It's just that some people are destined to be different...

"Captain Anna, will our Xuelian team also go to the gathering place this time?"

"As expected of Captain Anna! The elite Valkyrie transferred from the headquarters is different from us bumpkins who haven't seen much of the world!"

"Captain Anna, why don't we withdraw to join the fleet first..."

"But captain...we will be wiped out this afternoon! There are Honkai beasts everywhere...we have no support at all!"


The faces and words of the team members kept appearing and disappearing in Anna's mind, going back and forth...

Gradually, the girl began to feel overwhelmed, and her inner self-blame, sadness, pain and other emotions continued to accumulate...

A string stretched too tight will eventually break.

"sorry Sorry sorry……!"

"It was I who harmed you..."

"I don't deserve to be captain at all! I've been a coward from beginning to end!"

The girl held her head with her hands, grabbed her long, smooth chestnut hair, shivered tightly, and isolated herself from the outside world.

Memories of the past are constantly emerging, and every scene and every painting is revealing the essence of "Anna Shaniat":

Cowardly, naive, selfish, hypocritical...

Why was such a miserable self born?

This question suddenly arose in my heart.

At this moment, the girl suddenly hated, hated this useless self, hated this ruthless world.

And unconsciously, the sadness and self-blame accumulated in Anna's heart changed qualitatively, and countless negative emotions were derived, which caused an indescribable change in her whole body.

The most intuitive expression is that from a certain moment, the surrounding Houkai beasts no longer approached her, and the ground below her body began to appear hoarfrost...

Suddenly, a strange voice appeared in her mind:

"Do you hate yourself?"

"Hate!" Anna replied without thinking.

"Do you hate the world that made you and treats you like this?"

"Hate!" Anna has already entered a strange state, with only hatred for everything in the world in her heart.

"very good……"

"Accept my power!"

"Go and destroy yourself, the human beings like you in this world, and the whole world!"

At this moment, the girl suddenly opened her eyes.


The moment a brand new Herrscher's mark appeared on the battlefield, the dissociated Honkai energy began to gather like a hurricane, enveloping a girl named "Anna Shaniat" in it, creating an opportunity for the new Herrscher's Birth shapes the crown.


Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew by, and under the scorching sun, the headquarters of Destiny above the sky ushered in a blizzard!Overcast and cloudy, the temperature in the environment began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The snow fluttered and the wind was biting.

At the same time, the Houkai Beasts on the field began to be covered with frost, and the Houkai Beasts and the Valkyries near Anna were instantly frozen indiscriminately by the fierce cold wave.

The frontal battlefield thus turned into a country of ice and snow.

The Herrscher of Ice was officially born.

Chapter 232 Chapter 220 Three Roar!Kurigara!

Inside the bubble of the world hosted by Youlandale.

This is a "patchwork" world created by one party. It is broken and incomplete. Most of the area is composed of oceans. Only some islands are floating on the sea. It is similar to but different from the main world.

Although this is a small world carried by individuals, it is still a primitive world bubble in essence, born from the sea of ​​quantum, but the "glue" that combines this world - [Ether Anchor Point] has long been Replaced with Valkyrie Ulandal.

At the same time, it made him a figure like "the core of the world" and "the proud son of heaven".


On the vast expanse of blue sea, the waves are rough, the clouds are dense, the rain is pouring down, and the hurricane blows from time to time, engulfing the thunder and descending, as if the gods are angry.

And above the clouds, in the clear sky, Mei, who is in a normal state, is floating quietly, holding the blade of heaven, and currents are swimming around her body. Her long hair is fluttering and her eyes are indifferent, as if the god of thunder came into the world.

Confronting her is the master of this world - the strongest Valkyrie, Bianca Yolandale Atagina.

At this time, Youlandal was divided into three, one holding a pure white knight spear called "White Flower", one holding a black knight spear called "Black Abyss", and the last one holding a holy sword [ Youlandale] pointing.

"Use your own mortal body to bear the fate of the entire world...I have to admit that you are indeed the strongest Valkyrie ever."

Staring at each other, Mei said in a flat tone.

After previous fights, she has learned:

In this world, the opponent's strength has been enhanced to an unimaginable level, and in a certain way, it is no different from a "god".

With the strength exposed before, I am afraid that it is impossible to end the battle quickly...

Mei made a certain realization.

However, upon hearing Mei's words, the three Youlandals didn't show the slightest smile.

"I don't need the approval of the enemy! Look at the trick!"

Youlandale, who was holding the holy sword, gave a coquettish shout, and disappeared in place in an instant.

And the two "clones" followed closely behind.


The sound of piercing the air sounded, and the enemy's attack arrived instantly.

Without time to think, Mei held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, and slashed at him.


The blade of Heaven's Death intersected with the holy sword, and the aftermath turned into ripples of energy, stirring the thin atmosphere around it.


The two faced each other and fought with their own swords. The situation was evenly matched, and the blades rubbed against each other to produce sparks. No one could do anything to the other.

"I'm not agreeing with you, I'm just telling the truth."

Taking this opportunity, Mei and Youlandell looked at each other and replied slowly.

It's just that her expression is still flat.

In contrast, Youlandal, who was dressed in golden armor, clenched his teeth, gripped the hilt of the sword with both hands, and pressed down with all his might.

"To shut up……!"

As Youlandelle squeezed out these two words from between his teeth, in the next second, the tip of [White Flower] suddenly appeared on the left side of Mei, while the tip of [Black Abyss] struck on the right side.

Suddenly, there were enemies on three sides.


At the critical moment, Mei didn't see any movement, but electromagnetic barriers appeared on her left and right sides at the same time, successfully blocking the pincer attack from left and right.

In this situation, Mei continued to narrate her opinion to Youlandale:

"I have experienced several worlds and seen many powerful enemies, but you are the first to reach this level with a human body."

"Hehe... yes, that's really an honor!"

Although he was smiling, there was no smile on Ulandelle's face at all, he just gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Drink!!! Take the move!"

Immediately afterwards, behind her, the field of vision suddenly began to twist, forming an airtight space where not even light could escape.

Invisible power gathered from all directions... no, from the whole world, and blessed Youlandelle, making the golden armor on her body even more brilliant and dazzling.

At the same time, Mei also felt more pressure from her body, and the barriers on both sides also began to flicker, looking a little overwhelmed.

Are you finally going to use your last hole card...

Seeing the opponent whose aura began to "transform", Mei also put away the last contempt.

Those who carry the world on their backs will surely receive the gift of the world, and if they gather the power of the whole world into themselves...

At that moment, she was a real god!

At this time, Youlandelle has reached that realm!


Suddenly, a crack appeared in Mei's right barrier.

This is clearly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Hei Abyss!"

With Youlandal's yell, the pitch-black gun head began to rotate like a drill, and at the same time released a faint black light.


The next moment, the overwhelmed electromagnetic barrier dissipated immediately, and the pitch-black gun head continued to move forward with remaining power.

In this regard, Mei chose to withdraw and retreat, avoiding the edge, and did not intend to fight recklessly.


She evaded this time just in the way of Youlandelle.

"It's now! Bai Hua! Stop her!"

At this moment, the pure white knight gun on the left suddenly glowed with white light.

Under the light of life, countless vines protruded from the void, forming a cage to block Mei's retreat.

The lore is here!

Ulandell finally showed a triumphant smile.

"This time, I won! Holy Sword, liberation!!!"

The blond-haired Valkyrie held the holy sword high, and the seven-color luster sprinkled in the void. With a light wave of the sword tip, the space wherever it went was broken like rotten wood!

The holy sword that cuts through space—this is the true power of [Youlandale]!

"Accept the sanctions!!!"

Youlan Dale drank coquettishly, raised the holy sword high and slashed it down.

At that moment, the space in front of her spread out like a mist, and the only blocker——the Blade of Heavenly Death was cut off cleanly, and just like this, it slashed towards the enemy with an indomitable momentum.

However, at this time, Mei remained motionless, as if she had been disheartened, and silently accepted the arrival of "death".

All this until...

"You are very good. But it is not enough to kill me."


The holy sword that cut the space itself into pieces like "cutting tofu" struck a gauntlet that suddenly appeared, but let out a piercing cry.

Gradually, divine rings, battle suits, ghost horns, etc. appeared one after another, forming Mei's true god appearance together. The power of true gods and the law of thunder were activated one by one. The form of the ghost warrior of gods was fully unfolded, and the realm of gods began to appear .

And under the reflection of the jumping blood-colored electric light, Youlandal's shocked appearance with wide-open eyes and slightly opened mouth is so bright.

"how can that be?"

Facing her sluggish gaze, Mei's mouth slightly turned up, and she waved her hand.

At this time, another gauntlet emerged from her side, followed the master's movement, and slapped it casually.


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