Both of them are Sirin, both used to be the Herrscher of the Sky, but one is older and the other is younger, one is what he used to be, and the other is what he is now...

so hard!

If the dragon could speak, it would definitely howl like this.

"It's really interesting..."

Perceiving this scene through her divine sense, Qiyana, who was sitting in the shed, opened her eyes with a smile on her lips.

Hearing her muttering, Mei turned her head and glanced.

"Don't be in a daze, Kiyana, I still need your help here later. If you want to transform a simplified soldier god, it is not enough to rely on the development of civilization in this world, let alone synthetic materials. Even The most basic drive of the Houkai Furnace is several orders of magnitude worse than that at that time..."

"I know~ Leave it to me if you have anything to do! Dr. Mei, promise to complete the task!" Kiyana straightened her body and saluted, and said in a dignified manner.

Staring blankly at her look with a strong sense of sight, Mei was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"...Hee hee~ Don't make fun of me, I'm not a doctor."

After finishing speaking, Mei continued to immerse herself in debugging the terminal with a hint of sadness in her eyes.


The atmosphere was suddenly silent.

With Mei's serious look reflected in her eyes, Kiana's expression was suddenly in a trance.

"Hey...Mei, is this your new habit?"

Hearing this, Mei was taken aback, followed her gaze to glance at her current attire, and nodded slowly.

"Uh...well, after all, I lived as a 'MEI' in the stigmata space for two years, and I'm used to dressing like this at work without knowing it, even now..."

Having said this, Mei's tone suddenly changed.

"I know what you're worried about! Kiyana, even though we look alike, I'm not Dr. Mei after all. Dressing like this is just to get into the state faster and better apply the knowledge I inherited from her." ...Is this some kind of 'sense of ritual'? Anyway, I can't tell."

While talking, Mei subconsciously adjusted her glasses, her face full of nostalgia.

"Yes, is it..."

Seeing her like this, Qiyana smiled forcedly, as if she had something on her mind.

How could the thoughtful Mei skip this scene?

Does Kiyana think I've changed?Is it no longer the Raiden Mei from before?

Thinking of a certain possibility, Mei lost her composure on the spot, and quickly took off her glasses.

"Why, don't you like me like this? Then I'll take it off right away..."

While talking, Mei began to unbutton the white coat on her chest.

Seeing this, Qiyana immediately got up and stopped her:

"No! No, nothing! Mei, calm down!"

Hearing this, Mei stopped her movements and stared blankly at her.

Facing Mei's gaze, Kiana slowly lowered her head.

"Actually, no matter what Mei becomes, I like it, but seeing you now, I can't help but think of Dr. Mei..."

"Really?...That's right, you can help me activate the stigmata, which means that you have already activated it yourself...You must have understood what happened in that era, no wonder you said that you know the past and so on ..."

Mei looked stunned.

"Hmm... um, aren't you angry, Mei? I'm clearly looking at you, but I'm thinking of other people..." Nodding slowly, Kiyana took a quick look at Mei's expression at this time, and asked tentatively road.

"Why should I be angry? MEI is right, I am me, she is her, we are different. What's more, Kiyana, you are also like this. At that time, Qiyana was dumb, silly, and It's not the same as you are now."

After a slight smile, Mei turned around and continued to immerse herself in debugging.

Looking at the thin back, Qiyana froze for a moment, then showed a faint smile.

"...Thank you, Mei."

Stepping forward a few steps, Qiyana hugged the figure from behind, closed her eyes, sniffed the fragrance in that hair, with a face of peace of mind.

Regarding this, besides the initial trembling, Mei also showed a slight smile on her face, said nothing, and was still being hugged by herself.

The shed fell into silence again, and no one spoke anymore, just quietly feeling each other's temperature.

After a while, Mei seemed to think of something, turned her head slightly and asked softly:

"By the way, Kiyana, after waking up, I found that the stigmata on my left waist has disappeared. Is it absorbed by me in my sleep? Why is this not mentioned in Dr. MEI's knowledge? Your stigmata still there?"

"Um... ah?"

Hearing this, Qiyana opened her eyes, and then seemed to think of something, her eyes rolled, and a wicked smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"It's gone...then let me see it!"

Immediately afterwards, while Mei was still dazed by these words, she stretched out her hands and groped in through the open gap of the white coat...

Mei's complexion changed suddenly, her body arched subconsciously, and the base of her ears was stained with a seductive blush.

"No, don't do this! It's can't do it there! You can't touch it!"

"Hey! Take it, Mei!"

The laughter of the two spread outside the shed, causing a certain black-haired girl who was standing hesitantly on the transport platform to widen her eyes.

"She, they actually developed to..."

Chapter 218 Chapter [-] The Beautiful Daily Life Before the Great War ([-])

"She, they actually developed to..."

Hearing the sound of playfulness from the shed, the black-haired girl who had just stepped onto the transport platform to visit - Lei Dian Mei froze in place, holding her blushing cheeks in her hands, and she didn't want to leave for a while, or if she didn't leave no.

However, the envy in her eyes could not be concealed.

"Will Kiyana and I also..."

Subconsciously, she turned her head and glanced at the back of the Herrscher of the Void not far away. Her mind was confused and her heart was entangled. She didn't even notice that the voice from the shed suddenly stopped for some reason.

next second...

"You're here, I knew you'd come."


The greeting from behind brought the girl back to her senses.

Turning around, she realized that Mei, who was wearing a white coat at some time, was already standing at the door, looking at her with a smile on her face.

The first thing the girl thought of when she realized something was to apologize:

"Ah? Huh?! Yes, I'm sorry! I just came to visit on business! I didn't mean to eavesdrop on eavesdrop on your conversation!"

Looking at the flustered and shy face of the "other self" in this world, Mei suddenly had a particularly strange feeling.

It's as if... a person recalls his innocent and romantic self when he is an adult, nostalgic and embarrassing.

Suppressing her inner thoughts, Mei slowly shook her head, and opened a hole sideways.

"It's okay, come in, it just so happens that Qiyana and I also have something to ask you."

"Woo...Okay, okay!"

The girl nodded quickly, followed Mei into the shed with a face full of apprehension and uneasiness.

The first thing to meet was the kind eyes of the white-haired saint.


"Hi, excuse me." The girl nodded quickly and saluted slightly.

In response, Qiyana frowned.

"There's no need to be so alien, right? After all, you're also a bud..."

Before she could finish speaking, Mei interrupted:

"Okay, Kiyana, don't embarrass her."

While speaking, Mei took out a pair of tables and chairs made of expensive materials from the soul space, and skillfully placed teacups and pastries on them.

Seeing this, the girl stood up reflexively.

"Please, please let me come!"

However, Mei didn't intend to let her touch the tea set at all.

"No, you are a guest. Treating every guest with heart is one of the compulsory etiquettes in Lei Dian's family, right? Have you forgotten?"

Meeting Mei's suspicious eyes, the girl was stunned.

"Huh?...No, no!"

The girl quickly shook her head.

She wouldn't say that during the two years of living in St. Freya Academy, most of the things she had learned as the young lady of the Raiden family were wasted!

"Then please sit down and let me entertain you," Mei said lightly.

"Oh well!"

Nodding again, the girl sat upright on the chair, crossed her hands on her thighs, and glanced curiously at the layout of the shed from time to time.

Compared to her who was sitting upright, Qiyana had already started to feast.

"Wow! It's delicious! It's Mei! I haven't eaten something made by Mei for a long time!"

Glancing at a white-haired saint who completely abandoned her own image, Mei calmly took out a white glazed teapot from the soul space, and began to pour a transparent and strong fresh fruit into the guest's teacup. Aromatic tea.

Sniffing the refreshing fragrance, the girl blinked and asked in surprise:

"This, this is?"

"I brew the fruit wine myself. The raw material is a kind of exotic fruit called 'cocoa fruit'. It can refresh your mind. Try it~" Putting down the teapot, Mei introduced with a smile.

"Cocoa, what a lovely name?" After a compliment, the girl held the teacup in both hands, sniffed the fragrance again, and took a sip.

Close your eyes, move your lips slightly, and then...

Brows raised.

"Hmm--! It's seven points sweet, two points sour, and one point bitter. It doesn't have the astringency of alcohol at all, plus the fragrance that lingers in the nasal cavity... How can there be such delicious fruit wine in the world?!"

The girl's eyes were shining, as if she had discovered a new continent.

"It is indeed from another world~" Mei covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"Huh?!" The girl froze for a moment.

At this time, Kiana, who had been gnawing on the pastry, quit.

"Mei, I want it too~~~"

Kiyana held the teacup in one hand and tugged on Mei's white coat with the other, pouted and said coquettishly.

"Okay, I really can't help you."

Nodding helplessly, Mei picked up the teapot with a doting expression on her face, and began to pour wine for her.

"Mei is really the best!"

At this time, Qiyana smiled like a child.

Seeing this scene, the girl suddenly felt sad for some reason, and the envy in her eyes became more and more obvious.

It seems that I have been experiencing this kind of daily life before, right?

That person's dependence, his pampering...

But when she recalled what had happened recently, she felt that she would never go back.

Will I be able to win the next battle?

Can everyone live happily as before?

My lord!I, Mei Raiden, am willing to give everything I have, and I only hope that everyone can live in peace!

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