So, when the temptations of both parties were over, before the other party had any intention of making a move, he unleashed a killer move in one go - the zero rated power of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Tribunal!

Skyfire Unsheathed!

The core of God’s Key—the herrscher’s core with the most destructive power in the civilization of the last era [The Herrscher of Flame] was activated at this moment, and countless flames gushed out from the great sword, burning and destroying the surroundings everything of!

The sky was shrouded in flames, and all the vegetation on the ground was ignited at this moment.

In the hands of the strongest warrior in the pre-civilized era, this God's Key exerted a terrifying power enough to kill Herrscher with one blow!

Faced with this move, the other party did not show the slightest fear at first, but instead showed interest, like a baby who is interested in everything in its infancy.

But when Kevin brandished the big sword and slashed at the girl with soaring flames, she suddenly changed her face, and then...

just disappeared.


Thinking carefully about everything that happened before, Kevin didn't think that the mysterious saint just died in the flames.

Although the blow just now was very strong, strong enough to instantly kill an ordinary Herrscher, but to him, it could only be regarded as a serious blow after warming up, not full strength at all.

And an opponent with such characteristics died in his serious blow?

He thinks this is very unlikely.

"It should have escaped, but why did you escape?"

Scanning the purgatory-like scene around him, Kevin's expression was cold and puzzled.

As for the deaths of those innocent residents of the town?

In his mind, it was just a series of meaningless numbers, unable to stir up any waves.

At this moment, Gray Snake's voice came from the headset:

"Your Highness."

"what's up?"

"The Bishop of Destiny wants to communicate with you."

Frowning, Kevin let go of his hand, and the great sword turned into flames and burned into the air.

"...Accept it."

Chapter 215 Chapter [-] The Brewing Disaster

In the vast universe, besides human beings, are there any other civilizations?

This question has been debated since the beginning of the last century.

Some people think that the universe is so big that humans, the earth and even the solar system are too small in comparison, and they have no confidence at all... There is no need to deny the existence of alien civilizations;

Some people insist on the principle of "seeing is believing", thinking that the existence of spaceships and creatures of alien civilization can only be confirmed when they actually see or touch them, and they never believe otherwise.

After all, with the development of information and the prosperity of civilization, most of the videos and materials about aliens on the Internet are fake and imaginary. They have long been tired of these eye-catching things, and no one wants to be fooled repeatedly. ?


The above two ideas occupy the mainstream, and both sides insist on their own opinions. Everyone has their own reasons, and no one can change the other's thinking.

As a well-known astronomical observer in the field of astronomy, Professor Lin Zhou from China belongs to the "former faction" and believes that extraterrestrial civilizations exist, and human beings are never alone in the universe.

Graduated from the famous Imperial University in China, he majored in the Department of Astronomy. He is over half a century old this year and works in the western desert region observatory all year round. His daily task is to observe comets and meteorites that break into the solar system and record their various data.

This is both a job and a hobby. He has been in this industry for more than ten years and has been fascinated by the starry sky since he was a child.

In his eyes, the vast universe represents infinite possibilities, unlike the "seeing is believing" pursued by the latter faction. He thinks that what is there is there, and it does not mean that it is not found.

It's like you never know if there are cockroaches or mice in your home. Even if they don't usually come out and you haven't found them, it doesn't mean they don't exist.

However, he will not argue about it.

Because the truth is often not revealed until the last moment, and all the inferences and arguments before that are just hypotheses, they are essentially the same, and there is no right or wrong.

And today is another ordinary day.

"Da da da……"

In front of the operating computer in the observatory, Lin Zhou's hands danced wildly on the keyboard, and he drank a sip of green tea to refresh himself from time to time. The eyes behind the lenses were tired but serious, staring at the observation maps of the starry sky on the screen.

In the picture, countless stars are shining brightly, which seem to be the same, but in many cases, he needs to check and compare them frame by frame with the naked eye, and record the corresponding data, day after day.

Although the deserts in the western part of China are very cold at night, the night sky is far clearer and brighter than that in the Central Plains.

Due to the acceleration of modernization and the increasing industrial pollution, it is almost difficult for many people to look up and see the beautiful starry sky.

Many times, even on a cloudless summer night, there are only a few stars in the sky, which completely lacks the beautiful and romantic atmosphere of childhood.

And here, the starry sky is really another grand scene different from the daytime, and it also provides very good conditions for astronomical observation, which cannot be brought by a bustling city.

But today seems to be different from the past...

"Professor, is the observation data of HB46 here?"

The assistant walked over clutching his head.

" that restless meteorite?"

After being stunned for a moment, Lin Zhou bent down and took out a stack of documents from the safe on his desk while talking.

"Well, it's here, what's wrong?"

The assistant frowned, looking a little distressed.

"It's nothing, it's just that its observation data this time seems to have changed a bit. Let me compare the last data to see if there is something wrong with the instrument."

Hearing this, Lin Zhou stopped handing out the document and stood up.

"Really? Let me see."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Zhou and his assistant dug up the previous data and observation maps, and after some comparisons, they quickly discovered something was wrong.

"Its position has shifted significantly compared to last time... Was it hit by another meteorite? No, it is accelerating! Quickly predict its current orbit!"

"Professor! The calculation results, its orbit coincides with that of the earth! This...isn't its predetermined orbit before the sun? Why suddenly..."

Thinking of a certain possibility, the two of them suddenly felt a chill run from their backs to the back of their heads.

"Open the database, start the backup! I will report this situation to the above!"

"Okay, okay! Professor."

The two immediately got busy.

This is their job, like many people, although unknown, but by no means ordinary.

And this discovery also sounded the alarm for mankind.


Mariana Trench, 6152 meters below sea level, Haiyuan City.

Since Anti-Entropy withdrew and Kevin returned, this lost city left over from the pre-civilization era fell into silence again.

The breath of living people has disappeared, replaced by patrolling and stationed robots—yes, they are the "engineers" or "sentinels" left by the World Snake Organization. What needs to be done every day is to maintain and clean up, to prevent The destruction of the city by the Houkai Beast.

A few years ago, it was discovered by the anti-entropy organization after sleeping tens of thousands of years on the seabed; and now, it is back under the control of the World Snake Organization formed by the pioneers of the pre-civilization era. A trick of fate.

Although this "change of ownership" did not have much impact on the city itself, but...

Facts have proved that once a precedent is set for some things, the subsequent development may become out of control.

For example... the opening of the quantum sea.


In the central area of ​​the city, directly below the huge crystal, such a strange sound suddenly echoed in the strangely shaped space.

At the beginning, this sound was easily reminiscent of the sound of a bubble bursting. After all, it is not surprising to hear this sound at the bottom of the sea?

However, over time...

"Gululu!... Gululu!"

The sound became louder and louder, and the number and frequency of appearances increased, as if the "whimper" from the alien space itself, making people feel absurd for a while.

In fact, "Haiyuan City" is just a title.

It is called [De Moana Chino] in the myths and legends of the local people, but it is actually a giant portal leading to the Quantum Sea, called [The Eye of the Abyss].

That's right, its essence is neither a city nor a fortress, but a portal!

However, due to being eroded by the power of the quantum sea for tens of thousands of years, its own structure has gradually mutated. Not only has it merged into an alien space, but some areas have long been indistinguishable from the quantum sea.

And now...

"Gululu! Gululu! Gululu!"

The alienated space began to vibrate, and the sound it made spread around in the form of invisible and intangible ripples, startling the sleeping or hatching Houkai beasts in the surrounding sea area.

In an instant, "the demons danced wildly".

I saw the jellyfish-like Honkai Beasts swaying their tentacles, launching a fierce attack on the World Snake Troops stationed in Haiyuan City in groups!

At the same time, the entrance to the Sea of ​​Quantum, which had been closed by Kevin himself, also took the opportunity to quietly open a "seam".

Without the obstruction of the Herrscher's Labyrinth and Kevin's personal suppression, at this moment, the chaotic and filthy power from the Quantum Sea came to the present world along the gap.

Just like industrial water pollutes normal rivers, the extremely chaotic power of space erodes everything around it—matter, energy, space, and even the world itself, spreading wildly like cancer cells.

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and that piece of alien space seems to have been completely assimilated into a part of the Quantum Sea, and it is constantly exporting the filth of the Quantum Sea, gradually eroding the entire Haiyuan City, and polluting the surrounding sea water.

Gradually, the stationed robots and tactical mechs also detected this situation, but it was too late, they had been dragged and attracted by the Honkai Beast before, and they couldn't stop all this from happening!

Erosion is still increasing.

Soon, all the mechanical troops were paralyzed, and even their enemy, the Houkai Beast, could not escape, and was eroded and polluted by the quantum sea and became a half-Honkai Beast, half-quantum shadow. special existence.

Immediately afterwards, all the luminescent plants in the city died, and the seabed at a depth of more than 6000 meters returned to its original appearance, but the chaotic atmosphere that was constantly gushing out was still spreading and polluting everything around.

Haiyuan City officially fell.


Alien civilization, quantum invasion...

It was clear that a disaster was brewing.

At this time, the vast majority of human beings are still obsessed with mutual defense and civil war, and they don't know anything about it.

Chapter 216 Chapter [-] The Gathering of Destiny

In Europe in the 15th century, countries were resisting the disaster called Houkai under the maintenance of the Church of Heaven.

This is an era of martial arts, and knights and churches are the endorsements of worship and awe in people's hearts.

Among them, the representative of [Knight] is the Kaslana family, and each of its patriarchs is the strongest warrior of destiny in the contemporary era;

Among the latter, the Apocalypse family is the head. They run the church, spread faith, and win over the royal power, which is a symbol of theocracy.

However, compared to the church that is secretly in power, hides filth, and is prone to resentment, people trust the knights who are fighting on the front line and fighting against the collapse face to face.

This is an era of martial arts.

People all want to be the brave and fearless knight, to defend their homeland and protect the people.

This notion persisted even among the Apocalypse family.

However, what you need to become a knight is a strong physique, a firm will and a strong strength...

But there is a young man who is born weak and not good at fighting. As the youngest son in the family, he does not have the right to inherit. No one will expect him, and he does not think he can achieve anything.

He seems to be synonymous with "weakness" from birth, ridiculed by other brothers in the family like a waste, despised, ignored, without friends, and alone.

And his greatest interest - "making inventions" was denied by that era.

Because people at that time firmly believed in two paths: join the church if you want power and wealth, and join the Knights if you want worship and glory.

As for science?invention?

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