Chapter 229 Chapter 220

"Sorry, you guys are late~"

The western area of ​​the floating islands, the lowest floor of the Helheim laboratory, the armor showroom.

Ji Zi, who had been "waiting for a long time", was leaning on the storage compartment in the center, with one hand resting on a big rose-colored sword, and the other touching her chin, with her red lips slightly raised, looking at the intruders who came one after another jokingly. .

"Wuliangta Jizi, A-rank Valkyrie of Destiny..."

Hearing this, the visitors stopped one after another.

It was like a team of men in black cyber trench coats and strange masks—Grey Snakes!

"You need to add the word 'predecessor' in front of 'Class A Valkyrie'~"

Ji Zi covered her mouth and smiled lightly, her expression unchanged.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of breaking the air outside the showroom.

"Whoosh whoosh...!"

I saw the raven holding the third god's key descending from the sky, and landed behind the Gray Snake Squad like a ghost, with a body as light as a swallow and quick movements.

"Is there another one?"

Seeing this scene, Ji Zi put away the banter on his face, straightened his body, and held the hilt of the big sword tightly.

She had to be serious, because she felt threatened from be precise, from the Third God's Key.

"Grey Snake, have you got the main thing?" Raven asked in a low voice when approaching one of the men in black.

However, the other party did not answer her question directly, but turned around and asked:

"Why are you alone? Where did Ye Xiao go?"

"Just now there was a fluctuation in the power of the Herrscher of the Sky on the frontal battlefield. He has rushed over at full speed with the staff of the underworld. You know, what task the Lord gave in advance."

After hearing Raven's answer, Gray Snake looked forward again.

"Really, with the assistance of Void and Ten Thousand Zang, it shouldn't be a problem to capture the Herrscher. Then there is only..."

Sensing their gaze, Ji Zi frowned.

"What's the matter? Hurry up if you want to fight! Don't worry about it, I know what you want."

Having said that, she patted her plump chest... to be precise, it was the brand-new Valkyrie armor, then raised the corners of her mouth, and raised her big sword with a look of fighting intent.

"Come and get it if you want it! The premise is that you still have lives."

I have to mention here:

At this time, Jizi was wearing a suit of lava-colored armor, with an orange-yellow gemstone inlaid in the connecting device on his chest. Every movement exuded a hot breath, and the whole person seemed to have been completely reborn, giving people a face-lifting feeling. The powerful momentum coming.

The Red Knight Lunar Eclipse is the name of this suit of armor.

Different from other Valkyrie armors, this set of Lunar Eclipse armors belongs to the heritage of the pre-civilization era, code-named [Blank Key], and is the "prototype" of all Valkyrie armors currently in service in the Destiny Organization.

It does not have the driving energy itself, the only ability is to connect with the core of any Herrscher, so that the armor user can obtain the power of the Herrscher within a certain period of time.

At this time, the [Plague Gem] with the power of the Herrscher of Flame is inlaid in the armor!


Faced with Ji Zi, who is full of fighting spirit and majestic, the invading Gray Snake and others did not give up.

"Hand over the Blank Key and the Plague Gem now, and we can make you die painlessly."

Gray Snake said in a flat tone, as if telling a fact.

In his opinion, how can ordinary people control the Blank Key?What's more, there is also a "time bomb" inlaid at this time-the gem of disease.

As one of the important cadres of the World Snake Organization, Gray Snake has mastered a lot of information about the pre-civilization era, so he believes in a fact even more:

As the Valkyrie of Destiny with the artificial stigmata as her hole card, Ji Zi could not possibly display the true power of the Blank Key. Maybe she was enduring the erosion of the plague gem at this moment, so how could she fight herself and others? spare energy?

In the final analysis, it is just pretending to be a tiger.

However, Ji Zi didn't know what was going on in his heart, and just glanced up and down at Gray Snake with a sense of scrutiny.

"Oh? Let a lady take off her clothes?"

Afterwards, she slowly shook her head with regret on her face.

"Well... sorry, I don't think you have this charm."

Feeling the irony in these words, the two black-robed men in the Gray Snake team took out their syringes.

"If you don't know the current affairs, then you will die!"

While talking, the two of them stabbed the syringe into their necks simultaneously.

But at this moment, the blazing red light of the knife rushed towards the face with the high-temperature flames, cutting off the two men in black robes at the waist.


The turbulent heat wave invaded the entire showroom, and the remaining gray snakes and ravens all retreated.


Stomping down the dropped syringe with one foot, Ji Zi carried the flaming sword on his shoulder with one hand, leaning sideways, with slightly raised red lips, and a confident and charming smile on his face.

"I've heard about your tricks from Cocolia. Want to become a Houkai beast? How can it be so easy?"

Looking at the remains of their companions scattered on the ground, the remaining gray snakes looked at each other and scattered.

"Want to escape? Let's see if you run faster or my flame!"

While speaking, Ji Zi raised the sword again, and raging flames began to emerge from the blade.

"Bang bang bang...!"

At the same time, the scattered Gray Snakes began to take out their pistols to fire for support, forcing Ji Zi to dodge.

"Are you all going to run away?!"

While dodging the shooting, Ji Zi swung his sword down again, splitting a gray snake in half in an instant. The aftermath of the attack destroyed a storage compartment, and a large number of mechanical parts were scattered on the ground.

"Raven, kill her!"

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer companions, the remaining gray snakes began to ask for help.

Hearing this, Raven, who had already occupied the commanding heights, nodded and set up the Third God's Key.

"I'm sorry, I'm a mercenary, and I have to do things with money."

When the aiming system of the God's Key locked on Jizi, the latter sensed it immediately with the intuition cultivated in the battlefield for many years.

As a result, she had to stop chasing and killing the Gray Snake team, raised her head to stare at the source of danger, and took the lead in attacking with a big sword in her hand.

"The flames burn out! Drink!!!"

The soul-steel greatsword named [God's Meteor Sword - Shirtel] rushed towards it wrapped in flames. As a sniper, Raven had no choice but to give up shooting and could only choose to dodge.


Like a missile explosion, the surging flames completely destroyed Raven's previous position, causing the entire showroom to vibrate violently.

Taking advantage of this gap, the remaining Gray Snakes finally had time to inject.

"I'm surprised that you were able to control the Blank Key...but the victory still belongs to the snake."

As the gray snakes injected the potion together, several Gemini Honkai beasts appeared in the room.

"Oh oh oh oh……!!!"

The Honkai beasts screamed strangely, and their huge bodies shattered the beams and gates, causing the entire showroom to collapse.

Jizi had to start shifting the battlefield to avoid being disturbed or injured by falling stones.But the Gemini Honkai Beasts didn't have this scruple, and launched an attack on her together.


Accompanied by the piercing sound that made cheeks hurt and eardrums hurt, several thick forelimbs smashed together, and the combined force could easily smash a truck.

Facing several emperor-level Honkai beasts with one's own strength...

The current situation is a doomsday situation for any A-rank Valkyrie.

But this is not the case for Wuliangta Jizi who is wearing [True Red Knight Lunar Eclipse].

"Until I find a good man...I won't die!"

With the support of the armor, Ji Zi leaped vigorously, avoided the joint attack of the Houkai Beasts, held a big sword, and after rolling several times in mid-air, Jizi used his strength and falling speed to make a mountain-opening slash!

"The flames burn out!!!"

The flames gushed out and burned everything, like a volcanic eruption, raging, majestic, and magnificent.


Helheim Laboratory... No, the entire floating island was trembling.

When the blazing flames dissipated, only the true red knight stood on the ruins of the laboratory, and the rest of the Gemini Honkai beasts left only charred wreckage.

However, the crisis is not over.

In a corner of the ruins of the building, the sniper, who had been struggling to avoid the aftermath of the battle, finally found the right moment.

"Goodbye, you are really strong."

Looking at the victorious knight through the sniper scope, Raven put his index finger on the trigger.

But at this moment...



The wall behind her suddenly shattered, and a scarlet bloody "devil" claw stretched out, pinching Raven firmly, and the third God's Key in her hand immediately fell to the ground.


There was a terrifying sound of broken bones, and Raven just wanted to cry out in pain, but felt that he was wrapped in something.

It looked like scarlet tentacles.

"I found you~ I found you~ yo~"

What came into view was a red-haired girl with a delicate face and a sick expression. Although she was smiling, the corners of her mouth were grinning exaggeratedly, and her tone was even more gloomy and terrifying.

"You... who are you?!"

Enduring the excruciating pain and intense fear, Raven barely uttered these words.

Hearing this, the girl half-closed her scarlet eyes with a sad expression.

"Huh? How come you don't know Xier? You almost snatched Xier's older sister before... Xier is so sad~"

In the next second, her face suddenly became a little distorted.

"It's decided! Let's play a game with Xier. Guess, how far will the blood spray after Xier rips off your hand? Now, tell Xier the answer~"

As the girl spoke, she moved her other scarlet paw towards Raven's right arm.

"No, no! Don't!"

Raven struggled like crazy, but the tentacles bound her tightly.

And just when the tragedy of massacre was about to happen, Ji Zi also discovered the situation here.

"You're Seele? What about Bronya and the others?"

Hearing this, the girl stopped immediately.

But before she could speak, Raven shouted excitedly as if he had found a savior:

"Help me! Help me! She's crazy! She's a demon!"

Seeing the former enemy turned into what he is now, Ji Zi frowned and walked over quickly.

"What happened? Xier, why did you come here alone? And what you look like now..."

In response, the girl puffed her cheeks, then grinned.

"Don't get in the way of Xi'er~ Xi'er wants to avenge my sister, anyone who dares to hurt my sister, Xi'er will not let go!"

Immediately afterwards, she saw her claws pulling outwards...

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