"The principal has a situation!"

Seeing this, Teresa recovered from the impact of Kiyana and the others' dog food... oh no, just now.

"Ji Zi?"

"The satellite has just detected a huge Houkai energy reaction in the North American continent! The energy level has reached a high level..."

While talking, Himeko's eyes fell on Mei.

"Huh? You, are you awake?"

Hearing this, Mei nodded with a smile, holding hands with Kiana, while calmly facing everyone's gaze.

"Well, I have inherited all the knowledge recorded in the stigmata by Dr. MEI. As long as I have enough time and a corresponding place, I can safely activate the stigmata for you at any time."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but at this time, Mei is more confident and calm than before falling asleep. There is an undeniable sense of solemnity in every gesture, and there is also an expert-like authoritative aura, which makes people dare not take it lightly. to refute.

The two anti-entropy scientists who feel this most deeply are Einstein and Tesla.

"It seems that she has really changed..." Einstein stroked his hair thoughtfully.

But Ji Zi didn't pay attention to these.

"Activate... the stigmata? Didn't you say production before?"

At the end, she looked at Qiyana deliberately, and the meaning in her words was self-evident.


The so-called "creation of stigmata" was just an excuse that Kiyana randomly made at the time, and now it is singled out again... it is a bit embarrassing.

"Hmm..." Qiyana was stunned for a moment, not knowing what words to use to respond.

As we all know, if one lie is told, it may take thousands of lies to cover it up.

Even though Qiyana was unmatched in strength, she still faced difficulties in facing this matter.


Before everyone's eyes fell on her and they "silently asked" her, Mei took the initiative to pick up the topic and attracted attention.

"That's right, it's 'making stigmata', but what Qiyana said earlier was not accurate, I think the two doctors should also know the nature of stigmata?"


Kiyana raised her head with a surprised expression.

However, Mei naturally looked at Einstein and Tesla, and did not reply.

It's just that the hands of the two are holding each other tightly, feeling each other's body temperature, exchanging each other's moods... In a sense, they are "one body" today, one prospers and one loses.

This sense of connection gave Kiana a sense of relief.

Hearing Mei's words, Tesla nodded subconsciously.

"Yeah, isn't the so-called stigmata just some fragments buried in human genes? What's wrong?"

"Well, in this way, you should also know that everyone in this world actually has stigmata, but the stigmata of most individuals will not be revealed in their lifetime, and it is not non-existent. This is true in our world. It's the same..."

Having said that, Yai paused, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to help her eyes, but she didn't touch anything and was stunned for a moment.


Then, she calmly moved her hands to her ears, trimmed her hair, and continued with a natural expression:

"Although they are different worlds, I think there must be a certain degree of similarity between the two stigmata. As long as I use the stigmata technology I have mastered and change some subtle parameters and variables, I have the confidence to create a stigmata. A device that can specifically activate the stigmata."

"Is that so? But in terms of time..."

Einstein and the others looked at each other and smiled wryly.

What they seem to be most lacking right now is time.

Seeing this, Mei frowned.

"Did something happen?"

While speaking, she also scanned the surroundings, and her eyes stayed on Cocolia for a while.

But when she saw Bronya behind her, the hatred in her eyes flickered a few times before disappearing.

What happened in the past is irreversible, not to mention there are different worlds apart...

Even though she was a bit unwilling and reluctant, Mei could only persuade herself to let go of that hatred, focus on the current matter, and concentrate on developing the future with the girl beside her.

After hearing Mei's question, Fu Hua and the others also hesitated for a while, and then slowly told what happened during her coma:

"Is such that……"

After a while...

"That's it."

Understanding the crisis she was facing now, Mei pursed her lips and fell into deep thought.

And at this moment, Qiyana took the initiative to stand up.

"Kevin, the leader of the World Snake, Kevin Kaslana, just leave it to me. I was still fighting him just now. If Mei didn't wake up, the battle would have ended. Although he is very strong, but I have no reason to lose to him."

Hearing this, Ji Zi suddenly thought of something.

"What? That just happened in North America..."

"Well, if nothing else happens, it's us." Kiyana nodded.

Seeing this, Mei smiled slightly.

"Leave the mecha unit of that destiny to me. After inheriting the knowledge of Dr. MEI, I found that I used the power of the Herrscher of Thunder too rough in the past. Most of the time, it only stayed on the surface. In fact, the thunder and lightning are far away. Much more useful than I imagined..."

"By the way, you haven't completely cracked the core authority of the Destiny Headquarters, have you? Later, I can upgrade the existing artificial intelligence...for example, the AI ​​on your Hyperion, is it called Aijiang? Quantum computer, gaining a leap-forward increase in computing power..."

"At that time, you can ask her to help, quickly crack all encryption permissions, and completely control the attack and defense systems here, so as to prevent the possible successors left by Bishop Otto from suddenly bursting out and causing us unnecessary trouble."

"Yeah, yeah? That's really nice!"

Teresa and the others seemed surprised.

"But in this case, I'm afraid the matter about the stigmata will be put aside..." Mei tilted her head, frowning and thinking.

Regarding this, Ji Zi clenched his fist and said with a nonchalant smile:

"It's okay! I feel fine now! I don't need any treatment at all! Just go about your own business and leave me alone!"

"In this case, this crisis may become an opportunity for reversal! If successful, we will change the future and pattern of the entire world by ourselves! Everyone, are you ready?!" Tesla said The face exclaimed excitedly.

"Of course!"

The atmosphere in the church was unprecedentedly high.

Seeing everyone with hopeful faces, Mei and Kiyana looked at each other, held each other's hands tightly, and smiled in unison.

"I need your help this time too~"

"Good! Good! Sirin also wants to help!"

"Hmph, since it's your request, then I'll mercifully agree once, and crush those guys for you! But humans, don't forget your promise."


Chapter 214 Chapter [-] Kevin's doubts

Flame, sea of ​​fire.

Centering on the experimental facility where the World Snake disguised itself as a hospital, an area the size of a town in a radius has now been reduced to scorched earth. The fiery red flames burned everything, turning this place into a purgatory on earth.

Buildings collapsed, trees broke, traffic was paralyzed, order collapsed...

Children are crying, parents are shouting, despair and pain are like the raging flames and drifting smoke, spreading rapidly and lingering in everyone's hearts.

This is a disaster, a "natural disaster" caused by man, no one can predict, no one can stop...

And the culprit who caused all this——Kevin Kaslana was quietly floating above the ruins of the hospital at this time, holding the flaming Holy Fire Sacred Order, silently looking down at the empty, pitch-black sky in front of him. pit.

——This is where the "enemy" was before, but now she has disappeared.

In the pit, blood-red lava is faintly visible, and the high temperature radiating from it distorts and deforms the surrounding air. The unpleasant burnt smell and compelling heat waves roll in, making people feel as if they are in a steamer, which is very uncomfortable.

But none of this could get close to Kevin, and couldn't affect him in the slightest. He just floated there quietly, looking down at the pothole with a blank expression, without saying a word.

The strange thing is that although the surrounding environment is like purgatory, his whole body is like a piece of solid ice that has been frozen for thousands of years. The cold air radiating from his body makes it impossible for the flames and heat waves to get close.

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Is she dead?

Is she gone?

Did you really win?

Three questions appeared in Kevin's mind one after another, and they were quickly overruled by himself.

"It shouldn't be that simple."

While muttering to himself, he began to scan his surroundings.

"The ability of space? Invisibility... or hiding?"

After searching with the naked eye to no avail, he closed his eyes and began to use his ability to find enemies:

In an instant, the Houkai energy within a radius of a hundred miles flowed like a huge vortex, and began to converge around him;

And among them, the large and small eddies are strong or weak, but none of them are close to his current magnitude, and they don't match the characteristics of the enemy at all.

"Still not..."

Opening his eyes, looking at the empty pothole below, Kevin fell into deep thought:

Just now, just a few minutes ago, he rushed to this area from the World Snake Headquarters, and met the girl's eyes.

Kiana Kaslana - this is the name that Kevin recalled reflexively when he saw that face, and all the information about this name... such as the clone of his descendants, the code name K423, the empty The carrier of the Herrscher's resurrection and the like.

But soon, all these materials were left behind by him.

Because that "Qiana" is not as "weird" as the enemy in front of her...

In fact, when he met the girl's eyes, he saw interest, curiosity and other emotions in the girl's eyes, but there was no fear.

Other than that, he hasn't sensed the slightest hint of Herrscher from that girl...even the fluctuation of Houkai energy!The other party looked like an ordinary person, except for that outstanding appearance and temperament, it hardly brought him the slightest sense of threat!

It was as if what he was facing was not a mysterious girl, but a stone with no fighting power.

This is very wrong.

Out of a cautious attitude, Kevin at the time chose to take the lead in probing, and the other party seemed to have the same idea. It was useless for anyone to "magnify the trick" as soon as they met.

After several rounds of sparring, the two sides did not distinguish between high and low, and Kevin also came to a conclusion:

Its own frost power has no effect on it.

Beside the girl, there is always an invisible barrier lingering around, isolating the influence of Houkai energy; and the white light emitted from the dress from time to time at that time can offset all long-range attacks, making people dare not Easy to approach.

In addition, the opponent's attack can actually weaken the concentration of the Houkai energy, reduce the magnitude of the Houkai energy, and even suppress the Houkai energy in the body to a certain extent, consuming the energy stored in the God's Key Skyfire Sacred Judgment out of thin air. Lawrence Energy!

The power to restrain the collapse...

This made Kevin couldn't help but think of the cruel and unusual battle in the civilization of the last era 5 years ago.

And the opponent in that battle was the No.11 Herrscher who could create the "Anti-Honkai Barrier"——[The Herrscher of Restraint].

In the enchantment, all weapons powered by Honkai Energy were ineffective, and the fusion warrior with the Honkai Beast gene in his body died within 1 minute... His comrades, including him, Kevin, had once The Herrscher who controlled the enchantment was helpless...

And how was the strength of that girl now similar to that of the Herrscher of Restraint?

"Honkai's nemesis"... plus the saintly posture that can be broken, retreated and defended, and has both offense and defense-these characteristics are concentrated in one person, which surprised Kevin at the time.

Surprisingly, as the strongest fusion fighter in the pre-civilization era, he has faced the destruction of civilization and the end of the world. He will not shake his heart because of this. Instead, he quickly calmed down and sorted out the known information, and finally came to the conclusion A conclusion:

Quick fight!

Facing such an opponent who can weaken himself with every gesture, the longer the battle drags on, the more the balance of victory will tilt towards the opponent, and it is absolutely impossible to fight a protracted battle!

As for wooing?

Kevin never thought... or never expected that an enemy who had just blatantly killed the cadre of the snake in the world would agree to his solicitation. After all, everything must be prepared for the worst. If you are not a friend, then you will not die Endless enemies!

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