Under the shining golden light, the smile on the woman's face froze for a moment, and then subconsciously took a few steps back, covering her eyes with one hand, and took out a pistol from her pocket with the other hand.

Afterwards, the golden light quickly dimmed, and slowly fell as if carrying weight, like a dandelion, until it changed into a human form the moment it landed.

"I finally found it, the father of this world..."

An unfamiliar female voice came, and the melodious voice and syllables made the woman tense up.


The safety on the pistol had been released.

And as the golden light dissipated, the human figure solidified, and a girl with white hair and orange eyes and gorgeous clothes appeared in her sight.

That seemed to be Qiyana in the form of a saint.

"You, who are you?!"

Her long hair fluttered, her clothes fluttered, and her appearance was flawless... Although the girl in front of her was so beautiful that she couldn't look like a mortal thing in all aspects, the woman still held her pistol, not daring to relax at all.

It's just that compared to her vigilance, Qiyana is a little dazed at this time.


I saw her staring blankly at the man in the medical cabin, her eyes fell on the man's face full of age marks through the transparent glass cover, and there was nostalgia and a trace of distress in her eyes.

Back then, her motivation for living for a long time was to find the man in front of her. At that time, she was alone and wandering in a foreign country, met Mei and the others, but finally got the fact that made her despair——

Her father was already dead, he died to protect her, even he was the murderer who killed her father...

But now when she really saw that man's face...that face that was still full of vitality, even knowing that he was just a similar existence in this parallel time and space, Qiyana couldn't calm down the turbulent fluctuations in her heart.

She had so many things she wanted to say to the man in front of her, and she wanted to ask, but she didn't know how to speak.

Seeing her sluggish appearance, the woman behind her gradually calmed down, and began to probe:

"Are you the daughter of Siegfried that the intelligence said? I remember that you are still in the destiny?"

While tentatively asking, the woman backed away slowly with the gun in one hand, trying to keep down the sound of her footsteps, slowly approached the table, and pressed the hidden button on the table with the other hand.

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The hospital suddenly sounded an alarm, and all the staff who were working suddenly looked at the roof of the building, and then acted in unison, stunned the patients who were consulting.

In the intensive care unit, the woman was still holding the gun with vigilance, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was hard to hide.

Because just now, the portable terminal on her body has synchronized the situation in front of her to the bases of the World Snake Organization around the world. Come here quickly!

When volunteering comes...

She believes that no matter how mysterious the girl in front of her is, her side will eventually win!

Maybe it won't be long before she can see the girl's body on the dissecting table!

"I hope your body will still be so perfect by then, hehehe..." Looking at the girl's almost dreamlike profile and refined temperament, the woman thought maliciously, and a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

But what she didn't know was that her inner thoughts had already been fully exposed, but Qiyana never took her seriously from the beginning to the end.

Do you care what the ants think?Even if it is summoning its companions...

Because no matter how many ants there are, they are just ants, and the difficulty of killing one is not much different from killing a hundred.

But the siren still had some effect, and it brought Kiyana back from her past memories.

"Dad, my daughter has come to pick you up in person."

Looking at the man in the medical cabin, Qiyana suppressed the throbbing in her heart that did not belong to her, and began to approach step by step.

However, women are unwilling to see this scene happen:

"Don't move! If you move again, I will shoot you!"

You saved the person, so my previous efforts were in vain?

Continue to be in a daze for me!

This is what the woman is thinking at this time, she wants to hold Qiyana back before support arrives.

It's just that in the face of her warning, Qiyana didn't react at all, as if ignoring her whole body.

So defiant, the woman was completely angry.

"Damn guy, let me fall down crying!"


As soon as the gunshot rang out, the air was squeezed and pushed away by the warhead, and the smell of gunpowder continued to spread...

At such a close distance, theoretically no one can escape.


Turns out, sometimes clothes aren't just about looking good.


With the flash of light on the gorgeous saint's robe on Qiyana's body, the flying bullet was "fixed" in mid-air, and all the kinetic energy was "absorbed" in an instant, and then Captured by gravity, it falls to the ground.

"Ding! Ding Ding..."

Seeing the falling warhead and hearing the crisp sound, the woman was stunned.

And when she raised her head again, what she met was Qiyana's indifferent eyes.


"Why? I obviously intend to ignore unnecessary things, but why do you always use my tolerance as a bargaining chip for arrogance? Now, can you tell me what gave you the illusion that I was defenseless? Woolen cloth?"

At this moment, she was clearly just looking at each other, but the woman felt that her own thoughts had been seen through, as if her secrets had been completely exposed to the young girl's eyes.

The eyes that look down on everything, ignore everything, and see everything...

It is simply not something that humans can have!

It wasn't until this moment that the woman really realized that she seemed to have offended someone she shouldn't have.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

At this time, a sound of uniform mechanical steps suddenly came from outside the door, and the ground shook slightly.

This obviously gave the Jackal, who was in despair, a glimmer of hope.

"Hahaha! My troops and my masterpiece are here! You are surrounded! Wait for death!"

The woman laughed wildly, as if she was crazy, but she held the gun tightly in her hand, as if only the cold touch could give her a sense of security.


Immediately afterwards, the door was forcibly broken open, and robots equipped with sophisticated weapons and infrared sights broke in one after another, completely enclosing Qiyana and the treatment cabin behind her, blocking all the way out .

However, it is not entirely correct to say that they are robots, because flesh and human organs can still be seen on the outside of those mechanical structures, so it should be called "reformed humans" more appropriately.

Surrounded by these reinvented people, the cold eyes and the weapons with the cold light already give people a sense of suffocating fear, not to mention their number and flexibility...

Right now, this situation is a desperate situation for ordinary people and even the vast majority of Valkyries.

It's a pity that they have never faced ordinary existence.

"Is this your confidence? It's disgusting, but I'm sorry..."

Just glanced at it, and Qiyana withdrew her gaze without the slightest change in her expression.

"They're useless to me."

As soon as the words fell, the power of the saint centered on her and radiated to the surroundings.

"Rumble rumble..."

How orderly the footsteps were before, how synchronized is the sound of falling to the ground now.

All the reformers suddenly fell to the ground, and the cyber-style mechanical brains went dark.

"Insufficient energy...how is this possible?!"

"Attack me with technological creations powered by Honkai...you are too naive."


Suddenly, a blazing blue plasma ball broke through the wall from the outside, hitting Qiyana's head directly with lightning speed!

No one could react to this sudden blow, let alone resist it.


It was still that hazy white light.

Under the protection of the Holy Cloth, the plasma ball that was powerful enough to decompose any matter in the world was disintegrated like this.

In the end, it was only a breeze that fell on Kiana's head.

"The power of the Herrscher of Thunder..."

Turning her head, Qiyana looked at the direction of the attack with great interest, just in time to meet the eyes of a stunned sniper.

At this moment, she once again saw the other party's past and future through the long river of time.

"Raven... Siora... White Flower..."

"The attack of the third God's Key was actually... Jackal, you retreat quickly! She is not something we can deal with! Let the Lord come..."

Just as Qiyana was "in a daze", a panicked voice sounded in the earphone of the woman's terminal.

If Mei was here, she would definitely be familiar with this voice...

Because the source of the voice is the woman who called herself "Raven" I met in Changkong City before.

"I, I know..."

After recovering from the accident just now, the woman threw away the pistol in a panic, and just took a step, but was tripped on the ground by her masterpiece "click", and then began to run away, completely Forget about your own image.

"Where do you want to go?"

But before she ran out of the intensive care unit, she was suddenly locked in mid-air!

Then came the death-like whisper from behind:

"Do you want to leave when you offend someone? Don't you despise me too much?"

"No! Please, please! I was wrong! I dare not do it again! Please forgive me..."

The woman shook her head desperately, her words were full of panic and despair from the bottom of her heart, completely gone from her previous arrogance and arrogance.

But Qiyana didn't answer what she meant, but just looked at the complete round hole in the monitoring room expressionlessly, ignoring the distance, and stared at the pale sniper.

"You have a relationship with Mei, and your life was given by your mother, so I can pretend that everything just happened and let you go. As for her..."

The corner of Kiyana's mouth curled into a cold arc.

"Disappear, you dog-headed guy."

Fist clenched.


Before the woman finished speaking, her whole body dissipated slowly like the plasma ball before, like cotton wool burned in a flame.


The Anubis mask fell to the ground, alone, proving someone's existence.

Not caring about the woman's death, and her expression was as natural as if the white mist on the window was brushed off, Qiyana turned around, stepped forward again, and came to the front of the treatment cabin.

"Honkai Beastization... Could the Kaslana gene in this world have evolved like this? I found a different place..."

Looking at the "half human, half beast" man in the cabin, she murmured and stretched out her hand, ignoring the barrier of the glass cover, and slowly touched the beastly half of her face.

However, just when Qiyana touched the hard carapace, the sleeping man suddenly opened his eyes!

Those are a pair of violent vertical pupils that look like wild beasts!

Chapter 211 Chapter [-] "Father's Kindness and Daughter's Filial Piety"

"Bang! Crash...!"

There was a violent impact sound, presenting a heavy bass sound like a bomb exploded, and at the same time, the air was squeezed violently, and a large number of glass shards scattered out together with smoke and dust, reflecting dazzling luster in the sun.

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