"That's right, the essence of the stigmata is record and inheritance. Human beings have learned from failures to survive, and the stigmata means the entrustment of life. Not only the knowledge I just transmitted to you, but also The memory you are about to get in the future."

"After you get these, you should understand the meaning of what I just said."

The doctor smiled and said, this time, a real smile appeared on her face.

However, for some reason, Mei suddenly felt a little sad.


After entrusting everything of oneself, wouldn't it mean the complete destruction of oneself?

At that time, apart from her and Qiyana, I am afraid that no one will remember the great doctor in front of me, right?

"Human emotion needs emotional sustenance, and progress requires rational guidance. To love deeply without giving up reason is the symbol of a saint.”

As if he didn't notice Mei's sentimental expression, the doctor was still talking.

"You are not me, and I don't want you to be me, and I don't want you to repeat the same mistakes in the future, but... I don't deny that due to the inevitability brought by the stigmata, you and her are inseparable fate .”

"The inseparable...fate of Kiana?"

As if hearing some terrible words, Mei slowly opened her eyes wide.

"Yes, originally I didn't have to inject such a hint into the recessive gene, but this is my atonement for her, and it's something I have to give back to her... So, I'm sorry, even you have to help me Make this wish come true."

Speaking of this, the doctor's eyes obviously contained some kind of indescribable emotion. Compared with the previous indifferent look, he seemed to have completely changed himself.

However, Mei at this time has no mind to care about these.

"You mean... the encounter, acquaintance, and love between Qiyana and I were all caused by the foreshadowing you planted 4 years ago? You arranged all of this?"

In response, the Doctor shook his head slowly but firmly.

"I can't answer you. The answer can only be found by you. Whether all these developments are caused by the interference of the stigmata or your own feelings, you have to judge by yourself..."

"But no matter what happens, Raiden Mei, I beg you to stay by Kiana's side. What I failed to do at that time can only be entrusted to you."

As soon as her words fell, the brightness of the entire space increased again, and gradually became dazzling...

Seeing this scene, Mei immediately recovered from the shock and confusion.

"Doctor, you...!?"

Facing Mei's surprised gaze and her gesture of wanting to stay, the doctor slowly shook his head and smiled.

"Continue to walk on your own path, Raiden Mei, the answer you and Kiyana are looking for has always been in your heart, in the world that changed your destiny..."

The smiling figure slowly dimmed and receded until the last trace of outline disappeared.

The stigmata space began to collapse.

Chapter 209 Chapter Two Hundred

The headquarters of Mandate of Heaven in Europe, the cathedral.

I saw Einstein, Tesla, Fu Hua and others were surrounding a man at this time, and Lei Dian Mei directly hugged the man's arms. The atmosphere in the church was anxious and moved, which was very strange .

"Mr. Longma, can you explain the situation at that time more clearly?" Fu Hua asked while rubbing his chin, frowning slightly.

Hearing Fu Hua's question, the man seemed a little excited.

"I've made it very clear! At that time, I was checking Siegfried's body. The basic procedures have passed, and the conclusion report has come out. His condition is still stable..."

"I didn't expect that there was a sudden earthquake in the base. The security personnel reported that an unknown organization pretended to be a transport team and launched an attack on us. That's all, but when I was going to go outside to check the situation, that guy Siegfried suddenly went crazy. !"

He looks about 40 to [-] years old, with the wrinkles and determination of a middle-aged man on his face. He is wearing a black and green coat, a black suit, and a blue tie. Parted in the middle, the pupils are lavender, somewhat similar to Leiden Mei.

Raiden Ryoma, this is the name of a middle-aged man, and his identity is indeed Raiden Mei's biological father, and he is also one of the executors of the anti-entropy organization.

"go Ape?"

Einstein and Tesla looked at each other.

"Yes!" Raiden Ryoma nodded, with a hint of doubt in his tone, "At that time, he not only stopped me and told me to run away, but he also said 'he's coming' and 'he's coming' while hugging me. head yelling..."

"I didn't believe it at first. I thought he was suffering from some kind of illness, but I didn't expect that all the guards suddenly lost contact one by one! Those intruders had already entered the base! I talked to him and wanted to pull him away, but he Still like that, in the end I had no choice but to leave the base through the emergency escape route alone..."


Hearing Raiden Ryoma's narration, and feeling the helplessness and panic in his words, everyone fell silent as if they were there.

"Father, it's good that you're fine, but Uncle Siegfried really..." As she spoke, Leiden Mei's voice also quieted down, and she glanced at the corner of the church timidly, her eyes flickering, her face full of tears. hesitate.

However, Raiden Ryoma didn't notice this, he just stretched out his hand to touch his daughter's head, and forced a smile.

"I don't know what happened after that, but when I returned to the base, I didn't find the guy's body in the medical room, nor did I find any traces of a fight at the scene. The guy must still be alive..."

Hearing this, not only Mei, but even Tesla raised their heads.


Facing their gaze, Raiden Ryoma nodded slowly, his mood has stabilized.

"Well, but when I restarted the system and turned on the scan afterwards, I found that some gas components remained in the treatment room. According to information records, it contained a serum code-named HSN-B46, which was a creation of destiny. I think It might have something to do with that Siegfried guy's disappearance."

"HSN-B46... I seem to have an impression" Einstein murmured.

"..." Fu Hua on the side hesitated to speak.

"So it's fate's fault?" Tesla flicked the twin ponytails behind his head, and concluded with a displeased expression.


Everyone did not speak, but looked at the corner of the church in unison.

There, the white-haired saintess Kiyana was still sitting on the bench with her eyes closed, and the black-haired girl was resting her legs together as a pillow, as if she had fallen asleep, and did not respond to their discussions and gazes.

The two Xilins, one big and one small, stood in front of her and on the left respectively, without arguing, like "left and right Dharma protectors".

The strange thing is that the Herrscher of the Sky, who has always been very arrogant and looked down on humans, now seems very honest, just patiently waiting for Kiyana's move, not only does not have a trace of impatience on his face, but is a little reserved.

But just when Fu Hua and the others thought that the Herrscher had "repented of evil and returned to righteousness", they seemed to feel their gaze, the white-haired Herrscher turned his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Heh, mere human..."

Still with that contemptuous expression and downcast eyes... as if he was superior to others.

"That rascal……"

Tesla clenched his fists, with blue veins on his forehead, obviously very angry at the haughty appearance of the white-haired man.

But when Herrscher looked at Qiyana again, the expression on her face changed back to the previous one, awed and cautious.

This face-changing speed...

Let Tesla have a feeling of hitting the cotton with his fist and having nowhere to vent his anger.

"Damn it..."

"Okay, Dr. Tesla, Ms. Kiana may be concentrating on looking for Mr. Siegfried right now, so don't bother her if we're fine," Einstein stopped.


Fu Hua and others deeply agree.

"You don't need a chicken coop, I know it too, hum!"

After snorting heavily, Tesla turned his head with a puffy face, crossed his arms with his hands, and looked like "out of sight is out of mind".

The church fell silent like this. Except for Cocolia and the others who were going to treat the injuries and Bronya who accompanied them, Fu Hua and the others who stayed behind quietly watched the white-haired saint in the corner, and did not step forward. The meaning of disturbing.

They all knew that the girl was not really "asleep", but was searching for the missing Siegfried Kaslana with some kind of magical ability.

Because just now, she was also in this state, and she found the Thunder Ryoma far away in North America and sent it over, so she had the conversation just now.


Fu Hua and the others understand that it does not mean that the new Thunder Ryoma understands.

In fact, the middle-aged father was looking puzzled at this time.

"Is she...? And the one sleeping next to her... yes, is it Mei? Why does it feel so similar but not so different?"

Due to the angle, Raiden Ryoma only saw the profile of the black-haired girl, but even so, as a father, he was still keenly aware of something.

Hearing his inquiry, Fu Hua and the others turned their attention to Leiden Mei in unison.

And she herself was hesitant at this time.

"Father, I'm afraid I won't be able to clarify this matter for a while, or my daughter will explain it to you later..."

As if aware of his daughter's difficulties, Raiden Ryoma nodded slowly, forcing down the doubts in his heart.

"Okay. I've worked hard for you all these years, Mei."

Hearing this, Leiden Mei's expression froze.

All kinds of words rushed to my heart, but in the end they all turned into tears from the corners of the girl's eyes.


The girl threw herself into her father's arms, and all the bitterness of the years melted like ice and snow in this call from the blood.

The long-lost father and daughter reunite...

Several people on the side smiled, making the atmosphere of the church a little warmer.

Seeing this scene, the two Sirins, one big and one small, had different reactions:

"Tch! Damn humans..."

"Silein misses her mother too..."

And at this moment, Qiyana suddenly opened her eyes, stretched out her hand, and once again attacked the former with a "chest attack" in full view!

The next moment, the space door quickly opened...

Chapter 210 Chapter [-] Death of the Jackal

Let's push back the time for a short time, when Raiden Ryoma was still telling Einstein and the others about the attack...

Somewhere in North America, inside a secret research facility that belongs to the World Snake disguised as a hospital.

"He is an important guest of the Lord. Jackal, I know what you think, but before the order of the Lord, he cannot be harmed in any way."

On the top floor of the hospital, in a very secret intensive care unit surrounded by walls made of special soundproof materials, the figure of Gray Snake appeared on the holographic projection screen displayed on the wall, and there was a hint of indisputable meaning in his words .

Hearing his words, a woman in the room with a bronze complexion and dressed in an Egyptian style nodded.

"Of course I understand~ After all, I am the Lord's guest, and I will definitely do my best to heal him, all for the sake of the world snake!"

"I hope you remember this sentence, the World Snake... will never allow the existence of betrayers."

After speaking earnestly, Gray Snake's projection disappeared immediately, and the intensive care unit fell silent again.


With a cold snort, the woman stepped on high heels and walked to the table, picked up a wolf-head mask that resembled Anubis, the god of death in ancient Egyptian mythology, and covered her face.

Then, she turned around and looked down at the figure lying in the cylindrical treatment cabin in the room, the red lips under the mask were slightly raised.

"Although it is treatment, for us researchers, pathological research is also within the scope of treatment. I am not lying, am I? Gray Snake..."

"After all, this is a precious sample. The Lord's descendant... is definitely no less precious than a living Herrscher! What's more, his bloodline has been activated, and there must be an amazing secret hidden in it~."

"Fusion warrior, the legendary perfect combination of Honkai and human beings... Since the Lord cannot cooperate with my experiment, then you who have his blood... Siegfried Kaslana, you must be able to let me understand the mystery of it ?Hahaha……"

Thinking of the depths, the woman code-named "Jackal" couldn't help but burst out laughing, the neck outside the mask was stained with a blush like the spring tide, and her whole body was trembling slightly with excitement...

But her words made people shudder.

There is often a thin line between a genius and a madman, and this woman has clearly crossed that line.

However, just as she was laughing wildly and walking towards the treatment cabin...


A dazzling golden light suddenly appeared above her head!


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