Ever since, everything that happened next can only be described as "disaster":

As we all know, the reason why the warships of the Destiny Organization can float in the air is that apart from the propellers driven by the Houkai at the tail, they rely on the anti-gravity system installed at the bottom.

Not to mention that the driving energy of the former all comes from the large amount of Houkai energy generated by the Houkai reactor every moment, while the engine of the latter relies on the Houkai energy to run normally. when……

What will happen to the floating battleship?

The answer is obvious.

That's right!Just fall!

Under the influence of the anti-Honkai magnetic field, all floating battleships experienced an emergency of "load drop".

Since the output power of the Houkai Reactor is dropping sharply, fatal failures have occurred in the thrusters and the anti-gravity system. The resulting chain reaction has made the balance device of the battleship unable to operate normally, and the lift provided is also constantly decreasing...


The ear-piercing sirens rang through the airspace, all the floating warships were shaking, and the fully charged main guns were still unable to aim at the target. The Valkyries in the battleships inevitably fell into panic, and piercing screams came and went.

Below, is the Mediterranean Sea with its mouth wide open like a monster from the abyss, while the battleship above is like a bird with a broken wing, which may fall at any time.

How does that keep them calm?

With one move, the situation of the battle was reversed. This is the strength of the God of War transformation machine, and it is also the crushing of technology and cognition.



Seeing the sudden reversal of the battlefield situation, everyone in the command room fell into a daze.

However, compared to Teresa and the others who were already speechless, Einstein still maintained the most basic composure.

"Miss Mei, according to the information you provided in advance, isn't the anti-Honkai magnetic field developed by Dr. MEI only have an impact on Honkai creatures and Herrschers? Now what..."

Seemingly understanding what she meant next, Mei folded her hands on her chest and slightly raised the corners of her lips.

"The answer is simple, doctor, because I have specially improved the magnetic field."


Einstein apparently didn't expect this.

"Well, in other parts of that modified machine, I save and simplify as much as I can, even including the weapon system, but the only difference is the anti-Honkai magnetic field. In order to improve it, I specially let the Kiyana went to the universe to collect some rare metals from the earth."

"Go to the universe to collect..."

Teresa and the others were completely dumbfounded.

However, Mei is still explaining:

"Based on the [Heavenly Father] mecha you brought, by dismantling some of the gravity devices in the airport, and then connecting several Honkai furnaces of transport ships in parallel as energy sources, to upgrade the power system and driving device for it respectively..."

"Finally, Bronya's Reloaded Rabbit will be installed as the self-discipline AI system to strengthen and repair the fragile parts of the body and related defects... After completing the above measures, a simplified version is barely made. God of Soldiers."

Having said that, Mei's tone changed.

"Of course, the Moonlight Throne engine on the Hyperion is also very useful. The anti-Honkai magnetic field launcher on this war god transformation machine is mainly made of it, which saves me a lot of effort."

"And Bronya and the others, it's really difficult for them to practice driving skills to this level in just ten days..."

Hearing these words, the hearts of those present were really mixed.

"Miss Mei is the real genius... There is no need to call me doctor or something. I really dare not call myself doctor in front of you. Please call me Einstein in the future."

Swallowing, Einstein said slowly.

In this regard, Tesla was also completely convinced, and the high double ponytails on the back of his head obviously drooped.

"Jiwotou... Oh, that's right, just call me Tesla!"

"Hehe, it's rare to see two doctors so depressed. Ms. Mei is really an eye-opener..."

Seeing this scene, Cocolia couldn't help laughing and teasing.

But Mei shook her head seriously.

"No, these are all the knowledge mastered by Dr. MEI. I just make reasonable use of it in combination with the current situation. Anyone can follow the gourd, right?"


The crowd was speechless.

In fact, there is another question that Mei did not say:

That's why the God of War transformation machine was named and codenamed "Heavenly Father Gundam"...

This has to be said that the memory that has been inexplicably emerging all the time.

When she saw the transformed Heavenly Father, the word that came to her mind was "Gundam".

Although she didn't know what these two words represented, she still used it as the code name of this military transformation machine by accident.

Facts have proved that this word does not exist in this world, and Einstein and others did not have any special doubts about this code name.

"Really... As expected of Dr. MEI, her vision and understanding of Honkai are far beyond the times."

"Yeah, our era is honestly following in her footsteps, just hoping not to follow in the footsteps of the civilization of the previous era..."

Hearing everyone's emotion, Mei raised her head and continued to observe the situation on the battlefield.

"It's almost time to appear... Red Empress, you two artificial intelligences must remember to cooperate with each other. Since Ai Jiang is responsible for monitoring the frontal battlefield, you must control our satellites, keep an eye on the situation at all times, and report immediately if there is anything!"

"Yes, Master Mei."

The Red Queen's answer came from the loudspeaker in the command room.

At this time, she has been connected to the command system and has the most advanced firewall. Einstein's communication with them is encrypted and maintained by her personally.


On the frontal battlefield, as the United Fleet fell into crisis, the Bingshen Transformation Machine also began to take the opportunity to fill up the energy of the rail gun.

Its target is the four flagships. As long as they can deal with them with one shot, the morale of the combined fleet can drop to the bottom, producing the effect of "self-destruction".

At the same time, this is also to reduce killings.

"Xie'er, reduce the output power of the magnetic field transmitter, and let them maintain the flight, otherwise they will really fall."

"Sister Bronya..."

"Don't worry, Xier, all the sins are borne by Bronya, Xier only needs to maintain that kindness."


Seeing the blue-haired girl lower her head shyly as she remembered, Bronya continued to focus on the operating screen.

However, she did not notice the flashing red light in the former's eyes...

"You are the enemy, this is the battlefield, in order to protect everyone, Bronya will not show mercy!"

Holding the launch rod tightly with both hands, aiming at a paralyzed flagship, Bronya's expression gradually became firm.

"The rail gun is charging... 72%... 81%... 95%..."

The alloy baffle on the chest of the humanoid mech was retracted inside, and the exposed muzzle was shining brightly, and the energy fluctuations spread rapidly.

Up to now, the combined fleet's defeat has been decided, if no one breaks all this...


It was too late to say it, but it was so fast, I saw a white knight gun piercing the sky like a comet, and slammed straight into the war god transformation machine.

"That's it!"

The strongest blond-haired Valkyrie descended from the sky.

Chapter 225 Chapter 210 Chapter [-] The Blackened Xier

"That's it!"

The pure white Holy Spear struck like a comet, piercing the sky; the Valkyrie with the strongest Destiny followed closely behind, wearing a golden armor to resist the invasion of the anti-Honkai magnetic field, her expression was solemn, mighty and domineering.


Before the God's Key, Heiyuan Baihua, hit the God of War transformation machine with unmatched force, a blood-colored thunder suddenly fell like a sky, blocking it in the center.


Violent explosions resounded through the sky, the holy white flower light and the bewitching blood-colored thunder intertwined and intertwined with each other, and the aftermath even caused the energy barrier of the War God Transformation Machine to flicker.

The danger level of the battle seems to have risen to another level.

After that, the thunder light dissipated, the holy spear was recalled, and everything fell into silence.Mei appeared alone in the center of the battlefield, stepping on the void, with long hair fluttering, and staring at Youlandale from afar.

"Thunderbolt Mei..." Looking at the person coming, Youlandell frowned, "Quickly let your mechs take back that low-handed trick! If you continue to let that strange fluctuation continue, it is tantamount to destroying it with your own hands. The hope of mankind!"

Hearing this, Mei twitched the corners of her mouth, and traces of electric light traveled up and down along the tips of her hair beside her ears.

"Oh? It's ridiculous. Didn't they attack us in the name of justice? When did you become the 'hope of mankind'? It's really interesting."

Sensing the sarcasm contained in Mei's words, Ulandell not only didn't get angry, but also explained seriously:

"That's because the battleship itself is destroyed. It's a big deal and it will be rebuilt later, but the Valkyries on the ship...they are dead and the human race is over! Otherwise, who do you plan to rely on to resist the Honkai in the future?"

Seeing the other party speak so seriously and earnestly, Mei couldn't help chuckling.

"Hehe, you are really upright, Youlandelle, but..."

At the end, the expression on Mei's face gradually softened, and her tone turned indifferent.

"What do you say, what does it have to do with me?"

"What?" Youlandelle stared round her beautiful eyes, as if she thought she had heard wrong.

Stretching out his hand to hold it empty, the blood-colored electric light was still dancing on his fingertips. Seeing all this, the corners of Mei's mouth turned up slightly, with an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"You, and they are all enemies, the ones who took the initiative to attack. The reason why they fell into the current crisis is entirely their own fault. Why should I let them go?"

"Besides, Youlandal, if we lose, will your bishop let us go? As the mightiest Valkyrie, you would say what you just said to the enemy on the battlefield... For human beings? To resist Houkai? How naive!"


a bolt from the blue.

Seemingly affected by an unknown force, the surrounding clouds gradually began to gather, the sun was gone, and the sky was getting darker.

And Mei, who is in it and surrounded by blood-colored lightning, is smiling lightly. The whole person is like the other shore flower growing on Huangquan Road. It is delicate and beautiful but symbolizes death. It is moving and intoxicating.

What a female demon god who controls the thunder!

And Youlandell, who came back to his senses, was obviously irritated.

"You!...Since this is the case, let us speak with our strength!"

The blond-haired Valkyrie raised her Holy Spear, shining with radiance and awe-inspiring fighting spirit, intending to continue the previous battle that was interrupted on the Shenzhou Desert.

"Oh, you have no chance of winning."

In response to this, Yai's vermilion lips parted lightly, and she held her five fingers together. The blood-colored thunder gathered and stretched in the palm of her hand, condensing into the blade of death.

"Hmph, if there is any chance of winning, you will only know if you have fought!"

With a cold snort, Youlandelle took the initiative to attack, and the power of the world bubble in her body was exerted to the extreme by her.

And Mei also fought back with an ordinary fighting posture.

All of a sudden, a golden comet pierced the sky, followed by a blood-colored thunder. The battle between the two made the previous offensive and defensive sides completely reduced to spectators.

It wasn't until Youlandal opened the world bubble that the two moved the battlefield to another world, and then they were able to recover.

In the cockpit of the God of War transformation machine, the four girls from the Cocolia Orphanage also had different reactions.

"They... This, this is too strong?! Is this still a human?!"

A pink-haired girl has already expressed that she is dumbfounded.

"Yeah, Rosania can't compare to her at all. Somebody said before that she was the strongest person in the world..."

As the younger sister, Lilia complained mercilessly again.

"Lilia! You exposed my dark history again!"

"Rosania said it herself..."

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