"Go back to me!"


The moment the space gate was about to form, her ability suddenly lost control!

This feeling... She happened to be very familiar with it!Because she was defeated by that person named "Qiana" in this way before!

But this time, it was far more deadly than before.

"how is this possible……"

The space door that was just about to be formed collapsed in an instant. At this moment, the white-haired Herrscher found some tiny electric arcs entwined around his body at some point, and the gray-haired young man below was holding a strange metal box.


When she came back to her senses, the sound of the armor-piercing projectile piercing the air was so close, and the blood-colored projectile glowed seductively in the sun, like a death-defying god of death, which made her feel boundless despair in an instant.

Regret, unwillingness, anger...

A series of emotions rolled and spread in my heart.

She really regretted it.

Seeing that the white-haired Herrscher was about to be shot, at the critical moment, the dragon under her feet suddenly raised its head and roared.


The sense of balance was suddenly broken, and the white-haired Herrscher staggered and almost fell off the dragon's back. Compared with before, he looked much more embarrassed than before.


Her attention was no longer on herself.

"Bella, Bella!!!"


The armor-piercing projectile hit the dragon's neck, penetrated and penetrated with powerful kinetic energy, and the "God Killing Spear" loaded inside was completely injected into the dragon's body.


The dragon roared again, only this time...

With obvious pain.

"Pop puff...!"

At this moment, even though it was flapping its wings vigorously, the color of its skin had quickly dimmed from the neck where it was shot, and the smooth, hard carapace around it was already full of cracks, just like an overbaked porcelain doll.


As the injury continued to worsen and spread, the dragon's heart—the four crystals distributed outside the body actively emerged, and began to do its best to repair the damage to the body.


Still powerless.

When the "God Killing Spear" was still in the experimental stage, its effect was enough to turn an emperor-level Honkai beast into ashes within a few minutes!

But now, faced with this improved and specialized anti-herrscher special-purpose god-killing gun armor-piercing bullet, even if the giant dragon is classified as a higher-level judgment-level Honkai beast, it is difficult to escape the fate of death.

"no, do not want!!!"

Amid the shouts of the Herrscher of the Sky, the giant dragon's huge body began to fall, and its vitality quickly dissipated.

Feeling that the connection between herself and the other party is getting blurred, she is crazy.


Uncontrollable rage overwhelmed the mind, and overflowing sadness ruled the action.

The Herrscher of the Sky forcibly broke free from the external restraints, and his whole body instantly appeared in the sky.

Queen Honkai, completely in a state of rage.

"Damn humans!!! I will make you pay a more painful price than death!!!"

"Accept the trial!!!"

At this moment, the Herrscher raised his hand, and a massive amount of Honkai spewed out from the void, dyeing the sky on the entire battlefield a bloody color of evil.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of space doors sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and one after another Honkai beasts emerged from the void and descended roaring.

The situation suddenly got out of control.


The big illusion, everything, madness, sin-defeating eyes!Let this dark... ahem, go to the wrong set.

Recently, liver games have been on the rise, and these are all I can think about, please forgive me if the update rhythm is not right.

Chapter 231 Chapter 220 Two big changes!The Herrscher of Ice is born!

The Herrscher of the Sky was furious, and the situation suddenly got out of control.

A large number of Houkai beasts descended on the battlefield, launching indiscriminate attacks on both the offensive and defensive sides.

At this time, the Valkyrie troop that had originally retreated came up again.

"The Immortal Blade, start the battle against the Herrscher!"


As Rita Rossweisse, the S-rank Valkyrie, took the lead and took the lead in the charge, the rest of the elite Valkyrie squad armed with various holy relics also quickly assembled to form sharp knives with her to face the Herrscher.

The rest of the Valkyries are responsible for resisting the attacks of the surrounding Houkai Beasts, acting as "tools" to attract hatred, and lighten their burden.

The "Snow Lotus" team from Coral Island is one of them.


"Captain! There are so many enemies! We can't hold it anymore!"

"Yes! Captain Anna, why don't we withdraw to join the fleet first..."


"Can't go back!"

Anna yelled and swung hard.

The fiery energy sword sliced ​​through the hard carapace, tearing apart the wings of an advanced Honkai beast.

Afterwards, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, turned her head and looked at the wavering team members beside her, frowning beautifully, her pure and beautiful cheeks were full of solemnity and firmness.

"As a Valkyrie, you must never shrink back on the battlefield! Even if you die in battle..."

Having said that, a scene of the past flashed before Anna's eyes, then she shook her head and bit her lips tightly.

"We must never run away again! This is our mission as Valkyrie!"


Hearing this, the team members lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at her, and the thin-skinned ones were even more flushed and ashamed.

At the same time, the Honkai Beast's attack struck again, and the girls had no choice but to hold the weapons in their hands and fight hard.

As time passed, the distance between the team members became smaller and smaller, and the fierce offensive of the enemy made them a little breathless.

"But captain...we will be wiped out this afternoon! There are Honkai beasts everywhere...we have no support at all!"

While waving a standard Honkai energy weapon, a team member took the time to shout, his tone full of anxiety.

However, in the next second, because she was distracted from speaking, she didn't realize that a space door appeared above her head at some point...


As the space rippled and swayed, a ferocious and huge alien head swayed out first, followed by the huge body.


At that moment, although the team member didn't know it, an inexplicable chill suddenly rose from her spine and went straight to her brain.

This is the innate instinct of human beings.

In an instant, she trembled all over and raised her head subconsciously.

Then the pupils quickly expanded to the extreme.

At the same time, several girls, including Anna, also saw the Honkai Beast that got half of its body out of the space gate.


"Get out of the way!!!"

The shouts of teammates rang out from her ears faster than the support. The girl felt that the originally noisy and noisy battlefield suddenly became extremely quiet, and she subconsciously wanted to move her body, but found that her limbs were just stiff, trembling...

She was intimidated.



The huge body of the Honkai Beast fell from the air, and trampled the girl with a dull expression on the soles of her feet mercilessly.

The scattered limbs and blood became the reflection in Anna and the others' eyes.


Silence, long silence.

Despair, boundless despair.

The body suddenly became extremely cold, making Anna couldn't help shivering.

"Boom...! Boom...! Boom...!"

The mouth was too late to close, the eyes were wide open, and the beating of the heart was particularly loud at this moment.

At this moment, probably "several years" have passed.

When Anna realized the fact that "a team member died in front of her eyes", she desperately suppressed the feeling that was about to come out in her chest, and shouted in a trembling voice:

"Hurry up!!!"

It was a temple-level Houkai beast about five or six meters high, holding a gun in one hand and a shield in the other. At this time, the truck-like body was extraordinarily huge, like a demon.

After hearing her words, the team members reacted belatedly.

"Give Niyas back to me!!!"

I saw a team member shouting in grief, raised the Honkai Neng sword in his hand, and slashed at the Honkai Beast, rampaging all the way, without dodging or evading.

"No! Don't go!!"

Anna raised her hand to stop it, but saw the scene where the girl was pierced by a spear.

At this moment, she felt that the whole world was frozen.


Her legs went limp, and Anna sat slumped on the ground.

A certain emotion in her chest was finally uncontrollable, her whole body seemed to lose strength, and the weapon in her hand was tilted to the side, just like her heart and will.

At this moment, she was holding her head in her hands, her pink eyes trembling slightly, and she kept repeating a sentence.

"It's all me...it's all me...it's all my fault..."

"Captain! Captain cheer up! Captain!!"

The remaining teammates yelled anxiously while resisting the Honkai beasts that surrounded them.

But Anna couldn't hear any sound at this time.

Even if her team members are falling down one by one, losing their voices one by one...

She shut herself off completely.

Looking at the entire battlefield, similar situations are happening all the time. More and more Houkai beasts are falling from the sky, while the remaining Valkyries are getting fewer and fewer...

Killing and blood are spreading.

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