
Compared with the pink and blue sisters who are full of slots, Bronya's side is much more normal.

"Sister Bronya, what should we do next?"

"Continue to complete our mission. Sister Mei from another world has held back the most powerful enemy for us. Now we only need to shoot down the flagship of the United Fleet to make them lose their command center. Other warships have a high probability It will be withdrawn directly from the battlefield."

While Bronya answered, she continued to complete the launch procedure that had just been interrupted.

The sight is aimed at one of the flagships of the United Fleet, and the finger is placed on the button to launch the rail gun...

However, this railgun is destined to be difficult to send out.

"Sister Bronya, be careful!!"

Just when Bronya was about to press it, Xier's face suddenly changed drastically.

In an instant, a high-energy plasma ball struck from behind the God of War modification machine, instantly melting the energy barrier maintained around it, disintegrating the solid protective baffle, piercing through layers of isolation walls, and entering the cockpit...

"Boom!!! Crash--"

Half of the backrest of the driver's seat disappeared, and the reinforced glass of the porthole was completely shattered.

This is the attack of the third key of God!

At this time, in a small transport plane not far from the God of War, Raven put away the special-shaped sniper rifle in his hand with a look of annoyance.

"Hey, didn't you hit the driver..."

While she was speaking, the remaining anti-aircraft batteries in the outer area of ​​the headquarters had already regarded the transport plane as a target.

Looking at the rapidly approaching anti-aircraft missiles, Raven retreated into the transport plane.

"Ye Xiao, let's get started. While that person is being entangled by Youlandelle, let's hurry up and finish what the Lord told us in advance."

"I know."

The gray-haired boy who was the driver and companion nodded, glanced in the direction of the United Fleet intentionally or unintentionally, and then drove the transport plane into quantum stealth mode again.

The anti-aircraft missile suddenly lost its target.

"Bronya, are you alright?!"

In the cockpit, Teresa's anxious voice sounded through the communication.

And Rosania and Lilia just came back to their senses, looked at the big hole pierced through the porthole, and patted their chests with lingering fear.

"Okay, it's terrible! Almost died..."

"Yeah, how come there are enemies behind us?"

However, the two sisters could only be regarded as safe and sound, and Bronya, who was the main target of the enemy, was the one who recovered her life from the dead door.

In fact, if Xier hadn't discovered it in time and pulled Bronya to the side at the first time, the main pilot of the God of War Transformation Machine would have died in the line of duty.

"Thank you, Xier... Principal, we are all fine."

After quickly getting up from the floor, Bronya answered the communication while typing on the holographic keyboard, trying to calm down the turbulent heart, controlled the soldier god transformation machine to turn around, and scanned the direction where the attack just came.

"Disappeared...? Rosania, activate the energy barrier at full power! Lilia, activate the all-round enemy tracking system!"

"okay, I get it!"


As the pink and blue sisters nodded together, the cockpit became busy again.

On the other side, Teresa was obviously relieved when she heard Bronya's reply.

"Really? That's great! What a blessing!"

"By the way, the Red Queen has just detected that the southern position of the headquarters has been invaded! It is the World Snake! They suddenly appeared out of thin air! Now a large number of World Snake mechs have landed at the southern airport, and some special personnel have begun to destroy our Power plants and power facilities!"

Hearing Teresa's words, Bronya frowned.

"World Snake...they are really forced out. Xi'er, hurry up and control the output power of the magnetic field transmitter, and don't let it automatically enter the safe standby mode... Xi'er?"

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a gloomy chill coming from behind her.

Turning her head to look, Bronya realized that Xi'er was still kneeling on the ground with her head lowered, so that people could not see her expression clearly.

"Xie'er? Xi'er? What's wrong with you? Xi'er, where did you get hurt?"

Bronya immediately leaned over and asked anxiously.

However, before she got close, "instinct" drove her to stop.

Xier is very dangerous now!

——The sixth sense of the body warned Bronya like this.

"Hey... Son?"

Hearing this call, the blue-haired girl kneeling on the ground raised her head, her movements were as slow and stiff as a puppet, and what she showed was a broken expression that was half a smile but not a smile, neither happy nor sad.

At this time, Xier gave people a feeling of "being spoiled".

"That person... That person almost killed Sister Bronya just now... Unforgivable... Unforgivable... Unforgivable! Xier will never let anyone who dares to hurt Sister Bronya go! Absolutely No! Absolutely... no."

As the last syllable came out of the girl's mouth, an ominous black-red light bloomed from her body like a fountain!At the same time, the girl's hair and pupils began to be stained red by "blood", and a huge, ferocious and pitch-black sickle appeared in her slender hands at some point.

The strange mark on the girl's chest began to glow, and the whole figure seemed to lose weight, slowly floating in mid-air, holding the sickle, and her blood-colored eyes were fixedly looking in one direction.

Seeing this scene, the three of them, including Bronya, were stunned.

However, when "Xie'er" moved again, Bronya seemed to realize something, and suddenly raised her hand to grab her.

"Wait! Xi'er, don't go!!"

But she found nothing.

Then, the three of them watched helplessly as "Xieer" passed through the isolation layer and baffle in the command cabin like a real ghost, and disappeared from sight.

And with Xier's departure, the magnetic field launcher automatically activated the built-in protection measures due to excessive energy consumption and unmanned control, and shut down actively. Most of the people in the United Fleet also recovered their lives. .

In addition, the launch of the rail gun was automatically canceled due to the long delay.

The three people in the cockpit looked at the place where Xi'er disappeared, and couldn't regain their senses for a long time.

In the end, Bronya, the main driver, made a decision.

"Sorry, Headmaster, sister Mei, Bronya can't leave Xier alone..."

Sitting on the operating table again, Bronya held the joystick tightly, and left the battlefield in the soldier's transformation machine, following Xier's footsteps.

But even so, it will take some time for the United Fleet to recover from the impact of the anti-Honkai magnetic field, but the surrounding Destiny Mechs, which are also paralyzed, recover faster because of their relatively simple internal structure.

At the same time, the elite Valkyrie troop headed by S-rank Valkyrie Rita Rossweisse also made due awareness:

"This distance...should be enough. Valkyrie troops, transfer to the Destiny transport plane with me, land at the outer airport first, and take back the headquarters for the bishop!"

In this way, Rita and other Valkyries took the initiative to abandon the temporarily paralyzed warships, and flew to the headquarters in batches on the smaller Destiny transport planes that were not affected by the magnetic field because they had not been activated before, intending to forcibly recover them.

Although the landing battle of the third wave of offensive experienced a lot of twists and turns in the middle, it finally arrived.

The battle situation can be described as changing rapidly.

Chapter 226 Chapter 210 Chapter [-] The End of the Destiny Bishop

Just as the situation on the European battlefield changed suddenly...

North Africa, Maghreb.

This place was originally located in a densely populated and prosperous city. Although it is located in the desert, because one side is close to the coast, it has a unique development advantage in ocean trade.

However, in a collapse that occurred in the early years, the city suffered a devastating blow. Not only did the residents suffer heavy casualties, but even important facilities such as factories and ports were destroyed...

Although the Destiny Organization immediately launched a rescue operation here, this former seaport city still completely lost its former vitality and prosperity in the aftermath of the collapse disaster (such as sandstorms, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.).

Many years have passed, and now there is only a ruin that no one cares about, no longer suitable for human habitation, and the ending is not miserable.

However, not many people know that, in fact, the secret experimental base of the Mandate of Heaven—Vermoor Laboratory is located 1000 meters underground in this city.

Above, there are deserted city ruins filled with wind and sand; while underground, it is a highly confidential and well-equipped experimental site.

The location is unusual, and the significance of its existence is even more so:

Since the establishment of this laboratory, it has not studied the Houkai energy, human body and weapons like the ordinary Destiny laboratory, but has concentrated on conducting various experiments on the second key of God - breaking the relationship between reality and imaginary numbers and quantum space. Barriers, experiments to find other parallel worlds.

Now, the experiment has reached a critical stage.


Underground 1000 meters from the surface, in the observation center of the laboratory, a handsome man with blond hair and green eyes was looking at the projected picture with interest, with his hands folded.

What is shown on the screen is exactly the situation on the battlefield in front of the Tianming headquarters.

"Heh, interesting, when did Anti-Entropy develop that kind of mech? It was able to paralyze the crusade fleet I improvised... I really underestimated you."

This familiar tone, this familiar appearance... That's right!The man who spoke was none other than Otto Apocalypse, Bishop of Mandate of Heaven!

But now in the United Fleet, there is also an "Otto Apocalypse"...

There are actually two identical Catholic bishops in the world!

If Teresa and the others knew about this, they would definitely be shocked.

"Speaking of which, the performance of 'Void Man Zang' has been very good so far. Even if Rita is as careful as Rita, she didn't find anything wrong with the 'Otto Apocalypse' she played..."

Touching his chin, Otto smiled knowingly.

"As expected of an 'old partner' who has been with me for 500 years, it seems that he is completely familiar with my behavior patterns and thinking logic, and even imitated that tone of voice when talking to Teresa... Ha~ It's a perfect stand-in."

"With it, I can finally leave behind my 500-year-old mission, let go of my responsibilities as a Catholic bishop, and do what I should do."

After mumbling to himself, Otto seemed to have lost interest, turned off the projection without hesitation, and stared forward.

He looked through the reinforced glass, left the observation room where he was, and looked down at the experimental site about two to three hundred meters away.

There, a strange "locomotive" was quietly suspended in the energy device, and many staff members in protective suits were checking the large number of pipelines connected under the device, reporting the situation through walkie-talkies from time to time.

"I think the output power should be reduced by another percentage point, so it may be safer..."

"All passages will be closed later to prevent the collapse from spreading outside. I don't want to..."

"This experiment must be able to provide a lot of data! I'm really excited to think about it! This is absolutely unprecedented in the history of science..."

In another compartment of the observation room, some researchers in white coats were happily discussing, pointing at the "locomotive" from time to time, all of them looked excited and incoherent.

Hearing these voices, Otto raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"For humans? It's superficial..."

And at this moment, a strange woman's voice sounded in the communicator:

"Bishop, the preparations have been completed, the "beacon" has also been placed, and the second key of God can be activated."

Hearing this, the smile on Otto's face deepened.

"Really, then don't waste time, let's start."

"Yes, Bishop."

Following his order, the staff on the test field below also received corresponding instructions, quickly left the scene with their inspection tools, and took corresponding sealing measures.

"The second God's Key [The Key of Eternal Tribulation · One Thousand Realms]... the first experiment of fully activating the zeroth rated power, what kind of surprises will it bring me? I am looking forward to it."

Looking at the "locomotive"...that is, the second God's key, Otto's eyes shone with light that made it difficult to look directly at.



His mood at this moment cannot be described in words!

After the personnel on the field were emptied, under the control of the operators, more than a dozen "Hyberian-level" Hoonkai reactors placed in the entire laboratory suddenly started together, instantly dissipating an inestimable huge amount of Hoonkai energy. Energy devices were injected along the pipeline.


At that moment, the ring-shaped device was dazzling and shining like a star. The violent energy fluctuations stirred the air and swept around. The strange dark purple light illuminated the entire test site and reflected in people's eyes.


Immediately afterwards, the second God's Key was successfully activated, and the performance was that the tail of the "locomotive" shot an extremely bright beam of light straight up, passing through the previously opened top passage, "connecting" the sky and the earth together.

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