

With a muffled groan, the white-haired saint——Qiana was hit hard, and she flew upside down and shattered the wall of the hospital, falling downstairs like a kite with a broken string.


A woman's scream sounded, followed by other people's arguing words:

"Is it a terrorist attack?! Call the police!"

"Wait a minute! That person...?!"

The talking stopped suddenly.

And the reason is...

A white-haired girl floated up slowly like a balloon, as if weightless, and returned to the top floor of the hospital where a big hole had been punched out.

This scene that seriously violated the laws of physics made everyone stunned.

"Has the degree of animalization deepened?"

Not caring about other people's eyes, Qiyana gently landed on the floor covered with broken stones and broken glass, and looked expressionlessly at the "half-orc" in the room with his head in his arms... or rather It is "father".


Sensing her sight, the man raised his head and let out a beast-like growl, which was both a sign of weakness and a warning.

After staring at those strange vertical pupils for a while, Qiyana suddenly raised the corners of her mouth.

"But that's good too, I can finally beat you up justifiably, stinky dad."


As if he understood her words, the man let out a low growl again, but this time his eyes were full of ferocity and cruelty, like an enraged lion.

It was first lying on all fours on the ground, the mutated left hand gripped the floor tightly, leaving five deep dents, and then the tail-like thing behind it stretched out like a long snake, Attacking towards Qiyana with the sound of piercing through the air!


Feeling the strong sense of oppression brought by the terrifying speed, Qiyana raised her hand and clapped without dodging.


No one could see her movements clearly, only a "bang" was heard, and the tail was embedded in the ceiling, causing the whole building to vibrate violently.


The screams of women came from downstairs again, and the people around and in the hospital seemed to realize something, and began to flee in all directions like birds and beasts.


The man roared in pain, stretched out his hand and pulled out the bloody tail, causing the ceiling to tremble again.

"Sneak attack won't succeed a second time~ Come on with all your strength! Dad, vent your anger to me!" Shaking her head, Kiyana said with one hand on her hip, smiling.

Sunlight poured down from the hole and landed on the girl's pure white robe, glowing with platinum luster, making her look as beautiful as a goddess of radiance.

"Uh...ah!" Seeing this, the man gritted his teeth tightly, staring at her with ferocious vertical eyes like a beast, and let out a low growl full of anger from his throat, as if he wanted to paw the smiling The girl was torn to pieces.

In fact, he did the same in the next second:


His paws slapped the ground, his legs kicked, and then there was a reaction. The man on all fours roared like a ferocious cheetah, and rushed towards Qiyana at a ghostly speed!

"It's still...too slow... oh!"

Seeing this, Qiyana took it easy and raised the hand just now to slap her.

"Crack! Bang——!"

At this moment, the seemingly slender and weak little hand seems to contain a strange power enough to break mountains and rocks!

The moment he was slapped, the man immediately spat out blood, and the whole person flew backwards in the direction of the attack like a missile launched, crashing into the wall on the other side. The miserable appearance was really heart-wrenching.

"Ha——! Comfortable, this slap is revenge for leaving me alone, old man."

Even if he is the father of this world, is this considered revenge for the "Qiana" he possesses?

With a bright smile, Qiyana twisted her wrist, slowly came to the broken wall, and looked down with her head down.

Below is a green belt, and the man is hanging on a tree at this time, the whole person is like a rag, especially the eye-catching slap print on the left face...

It's pathetic and pathetic, isn't it?


The branch broke, and the man fell onto the road with his eyes closed, his right hand drooping weakly, and the corner of his mouth was bloodstained.

Is it suppressed?

Just when Qiyana thought so, the man opened those vertical pupils again, and the wounds on his body began to heal at an astonishing speed!

"It seems that the beating stimulated the Houkai beast gene in his body..."

Seeing this scene, the smile on Qiyana's face gradually disappeared.


Raising his head and staring at Qiyana, the man suddenly let out a provocative low growl, then came to the tree where he was hanging just now, and stretched out his hands to embrace her...

Immediately afterwards, he uprooted the big tree that required two adults to hug it.


With a roar, the man carried the whole tree on his shoulders, and launched a new attack towards Qiyana like throwing a javelin!

"It's useless."

Kiyana remained expressionless and didn't even move.

Sure enough, as soon as her words fell, the big tree followed in the footsteps of the electromagnetic sphere, and was annihilated in the brilliance of the holy clothes.

"Although it's just a temporary clone with little power, since Dad, you still want to play, then continue to play with you."

While muttering to herself, Qiyana took a step forward and slowly floated down.

Then, the one-sided battle started again.

In general, although the Houkai Beastized Siegfried has infinite power and extremely fast speed, he only has brute force after all. He can't fly, and the weapons in his hands are only the scattered building materials in the hospital or the surrounding railings. Trees can't pose any threat to Qiyana at all.

In contrast, due to the great commotion caused by the two of them, a lot of melon-eaters gradually appeared in the nearby area. They either took pictures or videotaped, and they seemed to be completely disregarded. and their own safety.

This is North America, where the "free" country is located. Not only does it have a high rate of gun ownership, but its citizens are also courageous.

Perhaps in their view, such sudden incidents like the plot of a movie will probably never be encountered again in their lifetime, so rather than their own lives, they want to satisfy their curiosity, or increase their bragging after meals and memories in their later years Capital……

Of course, the premise is that they can go back alive.

However, with the intervention of local security personnel, the spectators gradually dispersed with reluctance, and were replaced by teams of uniformed policemen, police cars with red and blue lights flashing, and a series of raised security guards. Wire.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

At this time, Siegfried was running and jumping on the roof of the hospital like an ape. He jumped at the right time, threw himself at the girl in mid-air, and at the same time swung a punch that was strong enough to knock down the truck!


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Qiyana, who was getting more and more playful, also threw a punch.


The two punched each other, but it was Siegfried, who seemed very fierce and violent to outsiders, who flew out backwards, while Qiyana, who seemed to be holy and soft, was unscathed and floated quietly in midair.


Today, most of the hospital area has been reduced to ruins. The half-human, half-beast Siegfried struggled in it, crawled out from the large concrete wall, glared at the saint with fierce eyes, and let out a wounded beast-like moan from his mouth. Growl.

"It's almost the same. If you continue to beat me, I'm afraid my father's body won't be able to hold it anymore..."

Twisting her slender wrist, Qiyana turned her head and glanced at the piles of police officers in the blocked area behind her and the helicopters flying slowly with roaring sounds in the distance, muttering to herself.

"Let's stop here. If we continue to fight, I'm afraid it will cause meaningless casualties. The anger is gone. It's time to get down to business."

After that, she spread out her hands, closed her eyes, and her whole body exuded golden light like an angel in mythology.

"Your enemy is Honkai, and my power comes from the saint who purifies Honkai. We are not enemies. Wake up..."

The soft golden light slowly fell, unlike the scorching sun in the sky, it only shone on Siegfried alone.


The rage and anger in his heart were soothed by an invisible big hand, and the ferocious and irritable expression on his face gradually became peaceful...


Looking at the pure white saint above his head, Siegfried, who seemed to have regained some sanity, muttered to himself with a dazed expression.

Suddenly, the corners of his eyes began to moisten until he shed a tear, and then fell into the ruins and fell into a coma.

"Stupid dad..."

Hearing that name, Kiyana trembled all over, and suddenly felt a little sad for some reason.

"It turns out that you have never forgotten your mother..."

With a lost expression, Kiyana landed slowly, and hugged Siegfried, who had fallen unconscious in the ruins, into her arms.

Perhaps for Qiyana, he is not a competent father, but he is undoubtedly a good husband who loves his wife deeply, which can be seen from his performance just now.

At this time, although Qiyana is not considered Siegfried's real daughter, the one she possesses is, in a sense, now it can be regarded as the reunion of father and daughter.

"Dad, don't worry, no matter it's this world or that world, I won't let our family suffer anymore, because your daughter already has the power to change everyone's destiny, and I will definitely resurrect my mother!"

Hugging her "own" father tightly, Kiyana made a firm oath.

But at this moment, as if sensing something, she suddenly straightened her expression, and pushed the unconscious Zig to the side!

Ripples appeared in the space, and a purple cavity opened instantly, engulfing Siegfried.

After her worries were gone, Qiyana slowly raised her head and looked straight at the sky—the white-haired young man with his feet on the void and a flaming sword in his hand.

"Is it finally here..."

This time, compared to the previous freewheeling, her eyes are now more serious.

"Humanity's strongest warrior, Kevin Kaslana."


Chapter 212 Chapter [-] Wake Up

"Qi, Siegfried?!"

On the main island of Destiny Asgard, in the central cathedral, as the unconscious Siegfried fell from the space door, Raiden Ryoma and others suddenly opened their eyes wide and surrounded him in unison.

"It's really him! But the wound on his body...was the battle just happened? With whom? Destiny?"

Tesla shook the twin ponytails behind his head, guessing with surprise on his face.

"Probably not." Fu Hua, who was holding his arms, slowly shook his head, bent down, and pointed to the wound on Siegfried's body.

"Look, most of the injuries on his body are bruises and bruises, and there are no wounds caused by Houkai energy weapons. As we all know, whether it is Valkyrie or Destiny Mecha, most of their weapons are related to Houkai energy. It is unlikely to cause such an injury alone..."

Pursing his lips, Fu Hua then added:

"I'd rather believe that he was on the run just now than having a conflict with the forces of Heaven's Mandate."

"My guess is exactly the same as Miss Fu Hua's, but..."

Glancing at Siegfried's naked upper body, Einstein opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

And at this moment, Raiden Ryoma's voice interrupted her:

"how come?"

Looking at the unconscious Siegfried, Raiden Ryoma's expression seemed a little dull, not only turning his body over and over with his hands, but also seemed to be looking for something.

"Father, what's the matter with you?" Lei Dian Mei asked Fu Hua and the others' doubts.

Hearing his daughter's question, Raiden Ryoma stopped what he was doing, raised his head with a dazed expression.

"The erosion on this guy Siegfried...the traces of erosion from the Houkai beast gene in his body have disappeared! This...his current physical condition looks even better than before he disappeared! What happened during this period? What?!"

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