"and many more!"

Ji Zi stretched out his hand, just about to stop it, but saw blood splashing and a broken arm.


The raven's screams suddenly sounded, and then stopped abruptly.

It turned out that she couldn't bear such severe pain and fear, and passed out.

"Is this broken? It's boring."

Looking at the unconscious Raven, the girl looked disgusted.

"Let's tear it up..."

However, just as she was about to brutally kill the enemy in her hand, the point of the burning knife pointed at her.

"You, not Xi'er. Tell me, who are you?!"

Ji Zi scolded with a serious face.

In this regard, the girl froze for a moment, then showed an innocent smile.

"Do you want to play with Xi'er too?"

After seeing the brutal and ruthless side of the girl just now, Ji Zi didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and was ready to fight.

Just as the two were confronting each other and the atmosphere on the scene was getting tense, the God of War Transformation Machine finally emerged from the sky.

"Seele! Stop!"

Bronya's anxious voice came from the radio on the floating island.

The chase has officially come to an end.

Chapter 230 Chapter 220 An unexpected arrival!The situation is out of control!

command room.

"Bronya and the others found Xi'er, joined Ji Zi, and successfully disintegrated the conspiracy of the World Snake Organization..."

"They're coming here now..."

"Overall, it's great that nothing happened."

As what happened in the Helheim Laboratory came one after another, Teresa and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before they could take the next step, the two artificial intelligences assigned by Mei to monitor the inside and outside of the battlefield——Ai Jiang and Red Queen appeared on the main control screen used to monitor the battlefield almost at the same time.

"Ai-chan made an unexpected discovery!"

"Emergency detected!"


Everyone was stunned immediately.

"Miss Red Queen, let's talk first."

Einstein was the first to respond.

"Huh?! Why didn't Ai-chan speak first? Don't look down on cabbage... No, Ai-chan! I want to protest!"

Although a pocket girl with a cabbage head looked playful and cute with puffed cheeks, stamped feet, and an angry face, Teresa and the others subconsciously cast their eyes on the red queen.

Sensing everyone's attention, the red queen, who looked like a "little European girl in a white suspender dress", nodded, and said in a calm tone:

"Just 1 minute ago, the three satellites I controlled simultaneously detected that a large number of unknown shadows had entered the airspace of the western defense zone. The speed was very fast, with a clear desire to destroy. It is recommended to immediately formulate corresponding defensive measures."

While speaking, the Red Queen also projected a satellite monitoring map, with various information clearly marked on it.

"This is……"

Staring at the shadow of the "infected" cloud, everyone on and off the screen looked serious.

"...Quantum Shadow? Jiwotou, is this Quantum Shadow?!"

Suddenly, Tesla thought of something first.

Hearing this, Einstein frowned, stroked his chin with his right hand, and nodded slowly.

"I think it should be."

"Quantum Shadow?"

Theresa and others from St. Freya Academy looked puzzled when they heard this unfamiliar term.

In this regard, Einstein specifically explained:

"The so-called 'quantum shadows' are special creatures that operate in the quantum sea. Their existence is very mysterious, they have no specific form, and generally do not appear in the material world, so there are very few reports about them. It's normal that you haven't seen it..."

However, at the end, she herself seemed to be puzzled, frowning and pulling her hair.

"No, now is not the time to talk about this. Why did Quantum Shadow suddenly appear in this world? There are so many of them?! What is their purpose? Where did they come from?"

Thinking of this, Einstein raised his head and looked at the red queen who was waiting for instructions.

"Miss Red Queen, we need your help to find the source of their spread, we must not let them come out so unscrupulously again, otherwise the world will be in chaos!"

"Well, I'll try my best."

After the red queen nodded, she disappeared from the screen.

Immediately afterwards, Teresa and the others looked at Ai-chan who was pouting and sulking.

"Then Ai-chan, what is your discovery?"

Sensing everyone's attention, Ai-chan, who had a gloomy face, suddenly became cloudy, and hummed with her hips akimbo:

"Heh heh heh~ Did you finally notice Ai-chan? Looks great..."

Halfway through hearing it, Teresa shook her head and interrupted expertly:

"Stop, stop, stop! Get down to business! Otherwise, your salary for this month will be wasted!"

Obviously, this is not the first time something like this has happened.

As soon as she heard the word "salary", Ai-chan, who was originally displeased, immediately became discouraged.

"Woo... alright! Don't be cruel, it's an encrypted quantum communication!"

"Quantum communication?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Hmm! And the communication signal comes from one of the flagships of the enemy fleet! If Ai-chan hadn't received the deep transformation of Dr. Mei before and unlocked the core module, I might not have been able to find this communication... This is love. Sauce's unique ability! Hehehe~"

A certain Cabbage Girl is once again in her narcissism.

However, upon hearing her report, Teresa looked pensive.

"The flagship from the enemy fleet...could it be grandpa?!"


Others realized something too.

"Ai-chan, can you convert the content of the communication? Try to be as secret as possible, so as not to be discovered."

"Yeah! Leave it to Ai-chan!"


At this moment, on the frontal battlefield, one of the cadres of the World Snake Organization—a gray-haired youth code-named "Night Owl" is secretly communicating with "Otto".

"I didn't expect the Herrscher of the Sky to actually appear..."

Hiding in a secret corner, looking at the one man and one dragon in the sky that shocked the audience, the gray-haired young man muttered to himself, and the dark circles under his eyes seemed to get thicker.

In this regard, "Otto" on the projection screen in front of him smiled slightly, leaned on the bridge of the battleship command room, and shook the goblet in his hand.

"Don't worry, these are all within my expectations..."

Then, he took a sip of the red wine, closed his eyes, and his face was full of intoxication.

"Um~ aha, is this the smell of wine? It's good to have flesh, I love this damn freedom!"


Ye Xiao didn't speak, his face was expressionless, and he looked like he hadn't woken up.

Then, "Otto" seemed to think of something.

"By the way, did you bring the thing that your world snake recovered?"

"Well, I have found a reasonable place to arrange it, now I just need to wait for an opportunity."

Night Owl nodded.

In this regard, "Otto" snapped his fingers, as if he had made a decision.

"Okay, it looks like it's time to enable the filing of the Herrscher. We will attract her attention first, and you can act when the time is right."

"I see."

After the communication ended, Ye Xiao turned his head again and looked in one direction.

It wasn't the Herrscher of the Sky, but the Valkyrie troops that were slowly retreating.

"Anna, you should be among them..."

As if recalling his past, he couldn't help taking out a half-heart-shaped gemstone necklace from his inner pocket. The cautious and cherished look on his face showed that he seemed to be holding the most important necklace in the world. treasure.

"As long as you are safe, I am willing to do anything. Because Ye Xiao's identity and my life are all given by you..."

"So, Herrscher of the Sky, for Anna's sake, please disappear."

Glancing at the one man and one dragon in the sky again, the man codenamed Ye Xiao started to move.


At the same time, the joint fleet that came to crusade also began to gradually resume operations, getting rid of the influence of the anti-Honkai magnetic field, and cooperating with the orderly retreating Valkyrie troops in the peripheral area...

Obviously, they planned something.

However, Herrscher of the Sky didn't notice these details. At this time, she was still standing on the dragon's back, looking at the enemies who "fleeing in the wind", laughing loudly, with her hips on her hips, looking arrogant.

She enjoyed this feeling very much, this feeling of condescending and overlooking all living beings. The terrified eyes and retreating steps of the Valkyries were, in her opinion, the most exciting and wonderful performance in the world.

"Hehe, human beings are such weak creatures, timid, cowardly, vulnerable like ants, don't you think so?"


The giant dragon turned its head and roared softly, which was regarded as a response.

"Oh, it's a pity, if it wasn't for the promise that the human being would not do meaningless killings, otherwise this victory should be even more exciting."

"Well, let me let them go this time as a merciful one. After all, I am the Queen of Honkai, so I won't go back on my word like those sinister and cunning humans..."

But just as she was enjoying this easy "victory", Teresa's anxious voice suddenly sounded from the high-power radio station in the rear area:

"Come back! Something is wrong with them! Be careful! It's dangerous!!"

However, this caring word was very harsh to the Herrscher of Space.

"What? Dangerous? Hmph, little one, how dare you question my strength? It's really not like..."

But in the next second, a flash of light suddenly appeared in the direction of the United Fleet!

Immediately afterwards, with a loud noise, a tiny meteor flew towards it.


It was a cannonball, the shell was made of high-strength soul steel, and it was filled with a kind of anti-Honkai weapon called "God Killing Gun", referred to as "God Killing Gun" armor-piercing bullet.

In this regard, the white-haired Herrscher didn't care at first.

Want to kill Herrscher with one cannonball?

It's not the nuclear weapon code-named "Silver Bullet" of the Anti-Entropy Organization. If the dignified Lawrence is afraid of a shell, it would be a ridiculous joke.

However, for some reason, she felt a faint threat, as if someone had put a gun on her head.

At this moment, although a little unwilling, Herrscher still raised his hand subconsciously, wanting to open a space for reverse teleportation.

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