Those things are useless.

In this way, the young man who seems to have been derailed from the whole era and abandoned by the whole world has been with loneliness and indifference all year round, and made friends with ridicule and exclusion until...

A ray of light illuminates the darkness.

That is the daughter of the current Patriarch of the Kaslana family, the undoubted "princess"—Karen Kaslana, a kind, warm-hearted, innocent, cheerful girl... as pure and innocent as a saint .

After a chance meeting, she was like a beam of strong light shining through the cold window into the boy's closed heart, dispelling the cold and loneliness.

"You will definitely become a great inventor in the future!"

She recognized his talent, affirmed his value, and became his first friend.

Can you imagine?A boy who had nothing and was squeezed out everywhere suddenly met such a beautiful "angel"...

At that moment, life suddenly had hope, and life began to have meaning...

There is no doubt that as the "overboard man", he grasped the last straw.

From then on, the boy gradually regarded the girl as the only one in his life. In his eyes, even the whole world combined could not match her glance and smile.


This wonderful encounter ended in tragedy.

Members of the Kaslana family are the strong shield of the people.

Like her great father, the young girl has the whole world in her heart, striving for the future of people wholeheartedly.

She is like a candle that illuminates others, but in the end... burns herself out.

However, in the boy's eyes, that girl is his whole world!His future, his life, and his dreams are all closely related to the girl!

He can't live without her!

But when that ray of light disappears, what is the meaning of the world to young people?

Nobody knows.

What is certain is that at that moment, when he touched the girl's gradually icy body, the boy had already "died" with her.

And what continues to survive is just a body that has lost its soul.

It was also at that time that the demons of human nature corrupted his heart, all his emotions were wiped out, and the boy became a terrible "unintentional person".

Later, perhaps for revenge, he who survived used the power of "science" and "knowledge" to shatter that ignorant era, and personally designed to assassinate the murderer who killed the girl—even if it was his brother and Father, thus becoming the new head of the Apocalypse family.

Having gained power, he first used tricks and disguises to win over people's hearts and stabilize his position, and then suppressed all opponents and cleared all obstacles by various means. Finally, he reigned at the top of the Destiny Organization and completely wiped out this thousand-year-old man. The organization of history is in hand.

And none of the people who ridiculed, despised, bullied, and excluded him ended up with a good death, and their blood and fear also created such an unprecedented dictator, cold-blooded king, and Catholic bishop...

Today, more than 500 years have passed, and the youth at that time made and replaced new bodies for himself with the knowledge left over from the civilization of the previous era, so as to preserve his consciousness and memory to this day.

500 years ago, the frail young man was no longer what he used to be. He was once despised and ridiculed as a waste, and he has already become a great pioneer who influenced and even changed the entire process of human civilization.

Glory, wealth, status... He has all these things that are pursued by generations; his experience, his encounters, and his contributions are enough to be compiled into an immortal legend!

There is no one before, and no one to come after; no one can surpass, and it cannot be surpassed by others.

He is a "living legend".


"Everyone! I am Otto Apocalypse, Bishop of Destiny."

In the organs of the continent branches of Destiny, teams of Valkyries wore uniform uniforms, stood upright and stood upright, quietly listening to the orders from the Supreme Bishop.

Before each large-scale dispatch of the Valkyrie troops, the bishop would hold such a swearing-in meeting to motivate and increase the fighting spirit and confidence of the Valkyrie troops.

After all, women are emotional, and most of the Valkyries are young girls between the ages of 18 and 25. Most of their hearts are very sensitive and delicate. Such a "blood-boiling" oath meeting can make them There is less timidity on the battlefield.

Of course, there is warmth and security.

Think about it, there is such a mature, steady, resourceful leader who commands from the rear and even accompanies everyone to fight side by side... Many times, just thinking about it like this can add courage to their hearts.

Finally, there is mission and responsibility.

Every Valkyrie will take an oath when enlisting in the army. Becoming a Valkyrie is not only for allegiance to the destiny and the bishop, but also to resist the Houkai and fight for the homeland and future of mankind.

It's a belief.

Girls abandon all daily life, abandon the beautiful life of marrying and having children, and devote the rest of their lives and their future and hope to the belief in this war.

Dazzling and great.

"Over the years, Destiny has been doing its duty and is active in the front line against Honkai in order to protect all human beings."

"But I am very sad. When we were fighting for mankind, my ignorant granddaughter joined forces with anti-entropy and a group of young people to attack and occupy our headquarters! Killed all the companions stationed there!"

Otto's excited voice came from the terminal screen displaying the Mandate of Destiny, and the Valkyries present seemed to be infected by the "sorrowful" emotion in his words, and they clenched their fists one by one.

"How could Lord Teresa..."

"Damn anti-entropy..."

The girls gritted their teeth tightly, their full or barren chests heaved slightly, the anger in their eyes seemed to burn everything out, and they even closed their eyes and fell down. It was obvious that some relatives or companions stayed in the headquarters .

"These villains are putting the future of mankind in disregard! Their selfishness and ambition will be punished by God! Here, I only apologize to everyone on behalf of my stupid and ignorant granddaughter. The responsibility I should bear is Otto. Apocalypse will never escape!"

"But before that, we, the Valkyries of Destiny, will give the hammer of justice to those outlaws!"

"Justice will surely win! And those evil people against entropy will be punished as they deserve!"

Otto's "speech" continued, every single word perfectly aroused the anger of the Valkyries, making them feel no pity and intolerance for the upcoming "civil war".

This control of people's hearts is perfect, without the slightest loophole, which makes people shudder.

At this time, in a city called "Coral Island" in Southeast Asia, the Valkyrie troops stationed here——【Snow Lotus】Squad was also listening to Otto's speech in the agency.

"Captain Anna, is our team going to the assembly point this time?"

"Of course." The girl with long chestnut hair nodded, and a smile flashed in her pink eyes, "Otherwise, our team will be excluded in future operations, don't you want to continue to be promoted? "

"No, that's not what I mean, it's just... What will happen to Coral Island after we leave? If there is no Valkyrie stationed, will the anti-entropy organization launch a surprise attack?"

The team members seemed a little hesitant and worried.

"Don't worry, the anti-entropy is not that powerful, and their reinforcement headquarters is not enough, how can they allocate troops to sneak attack on Coral Island?" The girl comforted with a smile, with a trace of confidence in her tone.

"Really? As expected of Captain Anna! The elite Valkyries transferred from the headquarters are different from us bumpkins who have never seen the world," the team members said with admiration.

"Okay~ Actually, I'm not as great as you said, after all, I used to be..."

As she spoke, the girl seemed to think of something, and a trace of sadness flashed in those pink eyes.

At this moment, Otto's voice came again:

"Of course justice is never alone!"

"Everyone! In addition to us, there are allies of the World Snake in this crusade! Regarding the World Snake, I think everyone should have misunderstood before, but this time our goal is the same, regardless of previous suspicions, and work together That's the right way!"


"World snake?"

"Captain, have you heard of it?"

Hearing this name, the members of the Snow Lotus team looked puzzled.

"I, I'm not too familiar with the World seems to be an intelligence organization." The girl frowned and said uncertainly.

"Huh? Even the captain is not familiar with it..."

"How could the bishop let them join in?"

"Maybe they are superior in some aspects... In short, the bishop's decision can't be wrong!"

"Hmm! I think so too..."

Listening to the team members' discussions, the chestnut-haired girl named "Anna Shaniat" silently pulled out a half-heart-shaped gemstone necklace from her collar, with a somewhat melancholy expression.

For some reason, she always had a bad premonition, as if something was about to happen to herself...or that person.

"I'm sorry, Chen Tianwu, I hope you are all right..."

The girl prayed sincerely.

Chapter 217 Chapter [-] The Beautiful Daily Life Before the Great War ([-])

While the Valkyrie Troops were having their swearing-in meeting, Mei and others at the headquarters of Destiny in Europe were also making pre-war preparations.

Among them, Jizi and Teresa are responsible for rectifying and housing the Valkyrie troops who were originally stationed here. Those who are willing to join will join, and those who do not want to join will be placed under house arrest and given water and food, but they have no intention of executing them.

This is completely different from Otto's swearing speech.

The two anti-entropy doctors, Einstein and Tesla, are responsible for the defense of the headquarters and the placement of the destiny researchers.

In fact, except for the Valkyrie, most of the people who stayed at the Tianming headquarters were such talents related to various aspects of the Honkai.

They are the hope of mankind and an indispensable part of helping human civilization open up the future. Although they belong to the destiny, Teresa and the others did not kill them, but put them under house arrest like the Valkyrie troops. Supervision.

In the end, it was the administrators who annoyed Dr. Tesla.

Most of them are dignitaries, some from the three major families of Destiny, and some are the family members of the elders of the Destiny Organization; Ordinary people have instinctive contempt.

For these disobedient and pampered nobles, Tesla, the hot-tempered anti-entropy doctor, will not be as easy to talk to as Teresa, but according to what she said before:

"Isn't it just a group of greedy guys? They're still veterans, at best they're just ordinary humans! Don't blame my Titan Mecha for killing me any more!"

Lock those people with high self-esteem on an isolated island, drive away all the manned aircraft on the island, and then assign a few anti-entropy Titans to guard the vicinity, turn on the fire control system, whoever dares to run out privately will be disobedient. Kill someone—that's what she did.

The rest of Fu Hua, Bronya and others stayed in the hospital, taking care of the two wounded, Cocolia and Siegfried, while chatting with each other.

After all, in a sense, some of them have been separated for too long, and now they finally meet again, and they need to spend some time getting to know each other and clear up misunderstandings.

We all have things to do and things we want to say to each other, so our protagonist, Mei, and Kiyana have some precious time alone...


The first area occupied by Teresa and others after they invaded the headquarters of Destiny - the third airport.

In the lower industrial area of ​​the airport, a giant robot the size of a tall building is parked.

Its code name is [MSR-7 Heavenly Father]. It is a large-scale tactical mech developed by the anti-entropy organization. It needs a Herrscher-level energy source to drive it. It is huge in size and has good deterrent and destructive power.

Although anti-entropy lacks a Herrscher-level energy source and cannot be activated, Dr. Einstein and others still use the It's brought over.

The original plan was to find a suitable energy source to activate it on the way to capture the headquarters of Destiny, but due to the appearance of Mei and Kiyana, the capture process went smoothly unexpectedly, and a lot of other things followed one after another, making people Can't get away...

And just like that, it was forgotten.

If I hadn't learned about the "Soldier God Project" from Mei, I'm afraid this giant mecha would have been left here by the two doctors until everything was settled.

Fortunately, none of this happened, and this mecha has also ushered in its own highlight period—yes!It is about to be transformed by Mei with the knowledge of Dr. MEI and the existing equipment and materials of the Destiny Headquarters into the ace mecha [Soldier God] that hunted Herrscher in the zeroth era of the world!

Although it is a reduced and simplified version...

At this time, the outer core area of ​​the mecha was in a temporary operation shed.

Mei helped her own glasses, and concentrated on debugging the core terminal of the mecha. The evasion clothes on her body had changed into a white coat at some point, with fluttering sleeves, covering the girl's uneven body. Added a sense of solemnity to it.

And on the table next to her, there was a glowing glass-like sphere lying quietly—it was the carrier of the artificial intelligence [Red Queen], and it was also the central intelligence brain of a star-class space carrier.

The intelligent brain is connected to the core terminal of the mecha, analyzing a large amount of data unimaginable by ordinary people every second, and changing the underlying code according to the program that Mei has already set, gradually affecting the operation of this giant mecha logic and operation modules.

In addition, each Destiny Mecha whose authority has been deciphered for a long time is carrying a piece of parts, and cooperates with its own "welding gun" (Honkai energy beam weapon) to modify various parts of the Heavenly Father's Mecha , demolition, and silently acted as an engineer.

And on a floating platform in front of the mech, the blue-white giant dragon that had intercepted Mei in the imaginary space—a trial-level Honkai beast named Benares was lying there quietly, like some kind of large dog. Like a family animal, she silently "listened" to the communication between the two Sirin, one big and one small.

"Yeah, it's Kukulkan!"

The purple-haired little girl seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, her eyes were wide open, and her mouth could hold an egg.

In this regard, the Herrscher of the Sky with the appearance of "Qiana" frowned, folded his arms, and looked proud.

"What Kukulkan, listen up, little one, it used to be called Bella! It's my pet~"

"Huh? Yes, but it looks like Kukulkan..."

"It's called Bella! If you say something wrong again, I'm going to be angry!"


Looking at the two "masters", one big and one small, the dragon was confused and didn't know who to help for a while.

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