Blazing red flames and golden holy light tore apart the sky.

The battle between the strongest has officially begun.

Chapter 223 Chapter 210 Four God of War, Attack!

The third airport of Destiny Headquarters, the lower industrial area.


As the air valve, support frame and other external objects were disconnected one after another, a black-painted humanoid mecha broke free from its "shackles".

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The alarm sounded, reminding the surrounding staff to evacuate quickly.

It's just that there are no traces of living people in the airport.

Suddenly, as if a sleeping giant was "awakened", a red light flashed across the mecha's head, and the thrusters behind it began to warm up.

At this time, inside the command cabin.

"The attack order has been approved, Rosania, Lilia, Xier, it's our turn to appear!"

As the main driver, Bronya glanced at the teammates beside her and said seriously.

In response, the three girls nodded one after another.

"Yeah! Let them see how good our vodka girls are!"

"Lilia will be optimistic about Rosania."

"Yes! For sister Bronya, for everyone, Xier will work hard!"

Feeling the excitement and excitement in their words, Bronya also took a deep breath and clenched the joystick.

"Then, Bingshen No. [-] modified machine, code-named Tianfu Gundam, attack!"


As she pushed the round rod forward, the entire mech shook violently, and then the view outside the porthole began to enlarge.

Outside the cabin, the thrusters and soles of the humanoid mecha sprayed out faint blue flames.

The all-metal platform was melted by high temperature, and the thrust generated by the thrusters and the activation of the anti-gravity system made the mecha gradually leave the airport and fly towards the sky.

"Ding! The highest authority confirmation is complete, and the weapon system restrictions are lifted..."

A feminine system sound sounded in the cabin.

"Fly up! Fly up!"

"Really... Rosania, please be quiet! It's too noisy!"

"Sister Mei from another world is amazing! I heard that the previous Heavenly Father couldn't fly at all!"

Compared to the three of Seele who were full of excitement and admiration, although Bronya was also a little excited, she remained calm.

"Reinstall Xiaotu 19C, activate the assisted driving system, and check whether all parameters are normal."

"Yes, sir!"

"There is no abnormality in the propulsion device!"

"The balance system is working properly!"

"Airplane mode is fully activated!"

"Sufficient energy, no leakage!"

After listening to the report, Bronya was relieved.

"Really, turn on the navigation system, everyone, it's time to support everyone!"

After adjusting its direction, the humanoid mecha in the air flew straight to the frontal battlefield in the distance.



As the fleet got closer, most of the mechs and defensive forts deployed in the peripheral area suffered devastating blows.

In addition, although shocking energy fluctuations came from the northern area from time to time, there was no intention of approaching the frontal battlefield. It seemed that the two people who were fighting had a different kind of tacit understanding and did not intend to disturb everyone.

In the command room, everyone was worrying and discussing:

"Mei, the God of War is our trump card. If they want to land, let them land. In the worst case, we will give up the outer area and switch to the core area. The defense system there is more complete... This will make it easy to play. Is it too fast?"

Teresa asked slowly, with hesitation on her face.

Raiden Mei on the side also had a hesitant expression, but because of his current position, he was a bit embarrassed and could play a limited role in this battle, so he kept silent most of the time.

In contrast, Fu Hua appeared relatively calm, holding his breath and concentrating on adjusting his breathing, apparently preparing for the upcoming battle.

In response, Mei slowly shook her head.

"No, the timing is right now. As its reformer, I am very aware of its shortcomings. Now is the best time for it to play, and I think Bronya also understands that while their fleet has not landed , just to be able to play the biggest role of 'that thing'."


Up to now, no matter how much Theresa hesitates and worries, she can only choose to believe.

To be honest, how effective the so-called "Soldier Transformation Machine" can be... In fact, except for Mei, who is the producer, she, Tesla and others have no idea.

After all, they have never really seen its appearance, nor have they really experienced its power. For them, the information and data they have now cannot intuitively reflect the gap between it and the heavenly father.

Just how strong is a high-tech product from another pre-civilized era in the world?

Seemingly understanding their worries, Mei sighed slightly.

In fact, since the war began, her mind and attention had been in the North.

As for the huge combined fleet on the frontal battlefield...

She never took it seriously.

The power possessed by the Herrscher of Thunder is the nemesis of technology. In the field of electricity and magnetism, all civilization creations have to submit to this god, not to mention that she has inherited all the knowledge of the greatest doctor in the pre-civilization era...

To put it bluntly, the confrontation on the frontal battlefield seemed to her like a child's play, and there was no need to worry at all. What she had been waiting for was actually a more powerful enemy.

"Principal, aren't you worried about the World Snake Organization hiding in the dark? Since they like to hide, we will use the God of War to force them out. Don't worry, I will help if necessary."

"we can only do this……"


While Mei and the others were discussing, they were on the battlefield.

"What is that? A new type of anti-entropy Titan?"

As soon as the Soldiers Transformation Machine was discovered, there was a commotion in the United Fleet.

Flying humanoid mechas are not uncommon, because among the advanced mechas developed by Tianming, several have the above elements.


Who can tell them how that humanoid mecha, which is as big as a skyscraper, can fly? !In contrast, their Tianming humanoid mecha is not even a tenth of its size!

To be honest, at this time their fleet is like a pack of wolves and giants in front of the God of War transformation machine, and the huge size gap can easily make people feel desperate.

After all, a small body is not necessarily weak, but a large body is definitely not weak. This is common sense.

However, apart from the size difference between the two sides, "Otto" sitting on the flagship also instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"The appearance design and propulsion device of that mecha seem a little strange...wrong! Quickly let the battleships distance! The main gun accelerates to recharge! All firepower is given priority to focus on the enemy's new mecha!"

Following his order, all the battleships of Destiny began to distance themselves from each other in an orderly manner, forming a wheel formation.

At the same time, the firepower of all the warships no longer poured on the defense facilities on the airport, but changed their targets to the flying warship transformation machine.

"Bang bang bang...!"

At that moment, as if the stars were shining, countless flames pierced the sky with a rain of destructive bullets, attacking Bronya and the others.

The girls are already prepared for this.

"Rosania, deploy the energy barrier!"


"Lilia, the propulsion system is outputting at full power!"


"Reload Bunny, turn on Dodgeball (dodgeball) mode!"

"Mode on!"

Immediately afterwards, the flying speed of the war god transformation machine suddenly increased, an energy barrier emerged around the body, and the faint blue flames ejected from the thrusters behind spread out like wings of light, greatly improving the agility and defense of the entire mecha.

At the same time, Bronya in the cockpit also concentrated all her energy on controlling the joystick.

"Game start! (Game start)"

At this moment, facing the incoming wave of attacks, Bronya has entered a state...

A state of concentrating on playing barrage games!

In the field of games, "Alloy Armor Bu Fang" will not lose to anyone!

Seeing this scene, Teresa and the others in the command room broke into sweat.

"They actually want to rely on their own speed to avoid the attack of the fleet... Can this be successful? Isn't it too dangerous?!"

"Trust them, Bronya is the one driving the reformer, she can do it."

And at this moment, a new communication came in again:

"Miss Mei is right, Teresa, you don't have to believe me, but you have to believe my daughters."


On the battlefield, as Bronya drove the war god transforming machine through the enemy's increasingly dense firepower network, finally, before the energy barrier was broken, they successfully approached the United Fleet.

"Sister Bronya, the enemy has entered the coverage area!"

Hearing the excited voice of the girl beside her, Bronya breathed a sigh of relief, and shook off the sweat on her bangs. Although her expression was a little tired, her eyes were bright.

"Really, Seele, are you ready?"


"Then let's start!" Looking at the fleet that was madly attacking her not far away, the corner of Bronya's mouth raised a slight arc, "This is the general! Game over!"

Then, the two girls gave the order together.

"Anti-Honkai magnetic field..."


Chapter 224 Chapter 210 Chapter Five

Anti-Honkai magnetic field.

In the initial era of advanced technology, it was used as a "killer mace" to fight against the Herrscher, and it was also the core function of the Honkai integrated terminal - code-named Bingshen. It was the most important priority over the firepower system. component.

In the meticulous research and development of Dr. MEI, the anti-Honkai magnetic field carried by the God of War has a small effect of suppressing the activity of the Houkai energy in the body of the Houkai, and it is so large that it forcibly cuts off the "connection" between the Herrscher and the Houkai, making the body The core of the human body is "deactivated", making it temporarily become an "ordinary person".

And most importantly...

As the launcher and maintainer of the anti-Honkai magnetic field, Bingshen is able to maintain the operation of the magnetic field while moving freely in the magnetic field, exerting his incomparably powerful firepower on the enemy at will without being affected at all.

This is the real "Herserscher Killer"!Different from the mysterious and unique power of the saint, it is the great crystallization of human wisdom and a sharp weapon for human beings to fight back against Honkai!


"Anti-Honkai magnetic field...expand!"

As Bronya and Xier gave orders together, an invisible magnetic field rapidly expanded around the God of War Transformation Machine.

The United Fleet just noticed the abnormality, but it didn't even have time to react, and it was already shrouded in it by the magnetic field.

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