sighed softly.

"Are you really my child stigmata?"

His voice was full of helplessness.

The kind of eyes that look at "problem children"...

Mei's face turned red.

Only then did she realize what a stupid question she had just asked.

But just as the embarrassment in his heart arose, he was suppressed by even greater doubts.

"Zi stigmata...what is your relationship with me? Why do we look like..."

"Isn't this an obvious conclusion? Dr. Leiden Mei" his face remained unchanged, he adjusted his glasses, "The stigmata you hold are modeled after my stigmata. Simply put, you are the end of the stigmata. Calculated, another me."

"Stigmata terminal? That's the one just now..."

Mei couldn't help but think of the huge terminal just now.

Hearing this, the doctor hooked the corners of his lips.

"Are you really greedy, do you want to figure it out all at once? Unfortunately, I won't tell you about the terminal information for now, because you will understand it later, and explaining it to you now is just a waste of time. I won't do anything meaningful."

"What does 'another me' mean?"


The doctor did not answer immediately, but slowly raised his hand and pointed at Mei.

Immediately afterwards, Mei obviously felt something more in her mind.

"these are……?!"

"This is the knowledge I stored in the stigmata, please keep it away. As for my memory, it is in the prototype stigmata stored in the terminal." The doctor put down his hand and said slowly.


Shaking her head slightly, the shock caused by a large amount of memory was only a momentary thing for Mei, and she was soon suppressed by her, without being affected in the slightest.After all, what she has now is the soul that has reached the realm of the gods.

At the same time, she also felt through this transmission that the other party's appearance and the power of the entire space came from the stigmata—the thing that existed in her body since birth.

Since the stigmata are essentially of the same root as Mei, she has also been promoted and blessed accordingly in the process of advancing to the god level, and her power is stronger than the part that was shown in the world of "Black Bullets" back then. It's more than a star and a half.

But now, the doctor on the opposite side can rely on the power of the stigmata to show up here.

"Raiden Mei, your sensibility is too strong, even though you have suffered such a big change, you have been tempered by many worlds, and you are still the same."

The doctor suddenly said something surprising.


Traveling across the world-this biggest secret to Mei so far was revealed by a stranger who met for the first time?

As if feeling Mei's unbelievable gaze, there was something inexplicable in the doctor's eyes.

"It's very strange why I know this? That's because the stigmata is the carrier to record all this. Maybe you have forgotten that everyone has left you, but it has not. It faithfully recorded everything about you, and I And also through it to understand what you went through..."

"Now, there is no doubt that I am the person who knows you best, Raiden Mei, which is not even comparable to 'that person'."

"That person... you mean Kiyana?"

Mei still seemed a little unacceptable.

Regarding this question, the doctor's expression obviously paused, and then he bypassed it without any trace:

"Based on what I know about you, Raiden Mei, you are a person who is easily dominated by emotions at critical moments. You are too easy to despair, too easy to be sad, and too easy to be conscious of your own emotions. Not fit for adventure..."

"Unfortunately, the fact is that from the present point of view, your future path is too far, too far, so far away that I can't estimate or predict it at all. I don't know what your future will become, and I don't know your future. What happens, but..."

"One thing I don't doubt is that you, who are so emotional, will definitely only become a drag on her in the future."

The doctor spoke word by word, without any euphemism, very straightforward.

Every word hurts people, every sentence punishes the heart.

But such a straightforward evaluation undoubtedly hurt Mei's self-esteem.

"You, who do you think you are?! Why do you dictate to me and Qiyana! Our future is not up to a dead person to speculate!"

Although she understood the principle of "loyal words are harsh to the ear", and knew that what the other party said was true, the anger in her heart could not be extinguished no matter what.

She couldn't tolerate an outsider meddling in her and Qiyana's affairs, not even for evaluation!

Facing the indifferent Mei, the doctor slowly shook his head, but his expression didn't change much.

"Have you touched the scar in your heart? I knew that as soon as you involve her, your sanity will drop to a bad level..."

"But you are right. I am just an expression of a specific piece of information in your stigmata. The real me died 4 years ago in that world... Just like what you saw before, Now I am just an illusion that is not even a dead soul."

Feeling the plainness and relief in the other party's words, and seeing the lonely and thin figure of the other party standing alone in the empty space, Mei was suddenly moved.

"Sorry, I was too excited."

Slowly lowering her head, Mei's tone was a little lost.

"No need to apologize." The doctor closed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a shallow, almost invisible arc, "Even if you can't listen to what I just said, but I want to tell you, Raiden Mei..."

The doctor opened his eyes, and his tone suddenly became a little serious.

"Even if you have accepted your past, understood your own path, and willingly fell into darkness in order to protect her future, you have ignored your own problems, your own heart..."

"So, I entrust everything to you, just to strengthen your rationality."

"Entrust?" Mei raised her head with a look of surprise.

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