"Quantum stealth technology?" Rosania, who was beside her, tilted her head and asked with a puzzled face while maintaining the protective cover of the body: "Isn't this our anti-entropy 'patent'? Why is that what? Snakes can do it too?"

"It's the world snake, stupid Rosania."

Glancing at her older sister, Lilia's tone remained calm.

"The enemy will not tell you about 'patents', let alone pay for infringement, even if my mother said before that the doctors and the others did not publish this technology."

Correction is correction, but her hands did not stop fiddling on the operating table.

Although Lilia still looked listless and about to fall asleep on the surface, she was very skilled in adjusting the size of the mecha, showing the demeanor of an "old Si Ji" in her gestures.

"Hmph! Lilia is the idiot~ Idiot! Big idiot!"

Rosania on the side puffed her cheeks and hummed, her hands and feet were not idle.

One of the sisters controls the protection and propulsion, and the other controls the tracking and guidance of the enemy, making a great contribution to the normal operation of the war god transformation machine.

These ten days of simulated training really changed them.

At this time, Bronya's voice suddenly came:

"I found Seele! Lilia, Rosania, get ready! Bronya is going to activate the 'Homo Run' mode!"

Staring at the scarlet "shadow" on the screen, Bronya was more serious and serious than ever before.

No matter what, that girl must not be left alone in danger!

Be sure to stop her!

Seemingly sensing the determination in Bronya's words, the pink and blue sisters nodded one after another.

"Yes! Rosania (Lilia), the preparations are complete!"

"Okay! Reload the bunny, 'Homo Run' mode..."

"start up!"

Following Bronya's order, the three pushed the shifter in front of them to the top together.

"Come on! Heavenly Father Gundam!!!"

"Mode startup!"

As soon as the prompt sound of the self-discipline personality system fell, the body of the Bingshen Transformation Machine trembled, and the whole body quickly adjusted its angle and began to fly in a "line" shape. The propellers installed on the back, feet and even hands were aligned A long tail flame was sprayed out.

"call out--!"

Facing a large number of missiles, the Bingshen modified machine leaped over many obstacles with the momentum of a meteor breaking through the sky.

The so-called "Homo Run" mode was named by the four girls, and its effect is described in systematic language: the limit speed that the body can theoretically bear.

According to Mei's design ideas, when the body's endurance reaches the limit, if the speed is further increased, it will enter the final "burst mode".

At that time, the energy consumption of the propeller itself and the body will increase linearly, which is extremely risky and not conducive to continuous combat.

In particular, this generation of civilization has not yet produced a real war god and its supporting supply facilities. Once it enters the outbreak mode, it will not only be unable to supply, but also cannot be effectively repaired. It is tantamount to a death sentence for this war god transformation machine.


As the acceleration continued to rise, the speed of the machine officially broke through the sound barrier, and the sonic boom it generated in an instant even shattered the glass within a few kilometers of the surrounding area, causing noise in the communication within the range.

Facing such a "big man" and "live target", how could the landing mecha of the World Snake Organization allow it to break through its own defense line?

"Bang bang bang...!"

A large number of missiles struck with long flame tails, like a swarm of bees, and the buzzing sound resounded throughout the airspace.

And because the speed of the God of War modified machine has been raised to the limit, and Bronya, who is the main driver, has "superior driving skills", some missiles were thrown far away before they approached, or were induced to crash into The abandoned airport building did not play its due role.

But even so, it was the same as the previous situation when facing the "barrage rain" of the United Fleet. No matter how high the driving skills were, Bronya couldn't hold back the large number of enemies.

Facts have proved that "perfect evasion" and "pass without injury" are limited to the game, and some missiles finally hit the shield.

"Boom boom boom...!"

A series of explosions sounded, and the barrier of the God of War Transformation Machine flickered slightly, and the light gradually dimmed.

After this series of changes, with the opening of the "Homo Run" mode, most of the energy is used for thrusters, and the energy for maintaining the protective shield will naturally decrease.


"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The alarm in the cabin has already sounded, but it still takes some time for the distance between the two to close.

"Xie'er! Come back quickly! Don't go alone!"

Looking at the scarlet, Bronya was secretly anxious.

The girl seemed to have no "entity" suddenly. Not only did she pass through obstacles along the way, but her flying speed was beyond common sense. This is why Bronya and the others have not been able to catch up.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Several supersonic missiles struck again, and the barrier of the war god transformation machine had reached the edge of barely blocking the wind pressure, if it was attacked again...


Gritting her teeth, Bronya held the joystick tightly, her palms were already sweating, and her eyes were fixed on the radar information displayed on the screen.

It was another miraculous dodge, and on the way, a missile almost exploded on the side of the machine body, once again reducing part of the energy of the protective cover.


Another blob of cursors representing enemy units appeared on the radar.

it's over...

Almost biting her lips for blood, Bronya finally made up her mind:

"Rosania! Lilia! Fasten your seat belt, the energy of the protective cover is not enough! Prepare to welcome the external air pressure into the command module, don't be sucked away!"


The pink and blue sisters didn't seem to react.

Just when Bronya was about to explain again...

"Boom, boom...!"

With a flash of blazing blue light, the cursor signal on the radar suddenly disappeared.

"What, what's going on?"

As soon as doubts arose in my mind, the answer came out of my own accord:

"Student Bronya, don't worry about chasing them, I will take care of them."

Cool female voice, calm and calm tone...

"Squad leader?!"

Bronya suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"Well, it's me."

In the platform area of ​​the floating island, Fu Hua, who was wearing a moon armor, smiled slightly as he looked at the God of War transformation machine going away, and floated in mid-air with the small propeller behind him.

"Do what you should do, classmate Bronya, let me deal with those who block you."

After finishing speaking, Fu Hua took the initiative to turn off the communication, and turned to face the incoming World Snake Mecha one after another.

"That's it!"

Shadow Knight put on her mask.

"Squad leader..."

Just as Bronya was in a daze, another caring voice sounded from the communicator again:

"Bronya! Fu Hua has already arrived in that area to support you! Please protect yourself and don't go head-to-head with the enemy!"

"Principal Teresa..."

Gradually, Bronya found that the anxiety in her heart had completely dissipated, replaced by a strong warmth, and the power that filled her whole body again.

Then, she nodded heavily.

"Well, Bronya received it!"

"call out--!!!"

Without the hindrance of the enemy, the Bingshen transformation machine pierced the sky like a shooting star, moving forward.


At the same time, on the frontal battlefield.

"Drink! Wake up! Master of Frost!"

The cold moon rises, phantoms emerge, and the girl dances like a cold ghost. Several Titan mechs around her freeze and freeze instantly, and then are smashed by the dancing ice scythe.

The fourth-generation Valkyrie armor [Blue Knight·Moon Soul], the S-rank Valkyrie named Rita Rossweisse dances on the battlefield wearing it, bringing death to the enemy at the same time, like a cold sharp blade Charge towards Teresa and the others.

"Phew~ there's iron shell garbage all over the floor, it looks like we'll have to clean it up later."

Turning her head, looking at the wreckage of the Titans spreading along the road, the elegant maid exhaled like blue, and a gleam of coldness flashed in her eyes.

And just when she was about to move on and clear the way for the Valkyrie troop to land later...

A series of purple space doors suddenly appeared above the battlefield, like a giant beast opening its compound eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a blue and white dragon flapped its wings and descended from the sky.

"Humans, your journey ends here, if you dare to go one step further, you will die!"

The indifferent voice resounded throughout the battlefield, and all the Valkyries including Rita raised their heads one after another, looking at the figure standing on the dragon's back.

"Yes...it is the Herrscher of the Sky!!"

I don't know who was the first to utter an exclamation, and the entire battlefield was suddenly in an uproar.

And Rita tensed up too.

"How... how could the Herrscher of the Sky help humans?"

At this moment, most Valkyries have the same thoughts as her.

But only Mei and the others know:

Since it was uncertain whether the anti-Honkai magnetic field would have an effect on the Herrscher of the Sky, she was not allowed to appear on the stage. Now that the God of War Transformation Machine is gone, her appearance has indeed had a blockbuster effect.

just the process...

"She's too arrogant!"

In the command room, Teresa looked resentful.

Einstein was not surprised, however.

"As expected, don't pay attention to these minor details, Ms. Teresa. Facts have proved that if she does not appear, she will definitely block the offensive of the entire Valkyrie army once she appears. We also have a breathing time to discuss what to do next. .”

"Uh... that's what you said."



How should I put it, the author's state of mind these two days:

Wow!Out of guarantee!Golden legend!

Wuhu ~ Wings of the Sky. . .

Where is my Keqing? !Where's my Qiqi? !Where's my Mona? ? ?

To sum up, this wave, this wave of mentality is like Keli's bomb, BOOM! ! !



suspicious of life


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