Looking at the majestic beam of light connecting the sky and the earth, Otto's eyes contained astonishing obsession.

"The other end of imaginary numbers, the gate of truth, the eternal moment, the birthplace of all laws... I, come!"

Reaching the tree of imaginary numbers - this is the ultimate goal of the Second God's Key.But now, he, Otto Apocalypse, is about to complete this unprecedented feat and create an unsurpassable myth!

"Karen, no matter how much you pay, I will definitely bring you back to this world!"

From the moment that beloved died 500 years ago, he, Otto Apocalypse, lived for this moment.

In order to find the answer that transcends life and death, and to see that saint's smile again, even if she abandons everything, even faces the gods, even burns herself... I will not hesitate!

Under the gaze of the man, the space above was distorted, more than a dozen high-power Honkai furnaces were completely overloaded, and dazzling purple rays penetrated the sky, opening the door to another dimension.

Then comes the most important moment.

As time passed, I saw that at the other end of the circular passage, a wild giant tree that was too big to describe in words appeared...

Each of its leaves represents a different parallel world, and each of its branches represents a form of civilization!


Seeing this miraculous scene, Otto's eyes widened, and the smile on his face could not be concealed.

Soon, he, Otto Apocalypse, will be sublimated from a mortal and a chess piece to an existence talking to God!

He succeeded.

In order to fulfill his long-cherished wish for 500 years, and for this opportunity now, he chose to give up his number one God's Key [Void Man Zang] and the Destiny Organization, which has been in operation for 500 years, in exchange for the imaginary number in the hands of the world's snake leader. The "beacon" of the tree.

And now, he finally succeeded!All pay is worth it!

Now he only needs to wait for a response or take the initiative to cross the world and reach the other shore, and then he can rise to the chessboard, play games with God, and get the answer he has been looking for all along.


In the past, his "smuggling" behavior might arouse his interest...

Unfortunately, due to the appearance of two outsiders, God (imaginary will) is in a very bad mood at this time.

It's like when you are angry, a mosquito keeps "buzzing" around your ear, and even tries to bite you... what do you do?

Then, disaster happened.

"The answer you want is destruction!"

As such a huge thought came to Otto's mind, shaking his soul...

The imaginary number has arrived.

Its creation stepped through the passage, and accompanied by the pendulum sound of "click, click", brandished a huge weapon, and launched an indiscriminate attack on everything in this world;

at the same time……

Quantum, derived.

The dark shadow infects the sky like "ink", splitting into countless individuals, like a nightmare changing countless shapes and spreading towards the whole world.


In just a few seconds, the beam of light connecting the sky and the earth suddenly expanded several times, sweeping away everything along the way. Many people in the laboratory had already turned into dust of energy and passed away before they could even react.

The world fell into chaos.

The unprecedented catastrophe officially broke out, and with the full-scale invasion of quantum creatures, the signs of the destruction of human civilization began to appear one by one.

The end has come.

Chapter 227 Chapter 210

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Over the vast Mediterranean Sea, a loud noise penetrated through the clouds and continuously spread to the surroundings, startling countless birds and stirring up layers of waves, just like the [God of Fire and Forging] Hephaestus in Greek mythology when he struck iron. The sound is terrifying.

Above the sky, two rays of light, one golden and one red, are still interlacing and colliding constantly, causing the boundless sea of ​​clouds around to be devastated. Every time, they are either evaporated by the burning flames or annihilated by the golden holy light. The whole looks like marshmallows soaked in water, shrinking step by step.


Another collision.

The aftermath of the energy spread like ripples, erasing the clouds and smoothing the storm along the way, shocking countless beings.

And at the center of the collision, the golden holy spear and the blazing flame sword are trying their best to bloom their own power, trying to devour each other.

"You really are not an ordinary person... who are you?"

Looking at the white-haired saint in front of him who was fighting against him without losing the slightest bit, Kevin Kaslana finally spoke the first words since the beginning of the battle.

It is worth mentioning that at this time his body has completely "beastized", not only his limbs have become gnarled and thick; his fingers have turned into sharp claws, and his whole body is covered with carapace; violent.

However, unlike Siegfried's situation, Kevin's Honkai Beastization retains his own sanity, and his strength, agility and other physical qualities have skyrocketed by more than ten or a hundred times compared to usual!This is especially true for the ice power it possesses.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this time he has reached the peak of mortals, an existence second only to gods!But if you add the seventh god's key tailored for him [Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment]... Even if the opponent is a god, Kevin at this time can fight against it!


Even with such a powerful force, the saint who fought with him still seemed to be able to do a job with ease, and her strength was as deep as an abyss.

How does this not shock Kevin?

How long has it been since the last time you faced such a powerful opponent?He can barely remember.

But now, he recalled from his opponent the final final battle 5 years ago...

Could it be that the person who is fighting against him now is also a god?

He didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't want to think about it.

He, Kevin Kaslana, just wants to complete his mission, complete his revenge, and completely wipe out Honkai!


Compared with Kevin, who was quite restless, Qiyana in the saint form only had pure fighting spirit in her eyes.

"It doesn't matter who I am! Go on, let me see, who is stronger in this world, the Kaslana family's ice power and my saint's power!"

Although she disagrees with the image-destroying transformation ability of "Honkai Beastization", the power of ice that Kevin possesses has aroused her interest.

Facing Kiyana's rising fighting spirit, Kevin frowned his horny brows.

With both hands, press the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge forward...


Collision again.

However, this time, Kevin was not in a hurry to pursue. Instead, he used the reaction force generated by the collision to distance himself from Kiyana, and the two sides looked at each other from a distance.

Seeing this, Qiyana gently curled a gun, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"What? Don't want to fight anymore? Then let your men retreat."


To this, Kevin didn't mean to reply, and his expression became indifferent again, he just shook the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge in the "Kalpa Mode" in his hand, and then glanced down from the corner of his eye.

Due to the constant battle between the two, the sea area below has also suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

Among them, most of the sea area was frozen by the power of ice that he inadvertently distributed, whether it was swimming fish on the bottom of the sea, passing merchant ships, or even waves.

There are many lifelike ice sculptures standing on the ice, with a large number and different shapes, making people feel like they are in a fantasy world.

The remaining sea areas have become "bare", and most of the original sea water has been evaporated. Although new sea water is being replenished from other sea areas all the time, the exposed seabed and various stranded waters can be vaguely seen. marine life.

It is obviously the Mediterranean Sea, which is hot and dry in summer and warm and humid in winter, but at this moment, it seems to have turned into ice fields at the north and south poles and sandbars in the northwest desert...

This has long been separated from the scope of human beings, shattered the three views of human beings, and refreshed human knowledge.

Perhaps the two of them didn't know that every blow and every collision they had just caused the earth below to vibrate continuously and the sea created waves; every time the aftermath swept by, all the mountains on the way were shattered, and the plains they passed were turned into seas of flames.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is undoubtedly a battle between gods, and the dead people don't know what happened and why they died.

Does such a fight make sense?

This idea flashed across his mind for a moment, Kevin shook his head slowly, and raised the Jie Mie sword with both hands again, the crimson light turned into a soaring flame and burned the clouds.

At this moment, the surrounding air became dry.

In fact, the Herrscher's core inside the God's Key has already exhausted its energy, and its current drive and performance completely depend on the power provided by itself—Honkai Beast.

At this moment, the ice resists the ablation of the flames, and injects energy into the burning of the flames... The strongest warrior of mankind is about to exert his full strength.

Seeing this scene, Qiyana also became serious.

"Are you finally going to use your full strength?"

At this time, Kevin is like a Vulcan descended into the world, with the flame sword raised high in both hands as the center, forming a layer of dense flame field around his body, everything swept by the strong wind...leaves, petals, birds Even the gale itself was sucked into it and annihilated.

This kind of power can be called "the reproduction of the myth"!

"Since you want to fight, let me show you..."

"Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, over limit lifted!"

"1000% power on!"

"Jie Mie No Ember!"

As soon as Kevin finished speaking, the flaming sword in his hand turned into a second sun... no, it was an exploding supernova!

The ice sheet melted in an instant!The air rapidly expands and disappears, forming a vacuum zone;

Combustion is no longer combustion, but fusion between high-energy particles, and the energy released at the center every moment is at the level of nuclear bombs;

The seawater and the surrounding clouds directly evaporated, and the islands in the entire area were ignited with raging fire, and even the rocks were softening and melting.Regardless of the outcome, the Mediterranean in the future may be completely different.

This is the strongest combat power of human civilization. This blow of his once made the final Herrscher of the former civilization come to a standstill; this move is a sign of stepping into the realm of gods with a non-god body!

not bad……

In the extremely high temperature field, Kiyana was still unscathed and even smiled.

However, in her line of sight, apart from the blazing white flame, the man was still holding up the flame sword that had grown dozens of times, but he hadn't struck it down for a long time.

Finally noticed it?

In the vacuum of the flames, Kiyana raised her head and looked at the sky dyed red by the flames.

There, one after another "black tide" is approaching step by step.

Quantum Shadow...

In an instant, the domain disappeared, and all the flames dissipated, as if they had never appeared before.

"Honkai is increasing at an unprecedented speed; Quantum has even invaded here..." Staring blankly at the gradually spreading black tide, Kevin's body shook, "This, what is it? what happened?"

The stigmata project has not officially started, has it been "aborted"?

Will human civilization step into destruction again?

"They finally made a move. Thank you for warming up with me. Then, I don't need to worry about anything anymore."

The corners of her mouth hooked slightly, and Qiyana let go of the Holy Spear in her hand, and slowly closed her eyes.

A golden mark of finality appeared on her forehead.

Chapter 228 Chapter 210 Chapter [-] Chasing and Appearing

Back in time, the airspace south of the Floating Islands of Destiny.



As air-controlling missiles collided and exploded, the energy barrier surrounding the Bingshen Transformation Machine began to flicker.

At this time, Bronya and others have been exposed to the enemy's vision.

"It's unbelievable that so many mechas bypassed satellite monitoring and sneaked into this area... It seems that the so-called World Snake Organization has fully mastered the quantum stealth technology. It really cannot be underestimated."

Looking at the number of enemy units displayed on the radar, Lilia couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

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