"I don't know. But if this is the case, it would be great! At least we can use these ten days to make more adequate preparations. According to the original situation, we probably don't even have half the time!"

Teresa looked overjoyed.

"That's what you said."

Ji Zi nodded in deep agreement.

After a while of silence...


"what happened?"

"I still want to try 'that'."

There seemed to be light shining in Jizi's eyes.

However, Teresa shook her head like a rattle after being stunned for a moment.

"That?... No, no! We haven't figured out its principle yet, let alone its risks, if you put it on rashly like this..."

Before she finished speaking, Ji Zi suddenly laughed.

"It's dangerous, right? I know that."

While speaking, Ji Zi looked at the staff who were seriously repairing the portholes and the Valkyries who were standing guard, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"But think about it, which one of the things we are doing now has no risk?"

"Theresa, you should understand better than me that if we fail in the next battle, then not only us, but also those Huberians who followed us from the Far East Branch, they will have to pay for it The price of life!"


Looking at Jizi's side face full of determination, Teresa opened her mouth, but found that she couldn't refute at all.

Not paying attention to Teresa's hesitant appearance, Ji Zi continued to say in a harsh tone:

"It's fine if we sacrifice. It's our own fault and we can't blame others. But I don't believe that Bishop Otto will let them off as accomplices..."

"They all trust us so much and entrust their lives and future to us. As the captain of the Hyperion, don't I dare to take any risks?"

Facing Jizi's burning gaze, Teresa slowly lowered her head, her hands tightly clutching the skirt of the nun's dress.

"That said, but..."

"Okay, Teresa." Ji Zi shook his head and interrupted her again, "You should know that I have always been a stubborn person, and no one can change my mind about the things I have decided. I'm just discussing with you, not asking for your opinion."


Teresa bit her lip tightly, feeling mixed feelings in her heart.

But Ji Zi still looked at her.

"Bronya and the others are also working hard to try new things, right? As the principal and teacher, you and I just watch? I don't know what you plan to do, but ten days is enough for me to get used to it , to explore the characteristics of that armor..."

"That's it. After the repair of the Hyperion is completed, I will go to the laboratory after counting the remaining people. For the sake of our friendship over the years, please promise me not to stop or tell this matter. okay?"

Having said that, Teresa gradually understood something.

"... What a fool you are! Incorrigible fool!"

"Well, you don't either."

After finishing speaking, Ji Zi smiled slightly, turned around, twisted her plump buttocks, and entered the elevator with enchanting steps.

"Goodbye, I'm going to make preparations." After waving to Teresa, Jizi pressed the elevator button and left the bridge.

Looking at the closed elevator doors, Teresa bit her lips.

"Damn guy... I don't want to watch."

While muttering to herself, she seemed to have made up her mind and turned her head to look in one direction.

That seems to be the main island of Jotunheim where Dr. Einstein and others are located.


On another floating island not far away, there is a virtual reality training room specially transformed by Mei.

"Is this the [Soldier God] simulator?"

At this time, Bronya, Seele, Rosania, and Lilia are in a control room full of technology, surrounded by four floating holographic touch screens besides the console and matching seats. The walls consist of several translucent portholes.

Looking at the joysticks, buttons, switches and touch screens on the console, they suddenly felt that their heads were all big.

"This is too complicated! I can't understand it at all..."

Looking left and right curiously, the energetic pink-haired girl Rosania scratched her hair with a troubled expression on her face.

Then, a strange idea suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Hey, it's virtual anyway, let my smart Rosania try to see what's the use of this first!"

While talking, she walked to the nearest console, randomly selected a red button and pressed it.

Seeing this, Bronya stretched out her hand to stop it.

"Wait! Rosania!"

However it was too late.


As the button was pressed, an inorganic female electronic voice suddenly sounded:

"The armed module starts..."

"Weapon restrictions lifted..."

A crosshair suddenly appeared on the originally standby screen.

"Target locked..."

It was a huge simulated mountain range, about 3000 meters high, more than 500 meters away, surrounded by lush forests.

"Begin filling... 10%... 30%... 70%... 100%, complete"

"Railgun Launch"


With the last syllable of the prompt sound, the whole world seemed to quiet down in an instant.

And outside the porthole, with a dazzling flash across, the field of vision is all white, and it is impossible to distinguish between reality and illusion.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the earth vibrating violently came down the soles of the feet, and thick smoke and dust covered everything.

After the light passed, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the simulated mountain range had disappeared, replaced by a spreading huge dent and the faintly visible deep pit at the end, and even flowing lava could be seen along the way.


The four girls in the cabin were immediately stunned.

I don't know how long has passed...

"This, this... this is too handsome!!!"

The pink-haired girl who caused all this shouted excitedly, her face flushed with excitement.

But then, she was slapped on the back of the head.


It was the blue-haired younger sister Lilia who did the work. At this time, she was frowning tightly and looked a little angry, contrary to her previous three-nothing expression.

"Don't touch it again! Rosania, it's a good thing this is a virtual machine, if it's a real war god... Do you know how many innocent people will die with this shot?!"

"Rosania is so scary..." Xier subconsciously took a step back.

"Rosania, it seems that you are not suitable for driving this kind of mecha," Bronya said expressionlessly.

Sensing their gaze, the pink-haired girl clutching the back of her head with tears in her eyes also realized something.

"Woo... I, I know I was wrong! I will never touch it again, okay, okay... I promise! Please forgive me!"

In this regard, the three of Bronya looked at each other.

"Okay! Please! I really won't mess around with you!" Rosania said anxiously, with an expression on her face that was about to cry.

Seeing her pleading appearance, the three of them didn't say anything, but kept silent.


After all, she couldn't bear it, and Lilia, the younger sister, broke the silence first:

"Bronya, I will keep an eye on her in the future."

"...Well, then I'll leave it to Lilia."

Bronya nodded.

They weren't really angry, they just wanted to teach the lively and active Rosania a lesson, otherwise it would be too late when they officially entered the battlefield.

After the episode, the four girls each found a seat and sat on it.

Seele was next to Bronya, and the sisters Rosania and Lilia were also sitting together.

"This is made by sister Mei from another world. She hopes that we can drive the transformed God of War to protect everyone in the upcoming battle. Its main function is not to kill, but to deter."

Bronya explained slowly, while understanding the functions of each joystick through the instructions on the terminal.

"What's more, there is no so-called justice or evil in the weapon itself. The key lies in the people who use it. As long as we abide by the bottom line and face it calmly, we will definitely be able to play its due role without causing much harm."

Hearing this, Xier nodded, put her hands together, and looked at Bronya's serious appearance like a little girl.

"Well! Xier thinks so too, sister Bronya, Xier is willing to fight side by side with you! Protect everyone!"

Glancing at the "Pink and Blue Sisters" sitting on the other side, Bronya nodded to Xier.

"Then let's start. Let's start with the basic movement and turning. Don't worry, the self-discipline and personality system fused with the reloading bunny will help us correct our mistakes. Let's take it step by step. We still have time and we will definitely be able to complete it."

"Got it." Lilia nodded.

"I, I will definitely obey the command! I won't hold you back," Rosania also promised.

Seeing this, Bronya raised the corners of her lips.

"Then, take your positions, Bingshen virtual machine, let's go!"

In the virtual space, the giant humanoid mecha moved slowly but firmly, causing the ground to tremble.

This is everyone's hard work and beautiful daily life.

Chapter 220 Chapter 210 The Incoming Enemy

Ten days later...

Of course, this is only relative to Mei and the others.

In fact, when everyone decided to attack, Qiyana, who possessed the ability of time, had already quietly arranged a barrier above the area where the headquarters of Destiny was located.

Semicircle, the effect is time acceleration, the magnification is 1:10.

That is:

The timer in the destiny headquarters showed that ten days had passed, but in fact, only one day had passed in the world outside the barrier.

Such "miracles" have also succeeded in making Einstein and others... especially a certain Herrscher of Space completely believe in the possibility of "resurrection".

But now, after this period of preparation and assembly, the enemy's crusade army also quickly merged and attacked the headquarters of Tianming together, and it was time to withdraw the barrier.



Above the edge of the floating island.

As Qiyana, who was floating in mid-air, raised her hand high and shook it, a diamond-shaped imprint of finality emerged from her forehead, and then quickly disappeared.

The next moment, the invisible barrier covering the entire headquarters of Destiny disappeared, and the flow of time quietly returned to normal.

On the floating island below, Mei was closing her eyes tightly to feel the mysterious rhythm of time and space, her face was full of surprise.

"Time and space...they are really wonderful existences, they complement each other, and together they are independent of everything in the world..."

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