At this moment, feeling the fist wind that blew his cheeks sorely, Youlandal instantly regained his senses, and withdrew his sword and returned to defense.


Ripples appeared in the space, and the distorted horizon was forcibly smoothed out.

This time the collision was louder than thunder, and the gauntlet covered with blood-colored lightning punched the sword of the Holy Sword, blasting it and its owner, Youlandal, into the air.

At the same time, the Youlandale clones surrounding Mei's sides tended to collapse in an instant, but after desperately stabilizing their bodies, the first thing they did was to retreat.

Mei didn't pay attention to them.

After she used her real power, there was no suspense in this battle.

"The Blade of Heaven... is only a semi-finished product after all, and it can't even take an attack with a trace of space law. It's really disappointing..."

Looking at the remaining half of the blade in her hand, Mei shook her head and took the initiative to disperse it.

Afterwards, she stretched her hand into the space and took out a familiar but unfamiliar Taidao.

The nearly four-foot-long blade, the square blade, the black handle, and the curving spell...

I don't know if it's an illusion, but at the moment when Tai Dao appeared, the whole sky seemed to be dark, as if the world was afraid.

"Long time no see, Bafang, fight side by side with me again!"

Caressing the familiar yet unfamiliar blade, Mei finally showed a smile on her face.

Immediately afterwards, something unprecedented happened:

Taidao seemed to understand her words this time, and the lines of ancient spells on the hilt suddenly lit up!There was a dark purple light, as if a living being was responding.


Seemingly not expecting this scene, Mei, the master, was also taken aback, looking a little surprised.

Feeling the curse and the power of death contained in the blade, her expression changed from surprise to solemnity, and finally into surprise.

"Teigu... No, your current power is no longer something that ordinary emperors can control. You should be called [God Tool] from now on..."

"Welcome back, Bafang."

Caressing the blade, Mei raised her head and looked at the gloomy and alert blond Valkyrie in the distance. She smoothly swung the blade, raised her hand high, and pointed at the sky.

Obviously, since the Battle of Tokyo in the last world was severely damaged, like Mei's experience, Hachifang has also completed his own transformation in the soul space!

At this moment, it is no longer the man-made weapon named "Teigu" in the past, but the [divine tool] that has undergone the washing of faith and the engraving of laws——

March of the Dead·Eight Houses!

"Rebirth! Destaguru!"

As Mei took a deep breath and called out the familiar name, the sky suddenly darkened.


Ominous black lightning danced wildly like wild snakes, and the sky in this world suddenly became extremely gloomy, and all the clouds were stirred by an invisible force, surging wantonly.

And below, whether it was the boundless sea area or the faintly visible strange continent in the distance, violent vibrations occurred, and volcanoes erupted suddenly, creating a scene of doomsday natural disasters.

There is no other reason.

I saw that the thunder snakes dancing in the sky had begun to gather at some point, and gradually turned into a huge and incomparably pitch-black figure.

"Then, what is that?"

It wasn't the phobia of giants that was causing trouble. As the master of this world, looking at the black shadow, Ulandal instinctively felt a little uneasy.

That feeling is more frightening than the coming of the doomsday!



It was as if the ancient gods from the wild period had descended.

With a roar that can be heard all over the world, a black dragon with a body covered in black scales and bathed in blood-colored thunder light appeared like a floating continent.

With the metamorphosis of the Taidao as the carrier, the bone dragon inside is also revived in a new posture.

This time, no one has been able to crush it.

"My God..."

Hearing the mighty beating sound like the voice of heaven, and seeing the huge black dragon covering the sky, Mei couldn't help but be infatuated for a moment.

At this time, her heart is not admiration, not surprise, but a kind of pride and comfort for all prosperity.

"Destaguru... Hei Tong will probably be frightened when he sees you again, right? But you are indeed completely different now..."

"Black dragon, huge in size, born by bathing in thunder... Let's call you 'Kuligara' from now on, how about it? Dragon of mythology, incarnation of divine sword..."


The black dragon roared softly, nodded its huge head, and the scorching breath it exhaled caused the large cloud to churn endlessly.


Nodding slightly, Mei smiled and looked at the dull Valkyrie again.

"Since your reliance is this world, then I will destroy it!"

"Roar! Kurigara!"

Pointing at the tip of the knife, the black dragon spit out thousands of thunder lights.

This is the real end.

Chapter 233 Chapter 220 Four Firm and Wavering

Destiny headquarters, the outer area of ​​the floating island group.

The birth of the Herrscher of Ice led to complete chaos in the battle situation.

Under the influence of the cold current, the United Fleet did not dare to approach rashly, because the barriers maintained around the hull and even the engines of the propellers may fail;

The Valkyrie troops that have already landed are facing the danger of being attacked from the front and back. One side is attacked by self-defense weapons such as Titans and forts, and the other side has to resist the Honkai Beast falling from the sky and the two Herrschers [air] and [ice] Rage and influence...

It can almost be said to be "worse".

On the other hand, on the defensive side, because Teresa and the others had anticipated the cruelty of the war (and the plight of the small number of people on their own side), there were hardly any defensive personnel stationed in the peripheral area.

As for the defense work, it mainly consists of the battle AI-controlled Titan mecha and the self-discipline turret that locks on the enemy remotely. Even if they are all destroyed, they will not cause substantial casualties.

This is the essential difference between [Anti-Entropy] and [Destiny]. One focuses on technology, while the other focuses on manpower.

But now, the real enemy has appeared, and the two organizations that are still human in essence have no reason to continue "infighting".



"Well, I see, Teresa."

In the cockpit of the God of War modified machine, Ji Zi looked at the frontal battlefield not far away, which seemed to have turned into the "Ice and Snow Kingdom", with a serious face.

In fact, apart from her, the four girls in charge of driving the transformation machine in the cabin have never thought that when they and others come to the battlefield again, what they will face will no longer be the sky full of artillery fire, but a large number of people. Honkai Beast and the raging cold current.

"Wow~ It reminds me of the time when Lilia and I were in the orphanage! At that time, every winter, the outside of the orphanage was covered with white flowers, and the roof was covered with snow. Xing and us had a snowball fight... ..."

"Stupid Rosania, now is not the time to talk about this."

Listening to the pink and blue sisters' conversation, Bronya turned her head and looked at the silent Xier beside her.

"Xie'er, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

"Ah, no, no!" Xier, who had been lowering her head as if frightened, shook her head quickly, her expression flustered and timid, "Sister Bronya, Xier is fine..."

At this time, her hair color, eye color, and personality have all returned to normal, and there is no trace of the fierceness and violence that she had before.

It's like two completely different people before and after.

Seeing Xier's cowardly appearance like a "kitten", Bronya seemed to understand something.

"Xieer, don't worry, Bronya and everyone know that it's not the real Xier. We all believe that Xier is an obedient and sensible girl, and she will never take the initiative to do that kind of thing, don't think too much gone."

Hearing this, Xi'er trembled all over, with tears in her eyes.

"Sister Bronya..."

At this time, Ji Zi suddenly looked over.


"What are your orders, Major Ji Zi?"

Bronya immediately swallowed the next comforting words, and turned to be as serious as a soldier.

Seeing her serious look, Ji Zi nodded in satisfaction.

"We are about to arrive at the battlefield, find a place to land, prepare to activate the anti-Honkai magnetic field, I want to see it myself!"

Ji Zi's words were full of firmness and confidence, and his eyes were even more warm and burning.

Undoubtedly means...

Seeing this, Bronya froze for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Bronya understands that it's just that the body's energy is not enough. Even if the anti-Honkai magnetic field is forcibly activated, it may not last long."

"It's okay!" Ji Zi shook his head, his tone full of determination, "Leave it to me, Qiyana! As a teacher, I have the responsibility to correct my students when they go astray!"

Hearing her heroic words, the command room, which had been maintaining communication, suddenly exploded.

"Jizi? What do you want to do!? Don't mess around! Wait for the bud from another world..."

"Rosania, cut off the communication!"

Ji Zi ordered suddenly.


A certain pink-haired girl executed it immediately without even thinking about it.

Teresa's excited voice disappeared immediately.


Ji Zi was also taken aback by this, as if she didn't expect her to be so obedient.

"You... well done!"

In the end, Ji Zi added this sentence.

"Of course! I am the obedient and obedient Rosania!"

A certain person seemed to have not noticed anything yet, with his chest upright and an extremely airy look.

Lilia, the younger sister, put her hand on her forehead and shook her head.

"Rosania, you are hopeless, wait for Teresa to settle the score afterwards..."

"Huh? Why?"

Hearing this, the pink-haired girl who "did a great service" tilted her head with a puzzled look on her face.


No one answered.

The cockpit suddenly fell silent.

As time went by, the girls from the Cocolia Orphanage were driving the God of War Transformation Machine seriously, while Jizi, the only standing one, was staring at the gradually enlarged battlefield outside the porthole, with a full face. fighting spirit.

"Theresa, you always like to pin your hopes on others."

"I understand the principles of waiting for the support of Mei and the others from another world, and recovering the current situation together, but what if they can't get away for a while? Are we going to let the current situation continue to deteriorate?"

"Although the positions are different, those who are still fighting on the field are undoubtedly the same Valkyries as us. If we continue to wait, how many innocent lives will be sacrificed in vain?"

Muttering to himself, the "flame" in Ji Zi's eyes became hotter and hotter.

"Trust me! Believe in the power I have now, I will definitely not let you down!"

Clenching her fists tightly, feeling the turbulent and surging power in her body at this moment, Ji Zi raised her flaming red lips and smiled confidently.

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