"Zizizi...!" Bloody electric currents lingered on the gradually changing purple hair, and the high temperature that disappeared in an instant made the surrounding air a little scorched.

After explaining with a smile, Mei didn't pay attention to their complicated gazes, but raised her head and stared at the slowly approaching enemies on the other screen, her eyes flickering slightly, she didn't know what she was thinking.

After hearing her words, Teresa was obviously relieved, and nodded to Einstein.

"Qiana... I understand. Doctor, continue to implement the original plan! Prepare to attack!"

Her words are full of confidence and fighting spirit.

With the help of two students from another world, my chances of winning are definitely not low!


And Einstein obviously thought of this, nodded and ended the communication.

"That... this battle is up to you!"

Not knowing who he was talking to, Doctor Tsundere Tesla followed suit and hung up the communication.

Mei hooked the corners of her lips, and after shifting her gaze slightly, she focused on the screen again.


At this time, the United Fleet that came to crusade was also speeding up and approaching the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven.

A total of 52 of the latest floating warships, carrying more than [-] elite Valkyries, possessing the most advanced Houkai energy weapons, thousands of Destiny Mechs, and the mysterious World Snake Organization that has not yet officially appeared... …

This menacing joint fleet is enough to make all countries in the world fear it.

What's even more frightening is that the Valkyrie troops also include elite Valkyrie squads like [Blade of Immortality].Most importantly, there is also the existence outside the specification - the strongest S-rank Valkyrie Bianca Yolandale Atagina.

In contrast, the Far East Branch and the Anti-Entropy Force, which occupied the headquarters of the Destiny, appear to be weak and weak, as vulnerable as a "chicken and dog".

In the eyes of outsiders, even if the rebels in the Far East can resist tenaciously for a while relying on the defensive means possessed by the Tianming headquarters, they will eventually be broken.

After all, the main gun attack of the floating battleship cannot be resisted by the barrier alone.

This battle was doomed from the start.

"I'm looking forward to it. What method will you use to deal with this unstoppable 'Blade of Crusade'? Teresa."

On the bridge of a flagship, a blond man with the appearance of "Otto Apocalypse" smiled, folded his arms, and quietly looked at the floating islands in the sky that gradually emerged.

The "deal" has already begun.

Chapter 222 Chapter 210 Chapter Three

"Report! Fleet of Destiny is less than 200 kilometers away from us!"

"Is that so, hit me hard as soon as they enter the effective range! Consume all the energy reserves and shoot them down one by one!"

"As ordered!"


In the communication channel specially used for commanding, Dr. Tesla's voice was heard at the top of his throat.

Immediately afterwards, in the outer area of ​​the floating island group, giant heavy artillery with the size of four or five-story buildings began to slowly rotate the fort, slowly aiming the long barrel at the incoming fleet from the horizon .


As the blue-white electric current leaps around the muzzle, the energy is quickly filled, and more and more dazzling light gradually emerges from the barrel...

Finally, when the enemy fleet entered the effective range, accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of electric current, one after another the plasma cannonballs shone with dazzling light were fired.


The ear-piercing hum of the plasma cannonball resounded over the air ports.At that moment, from a distance, it looked as if a child picked up a bubble toy and blew it lightly, and the blue "bubbles" danced in the sky one after another.

At the same time, the Anti-Entropy Titan and Destiny Mecha deployed on the edge also opened fire together. The gorgeous beam cannons and missiles with long tail flames occupied the sky, mixed with a stream of high-energy bullets like bead curtains. Go to the fleet.

What a magnificent, dreamy scene is this?

It's a pity that behind every beauty, there is a deadly murderous intent.

Facing the incoming offensive, the United Fleet seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago, and the energy barrier that had been deployed in advance solidified at this moment, turning into the "Aegis Shield" to protect its own battleship.


"Da da da……!"


The laser cannon that arrived first was directly blocked by the barrier, causing ripples on the smooth and translucent surface; missiles and high-energy anti-aircraft bombs were directly detonated and disintegrated, causing the barrier to flicker slightly...

Obviously, the attacks of the mechs didn't have much effect.

After the plasma cannonball collided with the energy barrier, the two canceled out and annihilated each other, and the energy waves produced spread rapidly, disrupting the surrounding airflow.

And as similar attacks followed one after another, the formation of the fleet was finally disrupted, some warships were even damaged, and the speed of advancement was also affected to a certain extent.

But even so, the United Fleet as a whole still relied on its strong energy barrier to carry the offensive and continue to move forward.

When the distance between the two sides narrowed to a certain level again, in addition to the basic air defense and interception forces, the fleet also began to take the initiative to fight back.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The close-in defense guns on the battleship began to roar, and a beam cannon was also charging rapidly.

"Boom, boom...!"

Explosion sounded one after another.

The defense array at the outermost perimeter of the headquarters suffered heavy artillery fire like raindrops, and the Honkai Furnace used to maintain the barrier instantly entered an overloaded state, and the energy consumption at every moment was astronomical.

And as the Honkai energy beam cannons fired by 32 transport ships hit it, soon, the huge defensive barrier was gradually covered with cracks, until...




The aftermath of the beam cannon fell on the outer airport, sweeping and destroying a large number of facilities, causing considerable damage.

Since then, the first wave of offensive has come to an end.

"The defense satellites in the whole field really can't stop such a powerful firepower. Obviously, Mei, you have strengthened it on purpose..."

"No way, the materials are limited."

Looking at the approaching crusade fleet on the screen, and hearing a series of explosions in the distance, everyone frowned.

Today, the peripheral area of ​​the headquarters has been completely exposed to the enemy's range, and it is being attacked every moment;

And the enemy fleet also had several frigates and transport ships whose barriers were shattered by the plasma anti-aircraft guns, and they were billowing thick smoke.


Since Teresa and the others had thought of this situation in advance, they did not deploy personnel to garrison the outer area of ​​the landing (in fact, there was a shortage of manpower). destroy the program.

Therefore, after this round of attack and defense, their side still had zero casualties, but some defense facilities that were originally located in the headquarters suffered a devastating blow and lost their effect.

In contrast, there must be a lack of personnel in the ships of the other party that are emitting black smoke, and the subsequent combat effectiveness will also be affected by this, and it may even have a restraining effect on the surrounding warships, which is greatly beneficial to the next battle. fighting.

And the only bad thing is that it was probably brought closer by the enemy.

"It's time to start the next step!"

"But be careful, the opponent's real trump card hasn't appeared yet, and the World Snake guys haven't moved. I always have a bad feeling..."

While speaking solemnly, Teresa turned her head and looked at Mei beside her with her eyes closed and rested, until she found that the latter's face was still calm, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, they had almost no chance of winning this defensive battle from all aspects, but because of the existence of the two of them, everything had hope—it was not the ending of fleeing in embarrassment and being defeated, but of winning the battle and changing the situation. Hope of the world!

We will definitely win this battle!

Teresa muttered in her heart again.

At this moment, for Teresa and the others on the defensive side, the long-range blocking battle has been declared a failure, and the next thing to face is the mid-range and short-range air-to-air and landing battles.

This is the so-called second and third waves of offensive.

In this regard, they have prepared several sets of countermeasures for the two situations in the past ten days, so they are not in a hurry for the time being.


As the saying goes: "Plans cannot keep up with changes." The real battle situation is changing every moment.

"A violent wave of Houkai energy has been detected! Their flagship main gun is charging!"

Hearing the report from the front line, Teresa and the others changed their faces.

"The main gun is going to be fired at this distance?! Do they want to destroy the headquarters?! It's crazy!"

The power of the flagship's main gun is not comparable to that of a transport ship or an ordinary mecha. According to common sense, it should approach and strike accurately.

And releasing such a penetrating attack at such a long distance is likely to cause irreparable damage to other important buildings in the headquarters, and it is even possible to destroy the anti-gravity device on the main island, making it plunge into the Mediterranean Sea below.

If this is the case, even if the United Fleet wins in the end, what they will get is only a headquarters that is devastated and ruined, which is completely contrary to their original purpose - "recapture the headquarters".

That's why Teresa and the others were shocked by this.

"What should I do? Take the initiative to interrupt them? Or continue to open the defense?"

Everyone was in a tangle.

It takes a while for the flagship main gun to recharge, and if it suffers a strong external blow during this period, it must give up firing for the safety of the hull and the accuracy of the strike. This is an opportunity to stop.

In the case of passive defense, it is necessary to order the front to retreat to the interior of the floating island group, abandon the anti-air and landing operations that have been prepared, and disrupt all the plans that have been made by their own side.

In this dilemma, Teresa looked at Mei again.

If she can make a move...

And at this moment, another communication came in actively:

"Principal, Bronya applied for an attack to stop their main gun from firing."


Teresa's eyes widened immediately.

At the same time, Mei also suddenly looked to the north.


"You really didn't die."

In the northern defense area of ​​the Tianming headquarters, Kevin stood alone in mid-air, looking at the person who came and said coldly.

And below him, in several huge airports, all the mechs... the large defense facilities including the electromagnetic anti-aircraft guns were frozen into ice sculptures, and the forts didn't even have time to turn. so.

Different from the sunny weather in the area where Mei and the others were located, at this time, the surrounding clouds showed a dark color, and there were even snowflakes.

Watching all this silently, Kiyana crossed her hips.

"What? Are you disappointed that Miss Ben is fine?"

In this regard, Kevin's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes were even colder.

"The World Snake has reached an alliance with Destiny, and everything here has nothing to do with anti-entropy..."

"so what?"

"Surrender or die, you only have these two choices, the snake, will lead mankind into a new era. The end is coming, I have no time to waste."

Hearing this, Kiyana lowered her eyelids and smiled slightly.

"Really? Want to drive us away with this reason? Sorry, it can't be done."

"Then let's fight!"

As soon as Kevin finished speaking, a blazing red streak suddenly flew from the sky.

It was the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment that was burning with raging flames.

In this regard, Kiyana raised her hand calmly, gathered the power of the saint in her body, and condensed the spear.

"Come on then!"

Waving the golden spear, she took the initiative to meet him.

In this way, one held a sword and the other held a gun. The two people with the same surname held different beliefs and attacked each other.

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