
Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

"That's what I wanted to say just now. However, I think this situation should be related to Miss Kiyana." Scratching his hair, Einstein gave his guess.


Hearing her words, everyone looked at the saint sitting in the corner again in unison.

I saw that the other party still had his eyes closed at this time, but the expression on his face was more...


Just when they wondered if this was an illusion, there was a burst of eager footsteps outside the open door of the church!


Immediately afterwards, a petite figure broke into the church, attracting everyone's attention.

"Everyone is here!"

"Ms. Teresa? Are you this? Is there any trouble in the follow-up work?" Einstein asked with his head tilted as he looked at the visitor.

That's right!It was Teresa who ran into the church.

At this time, she was sweating profusely from anxiety, her cheeks were flushed with baby fat, and her small mouth was panting slightly, which made people want to peck.

Hearing Einstein's inquiry, Teresa shook her head vigorously, with a flustered expression, and said out of breath:

"No, in the end, the follow-up work went smoothly, those, those difficult guys were settled by Ji Zi and me... No! What I want to talk about is not these! It's... Grandpa, he is back!! "


"He returned to the floating island?!"

Everyone was shocked.

"No! No, that's not true." Teresa waved her hands, trying to calm her emotions, "Just now, Grandpa sent us a notice, saying that we should be caught without a fight, otherwise he will unite the world Snake and other branches from all continents launched a siege against us!"

"United World Snake?! Is this..."

For this explosive news, everyone seemed a little unbelievable.

And at this moment...

Another group of figures stepped into the church.

"She was right..."

"That guy Otto has reached a cooperative relationship with the Lord of the World Snake. Gray Snake, the cadre of the World Snake, told me on his own initiative. Xier witnessed all this with his own eyes. The information should not be false."

Hearing this familiar voice, Teresa turned around abruptly and opened her eyes wide.

"But, Cocolia?! Why are you here?"

The visitors seemed to be Cocolia, Xier, Bronya and others wrapped in bandages.

"Since the incident with the Fourth Herrscher, haven't we seen each other for a while? Teresa, you still don't seem to have grown any taller~" Looking at Teresa who was full of surprise, Cocolia smiled joked.

This undoubtedly angered a legal loli.

"You still have the nerve to say it!? If it weren't for you, Wendy... are you here to declare war this time?! It's just what I want! Let's see if I will smash you and your Titan to pieces with Judas!" De Lisa growled coquettishly with her steamed bun face, like a cat with fried fur.

Seeing this, the pink-haired girl who has always been restless—— Rosalia couldn't sit still.

"Hey! Children! You can't be so rude when talking to adults! Especially this adult is our mother Cocolia!"

"Little friend?" Hearing this name, Teresa tilted her head in doubt, and then her face flushed with anger, "Who do you call a little friend?! Obviously I am older than you... Forget it, I won't argue with you. "

Seeing Teresa's sudden discouragement, Rosalia seemed to think that she had won, and she folded her arms with a look on her face, and hummed unreasonably:

"Hmph~ That's right..."

But what she said next was forced back by Cocolia.

"Okay, Rosalia, what do I usually teach you? Talk less when you have nothing to do, no one will treat you as dumb! Now there is still work to do, Xier, tell them what you know."

Hearing Cocolia's words, everyone subconsciously focused their attention on the delicate girl behind her.

"Woo..." Sensing everyone's gaze, Xi'er shrank her body, looking scared.

Seeing this, Bronya on the side shook her hand and whispered encouragement:

"Don't be afraid, Xier, everyone is a very good person."

Feeling the warmth from the palm of her hand, Xi'er froze for a moment, then nodded slowly, her face gradually firmed up.

"Well, Seele understands, sister Bronya."

Nodding, the girl summoned up her courage and began to slowly tell what happened in the Quantum Sea.

"It was like this..."

After a while...

"How is it possible... that guy, that guy..." Tesla's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"Yang...it turns out that he has been guarding us since then."

Einstein lowered his head with a sad expression.

"Grandpa, he took the initiative to show weakness to others and ask for peace... What is the origin of that world snake?" Teresa also looked a little dull.

The atmosphere in the church suddenly became a little heavy.

at this time……

"Although I understand everyone's sadness, I still want to say that instead of immersing in the irreparable things in the past, it is better to find a way to solve the current crisis. We cannot let others' beliefs and sacrifices go to waste. All we can do is bring Go forward with sorrow."

Fu Hua said slowly, although her face was calm, but her eyes were full of vicissitudes, as if she had experienced too much, too much...


Hearing this, although everyone was still a little sentimental, they were no longer dull.

"The mysterious World Snake Organization plus the known four major branches of destiny in Oceania, Africa, South America, and Antarctica, this will be an unprecedented fierce battle!"

"Who said no?"

"On the contrary, we only have [-]% of the mechas transferred from the headquarters, and the main force of the Far East Branch..."

"As for the situation at the Destiny Headquarters, which has just stabilized, it is impossible to form an effective combat force in such a short period of time. At some point, it will even become the tree that hangs us. The situation is not optimistic."

Hearing everyone's analysis sentence by sentence, and feeling the little bit of despair piled up, Tesla suddenly took off his glasses, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said loudly with a trembling voice:

"But no matter how slim the odds are, we can't surrender! That guy Otto... Rather than being defeated and captured by him, I would rather jump directly from the fence of the floating island! This way, I can die well and walk away without pain!"

"That guy is an out-and-out lunatic! I advise everyone not to have any unrealistic fantasies."


Hearing Tesla's words, everyone fell silent.

"Then what should we do? Sitting and waiting is not a good choice," Cocolia said slowly.

"The lord, he actually... This time, our anti-entropy really can be said to have reached a life-and-death moment, but I don't know if we can survive it smoothly..."

Raiden Ryoma, who is also an anti-entropy executor, is full of worry.

Suddenly, Fu Hua, who was thinking, noticed something keenly.

"Mei, what's wrong with you?"

The silence was broken, and the others looked over immediately.

However, at this moment, Raiden Mei was staring blankly at somewhere.

"She, she..."


With puzzled expressions, everyone followed her gaze, and it turned out...

They all opened their eyes wide.


On the wooden bench in the corner of the church where everyone's eyes meet, the black-haired girl who has been sleeping for a long time has opened her eyes at some point, and is reaching out to caress the cheek of the saint. , the movement is gentle and slow.

And as if sensing their gaze, the black-haired girl turned her head slightly, with her soft thigh resting on her head, and looked at them with those purple-red eyes.

That look...

Confused and complicated.

"You, are you awake?" Fu Hua asked slowly.


Without saying a word, the girl just nodded lightly, her gaze stayed on the faces of everyone... especially Raiden Ryoma's face for a while, and then slowly sat up with her hands supporting her body.

And as if sensing the movement she made, the white-haired saint with her eyes closed suddenly trembled, and then opened her eyes instantly.


As soon as he uttered a word, the eyes of the two met.

"Long time no see, Kiana."

Chapter 213 Chapter [-] Dawn

"Long time no see, Kiana."

On the pew in the church, Mei brushed her hair behind her ears, tilted her head, smiled lightly, and greeted her in a tone that was both unfamiliar and familiar.

"You...you remember everything?"

Feeling the subtle unnaturalness between each other, the expression on Qiyana's face was a bit complicated, with a touch of melancholy mixed with happiness.

Mei... is it still Mei?

After knowing her past, will she still be considerate and tolerant of me as before?After all, whether it is the past, the present or the future... I in that world only care about myself, everyone and the world, but it is too unfair to her...

Is such a selfish self really worthy of Mei?

Thinking of this, a gleam of gloom flashed in Qiyana's eyes.

She regrets a little...

If I knew it earlier, I should have skipped the topic of the stigmata in a simpler and more direct way, instead of choosing to make a big detour and let Mei learn about the "past life" of the two in this way, understand the cruelty of that time, and witness that era the end of...

You are such a fool!Hopeless fool!

What activates the stigmata!What an advanced God Master Realm!

Since you are so strong, wouldn't it be enough to protect Mei? !

Why let her learn about that! ?

Just when Qiyana's thinking fell into a certain kind of endless loop, and the chaotic breath emanating from her subconscious even affected the people present...

Her tightly clenched right hand was held by a pair of warm palms.

The confusion disappeared instantly.

Raising his head, what caught his eyes was Mei's slightly worried eyes.

"Are you blaming yourself, Kiyana."

Holding that right hand tightly, Mei kept looking at Kiana, and at the same time slowly separated her tense five fingers one by one, the movements were gentle and serious.

"Don't worry. Although I have lived as a MEI in the Stigmata Space for two years and have experienced many things, there is no doubt that I am still me, the person you trust the most, Raiden Mei."

Mei's two hands, one holding the palm and the other sticking to the back of the hand, clamped Kiana's right hand up and down, holding each other tightly and never separating.


Feeling the warmth from the palms and backs of her hands, and the firmness and trust contained in those words just now, Qiyana stared blankly at those purple-red eyes that were as gentle as water, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

At this moment, there was another sound of footsteps outside the church:


The visitor was Himeko in Valkyrie armor.

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