While muttering to herself, she slowly opened her eyes, looked at the white-haired saint who was slowly floating down, and smiled sweetly.

"Qiana, there's no need for us to fight this onslaught, right? With the abilities you've shown, no matter how many of them there are, they can't resist the power of time and space... This battle was doomed from the very beginning. In the end, they have no chance of winning."

"Da da!"

The heels landed, and after Kiyana stabilized her body, she first glanced at the infinite sea of ​​clouds in the distance, then stretched out her hand with a natural expression, and held tightly with the girl beside her.


Looking at Mei, Kiyana nodded slowly, with a half-smile expression on her face.

"However, maybe they don't know it, but I think you understand it, Mei, our enemy is not the destiny and the world snake from the beginning to the end, nor is it Otto and Kevin, and it is not those Valkyrie, but... us."

When she said the last two words, there was a hint of coldness in Qiyana's eyes.

Of course, this scene did not escape Mei's sight.

"Well, although the feeling is not clear, I also vaguely guessed it. Imaginary numbers and quantum...they are the masters of this world and our greatest enemy."

Mei's tone was a little low.

To be honest, with the power she has now, she doesn't have the confidence to fight against two.

The enemy is the great consciousness of this multiverse, the existence of high latitude, and in the eyes of all things in the world, they are omnipotent "gods".

If something goes wrong on the way to fight against it, the entire human civilization is likely to be destroyed, and billions of creatures on the earth will be "indirectly" killed by themselves...

This is the reason why Mei refused to win over and help no one when she first came to this world.

Because only by maintaining a neutral attitude can we make our way in this world where the two gods are opposed. If you stand in line rashly, you will only be strangled by the other side with all your strength.

She is an outsider, and her strength is enough to break the balance maintained for countless years. Therefore, both the imaginary side and the quantum side are constantly taking measures to win or test her.

Fortunately, Mei will have a relatively safe period of time before the formal determination of the relationship between friends and enemies, enough for her to collect the power of luck that breaks the boundary, and even if she can't beat her, she can escape to another world, right?

As a result, Kiyana's arrival disrupted all Mei's plans.

Now I just have to face it...

Subconsciously touching the earring on the left, Mei sighed imperceptibly, sensing more than half of the power of luck accumulated in it.

And as if feeling Mei's heavy heart, Kiyana smiled mysteriously, gently squeezed her hand to divert her attention:

"Although the two of us can solve all this, since everyone has worked so hard, there is nothing wrong with us cooperating... After all, if there is no accident, we will say goodbye to everyone in this world soon."

"Yeah, we still have a long way to go, we can't stop here..."

Not paying attention to the deep meaning in Kiana's smile, Mei just nodded slightly, as if comforting herself.

Seeing this, Kiana didn't mean to explain, but stood shoulder to shoulder with Mei, holding hands, looking at the sky in the distance.

"I already sensed it when I opened the enchantment. The time and space of this world has been disturbed, and the breath from another world is constantly spreading. Those two guys really don't give up..."

Hearing this, Mei seemed to have made up her mind, bit her lip.

"Since this is the case, let's just clean them up this time! It can be regarded as proficiency in true god-level battles..."

However, to her surprise...

"No." Kiyana shook her head suddenly, her tone full of determination, "Believe me, Mei, we will completely wipe them out! We have always had that power!"

"Huh?!" Mei suddenly froze.

I have... the power to destroy the consciousness of the universe? !

Why doesn't she know?

And at this moment, Qiyana suddenly straightened her expression.

"They are here."

Kiyana just looked forward like this, her eyes seemed to cross countless seas of clouds, and landed on a large fleet that was slowly advancing.

"Hey~ There are quite a few of them, and they are quite majestic. It's a pity that most of them have been kept in the dark."

Hearing Kiana's muttering, Mei also subconsciously turned her head.

And at this moment, a wonderful wave suddenly appeared on the other side of the floating island.

This immediately attracted the attention of the two of them.

"You have also sensed it, right? Mei, that person really didn't play his cards according to common sense, did he think that he could solve us all by himself?"

Looking at the direction from which the wave came, Qiyana raised the corners of her mouth, her orange eyes looked crystal clear in the sunlight, like two pieces of amber.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but at this moment, Qiyana exudes a fighting spirit all over her body.

This made Mei subconsciously hold her hand tightly.

"Naqiana, are you going to..."

"Let me go, everyone agreed before, I will deal with him, Mei, you go back and help them."

Sensing the determination in Kiana's tone, Mei also seemed to understand something, and loosened the grip on her right hand.

And just when Kiyana was about to withdraw her hand...

Mei suddenly clenched her hand again, and at the same time brought it to her lips, leaving a light kiss on the back of her hand, and then loosened it freely, showing a faint smile.

"Please return safely, my knight."


Staring blankly at the black-haired girl standing still and smiling sweetly, Qiyana rushed up, hugged her in her arms, and sniffed the gentle breath, as if she wanted to engrave her in my heart.


This time it was Mei's turn to be stunned, she raised her hands subconsciously, and her snow-white neck was stained with a layer of blush.

Immediately after...

"Hmm! Don't worry, Mei, in this world, no one who can hurt this lady has yet to be born!"

In the next second, the warmth and weight in his arms disappeared instantly, replaced by the distant golden light in his sight.

Standing there blankly, after a few seconds, Mei's raised fingers trembled reflexively, biting her lower lip lightly with her white teeth.

"I believe in you, Kiyana, no matter what the result is, I will always wait for you, always, always...wait forever."

After finishing speaking, Mei slowly closed her eyes, and her whole body turned into blood-red lightning and left in the opposite direction to Kiana.

The sound of thunder exploded.

Chapter 221 Chapter 210 Attack

"Surrender, my little Teresa, you have no chance of winning."

In the east of the Destiny Floating Islands, the combined fleets from the four major branches of Oceania, Africa, South America and Antarctica have gradually approached.

Through satellite observation, the floating fleet has four flagships similar to the Hyperion, 32 frigates with perfect anti-aircraft firepower, and [-] "Helios"-sized ships equipped with Honkai energy beam cannons. transport ship.

Around the United Fleet, there are large and small Destiny Mechas escorting them. From a distance, it seems that a huge "beehive" is moving... The sense of urgency of "black clouds overwhelm the city and destroy it" cannot be overstated. You can't really feel it if you're there in person.

There is no doubt that in front of this mighty crusade fleet, all words are pale, only the breath of destruction and despair is spreading...


Facing the joking words from the blond bishop on the screen in the airport command room used as a temporary command post, Teresa slowly lowered her head.

There was a rustling sound, and the analysis form of the enemy's situation in her hand was squeezed into a ball of paper by her clenched hands, and then it was slammed on the sole of her foot and chopped twice.

"Grandpa, this may be the last time I call you grandpa, thank you for caring and forgiving me for so many years, but today..."

Teresa raised her head, and looked at the Controller of Destiny who she had been avoiding and fearing all this time, her eyes were full of firm light, without the slightest timidity.

"It's time for us to settle the accounts!! Killed Cecilia, forced Siegfried away, kidnapped Kiyana... and everyone in the anti-entropy organization who has been demonized and hurt by you time and time again! I, De Lisa Apocalypse will make you pay in blood today!"

The waving pink fists, the powerful answers, the clear and angry voice...

She has decided to fight for protection!

At this time, Teresa's short body made people feel particularly at ease.

Seeing the anger on that immature face, Otto on the screen curled his lips, not knowing whether it was a mockery of this rebellious behavior or relief at the fact that "my granddaughter has grown up".

"Really? That's a pity... Farewell, my little Teresa."

After saying this with a smile, Otto took the initiative to end the communication.

The screen suddenly went black, and then returned to the previous standby interface like the other two screens.


The command room suddenly fell silent, only the rustling sound of machines operating.

All the Titans and Destiny Mechs have been dispatched to the front line, and the Valkyries stayed in the floating battleships to wait for orders to attack or break out. Einstein and the others were also guarding in various directions, monitoring themselves field of"……

Therefore, the command room at this time was empty, and there was no one else except Teresa.


A heavy sigh broke the silence, Teresa suddenly seemed to have been drained of all her strength, she was staggering, her face was pale, her expression was in a daze, and she almost fell to the ground.

Fu Hua and others who had just stepped into the command room saw this scene, and immediately ran over with their eyes wide open.


And the image of Einstein just happened to appear on the screen.

"Ms. Teresa, your complexion looks a bit unwell, did the Catholic Bishop say something to you just now?"

"Don't worry about me." Teresa shook her head, rejecting the support of Fu Hua and Leiden Mei, "Launch your defensive array, doctor, this battle...we must not lose!"

Einstein nodded slowly but firmly.

"Well, don't worry, our anti-entropy satellites are observing their movements in real time, and all relevant preparations have been completed, just wait..."


Suddenly, an explosion sounded from afar.

"what happened?!"

Teresa and the others tensed up immediately.

Dr. Einstein's face on the screen also changed obviously.

But before she could speak, another communication was suddenly connected!

Immediately afterwards, a red figure appeared on the other half of the screen.

"Damn it! Someone forcibly tore open our defensive position in the north! All the Titans and Destiny Mechas deployed there lost contact with us in an instant!...Damn it, it's a slap in the face! Who is it? Didn't say it directly Is it facing us?!"

At this moment, I don't know if it was an illusion, but the twin ponytails behind the head of the red-haired figure on the screen were so angry that they floated up, and bundles of hair "dancing wildly" in mid-air, resembling a certain "Doctor Octopus".

And the message contained in her words also made the audience fall into silence.

"...Is this the World Snake's surprise attack? No, we have to go for reinforcements!"

After recovering, Teresa immediately became anxious.

And at this moment...


Thunder broke out suddenly, and the sky outside the command room turned blood red in an instant, and then returned to normal.

"It's her!" Fu Hua frowned, and turned his head as if feeling something.


Lei Dian Mei also suddenly covered her chest, bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, her face was a little painful, and looked towards the exit of the command room together with Fu Hua.

It turned out that with the sound of thunder, Mei had appeared at the gate of the command room at some time, walking towards them step by step.

"do not worry."

While talking, Mei took a step forward.

At this time, she had taken off her neat white coat and put on an ominous red and black battle armor. The image of her whole person was no longer that of a calm scientist but a demon god with awe-inspiring fighting spirit and maddening aura!

The next moment, her figure instantly appeared on the podium where Theresa and the others were like a ghost.

"Qiana has just passed by, well, it's the north, you just need to focus on the big fleet that is attacking right now."

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