The girl took another sip of the fruit wine, and the sadness in her heart seemed to amplify the bitterness in her mouth infinitely.

And this is exactly the mood that Mei had when making this fruit wine.

At this moment, there seemed to be some resonance, and the smile on Mei's face gradually faded away.

Turning her head and looking at the girl who was holding her teacup with her head down, Mei asked softly, "Do you want cocoa fruit?"

"Huh?" The girl raised her head abruptly.

Meeting her gaze, Mei's face remained unchanged.

"Do you want cocoa fruit? I also planted some, and the method of making it is very simple. I believe you can learn it once."

"Really, really?!"

The girl was overjoyed.

"Well. Make it for your Qiyana, don't worry, everyone will be fine in this battle, I promise."

At the end, Mei's tone became unusually serious.

Regarding this, Qiyana's expression also became a little serious.

"Well, what Mei said is right, we will never let everyone in this world have an accident. By the way, you are also here for that idiot this time, right?"


The girl nodded.

"You really don't have to worry about this matter. If I'm here, that idiot's consciousness cannot be wiped out. Instead of worrying about her safety, it's better to think about how to comfort her when the time comes. After all, that guy is still unwilling to accept it. In reality, there is no cure.”

Kiyana shook her head and sighed.

"Is that so..."

Hearing this, the girl immediately lowered her head, her expression softened but she was still worried.

Seeing this, Mei suddenly picked up the teacup that Kiyana had used, and took a sip of the fruit wine without changing her expression.

"It's really subtle to say this sentence from your mouth, Kiana, after all, someone doesn't want to think about what they used to be like."

"Uh..." Hearing Mei's plain words, Kiyana, who was about to say something with a surprised face, suddenly choked.

Not paying attention to Kiana's embarrassing look, Mei put down the teacup and looked at the girl again.

" is your father?"

His tone was calm and his expression was cold, as if he was asking about the status of a stranger.


The delicate girl keenly caught a trace of worry deeply buried in Mei's words.

"Ah, Father, Father, he is fine and in good health, but he is too busy to take time off." The girl carefully considered the words of the other party, while slowly telling what she knew.

"That's right, that's good." Mei nodded without changing her expression, her eyes were so deep that people couldn't see clearly the thoughts contained in them.

Seeing her overly bland appearance, the girl felt something was wrong even more.

Could it be that the father of another world...

Just when she was about to ask cryptically, Mei spoke first:

"By the way, how did you and Qiyana meet in the first place? I have always been curious about this, and now I finally have the opportunity to ask."

"Ah?" The girl forgot her original thoughts in an instant, and she lowered her head, looking nostalgic but embarrassed.

Seeing this, Mei smiled slightly, and exchanged glances with Qiyana beside her.

"Can you tell us? In exchange, I can also tell you how I met Kiyana."

The words have come to this point, the girl is too embarrassed to refuse, and...

Not only Mei, but she was also curious about how Mei and Kiyana met back then.

"Okay, okay, it was like this at the beginning, it was when I was in Qianyu Academy in Changkong City, the Far East..."

The girl began to tell the secrets deep in her heart.

In Qianyu Academy, two people who did not know each other met because one of them was chosen as Herrscher by Honkai, and their fates have been entangled since then...

This is basically the same as Mei and Kiana's past.

Immediately afterwards, the two fought on the rooftop. One was armed with a gun and a club, and the other was the Herrscher of Thunder who manipulated the girl's body. ...

This is a bit different, because Mei and Kiyana had never really fought on the rooftop. At that time, the Herrscher personality chose to go to a high place to absorb the Houkai energy from the falling thunder. At first, she ignored Kiyana's arrival until Mei regained her body.

The subsequent redemption is basically the same as the encounter with Bronya, but it is completely different when escaping from the academy and Changkong City.

First of all, when they left Qianyu Academy, Mei and Kiyana found the logo of the anti-entropy organization and a fox girl with a tail in the warehouse in the laboratory building, which is a restricted area of ​​the academy!

Secondly, although the process was bumpy and difficult, Mei, Kiyana and Bronya from another world finally managed to escape from Changkong City where the third Honkai broke out.

In the end, Mei and Kiana met on the Huberian outside Changkong City, and after a fight, they were captured by the Valkyrie troops, and then they broke out of the prison and made a big fuss on the battleship...

But in the timeline of this world, the girl and the three of them were attacked by the Honkai Beast on the way out of Changkong City!

"Qiana" was seriously injured, Bronya's life and death were uncertain, the Herrscher's consciousness once again occupied the girl's body, and there was a head-on conflict with the Hyperion who came to rescue... These are things Mei and the others have never experienced!

This is where the two worlds diverge.

Different encounters and different choices have created two different worlds and two different paths.

As for the result, it is even more different.

"Is this a parallel world?"

After listening to each other's experience, both sides expressed emotion in unison.

"You guys are really bold~ How dare you run wild on the Hyperion and annoy Teacher Jizi from another world?" the girl covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"I didn't expect that 'she' would come out to save you at a critical moment...It seems that even if it is a different world, even if it was born due to the collapse and bears the darkness, 'she' is still Raiden Mei..."

While muttering to himself, Mei kept staring at the girl's chest, looking through the flesh and fat at the sleeping consciousness in Herrscher's core, with a dazed expression.

Hearing this, the girl suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"Difficult, could it be that the consciousness in your body has..."

"Yeah, she's gone. I accepted her and my sins. In order to become stronger and for Qiyana, I have the consciousness to become Shura, how about you?"

Mei nodded and said in a flat tone.

Facing Mei's gaze, the girl fell silent for a moment.


"Are you still afraid of her, afraid that you won't be able to control that power, and afraid that you will hurt the people around you?"

Mei's words broke her heart.


The girl lowered her head, looking ashamed.

Seeing this, for some reason, an unknown fire rose in Mei's heart.

It was as if seeing the cowardly and incompetent self in the past...

"It seems that the pain you have endured is far from enough. You are still so naive, holding some unrealistic illusions, and you have to wait until everything is away from you to find out..."


Kiyana suddenly held Mei's hand, shook her head slowly, and stopped her from continuing.

Staring blankly at Kiana, Mei also realized that she was a little too excited.


Looking at the girl whose head was about to drop to the ground, Mei suddenly sighed heavily.

"Sorry, I was too self-righteous just now. After all, everyone has their own way. I shouldn't use my own standards to ask you, even if we are both Raiden Mei... Well, let's do it, I will continue Finish your work and talk slowly."

After finishing speaking, Mei bowed slightly, picked up Kiana's teacup and drank it in one gulp, then turned around and continued to debug the terminal.

Looking at her back, the girl's expression was very complicated.


Chapter 219 Chapter 210 The Beautiful Daily Life Before the Great War (End)

"Doctor, parallel worlds... do they really exist?"

On the main island specializing in industrial research and development—Jötunheim, Dr. Einstein and Dr. Tesla are manipulating the Destiny transport plane stored in the warehouse in the main control room. By mobilizing the anti-entropy Titan and the Destiny Mech to the designated position, Construct a line of defense.

And the one who asked aloud just now was Leiden Ryoma, who was also an anti-entropy executor.

"Otherwise what do you think?"

The red-haired doctor with two ponytails flicked the operation terminal a few times with his slender fingers while talking.

Looking at the transport planes "buzzing" and taking off on the platform in the distance, she slowly turned her head, took off her glasses and rubbed her dry eyes.

"Although at the beginning I also suspected that the two of them were cloned by that bastard Otto, but you have also seen the fact that wide-area search and ultra-long-distance teleportation...they are simply not as strong as human beings! You have Have you ever seen a clone who is stronger than the body?"

After putting his glasses back on, Tesla laughed at himself.

"I said, if Otto really mastered this technology, I think we should stop resisting and just kill ourselves."

Hearing her words, Einstein on the side also stopped.

"Dr. Tesla is right. Mr. Longma, I know what you are worried about, but from the various facts we have, there is no possibility of your daughter being cloned."

Not caring about Tesla's attitude, Raiden Ryoma nodded to Einstein, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"I see, doctor, I was worrying too much... It's just that Mei gave me a really strange feeling, the alienation she felt when she treated me... It's not like what Mei would show at all, even if It's Mei from another world, and it shouldn't be..."

But before he finished speaking, Tesla suddenly laughed.

"Hehe, otherwise, how do you want her to treat you? Greetings to you? Throwing herself into your arms in front of your own daughter and calling you Father? That's too ridiculous!"

She crossed her hips, her eyes full of contempt.

"Who in Anti-Entropy doesn't know that you Raiden Ryoma is a hopeless daughter-in-law! And who of us knows what happened in another world? A world where the great Dr. Tesla doesn't even exist... there is no salvation at all Alright! It might have been destroyed long ago!"


Tesla's words made Raiden Ryoma completely shut up, and silently started the work at hand.

"Dr. Tesla, your mouth has become more and more poisonous recently." After taking a sip of coffee, Einstein complained expressionlessly.

In this regard, Tesla scratched his head with a look of irritability.

"Huh! Don't even think about it, Jiwotou. It's arming, monitoring, repairing, and modifying... so many things to be busy, I'm also very annoyed! How can you use your brain if you don't vent?"


This time no one answered.


At the same time, on the bridge of the Huberian.

"Ten days?!"

As if hearing some unbelievable words, Ji Zi opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"You're not mistaken, are you? Teresa, Bishop Otto, how could they give us such a long respite?"

Hearing her words, Teresa shook her head slowly, with a puzzled look on her face.

"This is what Kiyana from another world said. She said that she can buy us ten days of preparation time, but the price is that she cannot communicate accurately with the outside world. The reason is that she changed the flow of time here... To be honest, I I don't quite understand what she wants to express."

"Changing the flow of time..."

After repeating it, Ji Zi seemed to have thought of something.

"My God, if I heard this sentence from other people, I would definitely think she was crazy, but since it was should be literally."

Having said that, she looked up at the sky outside the porthole.

Obviously the time displayed on the bridge is now close to dusk, but the sky outside doesn't seem to have changed much from the beginning.

"This... Could it be that the time flow of the headquarters where we are now is not synchronized with other places?"

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